203 research outputs found

    Methodological aspects of recent climate change damage cost studies

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    This paper discusses methodological aspects of recent climate change damage studies. Assessing the total and/or marginal damage costs of environmental change is often difficult and it is certainly difficult in the case of climate change. A major obstacle is the uncertainty on the physical impacts of climate change, especially related to extreme events and so-called ‘low-probability high-impact’ scenarios. The subsequent transposition of physical impacts into monetary terms is also a delicate step, given that climate change impacts involve both market and non-market goods and services, covering health, environmental and social values, and that impacts may be distant in time and space. The complexity of climate change cost assessment thus involves several crucial dimensions, including non-market evaluation, risk and uncertainty, baseline definition, equity and discounting, further elaborated in this paper in the course of the overview of the literature and of the overview and evaluation of the key methodological issues.Climate change damage costs, cost of inaction, methodological aspects, risk and uncertainty, discounting, equity

    Phono-stylistic variation in British pop songs

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    Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit phono-stilistischer Variation in britischen Pop Liedern der letzten Jahre. Das Ziel der Arbeit ist herauszufinden, welche Unterschiede es im Vergleich von Aufnahmen aus einem Tonstudio und Aufnahmen eines Live Auftrittes gibt. Als theoretischer Rahmen wird die Natürliche Phonologie gewählt, welche sich mit Prozessen beschäftigt, die die Variation in gesprochener Sprache beschreiben. Man unterscheided hier grundsätzlich zwischen zwei Prozessarten, Stärkung und Schwächug. Erstere, so wird argumentiert, erleichtert das Verständnis für die Zuhörenden, und Schwächung erleichtert die Produktion auf seiten der/des Sprechenden. Als Datengrundlage sind fünf Lieder gewählt, werden phonetisch transkribiert und die Daten anschließend unter Gesichtspunkten der Natürlichen Phonologie analysiert. Ziel ist es herauszufinden in wie fern die Aussprache der Sänger von der jeweiligen Umgebung, also im Studio oder auf der Bühne beeinflusst wird. Basierend auf der Theorie werden Erwartungen an die Art der Prozesse und ihre Anwendung gestellt. So wird erwartet, dass in den Studio Aufnahmen Stärkungs-Prozesse öfter angewandt werden, und Schwächungs-Prozesse öfter in den Live Aufnahmen zu finden sind

    Eculizumab in atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome: long-term clinical course and histological findings

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    Atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS) is a thrombotic microangiopathy associated with defective regulation of the alternative complement pathway. The prognosis for patients with aHUS is poor, and plasma exchange represents the first-line therapy. Eculizumab is a humanized monoclonal anti-C5 antibody that prevents the activation of the terminal complement pathway. Here, we report the case of a 9-year-old girl with frequent relapsing aHUS due to heterozygous factor H mutation who was initially treated with plasma exchange three times per week with 150% plasma exchange volume. This treatment frequently caused allergic reactions and school absences. Because any reduction in the frequency of plasma exchange immediately induced relapses of the aHUS, treatment with eculizumab, 600mg every 2weeks, was started and plasma exchange completely stopped. On this drug regimen the patient showed no evidence of disease activity during a period of more than 24months. Renal function improved, proteinuria disappeared, the number of antihypertensive medications could be decreased, and the quality of life increased substantially. The inhibition of the terminal complement pathway by eculizumab was also confirmed by renal biopsy, which showed the absence of thrombotic microangiopathy 2months after the initiation of eculizumab therapy. This case illustrates the long-term favorable outcome of aHUS with eculizumab treatmen

    Long-Term Antibiotic Cost Savings from a Comprehensive Intervention Program in a Medical Department of a University-Affiliated Teaching Hospital

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    We tested a low-cost, multifaceted intervention program comprising formulary restriction measures, continued comprehensive education, and guidelines to improve in-hospital use of antibiotics and related costs. In a short-term analysis, total antibiotic consumption per patient admitted, which was expressed as defined daily doses (DDD), decreased by 36% (P < .001), and intravenous DDDs decreased by 46% (P < .01). Overall expenditures for antibiotic treatment decreased by 53% (US$100 per patient admitted). The 2 main cost-lowering factors were a reduction in prescription of antibiotics (35% fewer treatments; P < .0001) and more diligent use of 5 broad-spectrum antibiotics (23% vs. 10% of treatments; P = .001). Quality of care was not compromised. A pharmacy-based, prospective, long-term surveillance of DDDs and costs over 4 years showed an ongoing effect. This comprehensive intervention program, which aimed to reduce antibiotic consumption and costs, was highly successful and had long-lasting effect

    Early enteral feeding in conservatively managed stage II necrotizing enterocolitis is associated with a reduced risk of catheter-related sepsis

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    Aims: To compare the effect of fasting period duration on complication rates in neonates managed conservatively for necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) Bell stage II. Methods: We conducted a multicenter study to analyze retrospectively multiple data collected by standardized questionnaire on all admissions for NEC between January 2000 and December 2006. NEC was staged using modified Bell criteria. We divided the conservatively managed neonates with NEC Bell stage II into two groups (those fasted for 5days) and compared the complication rates. Results: Of the 47 conservatively managed neonates Bell stage II, 30 (64%) fasted for 5days (range 6-16days). There were no significant differences for any of the patient characteristics analyzed. One (3%) and four (24%) neonates, respectively, developed post-NEC bowel stricture. One (3%) and two neonates (12%) suffered NEC relapse. None and five (29%) neonates developed catheter-related sepsis. Conclusion: Shorter fasting after NEC appears to lower morbidity after the acute phase of the disease. In particular, shorter-fasted neonates have significantly less catheter-related sepsis. We found no benefit in longer fastin

