47 research outputs found

    The Conflicted Artist- An Analysis of the Aesthetics of German Idealism In E.T.A. Hoffmann\u27s Artist

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    This thesis will analyze the characteristics of the artist as an individual who attempts to attain an aesthetic Ideal in which he believes he will find fulfillment. In the works of E.T.A. Hoffmann, most notably Das Fräulein von Scuderi and Rat Krespel, the artists René Cardillac and Rat Krespel not only fall short of this ideal, but also limit themselves to the point that they cannot advance further without causing destruction in their own lives. The failure of these artists is not due to their imperfections, but rather to their strict adherence to German Idealist principles, which limit the artist in the manner by which he strives toward the Ideal. Such limitations are incompatible with the societies in which these artists live, resulting in the physical or metaphorical death of the artist. The arguments in this thesis intend to reveal the Romantic artist\u27s condition as one of continuous striving toward an aesthetic Ideal with a conscious awareness that the Ideal can never be attained, thereby allowing the artist to progress in his journey in spite of conflict and error. This thesis aims to prove that the Romantic concept of Unendlichkeit, or the eternal acquisition of truth, should be the artist\u27s goal. If the artist can accept Unendlichkeit as the aim of his artistic pursuits, then he will be able to find true fulfillment in the continuous change and progression of his condition

    Verein deutscher Chemiker

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    Homeless men: issues and interventions

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    Food, clothing, and shelter are basic needs of humans. Some members of society are not having their basic needs met. The homeless population lacks these fundamental necessities. It is of public health importance to assist those with the greatest need for health improvement; one of these groups is the homeless population. When asked to picture a person who is homeless, the first thought is usually the street homeless: dirty and violent and living under a bridge with an open garbage can with fire. Different types of homelessness exist such as absolute homeless, relative homeless, and unstable housing. Issues faced by homeless men, interventions, and discussions regarding the homeless population are addressed in the literature. How can public health professionals and the general community better help with the issue of the health and social effects on the homeless population? The main points examined in this were health problems, addictions, incarceration, homeless veterans, housing-first treatment, and the interventions designed for homeless men. Public health programs exist to help the homeless including supportive housing, shelters, and programs for veterans. It is possible to get homeless individuals off the streets and back onto their feet. Reducing disease and crime improves the whole community and benefits everyone

    Dissertatio Historico-Philologica De Praecipuis Iurisiurandi Formulis Hebraeis, Graecis atque Latinis

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    Quam Amplissimae Facultatis Philosophicae indultu Praeside M. Christiano Ludovico publicae Eruditorum ventilationi exponit A. O. R. M.DC.XCII. d. XXIV. Septembr. Autor & Respondens David Buches/ Vratisl. Siles. ...Nicht identisch mit VD17 23:653363C (dort mit Widmungsempfängern

    Soncino-Gesellschaft der Freunde des Jüdischen Buches 1829-1925

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    This collection contains a variety of material published by the Soncino-Gesellschaft der Freunde des Jüdischen Buches. The material represents some of the activities of this Berlin Jewish book club. There is a program from a first anniversary of the organization (1925); a booklet "Briefe von berümte Jüdinnen" ("Letters of Famous Jewish Women:) including reproductions of letters from Henriette Herz, Rahel Varnhagen, Elisabeth "Eliza/Élisa" Rachel Félix, Sarah Bernhardt (1930); a sample page of a Hebrew Bible of Genesis Chapter 20 (1925); song for the occasion of the organization's first anniversary (1925) and a membership list circa 1924.Jewish bibliophile society, founded in Berlin in 1924The original German language inventory is available in the folderProcessed for digitizationSent for digitizationReturned from digitizationLinked to online manifestationdigitize

    Imaginäre Welten

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