72 research outputs found

    Comparative assessment of the vulnerability and resilience of 10 deltas : work document

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    Background information about: Nile delta (Egypt), Incomati delta (Mozambique), Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna (Bangladesh), Yangtze (China), Ciliwung (Indonesia), Mekong (Vietnam), Rhine-Meuse (The Netherlands), Danube (Romania), California Bay-Delta, Mississippi River Delta (USA

    Comparitive assessment of the vulnerability and resilience of 10 deltas, synthesis report

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    The proposed framework for delta assessment and especially the scorecards are intended to enhance awareness raising, discussion and prioritization on most relevant delta issues, in each delta but also in comparison with other deltas. This should lead to more efficient and effective (multi-sectoral) policy formulation, management design and implementation, in concrete Delta plans, pilot-projects and (research) programmes. The target groups are all stakeholders who are involved in delta management at different levels and with different interests (government, private companies, NGOs, public), and who wish to contribute to the resilience of their own delta and other deltas worldwide

    Does experience influence the forces exerted on maxillary incisors during laryngoscopy? A manikin study using the Macintosh laryngoscope

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    The influence of the level of experience of the laryngoscopist on the duration of laryngoscopy, the forces exerted on the tongue and on the maxillary incisors during laryngoscopy, were investigated. Five groups (anaesthetists, residents in anaesthesia, nurse anaesthetists, surgeons and medical students), each consisting of 15 individuals, participated in the study. An intubation manikin was used with a laryngoscope modified so that the forces applied during laryngoscopy could be measured. The mean duration of laryngoscopy in these groups was 23.4 sec, 17.6 sec, 27.1 sec, 26.8 sec and 42.7 sec, respectively. The maximally applied forces on the tongue were 71.7 N, 60.5 N, 65.9 N, 74.2 N and 69.7 N, respectively. The maximally applied forces on the maxillary incisors were 49.9 N, 36.3 N, 41.1 N, 58.3 N and 53.9 N, respectively. These results indicate the level of experience has a significant influence on the duration of laryngoscopy but seems to have little influence on the forces applied to the tongue and the maxillary incisors

    Creation and restoration of coastal and estuarine habitats, a review of practical examples and a description of sequential guidelines for habitat creation and restoration in port areas

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    One of the themes of the NEW! Delta project is theme 3 "Creation and restoration of coastal and estuarine habitats" Within this theme two demonstration projects of habitat creation and restoration schemes have been implemented: one in the port of Antwerp and the other in the dune area "De Zilk" along the Dutch coast. The contributers of this study are from: ABP MER (United Kingdom), Alterra, Vlaamse overheid Afdeling Kust, DIREN Haute-Normandie, Grontmij, IMIEU Brussel, Haven van Antwerpen, Haven van Rotterdam, provincie Zuid-Hollan

    Forces acting on the maxillary incisor teeth during laryngoscopy using the Macintosh laryngoscope

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    We determined the forces on the maxillary incisors during routine laryngoscopy in 65 adult patients. The forces were measured by a strain gauge based sensor positioned between the handle and the blade of the laryngoscope. The mean maximal force acting on the maxillary incisors was 49 N. In patients without maxillary incisors, the force acting on the gums was significantly lower at 21N (p < 0.001). These results suggest that, despite traditional advice to the contrary, a levering movement of the laryngoscope, using the maxillary incisors (or gums) as a fulcrum, is common practice. Biomechanical analysis revealed that, although levering is not the preferred movement, it is an efficient way of bringing the glottis into view. These results may have implications for future laryngoscope design

    Enabling Delta Life - What makes managing land and water in deltas different?

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    This discussion paper describes an integrated framework for delta assessment, the need for specific strategies for deltas, especially as it relates to integrated water resources management, and taking into account the increasing interest for the institutional, socio-economic, financial and awareness-raising aspects

    Launching the Delta Alliance: Content report phase 3

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    Delta Alliance is an international knowledge-driven network organisation. Its mission is to improve the resilience of deltas through more integrated and effective efforts, building on scientific research and knowledge exchange. It aims at disclosure of knowledge for application by a wide audience of end-users from the knowledge institutions, public partners and private sector, as well as to identification of upcoming research agenda

    Comparative assessment of the vulnerability and resilience of deltas, extended version with 14 deltas : work document

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    Worldwide, deltas host dense populations and are important centres of agricultural and industrial production, and economic activity. Many deltas are areas of great ecological importance as well, featuring wetlands of high and unique biodiversity. Deltas are vulnerable to changes by natural forces and human activities. Major drivers of change are population growth, economic development, climate change and subsidence
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