    Splicy: a web-based tool for the prediction of possible alternative splicing events from Affymetrix probeset data

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    BACKGROUND: The Affymetrix technology is nowadays a well-established method for the analysis of gene expression profiles in cancer research studies. However, changes in gene expression levels are not the only way to link genes and disease. The existence of gene isoforms specifically linked with cancer or apoptosis is increasingly found in literature. Hence it is of great interest to associate the results of a gene expression study with updated evidences on the transcript structure and its possible variants. RESULTS: We present here a web-based software tool, Splicy, whose primary task is to retrieve data on the mapping of Affymetrix probes to single exons of gene transcripts and displaying graphically this information projected on the gene physical structure.Starting from a list of Affymetrix probesets the program produces a series of graphical displays, each relative to a transcript associated with the gene targeted by a given probe. The information on the transcript-by-transcript and exon-by-exon mapping of probe pairs can be retrieved both graphically and in the form of tab-separated files. The mapping of single probes to NCBI RefSeq or EMBL cDNAs is handled by the ISREC mapping tables used in the CleanEx Expression Reference Database Project. We currently maintain these mappings for most popular human and mouse Affymetrix chips, and Splicy can be queried for matches with human and mouse NCBI RefSeq or EMBL cDNAs. CONCLUSION: Splicy generates probeset annotations and images describing the relation between the single probes and intron/exon structure of the target transcript in all its known variants. We think that Splicy will be useful for giving to the researcher a clearer picture of the possible transcript variants linked with a given gene and an additional view on the interpretation of microarray experiment data. Splicy is publicly available and has been realized in the framework of a bioinformatics grant from the Italian Cancer Research Association

    SLN melanoma micrometastasis predictivity of nodal status: a long term retrospective study

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    BACKGROUND: Completion lymph node dissection (CLND) is the gold standard treatment for patients with a positive sentinel lymph node (SLN) biopsy. Considering the morbidity associated with CLND it is important to identify histological features of the primary tumor and/or of SLN metastasis that could help to spare from CLND a subset of patients who have a very low risk of non-SLN metastasis. The objective of this study is to identify patients with a very low risk to develop non-SLNs recurrences and to limit unnecessary CLND. METHODS: A retrospective long-term study of 80 melanoma patients with positive SLN, undergone CLND, was assessed to define the risk of additional metastasis in the regional nodal basin, on the basis of intranodal distribution of metastatic cells, using the micro-morphometric analysis (Starz classification). RESULTS: This study demonstrates that among the demographic and pathologic features of primary melanoma and of SLN only the Starz classification shows prognostic significance for non-SLN status (p<0.0001). This parameter was also significantly associated with disease-free survival rate (p<0.0013). CONCLUSION: The Starz classification can help to identify, among SLN positive patients, those who can have a real benefit from CLND. From the clinical point of view this easy and reliable method could lead to a significant reduction of unnecessary CLND in association with a substantial decrease in morbidity. The study results indicate that most of S1 subgroup patients might be safely spared from completion lymphatic node dissection. Furthermore, our experience demonstrated that Starz classification of SLN is a safe predictive index for patient stratification and treatment planning

    Neonatal Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome After Mother-to-Child Transmission of a Low-Pathogenic stx2b Harboring Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli

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    This case describes evidence for a Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) O146:H28 infection leading to hemolytic uremic syndrome in a neonate. STEC O146:H28 was linked hitherto with asymptomatic carriage in humans. Based on strain characteristics and genotyping data, the mother is a healthy carrier who transmitted the STEC during delivery. STEC strains belonging to the low-pathogenic STEC group must also be considered in the workup of neonatal hemolytic uremic syndrom

    Probing the Drosophila retinal determination gene network in Tribolium (II): The Pax6 genes eyeless and twin of eyeless

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    AbstractThe Pax6 genes eyeless (ey) and twin of eyeless (toy) are upstream regulators in the retinal determination gene network (RDGN), which instructs the formation of the adult eye primordium in Drosophila. Most animals possess a singleton Pax6 ortholog, but the dependence of eye development on Pax6 is widely conserved. A rare exception is given by the larval eyes of Drosophila, which develop independently of ey and toy. To obtain insight into the origin of differential larval and adult eye regulation, we studied the function of toy and ey in the red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum. We find that single and combinatorial knockdown of toy and ey affect larval eye development strongly but adult eye development only mildly in this primitive hemimetabolous species. Compound eye-loss, however, was provoked when ey and toy were RNAi-silenced in combination with the early retinal gene dachshund (dac). We propose that these data reflect a role of Pax6 during regional specification in the developing head and that the subsequent maintenance and growth of the adult eye primordium is regulated partly by redundant and partly by specific functions of toy, ey and dac in Tribolium. The results from embryonic knockdown and comparative protein sequence analysis lead us further to conclude that Tribolium represents an ancestral state of redundant control by ey and toy