7,691 research outputs found

    The development of a cislunar space infrastructure

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    The primary objective of this Advanced Mission Design Program is to define the general characteristics and phased evolution of a near-Earth space infrastructure. The envisioned foundation includes a permanently manned, self-sustaining base on the lunar surface, a space station at the Libration Point between earth and the moon (L1), and a transportation system that anchors these elements to the Low Earth Orbit (LEO) station. The implementation of this conceptual design was carried out with the idea that the infrastructure is an important step in a larger plan to expand man's capabilities in space science and technology. Such expansion depends on low cost, reliable, and frequent access to space for those who wish to use the multiple benefits of this environment. The presence of a cislunar space infrastructure would greatly facilitate the staging of future planetary missions, as well as the full exploration of the lunar potential for science and industry. The rationale for, and a proposed detailed scenario in support of, the cislunar space infrastructure are discussed

    Characterization of Knots and Links Arising From Site-specific Recombination on Twist Knots

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    We develop a model characterizing all possible knots and links arising from recombination starting with a twist knot substrate, extending previous work of Buck and Flapan. We show that all knot or link products fall into three well-understood families of knots and links, and prove that given a positive integer nn, the number of product knots and links with minimal crossing number equal to nn grows proportionally to n5n^5. In the (common) case of twist knot substrates whose products have minimal crossing number one more than the substrate, we prove that the types of products are tightly prescribed. Finally, we give two simple examples to illustrate how this model can help determine previously uncharacterized experimental data.Comment: 32 pages, 7 tables, 27 figures, revised: figures re-arranged, and minor corrections. To appear in Journal of Physics

    Radii and Binding Energies of Nuclei in the Alpha-Cluster Model

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    The alpha-cluster model is based on two assumptions that the proton-neutron pair interactions are responsible for adherence between alpha-clusters and that the NN-interaction in the alpha-clusters is isospin independent. It allows one to estimate the Coulomb energy and the short range inter-cluster bond energy in dependence on the number of clusters. The charge radii are calculated on the number of alpha-clusters too. Unlike the Weizsacker formula in this model the binding energies of alpha-clusters and excess neutrons are estimated separately. The calculated values are in a good agreement with the experimental data.Comment: Latex2e 2.09, 13 pages, 4 figure

    Bringing female scientists into the elementary classroom: Confronting the strength of elementary students\u27 stereotypical images of scientists

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    This study explored the effectiveness of bringing female scientists into the elementary classrooms on promoting changes in the stereotypical images of scientists. Qualitative and quantitative data were collected and analyzed to illuminate changes in stereotypical images of scientists. Results indicate that despite the efforts of the scientists to encourage the students to question their image of a scientist, the students held on to stereotypical images. Instead, the students questioned the true identity of the scientists, categorizing them as teachers. The results led to questions of the strength of the image and the extent of efforts needed for students to question that image

    Dairy and hog farming in northeastern Iowa

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    On Northeastern Iowa dairy and hog farms, highest returns were obtained where the number of milk cows equaled litters of pigs. This meant about 6 pounds of hogs were produced to each pound of butterfat. Where hog production was less, returns were lower. The butterfat-hog price ratio, during the years of the study, favored hogs, with 1 pound butterfat worth only 3.5 pounds of hogs. Generally, the strictly dairy herds were more profitable than the dual-purpose herds, even though butterfat prices were unfavorable in comparison to beef, during the period studied. Income from beef in the dual-purpose herds was not enough to offset the lower sales of butterfat. The dairy herds, with 16.6 cows, averaged 229 pounds butterfat sold or used in the household, and 493 pounds beef per cow, while the dual-purpose herds, with 14.1 cows, averaged 162 pounds butterfat output and 711 pounds beef per cow

    An economic study of the dairy enterprise in northeastern Iowa

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    In a study of 51 dairy and dual-purpose herds in 1935 and ] 936 it was found that the average value per head of the milk cows was 66inthehighproducingdairyherds,comparedto66 in the high producing dairy herds, compared to 49 in the low producing ones; while investment in buildings and fences was 120percowinthehighascomparedto120 per cow in the high as compared to 90 in the low producing herds. Investment per pound of butterfat produced, however , was lower with the higher producing and more valuable cows. The cows in the higher producing herds were fed more heavily and received better balanced rations; the total amount of concentrates amounting to approximately 2,300 pounds in the high and 1,200 in the low producing herds, while total value of all feeds plus pasture amounted to 72,comparedto72, compared to 50. When expressed per pound of butterfat, however, the values of feed and pasture were but little different between the high and low producing herds. In fact, the advantage was slightly with the high producing herds. There was a wide variation in amount of feed fed per cow, which was only partly related to the production per cow. The cows receiving the most feed generally produced more butterfat but not necessarily in proportion to the difference in amount of feed. Consequently, the cows receiving the most feed did not give the highest return per $100 of feed fed

