17 research outputs found

    Effect of Difference Tropical Fibrous Feeds on Feed Intake and Digestibility in Swamps Buffaloes Compared to Ongole Cattle

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    This research was aimed to examine the effect of difference fibrous feeds on feed intake and digestibility in swamps buffaloes compared to ongoles cattles. Twelve ongole and twelve buffaloes were used in in vivo digestibility. Ten feeds were used in this experiment, namely Peanut Haulm (PH), King Grass (KG), Corn stover (CS), Elephan Grass (EG), Rice Straw (RS), Soja Straw (SS), Corn Straw (CST), Glyricidea (Gli), and Caliandra (Cal). The observed variabels were intake of DM, OM, CP, NDF. The results showed that DM and OM intakes were significantly influenced by feed stuffs origin ranged from the lowest (Gli) of 29.55 g DMI/kg0.75 to the highest (CS) of 94.88 g/kg0.75. OM intake of buffaloes was higher than that of ongole cattle supported by organic matter (OM) digestibility data (61.51 vs 59.51). The digestibility of nutrient was significantly influenced by feed stuffs origin. OM digestibility of SS were lowest while the highest were CST of 54.56 and 71.66% respectively. Digestibility of CP was also significantly influenced by feed stuffs origin. The lowest Digestible Crude Protein was CST and the highest was PH of 44.10 and 67.99% respectively. The digestibility of NDF and ADF were significantly influenced by feed stuffs. The lowest NDF and ADF digestibilities were Cal of 40.84 and 33.19% and the highest digestibility of NDF and ADF were CST of 68.53 and 63.57%. It can be concluded that there were an important variation of feed compositions and digestibility of fibrous feeds. Buffalo were better than cattle on capacity of ingestion and utilization of fibrous feed. (Animal Production 12(2): 86-90 (2010

    Chemical Composition of Longissimus Dorsi and Biceps Femoris on Different Slaughter Weight of Local Male Sheep Reared in the Village

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    Quality of meat can be assessed from the change of its chemical components. Characteristics of meat chemical composition depend on species, age, sex, feed, location and function of muscle section in body. The objective of the research was to study meat chemical composition of local male sheep on different slaughter weight and different muscle. Local male sheep which were used as subject research obtained from Temanggung, i.e. healthy male sheep, aged 1.5-12 months; slaughtered at 6 categories of slaughter weight ranging from 5 to 30 kg. The sheep was slaughtered and sampled for chemical composition determination of Longissimus dorsi (LD) dan Biceps femoris (BF). The nested ANOVA was used to analyze data and any differences among the groups were further tested using Duncan Multiple Range Tests (DMRT). The results showed that moisture, ash, fat and cholesterol content of the meat from different slaughtered weight were not significant (P>0.05). The increase of slaughter weight significantly (P0.05). The conclusion of the research were (1) moisture, ash, fat and cholesterol content of local male sheep meat from different slaughtered weight were not significant, but protein and vitamin A content of the meat from different slaughtered weight were significant, (2) chemical composition of local male sheep from LD and BF were not significant. (Animal Production 8(1): 1-7 (2006


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    This research was aimed to examine the effect of undegraded protein supplementation on nutrients intake, production and milk composition in dairy cows. The purpose of this research was to provide information on the undegraded protein supplementation to increase milk production and composition in dairy cows. The research was conducted for 3 months in Boyolali-Central Java. The study used 20 lactation cows (<3 months of lactation), aged 3 to 3.5 years with body weight from 350 to 400 kg. The cows were then randomly divided into 2 groups of ten based on their body weight, milk production, lactation period and age. The first group (control) and the second group (treated), both were fed diet based on NRC (1987). The second group was added undegraded protein (UDP) of 30 g/l milk that mixed by concentrate. The observed variables were dry matter intake (DM), organic matter (OM), crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), milk production and milk composition including fat, protein and solid non fat (SNF). Data obtained were examined by t-test. The results showed that intake of DM, OM, and the NDF of treated and control groups were not different (9.57; 8.49; 4.98 vs 9.44; 8.38; 5.40 kg/cow/d, respectively); however, protein intake of treated group was higher (P<0.01) than that of the control group (1097 vs. 1210g/cow/d). Milk production of cows receiving UDP supplementation tended to be higher than that in the control group (+ 1:45 kg/cow/d). Although they tended to be lower in fat (4.13 vs. 3.88%), protein (2.45 vs. 2.27%) and SNF (7.26 vs. 6.94%), but protein and fat production were higher for cows receiving UDP supplementation (366 each; 214 vs. 330; 196g/cow/d). It can be concluded that UDP supplementation increased milk, fat production and milk protein but it tended to reduce the level of fat, protein and SNF milk. Keywords: fat, protein and solid non-fat milk, undegraded protein


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    The aim of this study was to know effects of saline condition to crop physiology,growth and forages yield.A factorial complete random design was use in this study.The first factor was type of grass,these were king grass (Pennisetum hybrid ),napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum),panicum grass (Panicum maximum ),setaria grass (Setaria sphacelata )and star grass (Cynodon plectostachyus ).The second factor was salt solution (NaCl)with concentration 0,100,200 and 300 mM.Parameters of this experiment were the percentage of chlorophyll,rate of photosynthesis,number of tiller,biomass and dry matter yiel .Data were analyze by analysis of variance and followe by Duncan ’s multiple range test when there were significant effects of the treatment.Panicum grass ha the highest chlorophyll content (1.85 mg/g of leaf).Photosynthesis rate of setaria grass was the lowest.The increasing of NaCl concentration up to 300 mM NaCl reduce chlorophyll content,rate of photosynthesis,tiller number, biomass yiel and dry matter yield.Responses of leaf area,biomass and ry matter yiel to salinity were linear for king,napier,panicum and setaria grasses.In tar grass,the response of leaf area and biomass ware linear,but those of dry matter yiel was quadratic.The response of tiller number to salinity was linear for all species. Keywords :biomass,dry matter yield,grass,photosynthesis,saline

