330 research outputs found

    Electric tricycle

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    The aim of this study was to design and build complete control and information systems using microprocessors ATMEGA644P for electric tricycle. This tricycle was created rebuilt old motorcycle Jawa 50 – Pioneer. Electric tricycle is capable of not only its own motion , but its management and information system is able to evaluate if the batteries are depleted, what the temperature is cooler controller that is open cabinet with batteries or with the regulator . Furthermore, they are controlled by a microprocessor relays that switch eg . Blinkers , cooling on regulátor, etc. All information are displayed on the control panel LCD Display, panel voltmeter and control lights

    Probable absence of a quadrupolar spin-nematic phase in the bilinear-biquadratic spin-1 chain

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    We study numerically the ground-state phase diagram of the bilinear-biquadratic spin-1 chain near the ferromagnetic instability point, where the existence of a gapped or gapless nondimerized quantum nematic phase has been suggested. Our results, obtained by a highly accurate density-matrix renormalization-group (DMRG) calculation are consistent with the view that the order parameter characterizing the dimer phase vanishes only at the point where the system becomes ferromagnetic, although the existence of a gapped or gapless nondimerized phase in a very narrow parameter range between the ferromagnetic and the dimerized regimes cannot be ruled out.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    EUV ionization of pure He nanodroplets: Mass-correlated photoelectron imaging, Penning ionization and electron energy-loss spectra

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    The ionization dynamics of pure He nanodroplets irradiated by EUV radiation is studied using Velocity-Map Imaging PhotoElectron-PhotoIon COincidence (VMI-PEPICO) spectroscopy. We present photoelectron energy spectra and angular distributions measured in coincidence with the most abundant ions He+, He2+, and He3+. Surprisingly, below the autoionization threshold of He droplets we find indications for multiple excitation and subsequent ionization of the droplets by a Penning-like process. At high photon energies we evidence inelastic collisions of photoelectrons with the surrounding He atoms in the droplets

    Penning ionization of doped helium nanodroplets following EUV excitation

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    Helium nanodroplets are widely used as a cold, weakly interacting matrix for spectroscopy of embedded species. In this work we excite or ionize doped He droplets using synchrotron radiation and study the effect onto the dopant atoms depending on their location inside the droplets (rare gases) or outside at the droplet surface (alkali metals). Using photoelectron-photoion coincidence imaging spectroscopy at variable photon energies (20-25 eV), we compare the rates of charge-transfer to Penning ionization of the dopants in the two cases. The surprising finding is that alkali metals, in contrast to the rare gases, are efficiently Penning ionized upon excitation of the (n=2)-bands of the host droplets. This indicates rapid migration of the excitation to the droplet surface, followed by relaxation, and eventually energy transfer to the alkali dopants

    Classical Cadherins Regulate Desmosome Formation

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    Simple friction model of the guiding device of a mechanical system: mass, spring and damper

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    The paper presents a simple friction model containing two parts: dry and viscous friction. Friction model is built inside the model of the guiding device of a mechanical system consisting of a mass, linear spring and damper. System is excited by the movement of the base. Main idea of the presented algorithm is to split up the solution into several parts, which follow one after another in time, and to combine their results subsequently

    Insulating charge density wave for a half-filled SU(N) Hubbard model with an attractive on-site interaction in one dimension

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    We study a one-dimensional SU(N) Hubbard model with an attractive on-site interaction and N>2N>2 at half-filling on the bipartite lattice using density-matrix renormalization-group method and a perturbation theory. We find that the ground state of the SU(N) Hubbard model is a charge density wave state with two-fold degeneracy. All the excitations are found to be gapful, resulting in an insulating ground state, on contrary to that in the SU(2) case. Moreover, the charge gap is equal to the Cooperon gap, which behaves as 2Nt2/(N1)U-2Nt^2/(N-1)U in the strong coupling regime. However, the spin gap Δs\Delta_{s} and the quasiparticle gap Δ1\Delta_{1} as well open exponentially in the weak coupling region, while in the strong coupling region, they linearly depend on UU such that ΔsU(N1)\Delta_{s}\sim -U(N-1) and Δ1U(N1)/2\Delta_{1}\sim -U(N-1)/2.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    The evaluation of the impact of support on Lithuanian farms investments

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    Straipsnio tikslas – įvertinti paramos poveikį Lietuvos ūkių investicijoms. Tyrimo metu buvo sudarytas logit modelis, įgalinantis nustatyti ūkininkų tikimybę investuoti. Tyrimui buvo naudoti 2013 metų Lietuvos ūkininkų, įtrauktų į Ūkių apskaitos duomenų tinklą (ŪADT), duomenys. Vertintos investicijos į žemės ūkio mašinas ir įrenginius. Remiantis tyrimu nustatyta, kad parama skatina ūkių investicijas, tačiau scenarijų analizės metu nustatyta, kad jos pokyčiai tikimybę investuoti veikia nedaug. Taip pat tyrimu atskleista, kad ūkių investicijoms daug įtakos turi ūkio charakteristikos.The paper aims to evaluate the impact of support on Lithuanian farms investments. Logistic regression, also called a logit model, was used to determine the probability of investing. The regression was estimated on cross-sectional data set of Lithuanian family farms participating in the Farm Accountancy Data Network. It was specified for investments in machinery and equipment. The research showed that support encourages investments in machinery and equipment. However, scenario analysis revealed that the impact of different support scenarios on the probability of investing is relatively small. It was also confirmed the importance of farm characteristics in making investments