69 research outputs found


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    Improving the quality of education is the main priority in developing educationin Indonesia. One of the factors that determine the quality of education is the teacher. Improvement of the quality of educationis characterized by increased students‟ achievement, and it‟scan only be achieved through teaching professionalism of teachers. Therefore, toimprove the quality of education, the first step that must be conducted is to improve the teaching professionalism of teachers. The purpose of this study is to describe the determinant factors that determine the professionalism of teachers‟ teaching. The study used descriptive research design. Samples were 90 teachers and 28 principals in East Java, taken by using a quota random sampling technique. The data collected by question naires, interviews, and documentation, and analized by descriptive statistics, correlation, and qualitative data analysis. The results showed that there are six strategies to improve the professionalism of teachers‟ teaching, namely use proper supervision approach, effective supervision techniques, positive super vision principles, and supported by good facilities, good media, competent supervisors, and relevant places. The collaborative approach is the most appropriate supervision approach, but it also needs to be adapted to the characteristics of the teachers. The most effective technique provide learning experiences widely for teachers, and its implementation is based on the positive principles, for example, democratic, scientific, cooperative, creative, and constructive. The good facilities, relevant media, competent supervisors, and good places also contribute to the professionalism of teachers‟ teaching. The use of positive principles is the most decisive factor to improve the professionalism of teachers‟ teaching. The professionalism of teachers‟ teaching include the ability to know the learners‟ characteristics, mastery of the oryand principles of learning, curriculum development capabilities, the quality ofthe learning process, ability to develop the learners‟potency, communication skills, evaluation skills, mastery of material, personality, and ability to develop themselves

    The Influence of Implementing Communicative Approach in the Language Teaching Process on Students’ Academic Achievement

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    This research is aimed at determining the effect of implementing communicative approach in language teaching on the students’ learning outcomes. The research was conducted in Blitar, East Java, Indonesia. The research employed descriptive correlation design and 40 elementary school teachers were selected as samples by random sampling technique. Data collection technique used questionnaires and documentation, and the analysis technique employed descriptive statistics and Pearson Product Moment correlation. The results indicated that implementing communicative approach in the language teaching did not significantly influence the students’ learning outcomes in the national examination. If it was seen from the items of activities which had been performed in the learning process through communicative approach, there were some items that have significant influence towards students’ learning outcomes in social science


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    Abstract: This research was conducted in order to know the level of supervising activities of the headmaster of State Vocational Schools in Malang City, the level of mastery of the competency of State Vocational School teachers in Malang, and the level of the relationship between the supervision of the headmaster and the mastery of State Vocational School teachers' competency in Malang. In this study the approach used is a quantitative approach and using a correlational research design. Based on the results of the analysis on the data obtained shows that the supervision activities of the headmaster of State Vocational Schools in Malang are included in the medium qualifications, the mastery of teacher competencies in the State Vocational Schools in Malang are included in the medium qualifications, and there is a positive and significant relationship between the supervision of the headmaster and the mastery of competencies State Vocational School teacher in Malang City. Keywords: supervision; mastery; competence Abstrak: Penelitian ini dilakukan agar dapat diketahui tingkat kegiatan supervis kepala sekolah SMK Negeri di Kota Malang, tingkat penguasaan kompetensi guru SMK Negeri di Kota Malang, dan tingkat hubungan supervisi kepala sekolah dengan penguasaan kompetensi guru SMK Negeri di Kota Malang. Pada penelitian ini pendekatan yang digunakan ialah pendekatan kuantitatif serta menggunakan desain penelitian korelasional. Berdasarkan hasil analisis pada data yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan supervisi kepala sekolah SMK Negeri di Kota Malang termasuk dalam kualifikasi sedang, penguasaan kompetensi guru di SMK Negeri di Kota Malang termasuk dalam kualifikasi sedang, serta ada hubungan positif dan signifikan antara supervisi kepala sekolah dengan penguasaan kompetensi guru SMK Negeri di Kota Malang. Kata kunci: supervisi; penguasaan; kompetens

    Policy Evaluation of the Program Indonesia Pintar (PIP) in Indonesia's Education Outcomes

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    The Program Indonesia Pintar (PIP) has been running for 6 years since it was first implemented. This policy aims to help the poor to get proper education from Primary school until their children graduate from Senior Secondary School as well as non-formal education. This study aims to evaluate the policy of the Program Indonesia Pintar (PIP) by comparing educational outcomes before and after this policy was implemented. The method used in this research is explanatory research with a quantitative approach. The data analyzed in the period before the implementation of the policy, namely in 2009-2014 and after the policy, namely in 2015-2020. The results showed that this policy was only effective at the junior high and senior high school levels. This policy is not able to cope with students who drop out and do not go to school, especially at the basic education level. The failure may be due to the lengthy requirements, the small amount of aid funds at the primary school level. The policy of the Program Indonesia Pintar is to increase student enrollment or education participation.


