8 research outputs found

    Method of ultrasonic scanning of maxillary and frontal sinuses

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    Department of Otorhinolaryngology, National Medical University of Odessa, UkraineBackground: Ultrasonography can be used as an alternative to radiographic survey in diagnosis of sinusitis. Material and methods: The study involved 150 patients with acute and chronic inflammation of maxillary and frontal sinuses, in all patients ultrasound and x-ray examinations have been performed, followed by puncture of the maxillary sinuses. The ultrasound examination was performed by two probes: linear and micro-convex. For each diagnostic technique the sensitivity, specificity and accuracy were calculated. As the gold standard diagnostic puncture of the maxillary sinus (in most cases), computed tomography and intraoperative findings were adopted. For pairwise comparison of the characteristics of different methods the z-test was used. It was considered statistically significant (p < 0.05). Results: X-ray examination turned out to produce erroneous results in a high percentage of cases while detecting fluid in sinuses, if fluid level fails to be discovered on radiograms. High accuracy of ultrasound examination in detecting fluid and its nature (pus, serous exudate) is identified for scanning with both linear and micro-convex transducers. But sensitivity of the micro-convex transducer is higher (96.9%) than that of linear one (83.0%) in detecting fluid. In diagnosis of edema, a higher percentage of errors (false-positive results) were revealed in case of the micro-convex transducer (39.3%), and a lower rate – for linear transducer (3.6%). Accuracy in detecting mucosal thickening for X-ray was 66.7%, B-linear – 87.2%, B-micro-convex – 84.3%. Accuracy in detecting fluid for X-ray was 65.8%, B-linear – 86.1%, B-micro-convex – 96.6%. Conclusions: 1. Results showed that ultrasound diagnosis of inflammatory disease of the maxillary and frontal sinuses can be used as a screening method for diagnosis on a par with radiographic survey. 2. There is a significant difference between the study methods in accuracy of edema and fluid detection in favor of ultrasound diagnosis. 3. To improve the quality of ultrasound technique, combined survey with two probes (linear and micro-convex) should be used. Linear probe is appropriate for detecting mucosal thickening, and micro-convex one – for fluid detection

    Сучасні методи візуалізації стану околоносовых пазух. досвід ультразвукової діагностики

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    Представлено огляд сучасних методів візуалізації, що використовуються в діагностиці патології навколоносових пазух, їх переваги й недоліки, з погляду сучасного стану охорони здоров'я в Україні. Серед методів променевої діагностики найбільш інформативним вважається комп'ютерна томографія. Основним рутинним методом променевої діагностики залишається оглядова рентгенографія, однак у наш час все більший інтерес викликає ультразвукова діагностика захворювань навколоносових пазух, як метод, який може замінити рентгенографічне дослідження. Авторами розроблена методика сканування пазух носа за допомогою лінійного та мікроконвексного ультразвукових датчиків із застосуванням внутрішньопорожнинного ехоконтрастування, яка пройшла апробацію на 303 пацієнтах.The review of modern methods of the visualisation used in diagnostics of a pathology of paranasal sinuses, their advantage and lacks from the point of view of public health services current state in Ukraine is made. Among methods of radial diagnostics the most informative the computer tomography is considered. The basic routine method of radial diagnostics there is a survey X-radiography, however now the increasing interest is represented by ultrasonic diagnostics of paranasal sinuses diseases, as a method which can change radiographic research. We had been developed a procedure of scanning of paranasal sinuses using linear and pediatric convex probes, with application intracavitary echo contrast which has taken place approbation on 303 patients

    Характеристика чутливості мікроорганізмів і грибів, ізольованих від хворих риносинуситами купального сезону, до антибактеріальних і антимікотичних препаратів

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    Было обследовано 106 больных острым риносинуситом купального сезона и 51 пациент группы сравнения (заболевшие острым гнойным риносинуситом в зимневесенний период года). В результате исследований был разработан лечебнодиагностический алгоритм для острых риносинуситов купального сезона, позволяющий улучшить качество лечения больных с данной патологией. В ходе работы проводились выделение и идентификация штаммов микроорганизмов, которые необходимы для определения чувствительности к антибиотикам и антимикотикам, а также разработки и включения в схему адекватной антимикробной и антимикотической терапии.During the operation were conducting excretion and identification of microbial strains from patients with acute rhinosinusitis of bathing period and people from comparison group, who fell ill with acute rhinosinusitis in winter-spring period, for determination of sensitivity to antibiotics and antifungal drugs, developments and inclusions in scheme of treatment adequate antimicrobial and antifungal therapy. Microbial associations, which were allotted from patients evincing different sensitivity to antibiotics, most sensitive to group of cephalosporins, least sensitive to group of macrolides. The trend of increasing of sensitivity among molds toward drugs itraconazole and amphotericin B, fungi Candida toward antifungal drug from polyene group – nystatin is marked.Проводилося виділення та ідентифікація штамів мікроорганізмів у хворих на гострі риносинусити купального сезону та у осіб групи порівняння з гострим риносинуситом в зимово-весняний період часу. Виділені від хворих мікробні асоціації виявляють різну чутливість до антибіотиків – найбільш чутливі до групи цефалоспоринів, найменш чутливі до групи макролідів. Визначено тенденцію підвищення чутливості у цвільових грибів до препаратів ітраконазолу та амфотерицину Б, у грибів роду Candida – до антимікотику полієнової групи – ністатин

    Colonisation and mass rearing: learning from others

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Mosquitoes, just as other insects produced for the sterile insect technique (SIT), are subjected to several unnatural processes including laboratory colonisation and large-scale factory production. After these processes, sterile male mosquitoes must perform the natural task of locating and mating with wild females. Therefore, the colonisation and production processes must preserve characters necessary for these functions. Fortunately, in contrast to natural selection which favours a suite of characteristics that improve overall fitness, colonisation and production practices for SIT strive to maximize only the few qualities that are necessary to effectively control populations.</p> <p>However, there is considerable uncertainty about some of the appropriate characteristics due to the lack of data. Development of biological products for other applications suggest that it is possible to identify and modify competitiveness characteristics in order to produce competitive mass produced sterile mosquitoes. This goal has been pursued - and sometimes achieved - by mosquito colonisation, production, and studies that have linked these characteristics to field performance. Parallels are drawn to studies in other insect SIT programmes and aquaculture which serve as vital technical reference points for mass-production of mosquitoes, most of whose development occurs - and characteristics of which are determined - in an aquatic environment. Poorly understood areas that require further study are numerous: diet, mass handling and genetic and physiological factors that influence mating competitiveness. Compromises in such traits due to demands to increase numbers or reduce costs, should be carefully considered in light of the desired field performance.</p

    Invertebrate Iridescent Viruses

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