15 research outputs found

    Gold nanoparticles - the theranostic challenge for PPPM: nanocardiology application

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    The article overviews the potential biomedical applications of nanoscale gold particles for predictive, preventive and personalised nanomedicine in cardiology. The review demonstrates the wide opportunities for gold nanoparticles due to their unique biological properties. The use of gold nanoparticles in cardiology is promising to develop fundamentally new methods of diagnosis and treatment. The nanotheranostics in cardiovascular diseases allows the non-invasive imaging associated with simultaneous therapeutic intervention and predicting treatment outcomes. Imaging may reflect the effectiveness of treatment and has become a fundamental optimisation setting for therapeutic protocol. Combining the application of biomolecular and cellular therapies with nanotechnologies foresees the development of complex integrated nanodevices. Nanocardiology may challenge existing healthcare system and economic benefits as cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of morbidity and mortality at present

    Medicine in the early twenty-first century: Paradigm and anticipation - EPMA position paper 2016

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    Challenges of “standardisation” and “individualisation” have always been characteristic for medical services. In terms of individualisation, the best possible individual care is the ethical imperative of medicine, and it is a good right of any patient to receive it. However, in terms of standardisation, all the available treatments are based on guideline recommendations derived from large multi-centre trials with many thousands of patients involved. In the most optimal way, the standardisation and individualisation should go hand-in-hand, in order to identify the right patient treating him/her with the right medication and the right dose at the right time point! Further, in paradigm and anticipation, there is a big discrepancy between “disease care” and “health care” which dramatically impacts ethical and economical aspects of medical services. Several approaches have been suggested in ancient and modern medicine to conduct medical services in a possibly optimal way. What is the difference amongst all of them and how big is the potential beyond corresponding approach to satisfy the needs of the individual, the patient, professional groups involved and society at large? On behalf of the “European Association for Predictive, Preventive and Personalised Medicine,” the dedicated EPMA working group provides a deep analysis in the issue followed by the expert recommendations considering the multifaceted aspects of both “disease care” and “health care” practices including ethics and economy, life quality of individuals and patients, interests of professional groups involved, benefits of subpopulations, health care system(s) and society as a whole

    ELiT, Multifunctional Web-Software for Feature Extraction from 3D LiDAR Point Clouds

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    Our research presents a complete R&D cycle—from the urban terrain generation and feature extraction by raw LiDAR data processing, through visualizing a huge number of urban features, and till applied thematic use cases based on these features extracted and modeled. Firstly, the paper focuses on the original contribution to algorithmic solutions concerning the fully automated extraction of building models with the urban terrain generation. Topography modeling and extraction of buildings, as two key constituents of the robust algorithmic pipeline, have been examined. The architectural scheme of the multifunctional software family—EOS LIDAR Tool (ELiT) has been presented with characteristics of its key functionalities and examples of a user interface. Both desktop, and web server software, as well as a cloud-based application, ELiT Geoportal (EGP), as an entity for online geospatial services, have been elaborated on the base of the approach presented. Further emphasis on the web-visualization with Cesium 3D Tiles has demonstrated the original algorithm for efficient feature visualizing though the EGP locations. Summarizing presentation of two thematic use-cases has finalized this research, demonstrating those applied tasks, which can be efficiently resolved with the workflow presented. A necessity of a conclusive workflow elaboration for use cases, which would be based on the actual semantics, has been emphasized

    Методичні підходи до оцінки якості пробіотиків і принципи їх раціонального використання в клінічній практиці