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    Abstrak: Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk melihat pengawas, pelaksanaaan, pengawasan sekolah terhadap disiplin kerja guru dalam pembelajaran. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Populasi 81 responden dengan sampel dalam penelitian ini yakni 67 responden. Uji kelayakan dengan uji validitas dan reliabilitas. Analisis data menggunakan regresi linier sederhana. Hasil penelitian ini yakni H 1 diterima yang dapat diartikan bahwa adanya pengaruh pelaksanaan pengawasan sekolah terhadap disiplin kerja guru dalam pembelajaran dengan pengaruh sebesar 52,1%.Kata Kunci: Supervisi, Pengawas, Sekolah, Disiplin Kerja, Guru.Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh pelaksanaan supervisi pengawas sekolah terhadap disiplin kerja guru dalam pembelajaran. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan kuesioner tertutup sebagai alat pengumpulan data. Populasi sebanyak 81 responden dan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 67 responden. Uji kelayakan dengan uji validitas dan uji reliabilitas. Analisis data menggunakan regresi linier sederhana. Hasil penelitian ini adalah H 1 diterima yang artinya pengaruh pelaksanaan supervisi oleh pengawas sekolah terhadap kedisiplinan kerja guru dalam pembelajaran dengan pengaruh sebesar 52,1%.Kata Kunci: Supervisi, Supervisor, Sekolah, Disiplin Kerja, Gur

    Pendidikan Berbasis Budaya Lokal Suku Boti: Studi Kasus di SDN-SMPN Satu Atap Oefau Desa Boti Nusa Tenggara Timur

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    Abstract: Education is the basic foundation of a nation in order to increase welfare of nation and all its citizen. Heterogenitas was supplemented by indonesian people who live in the islands, made the country various culture, its uniqueness that is different from others. One of them is the oldest ethnic who live on the island of Timor, Boti ethnic. The ethnic has many unique so it became a cultural tourism of East Nusa Tenggara. Society still holds customs and traditions prevailing. Therefore , SDN and SMPN Satu Atap Oefau residing in the Boti to keep the existence of the customs that still exist by integrating local culture into the local content subjects , extracurricular and intracurricular. This research used qualitative research with a case study. Education without culture causes values local wisdom fade that while there is a culture without education will not give long term benefits. Abstrak: Pendidikan merupakan landasan dasar dalam sebuah bangsa demi peningkatan kesejahteraan bangsa dan seluruh masyarakatnya, dengan heterogenitas tinggi ditambah lagi dengan masyarakat indonesia yag hidup di negara kepulauan, menjadikan adanya berbagai macam budaya, kekhasan yang melekat di setiap sisi kehidupan masyarakatnya yang berbeda satu dengan yang lain. Salah satunya adalah Suku tertua yang hidup di pulau Timor, yaitu suku Boti. Suku ini memiliki banyak keunikan sehingga menjadi daya tarik wisata budaya Nusa Tenggara Timur. Masyarakat masih memegang adat istiadat dan tradisi yang berlaku. Oleh sebab itu, SDN dan SMPN Satu Atap Oefau yang berada di wilayah Boti Dalam ingin tetap menjaga eksistensi adat istiadat yang masih ada dengan mengintegrasikan budaya lokal yang ada ke dalam mata pelajaran muatan lokal, ekstrakurikuler maupun intrakurikuler. Penelitian menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dengan rancangan studi kasus. Pendidikan tanpa adanya budaya menyebabkan lunturnya nilai-nilai kearifan lokal yang ada sedangkan budaya tanpa pendidikan tidak akan memberi manfaat jangka panjang

    Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Pilihan Siswa Memasuki SMAN Berprestasi

