165 research outputs found

    On Mitigation of Side-Channel Attacks in 3D ICs: Decorrelating Thermal Patterns from Power and Activity

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    Various side-channel attacks (SCAs) on ICs have been successfully demonstrated and also mitigated to some degree. In the context of 3D ICs, however, prior art has mainly focused on efficient implementations of classical SCA countermeasures. That is, SCAs tailored for up-and-coming 3D ICs have been overlooked so far. In this paper, we conduct such a novel study and focus on one of the most accessible and critical side channels: thermal leakage of activity and power patterns. We address the thermal leakage in 3D ICs early on during floorplanning, along with tailored extensions for power and thermal management. Our key idea is to carefully exploit the specifics of material and structural properties in 3D ICs, thereby decorrelating the thermal behaviour from underlying power and activity patterns. Most importantly, we discuss powerful SCAs and demonstrate how our open-source tool helps to mitigate them.Comment: Published in Proc. Design Automation Conference, 201

    Stunting among under 5-year-olds in Nepal: trends and risk factors.

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    INTRODUCTION: The nutritional status in the first 5 years of life has lifelong and inter-generational impacts on individual's potential and development. This study described the trend of stunting and its risk factors in children under 5 years of age between 2001 and 2016 in Nepal. METHODS: The study used datasets from the 2001, 2006, 2011 and 2016 Nepal Demographic Health Surveys to describe the trend of stunting in under 5-year children. Multiple logistic regression analysis was carried out to assess the risk factors for stunting at the time of the four surveys. RESULTS: The nutritional status of under 5-year children improved between 2001 and 2016. Babies born into poorer families had a higher risk of stunting than those born into wealthier families (AOR 1.51, CI 95% 1.23-1.87). Families residing in hill districts had less risk of stunting than those in the Terai plains (AOR 0.75, CI 95% 0.61-0.94). Babies born to uneducated women had a higher risk of stunting than those born to educated women (AOR 1.57, CI 95% 1.28-1.92). DISCUSSION: Stunting among under-5-year children decreased in the years spanning 2001-2016. This study demonstrated multiple factors that can be addressed to decrease the risk of stunting, which has important implications for neurodevelopment later in life. We add literature on risk factors for stunting in under-5-year children

    PCR Based Genotyping of Lulu Cattle of Nepal for A1, A2 Type Beta-caseins

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    Lulu is an indigenous breed of cattle (Bos taurus) found in high altitude regions of western Nepal. Population of Lulu cattle has been declining due to introgression with other exotic breeds to increase milk productivity. Here we aimed at finding potential approach for conserving Lulu cattle and its assets by studying the milk contents and investigating which variant of beta-casein protein is present in this breed. Beta caseins are an abundant protein in cow milk with A1 and A2 being the most common genetic variants of this protein. Consumption of A1 type of milk has numerous health-related complications whereas A2 type of milk has numerous human health promoting factors. We used restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) for determining the A1 and A2 variant of beta casein in Lulu cattle. For performing DNA extraction, we collected (n = 18) blood samples of Lulu from Mustang and (n=17) Nepal Agriculture research council farm. The amplified fragments in 3% agarose at 251bp and 213bp respectively confirmed the presence of both A1 and A2 gene in Lulu; however, A2 was of greater abundance. Our study indicated that Lulu has A2 variant of beta-casein predominantly. The gene frequency of A1A1 is 0, A1A2 is 0.06 and A2A2 is 0.94. We further found that the allele frequency of A1 and A2 is 0.03 and 0.97 respectively. We designed special primer for sequencing CSN2 genes since A2 type beta casein gene was predominantly seen on Lulu. The sequencing result further supports our RFLP result as most of our samples have “C” nucleotide SNP in amplified CSN2 gene sequence. The Chi-square value of the current study is 0.04 which supports Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium inferring that Lulu cattle are still in the pure state, where there is no genetic introgression with the exotic breed for the sake of improvement of productivity

    Development and Validation of an Information Booklet Aimed at Promoting Mental Health for Pregnant Women with a History of Abuse.