    alpha-nucleus potentials for the neutron-deficient p nuclei

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    alpha-nucleus potentials are one important ingredient for the understanding of the nucleosynthesis of heavy neutron-deficient p nuclei in the astrophysical gamma-process where these p nuclei are produced by a series of (gamma,n), (gamma,p), and (gamma,alpha) reactions. I present an improved alpha-nucleus potential at the astrophysically relevant sub-Coulomb energies which is derived from the analysis of alpha decay data and from a previously established systematic behavior of double-folding potentials.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Diet of three large pelagic fishes associated with drifting fish aggregating devices (DFADs) in the western equatorial Indian Ocean

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    Dieta de tres peces pelágicos de gran tamaño asociados a agregaciones de peces bajo objetos flotantes (DFADs) en el Océano Índico ecuatorial occidental Los objetos flotantes congregan distintas especies de peces en aguas tropicales marinas. Se capturaron tres especies depredadoras: atún de aleta amarilla (Thunnus albacares), petos (Acanthocybium solandri) y llampugas (Coryphaena hippurus) en agregaciones bajo objetos flotantes en el Océano Índico occidental, para caracterizar su dieta y determinar si se alimentan de organismos asociados a las DFADs. Los atunes de aleta amarilla no se alimentaron de presas asociadas a objetos flotantes, mientras los petos y llampugas sí explotaron los recursos agregados a estos objetos flotantes, aunque predominantemente se alimentaron de otros organismos no asociados a ellos. En atunes de aleta amarilla y en llampugas asociados a FADs se observó una predación oportunista en la superficie de agrupaciones de crustáceos estomatópodos pero no así en los petos. Palabras clave: Dispositivos agregadores de peces, Atún de aleta amarilla, Llampuga, Peto, Contenidos estomacales, Dieta.Several species of fish, aggregate around DFADs in marine tropical waters. We captured three predatory species: yellow fin tuna (Thunnus albacares), wahoo (Acanthocybium solandri) and dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus) from aggregations under DFADs in the Western Indian Ocean to characterize their diet and determine whether they fed on other DFAD associated organisms. Yellowfin tuna did not feed on DFAD–associated prey, while wahoo and dolphinfish did exploit resources aggregated by the DFADs, though they predominantly fed on other non–associated organisms. Opportunistic feeding on surface swarming stomatopod crustaceans was observed in yellowfin tuna and dolphinfish associated with FADs, but was not observed in wahoo. Key words: FAD, Yellowfin tuna, Dolphinfish, Wahoo, Stomach contents, Diet.Dieta de tres peces pelágicos de gran tamaño asociados a agregaciones de peces bajo objetos flotantes (DFADs) en el Océano Índico ecuatorial occidental Los objetos flotantes congregan distintas especies de peces en aguas tropicales marinas. Se capturaron tres especies depredadoras: atún de aleta amarilla (Thunnus albacares), petos (Acanthocybium solandri) y llampugas (Coryphaena hippurus) en agregaciones bajo objetos flotantes en el Océano Índico occidental, para caracterizar su dieta y determinar si se alimentan de organismos asociados a las DFADs. Los atunes de aleta amarilla no se alimentaron de presas asociadas a objetos flotantes, mientras los petos y llampugas sí explotaron los recursos agregados a estos objetos flotantes, aunque predominantemente se alimentaron de otros organismos no asociados a ellos. En atunes de aleta amarilla y en llampugas asociados a FADs se observó una predación oportunista en la superficie de agrupaciones de crustáceos estomatópodos pero no así en los petos. Palabras clave: Dispositivos agregadores de peces, Atún de aleta amarilla, Llampuga, Peto, Contenidos estomacales, Dieta

    Clarification of the relationship between bound and scattering states in quantum mechanics: Application to 12C + alpha

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    Using phase-equivalent supersymmetric partner potentials, a general result from the inverse problem in quantum scattering theory is illustrated, i.e., that bound-state properties cannot be extracted from the phase shifts of a single partial wave, as a matter of principle. In particular, recent R-matrix analyses of the 12C + alpha system, extracting the asymptotic normalization constant of the 2+ subthreshold state, C12, from the l=2 elastic-scattering phase shifts and bound-state energy, are shown to be unreliable. In contrast, this important constant in nuclear astrophysics can be deduced from the simultaneous analysis of the l=0, 2, 4, 6 partial waves in a simplified potential model. A new supersymmetric inversion potential and existing models give C12=144500+-8500 fm-1/2.Comment: Expanded version (50% larger); three errors corrected (conversion of published reduced widths to ANCs); nine references added, one remove