376 research outputs found

    Shape Optimization for Thermal Insulation Problems

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    [EN] In this work we consider two domains: an external domain whose geometry varies, and an internal fixed one. From the thermal insulation viewpoint, we are considering a body to be insulated, enveloped in a layer of insulator, and we want to find the best shape for the thermal insulator, in terms of heat dispersion. Mathematically, our problem is described by an elliptic partial differential equation with Dirichlet-Robin boundary conditions.This research has been carried on within the PON R&I 2014-2020 - “AIM: Attraction and International Mobility” (Linea 2.1, project AIM1834118 - 2, CUP: E61G19000050001). The authors are members of the INdAM Research Group GNCS.Tozza, S.; Toraldo, G. (2022). Shape Optimization for Thermal Insulation Problems. En Proceedings of the YIC 2021 - VI ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 11-15. https://doi.org/10.4995/YIC2021.2021.12288OCS111

    Utemeljenje austrijske Vojne krajine u Transilvaniji i njeni kratkoročni te srednjoročni utjecaji

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    Establishing the Austrian military border in Transylvania was not only a military, but also a political, economic and, up to a point, religious decision, taken by the Crown near the end of a long and costly war, under specific circumstances and events taking place in the province. It was also probably the main reason why Empress Maria Theresa was remembered by several generations of Transylvanians, and remains one of the most celebrated acts of her reign according to Romanian historical writing. This paper seeks to provide a synthetic overview of the topic, based on both the international (mainly German and Austrian) and the Romanian historical literature, given the highly limited accessibility of the latter in terms of language and range of dissemination. It opens with short introductory historiographical considerations, followed by a presentation of the prerequisites and reasons for the border regiments’ creation, alongside the main steps in the establishment process. The second part provides a short analysis of the mutual benefits brought about by the military border for both the empire and the locals, as well as the difficulties and resistance encountered during the establishment, along with the short- and medium-term social implications.Utemeljenje transilvanijskih vojnokrajiških pukovnija nije bila samo vojna već i politička, ekonomska te do određene mjere i vjerska odluka koju je Bečki dvor donio potkraj dugog i skupog Sedmogodišnjeg rata (1756. – 1763.) i to pod specifičnim uvjetima i događajima koji su se događali u Transilvaniji. Ovo utemljenje vojnog sustava i pukovnija je vrlo vjerojatno glavni razlog zašto je carica Marija Terezija upamćena od strane nekoliko generacija stanovnika Transilvanije, a također ova caričina odluka pripada prema rumunjskoj historiografiji među najpoznatije i najhvaljenije poteze njezine vladavine. Sintetski pregled navedene teme u radu se temelji na relevantnim radovima rumunjske historiografije koju autor obilato upotpunjuje, obzirom na ograničenost šireg korištenja iste od strane povjesničara poradi jezika i slabe diseminacije, najrelevantnijim radovima međunarodne (uglavnom njemačke i austrijske) historiografije. U radu se nakon kratkog uvoda i osvrta na spomenute relevantne historiografske radove, prikazuje kronološkim slijedom razvoj preduvjeta i razloga za stvaranje transilvanijskih krajiških pukovnija s osvrtom na glavne korake tog procesa. Drugi dio rada donosi kratku analizu obostranih koristi i beneficija koje su, kako za Habsburšku Monarhiju i Bečki dvor tako i za lokalno stanovništvo Transilvanije, proizašle iz uspostave vojnokrajiških pukovnija. Dodatno, donosi se i prikaz poteškoća te otpora s kojima su se vlasti susretale prilikom utemeljenja navedenih pukovnija zajedno s osvrtom na kratkoročne i srednjoročne implikacije uspostave ove vojne organizacije na društvo

    A tárgyi népi kultúra kutatásának és gyűjtésének korszakai Maros megyében

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    Use Of Fresh Frozen Plasma At Hospital Selayang: A Retrospective Study

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    Transfusi plasma beku segar telah meningkat dan menjadi popular kebelakangan ini. Ia telah mula digunakan sejak tahun 1920-an dan apabila digunakan dengan indikasi yang betul ia dapat menjadi satu rawatan moden yang membantu dalam penyembuhan pesakit FFP transfusion has increased in demand over the years and the global trending of high FFP usage can be seen in many countries. It has been used since 1920’s and if appropriately used, it can improve the quality of lif

    The Romanian Intellectual, Christian Orthodoxy, and Identity in connection to Iron Guardism

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    As the  second part of a two part series, this article explores the confluence of Romanian intellectual culture and the rise of fascism  in the interwar period, with a distinct concentration on the particularity of Romanian identity and its transformation amid the changing rhetoric of pluri nationality. Ultimately the process by which a concrete Romanian identity was formed within the rhetoric of intellectuals was the result of elements of differing views of nationality, the Romanian peasantry, and Christian Orthodoxy all of which were salient elements of Romanian society during the rise of extremists groups such as the Iron Guard. In this second part I explore the way that the Jewish population, and Jewish identity in Romania was used by intellectuals to define Romanian identity by positing that in fact it was the complete opposite of ‘Romanianism’ as it was defined by the rhetoric of the intelligentsia, which manifested itself in the rise of Iron Guard. The ideals of ‘race,’ and ‘ethnicity’ were therefore paradoxes for many Romanian thinkers and writers

    Broadband tomography system

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    Morphological investigation of calcium phosphates electrodeposited on Ti in the presence of tartaric acid

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    The electrochemical deposition method was employed to deposit calcium phosphates on Ti substrates in the presence of different concentrations of tartaric acid. Scanning electron microscopy was used to investigate the morphology of the obtained specimens. The micrographs indicate that as the tartaric acid concentration increases, the size and number of calcium phosphate irregular structures increases as well. At the highest concentration a new morphology is evidenced, represented by flat ordered structures with high aspect ratio

    Teaching English as a Foreign Language in Romanian Primary Education

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    AbstractThis paper aims at briefly outlining recent European trends in foreign language teaching and, from this perspective, to analyze current curricular documents that regulate foreign/English language teaching in Romanian primary education, in order to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the ongoing programs. In addition, based on the findings of our analysis, the paper further investigates the situation of teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) in Romanian primary education by conducting 7 stakeholders interviews (three teachers, two parents and two students) so as to attempt to describe the state of things and, if necessary, to suggest some improvement guidelines