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    Abstract: The student’s choice of entry into the school is one that each student will consider. A good school according to a student’s choice would have a good effect on student himself. There are many options for students to consider in their choice of schools, one for high school performance. Therefore, to make the choice of researches to analyze what factors affect students in their choice of high-quality schools. The purpose of the study is to discover what factors influence students in choosing high-quality school to achieve desired school goals and to make it easier for students to select high-quality school. The study employs a quantitative approach of descriptive and exploratory. Descriptive research studies the problems of society, ordinances that apply to society and specific situations, including those of relationships, activities, attitudes, views, and processes that are taking place and the influences of the phenomenon. Studies have shown same factors that have emerged from school achievement factors with a percentage of variances 45,87%, a journal with a percentage of variances 24,28%, a school facility with a percentage of variances 12,55%, a method of study factor with a percentage of varians 8,77% and an alumunus quality factor of 8,57%. Abstrak: Pilihan siswa dalam memasuki sekolah merupakan hal yang dipertimbangkan oleh tiap siswa. Sekolah yang baik menurut pilihan siswa akan memberikan dampak yang bagus bagi siswa itu sendiri. Banyak opsi yang akan dijadikan pertimbangan siswa dalam memilih sekolah, salah satunya pada SMAN berprestasi. Oleh sebab itu, untuk memaksimalkan pilihan siswa peneliti menganalisis faktor-faktor apa saja mempengaruhi siswa dalam memilih sekolah berprestasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menemukan faktor-faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi siswa dalam memilih sekolah berprestasi untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajaran di sekolah yang diinginkan serta memudahkan siswa dalam memilih sekolah berprestasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif yaitu deskriptif dan eksploratori. Penelitian deskriptif mempelajari masalah-masalah dalam masyarakat, tata cara yang berlaku dalam masyarakat serta situasi-situasi tertentu, termasuk tentang hubungan, kegiatan-kegiatan, sikap, pandangan, serta proses yang sedang berlangsung dan pengaruh-pengaruh dari situasi fenomena. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan beberapa faktor yang muncul yakni faktor prestasi sekolah dengan persentase varians 45,87%, faktor kedisiplinan dengan persentase varians 24,28%, faktor fasilitas sekolah dengan persentase varians 12,55%, faktor metode pembelajaran dengan persentase varians 8,77%, serta faktor kualitas alumnus dengan persentase varians 8,57%.

    Ten Years of Malang Confucius Institute in Promoting Chinese Language and Culture in Indonesia Higher Education: Its Development and Challenge

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    The development of Chinese language learning in Indonesia, which is currently very rapid, isa result of the hard work carried out by the Confucius Institute (CI). Within ten years, the CI has spread its wings to various regions of Indonesia, including Malang. CI Malang was founded in collaboration between Universitas Negeri Malang in Indonesia and Guangxi Normal University in China. The CI Malang became a branch of the CI established by Guangxi Normal University overseas. Although the impact that CI has had on the Chinese language and culture is great, there are several challenges faced by CI, such as the difficulties adapting to Indonesia’s diverse culture, the absence of a Chinese learning curriculum owned by Indonesia, and differences in the digitalization system Indonesian and Chinese. These challenges can motivate CI to successfully adapt to local conditions and fully play its role as a language and culture bridge to achieve sustainable and innovative development and build a better platform for cultural exchanges and friendly exchanges between China and Indonesia


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    Abstrak Salah satu indikator siswa SMP berhasil dalam belajar di sekolah adalah tingginya prestasi belajar. Oleh sebab itu, berbagai cara ditempuh oleh institusi pendidikan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa SMP. Akan tetapi, masih ditemukan beberapa siswa SMP yang hasil belajarnya masih cenderung rendah. Hal ini tentu perlu mendapat perhatian khusus bagi sekolah, terutama konselor. Strategi konselor yang perlu dilakukan adalah dengan meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa. Ketika siswa termotivasi belajar, siswa akan giat dan sungguh-sungguh dalam belajar. Implikasi yang terlihat adalah hasil belajar siswa akan meningkat. Kata kunci: hasil belajar, motivasi belaja


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    Student problems at school are often being a hot topic that never ends in the school environment. 70% of the average student in school ever had problems, including, family problems, social conflict, behavioral deviations, economic problems, difficulties in understanding lessons, health problems, pressure from others and problems of self-competence and self-confidence. The results of interviews with school counselors, showed a significant decrease in academic achievement with an increase in cases that occurred or experienced by students at school. Teachers, school principals and school counselors are always required to immediately resolve problems that occur to students as soon as possible without having risks that an impact on the negative image of the institution / school and damage the performance imagery that has been obtained by the institution with great struggle and hard work. To maintain the achievement, the school will impose sanctions on students who violate school rules or commit uncommon breaking norm in school or outside school with various punishments to them. On the other hand, providing rewards / prizes for those who have great achievement in academics and non-academics to make the institution / name of the school became famous and outstanding. The results of the study the influence of peer interpersonal communication on increasing student academic success is quite high in some high schools in the Pontianak city by 77% of the total 264 respondents. Various efforts to prevent and resolve student problems are carried out by school counselors in handling various cases that occur in the school environment through observation, dialogue and long discussions with counselors in the school. Researchers traced cases that occurred at schools in Pontianak and studied counseling guidance programs implemented at schools in helping educational institutions / schools guide, direct and assist students in overcoming various problems that they faced. Through peer counseling activities and optimizing peer interpersonal communication in the student environment at school. The researcher conducted a survey of several schools in Pontianak, including High School, Vocational High School and Madrasah Aliyah (Islamic high school), by conducting observations and interviews with students and school counselors on the formation of peer-counseling in the school environment through interpersonal peer communication that exists in teaching and learning process activities and non-academic activities in schools.  Article visualizations
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