571 research outputs found

    Talking Back: Technology is not all that Impersonal

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    [Review of] Rosalio Moises, Jane Holden Kelley, and William Curry Holden. A Yaqui Life: The Personal Chronicle of a Yaqui Indian

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    The search for an untouched Native voice in American Indian autobiography, both experientially and stylistically, has proven as elusive as the search for the untouched Native. In the case of A Yaqui Life, it is precisely the of the native author\u27s interaction-personal, literary, military, economic, religious, and familial-that makes the work both fascinating and significant. So, too, the text as a product of the interactions between the various authors enhances its ethnographic and historic significance. In 1954, at the suggestion of the anthropologist W. C. Holden, the core of the work was penned by Rosalio Moises, a Yaqui who lived from 1896 until 1969. Holden\u27s daughter, Jane Holden Kelley, later edited the text and amplified the material through interviews with Moisés concerning his written text. This personal chronicle thus bridges the gap between autobiography and ethnography

    [Review of] Howard L. Harrod. Renewing the World

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    Howard Harrod\u27s work provides an interpretation of the religious and moral world of the Arapaho, Crow, Cheyenne and Blackfeet tribes of the Northwestern Plains. Well aware that the material he is utilizing represents interpretations by early ethnographers, he transcends this hermeneutical problem to provide an idealized reconstruction of this world guided by the theories of Schutz and Geertz and the work of Joseph Brown

    [Review of] Melissa L. Meyer. The White Earth Tragedy: Ethnicity and Dispossession at a Minnesota Anishinaabe Reservation, 1889-1920

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    Employing a broad multi-disciplinary approach which includes history, anthropology, economics, demography, ecology, and political science, Meyer, a U.C.L.A. historian, has created a sensitive and sweeping analysis of the creation and metamorphosis of the Anishinaabeg ( Chippewa or Ojibwe”) who eventually located in contemporary Minnesota on the White Earth Reservation. Eschewing stereotypes of Indians as mere victims of Euro-American history, Meyer shows how the Anishinaabeg -- themselves internally heterogeneous -- transform, adapt, innovate and respond according to their own interests and to changes around them

    [Review of] H. David Brumble III. American Indian Autobiography

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    American Indian Autobiography provides significant insight into the nature and production of Indian autobiographies, past and present. Aware of the heterogeneity of native cultures, H. David Brumble perceptively demonstrates the continuity of these works with both their cultural and literary roots -- oral narrative. He elucidates six genera of oral narrative, convincingly establishing their continuity from the earliest to contemporary works. Stressing the bicultural nature of Indian autobiography, Brumble carefully analyzes both the effect of white editors working within the cultural assumptions of their eras in eliciting and shaping Indian autobiographies and the ramifications of culture contact and adaptation on the part of the Indians in shaping their narratives. Brumble fruitfully contrasts the Indian self as tribal and kin enmeshed with the modern Western self, independent and individualistic. He sees the essence of preliterate autobiography as the reciting of one\u27s adult deeds rather than the contemporary (since Rousseau) project of explaining how the author came to be who he/she is

    Czytanie hipertekstu przez uczących się języka polskiego jako obcego – badania pilotażowe

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    W związku z rozpowszechnieniem CALL oraz zadań typu WebQuest podczas nauki języka obcego, a także w wyniku rosnącej popularności kursów e-learningowych i b-learningowych, warto prześledzić proces czytania hipertekstu przez uczących się języka obcego. Ponieważ dotychczas brak prac opisujących przebieg procesu czytania hipertekstu przez uczących się jpjo, istotne wydaje się zbadanie tego zagadnienia i prezentacja wniosków. Autorka niniejszej pracy koncentruje się na czytaniu hipertekstu w ujęciu dydaktycznym, aby wyciągnięte z badań wnioski mogły posłużyć nauczycielom jpjo i pozwoliły wprowadzić na zajęcia odpowiednio opracowane zadania i ćwiczenia oparte na czytaniu hipertekstu.The spreading of CALL and the tasks of the WebQuest type in the process of learning foreign languages and the rising popularity of e-learning and b-learning courses makes the process of hypertext reading worth investigating. Because there is a shortage in research concentrating on this process while learning and/or teaching Polish as a foreign language it is crucial that this process is analyzed. The author of this paper focuses on reading hypertext in a didactic context in order to provide exercises and study practices to be used during Polish language courses

    What's new in nutrition?

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    Nutrition is an integral part of the healing process. The role of nutrition in healing is often underappreciatedand the service of dietician/ nutrition specialists underutilized. This brief review provides information about useful resources, intended to guide clinical evaluation and treatment of malnutrition

    [Review of] Stephen F. Feraca. Wakinyan: Lakota Religion in the Twentieth Century and Julian Rice. Before the Great Spirit: The Many Faces of Sioux Spirituality

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    Each of these authors provides unique approaches and insights concerning Lakota ritual and belief. Julian Rice, a prolific writer on Lakota Literature, attempts to reconstruct the essence of Lakota religion before European contact while Feraca, who logged long periods of interaction with Lakota people on the Pine Ridge Reservation as a government employee and field worker, provides an intricate portrait of Lakota ritual during his tenure on the Pine Ridge reservation. They reach similar basic understandings of Lakota religious practice: the importance of the acquisition of spiritual power, the primacy of kinship, the democratic and charismatic nature of individual religious practice that is balanced by communal responsibilities, and the heterogeneity of Lakota belief and practice itself