463 research outputs found

    The Variable Polarization XUV Beamline P04 at PETRA III Optics, mechanics and their performance

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    The layout of the Variable Polarization XUV Beamline P04 at PETRAIII is described with emphasison selected examples of optics, mirrors and gratings. A precise characterization of the optics, their performance inside the holder and of the surrounding mechanics is presented. This also includes a detailed characterization of the different beamline mechanics as a whole gratingunit, exit slit unit, re focusing unit including the environmen

    Bad banks: The case of Germany

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    This paper discusses the instrument of equalisation claims, which has successfully been used in two previous German debt crises as a method for stabilizing the balance sheets of financial institutions. A modern version of this method would swap temporarily illiquid assets for government bonds with open maturit , in order to avoid the problem of evaluating the toxic assets in advance. Not only will this method save taxpayers' money, but it also upholds the market principle of liability, thereby avoiding incentives for inefficient risk-prone behaviour in the financial sector. The current German bad bank approach principally follows this approach, but severely suffers from unnecessary complexity and voluntary participation. --Financial Crisis,Bad Banks,German History,equalisation claims

    U-Boote, ihre Geräusche, ihre Sprache und ihre Musik : die Interaktion von auditiver Schicht und kulturgeschichtlichem Hintergrund in U-Boot-Filmen

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    Wer ein U-Boot kaufen will, kann sich auf der Internetseite der Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft GmbH (Kiel) über die aktuellen Angebote informieren. Über die neuen Boote der 214er-Klasse ist da unter anderem vermerkt: „The net result was and is an air-independent but non-nuclear submarine with exceptional technical and operational capabilities, featuring extraordinarily developed stealth characteristics and an impressive weapon and sensor payload.“ (Internetseite HDW 2007). Auch die Deutsche Marine gibt mit Stolz an, ihre U-Boote – acht Boote der Klasse 206 A und vier der Klasse 212A – seien „extrem schwer ortbar“, und die Signatursilhouette der neuen 212er-Boote sei „im Vergleich zu anderen konventionellen U-Booten nochmals minimiert worden.“ (Die Flotte 2006, 21 und 23). In einem Telefongespräch gab der ehemalige Inspekteur der Marine, Vize-Admiral a.D. Lutz Feldt, sogar an, die neu entwickelten 212er-Boote seien so leise, dass sie, wenn man sie zu orten versuche, als eine Art akustisches Schwarzes Loch vor dem allgemeinen Geräuschhintergrund des Meeres erschienen – und dadurch fatalerweise schon wieder geortet werden könnten (Lutz Feldt, Telefonat v. 16.3.2007). Mag diese Aussage auch ein bisschen überspitzt sein – es ist nicht zu leugnen, dass sich bei einem NATO-Manöver mehrere deutsche U-Boote geräuschlos an einen amerikanischen Flugzeugträger heranschleichen konnten und mit diesem Beweis mangelhafter Abschirmung größte Bestürzung beim NATO-Partner hervorriefen

    MEA newsletter No. 07 (01/2004)

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    Zeitschrift , Demographie , Soziales Syste

    Refractory Convulsive Status Epilepticus in Children: Etiology, Associated Risk Factors and Outcome

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    How to Cite This Article: Barzegar M, Mahdavi M, Zalegolab behbehani A, Tabrizi A. Refractory Convulsive Status Epilepticus in Children: Etiology, Associated Risk Factors and Outcome. Iran J Child Neurol. Autumn 2015;9(4): 24-31.AbstractObjectiveRefractory status epilepticus (RSE) is a life-threatening disease in children wherein the patient’s convulsive seizures do not respond to adequate initial anticonvulsants. RSE is associated with high rate of mortality and morbidity.This study was aimed to survey the risk factors leading status epilepticus (SE) to RSE in children, and their early outcome.Materials & MethodsPatients with SE hospitalized in Tabriz Children’s Hospital, Iran were studied during the years 2007 and 2008 with regard to their clinical profile, etiology, the treatment methods available to them and their outcome upon release from the hospital.ResultsAmong 132 patients with SE, 53 patients (40.15%) suffered from RSE. Acute symptomatic etiology was a risk factor responsible for developing RSE in the patient (P=0.004). Encephalitis was the most common etiology of acute symptomatic SE. There was no significant relationship observed between RSE and the patients’ age, gender, date of initial drug intake and type of seizure. The mortality rate was 8.3% and a new neurological deficit occurred in 25.7% of cases. None of RSE with encephalitis returned to the baseline status. Mortality and morbidity rates were significantly higher in children with RSE than in thosewith SE (P=0.006).ConclusionEtiology of SE significantly influenced prognosis of it with significant incidence of RSE in acute symptomatic group. Because acute neurological insult such as encephalitis and meningitis are common causes of RSE in children, properly management of them is necessary to avoid permanent brain damage


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    Homoeopathy is a system of treating patients using very low dose preparations according to the principle: "like should be cured with like". This paper summarises the research evidence presented in a recent issue of Effective Health Care on the effectiveness of homoeopathy. Increasing numbers of patients are seeking information on complementary medicines from NHS health professionals. Results of a 1998 survey of use and expenditure on complementary medicine in England suggested that 28% of respondents had either visited a complementary therapist or had purchased an over the counter herbal or homoeopathic remedy in the past year. From this survey it was estimated that there could be over 470 000 recent users of homoeopathic remedies in England

    A fitoplankton molekuláris diverzitása az Erdélyi-medence sós tavaiban

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    Az Erdélyi-medence sós tavaira jellemző a magas trofitás és az erős emberi zavarás. Ezekben a tavakban pikocianobaktériumok és pikoeukariota algák egyaránt előfordulnak jelentős részesedéssel az össz alga biomasszából magas trofitás mellett is. Mikroszkópos módszerek alkamazásával megállapításra került hogy a nanophytoplanktont a sós tavakban közönséges Dunaliella fajok dominálják. A fitoplankton mikrszokópos vizsgálatának újszerű eredményei indokoltá tették a fitoplanktont alkotó fajok azonosítását melynek legalkalmasabb módja a molekuláris biológiai módszerek alkalmazása. Vizsgálataink során PCR, denaturáló gradiens gél elektroforézis és szekvenciaelemzés alkalmazásával megállapítottuk, hogy a fitoplanktont eddig kontinentális vizekben nem ismer tengeri cianobakériumok és tengeri eukariota algák alkotják. A pikofitoplnaktont tengeri Synechococcus (Cyanobacteria) és tengeri illetve sós tavi Picochlorum (Chlorophyta) fajok alkotják. A tengeri pikofitoplankton mellett több tengeri nanoplanktonfaj (Guillardia sp., Isochrysis sp.) is azonosításra került. Ezekben a kontinentális sós tavakban azonosított tengeri algafajok jelenlétére magyarázat lehet a szél- és a vízimadarak általi terjesztés, esetleg a sórétegekből kioldodó algasejtek, azonban ennek a kiderítésére további vizsgalatok szükségesek
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