66 research outputs found

    Viscoelastic parameter identification of human brain tissue

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    Understanding the constitutive behavior of the human brain is critical to interpret the physical environment during neurodevelopment, neurosurgery, and neurodegeneration. A wide variety of constitutive models has been proposed to characterize the brain at different temporal and spatial scales. Yet, their model parameters are typically calibrated with a single loading mode and fail to predict the behavior under arbitrary loading conditions. Here we used a finite viscoelastic Ogden model with six material parameters–an elastic stiffness, two viscoelastic stiffnesses, a nonlinearity parameter, and two viscous time constants–to model the characteristic nonlinearity, conditioning, hysteresis and tension-compression asymmetry of the human brain. We calibrated the model under shear, shear relaxation, compression, compression relaxation, and tension for four different regions of the human brain, the cortex, basal ganglia, corona radiata, and corpus callosum. Strikingly, unconditioned gray matter with 0.36 kPa and white matter with 0.35 kPa were equally stiff, whereas conditioned gray matter with 0.52 kPa was three times stiffer than white matter with 0.18 kPa. While both unconditioned viscous time constants were larger in gray than in white matter, both conditioned constants were smaller. These rheological differences suggest a different porosity between both tissues and explain–at least in part–the ongoing controversy between reported stiffness differences in gray and white matter. Our unconditioned and conditioned parameter sets are readily available for finite element simulations with commercial software packages that feature Ogden type models at finite deformations. As such, our results have direct implications on improving the accuracy of human brain simulations in health and disease

    Mechanical properties of cell- and microgel bead-laden oxidized alginate-gelatin hydrogels

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    3D-printing technologies, such as biofabrication, capitalize on the homogeneous distribution and growth of cells inside biomaterial hydrogels, ultimately aiming to allow for cell differentiation, matrix remodeling, and functional tissue analogues. However, commonly, only the mechanical properties of the bioinks or matrix materials are assessed, while the detailed influence of cells on the resulting mechanical properties of hydrogels remains insufficiently understood. Here, we investigate the properties of hydrogels containing cells and spherical PAAm microgel beads through multi-modal complex mechanical analyses in the small- and large-strain regimes. We evaluate the individual contributions of different filler concentrations and a non-fibrous oxidized alginate-gelatin hydrogel matrix on the overall mechanical behavior in compression, tension, and shear. Through material modeling, we quantify parameters that describe the highly nonlinear mechanical response of soft composite materials. Our results show that the stiffness significantly drops for cell- and bead concentrations exceeding four million per milliliter hydrogel. In addition, hydrogels with high cell concentrations (≥6 mio ml−1) show more pronounced material nonlinearity for larger strains and faster stress relaxation. Our findings highlight cell concentration as a crucial parameter influencing the final hydrogel mechanics, with implications for microgel bead drug carrier-laden hydrogels, biofabrication, and tissue engineering

    Exploring the interplay between cellular development and mechanics in the developing human brain

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    The human brain has a complex structure on both cellular and organ scales. This structure is closely related to the brain's abilities and functions. Disruption of one of the biological processes occurring during brain development on the cellular scale may affect the cortical folding pattern of the brain on the organ scale. However, the link between disruptions in cellular brain development and associated cortical malformation remains largely unknown. From a mechanical perspective, the forces generated during development lead to mechanical instability and, eventually, the mergence of cortical folds. To fully understand mechanism underlying malformations of cortical development, it is key to consider both the events that occur on the cellular scale and the mechanical forces generated on the organ scale. Here we present a computational model describing cellular division and migration on the cellular scale, as well as growth and cortical folding on the tissue or organ scale, in a continuous way by a coupled finite growth and advection-diffusion model. We introduce the cell density as an independent field controlling the volumetric growth. Furthermore, we formulate a positive relation between cell density and cortical layer stiffness. This allows us to study the influence of the migration velocity, the cell diffusivity, the local stiffness, and the local connectivity of cells on the cortical folding process and mechanical properties during normal and abnormal brain development numerically. We show how an increase in the density of the neurons increases the layer's mechanical stiffness. Moreover, weWe validate our simulation results through the comparison with histological sections of the fetal human brain. The current model aims to be a first step towards providing a reliable platform to systematically evaluate the role of different cellular events on the cortical folding process and vice versa