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    BACKGROUND:Mental health needs of victims of domestic and family violence are often overlooked. A booklet was designed to help women update their knowledge and skills in effective coping with domestic and family violence and support them in developing effective stress reduction and problem management techniques. In addition, this booklet is believed to serve as a reference for further use. This paper describes the development process and validation of the information booklet. This booklet was used during an intervention trial conducted in Nepal to educate abused pregnant women. METHODS:This methodological study involved three stages: bibliographical survey, development of the booklet, and validation by specialists in the relevant fields and representatives of the target audiences. A total of eight experts, currently working in the field of domestic violence and/or midwifery, and 15 representatives of the target participants were involved in the validation process. A minimum Content Validity Index of 0.78 was considered for content validation, and minimum agreement of 75% for face validation. RESULTS:The booklet presented a global Content Validity Index of 0.92. The overall level of agreement within the target participants was 86.3%, which was higher than the minimum recommended level. Both subject experts and participants positively evaluated the adequacy, coverage and readability of contents of the booklet. CONCLUSIONS:The booklet was validated using content and face validity. This validated booklet is expected to be an effective tool for communication that would help pregnant women cope better with domestic and family violence and adopt strategies to remain emotionally healthy

    The association of women's empowerment with stillbirths in Nepal.

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    INTRODUCTION: Globally, 2.6 million stillbirths occur each year. Empowering women can improve their overall reproductive health and help reduce stillbirths. Women empowerment has been defined as women's ability to make choices in economic decision-making, household and health care decision-making. In this paper, we aimed to evaluate if women's empowerment is associated with stillbirths. METHODS: Data from 2016 Nepal Demographic Health Surveys (NDHS) were analysed to evaluate the association between women's empowerment and stillbirths. Equiplots were generated to assess the distribution of stillbirths by wealth quintile, place of residence and level of maternal education using data from NHDS 1996, 2001, 2006, 2011 and 2016 data. For the association of women empowerment factors and stillbirths, univariate and multivariate analyses were conducted. RESULTS: A total of 88 stillbirths were reported during the survey. Univariate analysis showed age of mother, education of mother, age of husband, wealth index, head of household, decision on healthcare and decision on household purchases had significant association with stillbirths (p < 0.05). In multivariate analysis, only maternal age 35 years and above was significant (aOR 2.42; 1.22-4.80). Education of mother (aOR 1.48; 0.94-2.33), age of husband (aOR 1.54; 0.86-2.76), household head (aOR 1.51; 0.88-2.59), poor wealth index (aOR 1.62; 0.98-2.68), middle wealth index (aOR 1.37; 0.76-2.47), decision making for healthcare (aOR 1.36; 0.84-2.21) and household purchases (aOR 1.01; 0.61-1.66) had no any significant association with stillbirths. CONCLUSIONS: There are various factors linked with stillbirths. It is important to track stillbirths to improve health outcomes of mothers and newborn. Further studies are necessary to analyse women empowerment factors to understand the linkages between empowerment and stillbirths

    Equity and coverage in the continuum of reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health services in Nepal-projecting the estimates on death averted using the LiST tool.

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    INTRODUCTION: The third Sustainable Development Goal, focused on health, includes two targets related to the reduction in maternal, newborn and under-five childhood mortality. We found it imperative to examine the equity and coverage of reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health (RMNCH) interventions from 2001 to 2016 in Nepal; and the death aversion that will take place during the SDG period. METHODS: We used the datasets from the Nepal Demographic Health Surveys (NDHS) 2001, 2006, 2011 and 2016. We calculated the coverage and equity for RMNCH interventions and the composite coverage index (CCI). Based on the Annualized Rate of Change (ARC) in the coverage for selected RMNCH indicators, we projected the trend for the RMNCH interventions by 2030. We used the Lives Saved Tools (LiST) tool to estimate the maternal, newborn, under-five childhood deaths and stillbirths averted. We categorised the interventions into four different patterns based on coverage and inequity gap. RESULTS: Between 2001 and 2016, a significant improvement is seen in the overall RMNCH intervention coverage-CCI increasing from 46 to 75%. The ARC was highest for skilled attendance at birth (11.7%) followed by care seeking for pneumonia (8.2%) between the same period. In 2016, the highest inequity existed for utilization of the skilled birth attendance services (51%), followed by antenatal care (18%). The inequity gap for basic immunization services reduced significantly from 27.4% in 2001 to 5% in 2016. If the current ARC continues, then an additional 3783 maternal deaths, 36,443 neonatal deaths, 66,883 under-five childhood deaths and 24,024 stillbirths is expected to be averted by the year 2030. CONCLUSION: Nepal has experienced an improvement in the coverage and equity in RMNCH interventions. Reducing inequities will improve coverage for skilled birth attendants and antenatal care. The current annual rate of change in RMNCH coverage will further reduce the maternal, neonatal, under-five childhood deaths and stillbirths