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    Recently probiotics have been started to be commonly used as a subsidiary therapy during many illnesses, such as intestinal and urogenital infections, diseases of the gastrointestinal and respiratory tract, also joints and connective tissue lesions, some cancers, allergies, dermatological and dental diseases. However, there are still no summary guidelines for selection and estimation of probiotic strains for different clinical cases. Thus, we have made a general conclusion of estimation of probiotics` quality and development of rational principles of probiotic therapy usage in clinical practice during the treatment of patients with the most common diseases and for their prevention. There are described key principles of implementation of step-by-step estimation of probiotic culture quality in foodstuff according to regulations of World Health Organization, European Union, Ukraine and other countries. The requirements are presented for the evaluation of safety of probiotic cultures, which include testing of their in vitro and in vivo activity in different experimental models, as well as a study of their therapeutic efficacy in clinical practice in the treatment of patients and in long periods after probiotic therapy. Also there are some evidences of possible side effects, risks or low efficiency that depends on individual characteristics of the gut microbiota quantitative and qualitative composition of each patient and stage, heaviness of clinical course of each specific disease. That`s why it is very important to take all circumstances of patients` status into account and collect all previous stored knowledge of probiotics` usageВ последнее время пробиотики стали широко использовать в качестве вспомогательной терапии при многих заболеваниях, таких как кишечные и урогенитальные инфекции, заболевания желудочно-кишечного тракта и дыхательных путей, а также поражения суставов и соединительной ткани, некоторые виды рака, аллергии, дерматологические и стоматологические заболевания. Тем не менее, до сих пор нет сводных рекомендаций по отбору и оценке эффективности пробиотических штаммов для различных клинических случаев. Поэтому в данной работе нами была собрана и проанализирована информация о методах оценки качества пробиотиков и разработке рациональных принципов применения пробиотиков в клинической практике при лечении пациентов с наиболее распространенными заболеваниями и их профилактике. Описаны основные принципы внедрения пошаговой оценки качества пробиотической культуры в пищевых продуктах в соответствии с нормативными актами Всемирной организации здравоохранения, Европейского Союза, Украины и других стран. Представлены требования для оценки безопасности пробиотических культур, которые включают тестирование их активности in vitro и in vivo на различных экспериментальных моделях, а также изучение их терапевтической эффективности в клинической практике при лечении пациентов и в течение длительного периода после пробиотической терапии. Также в статье представлены данные относительно возможных побочных эффектов, рисков или низкой эффективности применения пробиотиков, которые зависят от индивидуальных характеристик каждого пациента, количественного и качественного состава кишечной микробиоты, стадии и тяжести клинического течения каждого конкретного заболевания. Исходя из этого, очень важно учитывать все особенности организма пациентов и собирать все ранее накопленные знания об использовании пробиотиковОстаннім часом пробіотики стали широко використовувати в якості допоміжної терапії при багатьох захворюваннях, таких як кишкові і урогенітальні інфекції, захворювання шлунково-кишкового тракту і дихальних шляхів, а також ураження суглобів і сполучної тканини, деякі види раку, алергії, дерматологічні та стоматологічні захворювання. Тим не менш, до цих пір немає зведених рекомендацій з відбору та оцінки ефективності пробіотичних штамів для різних клінічних випадків. Тому в даній роботі нами була зібрана і проаналізована інформація про методи оцінки якості пробіотиків і розробку раціональних принципів застосування пробіотиків в клінічній практиці при лікуванні пацієнтів з найбільш поширеними захворюваннями і їх профілактиці. Описано основні принципи впровадження покрокової оцінки якості пробіотичної культури в харчових продуктах відповідно до нормативних актів Всесвітньої організації охорони здоров'я, Європейського Союзу, України та інших країн. Представлені вимоги для оцінки безпеки пробіотичних культур, які включають тестування їх активності in vitro та in vivo на різних експериментальних моделях, а також вивчення їх терапевтичної ефективності в клінічній практиці при лікуванні пацієнтів і протягом тривалого періоду після пробіотичної терапії. Також в статті наведені дані щодо можливих побічних ефектів, ризиків або низької ефективності застосування пробіотиків, які залежать від індивідуальних характеристик кожного пацієнта, кількісного і якісного складу кишкової мікробіоти, стадії і тяжкості клінічного перебігу кожного конкретного захворювання. Виходячи з цього, дуже важливо враховувати всі особливості організму пацієнтів і збирати всі раніше накопичені знання про використання пробіотикі

    The Impact of Blood Morphological Parameters on Treatment Outcomes in Tennis Elbow Patients Receiving Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy: A Prospective Study.

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    Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy holds substantial promise for the treatment of tennis elbow, a complex and challenging musculoskeletal condition. The aim of the study was to assess whether there are correlations between the levels of individual morphotic elements determined in whole blood and the outcomes of tennis elbow treatment with PRP injection, as measured using patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) such as the Visual Analog Scale (VAS), Quick Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder, and Hand (QDASH), and Patient-Rated Tennis Elbow Evaluation (PRTEE). A prospective analysis was conducted on 107 patients (132 elbows) undergoing lateral epicondylitis treatment with (PRP) injections. Patients completed VAS, PRTEE, and QDASH questionnaires on the day of PRP administration and at established checkpoints (2, 4, 8, 12, 24, 52, and 104 weeks). Minimal clinically important difference (MCID) was employed to assess the treatment effects. Then, correlations were measured within each PROM, and the impact of the concentration of individual blood parameters on the MCID outcomes was assessed. Analyzing the relationships between the MCID+ and MCID- groups, significant correlations for the VAS and QDASH scales were observed. The level of individual morphotic elements in the blood may have influenced the treatment outcome, as measured using specific patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs). Regarding the VAS scale, factors favoring a positive treatment outcome included higher values of eosinophils (EOS) and basophils (BASO). For the QDASH scale, these factors were a lower value of mean corpuscular volume (MCV) and a higher mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH). The levels of certain blood parameters, such as EOS and BASO, in the current study influenced the classification of patients into MCID+ or MCID- groups, based on the VAS and QDASH scales

    Methodical Approaches of Estimation of Probiotics` Quality and Rational Principles of Their Usage in Clinical Practice

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    Recently probiotics have been started to be commonly used as a subsidiary therapy during many illnesses, such as intestinal and urogenital infections, diseases of the gastrointestinal and respiratory tract, also joints and connective tissue lesions, some cancers, allergies, dermatological and dental diseases. However, there are still no summary guidelines for selection and estimation of probiotic strains for different clinical cases. Thus, we have made a general conclusion of estimation of probiotics` quality and development of rational principles of probiotic therapy usage in clinical practice during the treatment of patients with the most common diseases and for their prevention. There are described key principles of implementation of step-by-step estimation of probiotic culture quality in foodstuff according to regulations of World Health Organization, European Union, Ukraine and other countries. The requirements are presented for the evaluation of safety of probiotic cultures, which include testing of their in vitro and in vivo activity in different experimental models, as well as a study of their therapeutic efficacy in clinical practice in the treatment of patients and in long periods after probiotic therapy. Also there are some evidences of possible side effects, risks or low efficiency that depends on individual characteristics of the gut microbiota quantitative and qualitative composition of each patient and stage, heaviness of clinical course of each specific disease. That`s why it is very important to take all circumstances of patients` status into account and collect all previous stored knowledge of probiotics` usag