    Evaluating the Effect of Tissue Anisotropy on Brain Tumor Growth using a Mechanically-coupled Reaction-Diffusion Model

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    Glioblastoma (GBM), the most frequent malignant brain tumor in adults, is char- acterized by rapid growth and healthy tissue invasion. Long-term prognosis for GBM remains poor with median overall survival between 1 y to 2 y [15]. GBM presents with different growth phenotypes, ranging from invasive tumors without notable mass-effect to strongly displacing lesions. Biomechanical forces, such as those resulting from displacive tumor growth, shape the tumor environment and contribute to tumor progression [9]. We present an extended version of a mechanically–coupled reaction-diffusion model of brain tu- mor growth [1] that simulates tumor evolution over time and across different brain regions using literature-based parameter estimates for tumor cell proliferation, as well as isotropic motility, and mechanical tissue properties. This model yielded realistic estimates of the mechanical impact of a growing tumor on intra-cranial pressure. However, comparison to imaging data showed that asymmetric shapes could not be reproduced by isotropic growth assumptions. We modified this model to account for structural tissue anisotropy which is known to affect the directionality of tumor cell migration and may influence the mechanical behavior of brain tissue. Tumors were seeded at multiple locations in a human MR-DTI brain atlas and their spatio-temporal evolution was simulated using the Finite-Element Method. We evaluated the impact of tissue anisotropy on the model’s ability to reproduce the aspherical shapes of real pathologies by comparing predicted lesions to publicly available GBM imaging data. We found the impact on tumor shape to be strongly location dependent and highest for tumors located in brain regions that are characterized by a single dominant white matter direction, such as the corpus callosum. However, despite strongly anisotropic growth assumptions, all simulated tumors remained more spherical than real lesions at the corresponding location and similar volume. This finding is in agreement with previous studies [17, 6] suggesting that anisotropic cell migration along white matter fiber tracks is not a major determinant of tumor shape in the setting of reaction-diffusion based tumor growth models and for most locations across the brain

    MRI Indices of Cortical Development in Young People With Psychotic Experiences: Influence of Genetic Risk and Persistence of Symptoms

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    Background Psychotic experiences (PEs) are considered part of an extended psychosis phenotype and are associated with an elevated risk of developing a psychotic disorder. Risk of transition increases with persistence of PEs, and this is thought to be modulated by genetic and environmental factors. However, it is unclear if persistence is associated with progressive schizophrenia-like changes in neuroanatomy. Methods We examined cortical morphometry using MRI in 247 young adults, from a population-based cohort, assessed for the presence of PEs at ages 18 and 20. We then incorporated a polygenic risk score for schizophrenia (PRS) to elucidate the effects of high genetic risk. Finally, we used atlas-based tractography data to examine the underlying white matter. Results Individuals with persisting PEs showed reductions in gyrification (local gyrification index: lGI) in the left temporal gyrus as well as atypical associations with brain volume (TBV) in the left occipital and right prefrontal gyri. No main effect was found for the PRS, but interaction effects with PEs were identified in the orbitofrontal, parietal, and temporal regions. Examination of underlying white matter did not provide strong evidence of further disturbances. Conclusions Disturbances in lGI were similar to schizophrenia but findings were mostly limited to those with persistent PEs. These could reflect subtle changes that worsen with impending psychosis or reflect an early vulnerability associated with the persistence of PEs. The lack of clear differences in underlying white matter suggests our findings reflect early disturbances in cortical expansion rather than progressive changes in brain structure

    On the characterization of the heterogeneous mechanical response of human brain tissue

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    The mechanical characterization of brain tissue is a complex task that scientists have tried to accomplish for over 50 years. The results in the literature often differ by orders of magnitude because of the lack of a standard testing protocol. Different testing conditions (including humidity, temperature, strain rate), the methodology adopted, and the variety of the species analysed are all potential sources of discrepancies in the measurements. In this work, we present a rigorous experimental investigation on the mechanical properties of human brain, covering both grey and white matter. The influence of testing conditions is also shown and thoroughly discussed. The material characterization performed is finally adopted to provide inputs to a mathematical formulation suitable for numerical simulations of brain deformation during surgical procedures.</p
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