Homeless men: issues and interventions


Food, clothing, and shelter are basic needs of humans. Some members of society are not having their basic needs met. The homeless population lacks these fundamental necessities. It is of public health importance to assist those with the greatest need for health improvement; one of these groups is the homeless population. When asked to picture a person who is homeless, the first thought is usually the street homeless: dirty and violent and living under a bridge with an open garbage can with fire. Different types of homelessness exist such as absolute homeless, relative homeless, and unstable housing. Issues faced by homeless men, interventions, and discussions regarding the homeless population are addressed in the literature. How can public health professionals and the general community better help with the issue of the health and social effects on the homeless population? The main points examined in this were health problems, addictions, incarceration, homeless veterans, housing-first treatment, and the interventions designed for homeless men. Public health programs exist to help the homeless including supportive housing, shelters, and programs for veterans. It is possible to get homeless individuals off the streets and back onto their feet. Reducing disease and crime improves the whole community and benefits everyone

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