    Delirium point prevalence studies in inpatient settings: A systematic review

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    Aims: To examine the delirium point prevalence studies conducted in different inpatient settings and to discuss the implication of the findings for delirium screening, assessment, prevention and management. Background: Delirium—a common and distressing condition manifesting as an acute decline of attention and cognition—is frequently overlooked, misdiagnosed or treated inappropriately. This neuropsychiatric syndrome manifests as changes in attention, cognition and awareness, with resultant impact on behaviour, function and emotions. Delirium is recognised as a patient management challenge in the inpatient setting, and there is a need to understand the current point prevalence and assessment practices of delirium. Design: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Methods: A systematic review of published delirium prevalence studies in inpatient settings was conducted and the implications of findings for delirium screening, assessment, prevention and management identified. The random-effects meta-analysis was conducted among studies measuring delirium point prevalence. The PRISMA statement was used to report systematic review and meta-analysis. Results: Nine studies were included in the review, with sample sizes ranging from 47–1867. Delirium point prevalence ranged from 9%–32%. Hypoactive delirium was the most common subtype, ranging from 23%–78%. Fifteen delirium screening tools or assessment or diagnostic methods were used. Comorbid dementia was present in up to 50% of inpatients. Conclusions: Gaining a consensus on effective delirium instruments, the time windows for assessment and measurement will be crucial in driving benchmarking and quality improvement studies

    Integrated Participatory and Collaborative Risk Mapping for Enhancing Disaster Resilience

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    Critical knowledge gaps seriously hinder efforts for building disaster resilience at all levels, especially in disaster-prone least developed countries. Information deficiency is most serious at local levels, especially in terms of spatial information on risk, resources, and capacities of communities. To tackle this challenge, we develop a general methodological approach that integrates community-based participatory mapping processes, one that has been widely used by governments and non-government organizations in the fields of natural resources management, disaster risk reduction and rural development, with emerging collaborative digital mapping techniques. We demonstrate the value and potential of this integrated participatory and collaborative mapping approach by conducting a pilot study in the flood-prone lower Karnali river basin in Western Nepal. The process engaged a wide range of stakeholders and non-stakeholder citizens to co-produce locally relevant geographic information on resources, capacities, and flood risks of selected communities. The new digital community maps are richer in content, more accurate, and easier to update and share than those produced by conventional Vulnerability and Capacity Assessments (VCAs), a variant of Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA), that is widely used by various government and non-government organizations. We discuss how this integrated mapping approach may provide an effective link between coordinating and implementing local disaster risk reduction and resilience building interventions to designing and informing regional development plans, as well as its limitations in terms of technological barrier, map ownership, and empowerment potential

    Study protocol: Impact of quality improvement interventions on perinatal outcomes in health facilities—a systematic review

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    Background About 5.8 million maternal deaths, neonatal deaths and stillbirths occur every year with 99% of them taking place in low- and middle-income countries. Two thirds of them could be prevented through cost-effective interventions during pregnancy, intrapartum and postpartum periods. Despite the availability of standards and guidelines for the care of mother and newborn, challenges remain in translating these standards into practice in health facilities. Although several quality improvement (QI) interventions have been systematically reviewed by the Cochrane Effective Practice and Organization of Care (EPOC) group, evidence lack on QI interventions for improving perinatal outcomes in health facilities. This systematic review will identify QI interventions implemented for maternal and neonatal care in health facilities and their impact on perinatal outcomes. Methods/design This review will look at studies of mothers, newborn and both who received inpatient care at health facilities. QI interventions targeted at health system level (macro), at healthcare organization (meso) and at health workers practice (micro) will be reviewed. Mortality of mothers and newborn and relevant health worker practices will be assessed. The MEDLINE, Embase, World Health Organization Global Health Library, Cochrane Library and trial registries electronic databases will be searched for relevant studies from the year 2000 onwards. Data will be extracted from the identified relevant literature using Epi review software. Risk of bias will be assessed in the studies using the Cochrane risk of bias tool for randomized and observational studies. Standard data synthesis and analysis will be used for the review, and the data will be analysed using EPPI Reviewer 4. Discussion This review will inform the global agenda for evidence-based health care by (1) providing a basis for operational guidelines for implementing clinical standards of perinatal care, (2) identify research priorities for generating evidence for QI interventions and (3) QI intervention options with lessons learnt for implementation based on the level of needed resources
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