    Effects of dietary phosphorus deficiency in pregnant and lactating ewes

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    Effect of Variation of Protein and Neutral Detergent Fiber Sources in Complete Calf Starter on The Development Indicator of Reticulo Rumen

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    Mixed calf starter feed and crude fiber source comprising neutral detergent fiber (NDF) as complete calf starter feed (CCS) can enhance the development of reticulo rumen, that can be knwon from indicators i.e. total microbia, volatile fatty acid (VFA) and NH3 rumen. The aimed of this research was to find CCS formulation which gave the most effective enhancement to reticulo rumen development indicators. The materials used were ground corn, rice bran, soybean meal, fish meal, vitamin, mineral, rice and corn straws and 7-14 days old FH calves with 45 ± 5.5 kg body weight. Completely Randomized Design with 2 x 2 factorial pattern was used in this research. The first factor was protein sources, i.e. soybean meal and fish Effect of Variation of Protein (Sri Mukodiningsih et al.) 133 meal, and the second factors was neutral detergent fiber sources (NDF), i.e. rice and corn straws. This research took about 9 weeks. The results indicated that there was a significant effect of the combination of protein source and NDF source on total bacteria and NH3, but there was no significant effect of those on feed intake, dry matter digestibility, avarage daily gain and VFA content. Total rumen bacteria population of the calves fed bya combination of soybean meal and corn straw was the highest (1.08x1011 CFU/ml) compared to those fed with other combinations (P<0.05), i.e. fish meal and rice straw 1.1x1010, fish meal and corn straw 4.1x109 and soybean meal and rice straw 8.8x109 CFU/ml. The highest NH3 concentration was obtained from feeding by a combination of fish meal and rice straw (3.38 mmol/ml), but there was no different from a combination of soybean meal and corn straw (3.11 mmol/ml). A combination of soybean meal and corn straw in CCS gave the best rumen development indicator. Keywords : Neutral Detergent Fiber, Complete Calf Starter, Rumen Development Indicato


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    Intisari Keseimbangan protein dapat menunjukkan apakah ternak dalam keadaan bertambah atau berkurang kadar protein di dalam tubuhnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pemanfaatan protein pakan komplit berkadar protein dan energi yang berbeda dalam tubuh ternak domba. Domba lokal jantan sebanyak 24 ekor, umur 3-5 bulan dan bobot badan (88) awal 8,7-15,5 kg (CV := 15,01 %) dirancang dengan rancangan acak kelompok umum ke dalam 4 (empat) perlakuan pakan komplit, yaitu R1 == 14,48% protein kasar (PK) dan 50,46% total digestible nutrients (TON), R2 == 17,35% PK dan 52 ,61 % TON, R3 = 15,09% PK dan 58,60% TON dan R4 = 17,42% PK dan 57,46% TON. Pengelompokan domba berdasarkan BB awal. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan analisis variansi dan apabila ada perbedaan dilanjutkan dengan uji Duncan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, bahwa jumlah protein tercerna berbeda nyata (P0,05). Jumlah protein teretensi dan retensi protein tidak berbeda nyata (P>0,05), yaitu antara 36,56-57,93 g dan 26,67-42,64%. Konversi protein tercerna pada R3 (0,78) lebih rendah (P0,05), yaitu 0,25-0,36. Kesimpulan hasil penelitian ini adalah pemanfaatan protein pakan komplit dengan kadar protein dan energi yang berbeda untuk penggemukan domba relatif sama. Kata Kunci: Keseimbangan Protein, Pakan Komplit, Protein-Energi Berbeda, Feedlot, Domba Lokal Jantan, PROTEIN UTILIZATION OF COMPLETE FEED WITH DIFFERENT PROTEIN AND ENERGY LEVELS TO MALE LOCAL SHEEP FATTENING ON FEEDLOT SYSTEM Abstract Protein balance showed that what the body protein content of animal was plus or minus. This research was conducted to know protein utilization of complete feed with different protein and energy levels to male local lamb on feedlot system. Twenty four males local lamb, aged around 3-5 months with body weight of 8.7-15.5 kg (CV = 15.01%) were set in a generalized randomized (complete) block design with 4 treatments: R1 (CP 14.48% and TON 50.46%), R2 (CP 17.35% and TON 52.61 %), R3 (CP 15.09% and TON 58.60%), and R4 (CP 17.42% and TON 57.46%). The ANOVA was used to analyze data and any differences among groups were further tested using Duncan Multiple Range Tests (DMRT). The result showed that the amount of digestible protein were significantly different (P<0.05), there are 75.05, 99.60, 67.79, and 84.07 g, respectively for R 1, R2, R3, dan R4, but digestible protein (55.36-61 .26%) was not Significantly different (P>0.05). The amount of retention protein was not significantly different (P>0.05), there are 36.56 -57.93 g or 26.67 -42.64%. Digestible protein conversion of R3 (0.78) was smaller (P0.05), that is 0.25 -0.36. It was concluded that the use of complete feed with different protein and energy levels to sheep on feedlot system were same relatively. Key Words: Protein Balance, Complete Feed, Different Protein-Energy, Feedlot, Male Local Shee