13 research outputs found

    The constitutional principle of proportionality in foreign and Russian law: a theoretical and practical analysis

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    O artigo é dedicado a um estudo jurídico comparativo do princípio europeu da proporcionalidade e do método americano de ponderar interesses, suas origens, características comuns e distintivas, fundamentos socioculturais e históricos, a aplicação do princípio da proporcionalidade na ordem jurídica russa. Historicamente, as origens (raízes) do princípio europeu da proporcionalidade remontam à doutrina administrativa-jurídica alemã, e o método americano de ponderação como princípio inicial está associado ao direito privado e só mais tarde foi estendido à esfera do direito público. O artigo avalia o impacto desses princípios na doutrina russa e na prática de aplicação da lei.Objetivo: O objetivo principal do artigo é identificar as características gerais e distintivas do princípio europeu de proporcionalidade e o método americano de equilibrar interesses, a fim de compreender, com base nisso, o modelo jurídico russo para garantir o equilíbrio de interesses públicos e privados.Tarefas: explorar os fundamentos históricos, socioculturais e doutrinários da gênese do princípio europeu da proporcionalidade e do método americano de ponderar interesses; identificar características comuns e especiais características desses métodos; mostrar a influência desses métodos na doutrina russa e na prática da aplicação da lei; comparar o princípio russo de equilíbrio entre interesses públicos e privados com o princípio europeu de proporcionalidade; formular recomendações e sugestões para melhorar as práticas de aplicação da lei na Rússia.Métodos: histórico e jurídico, lógico, formal e jurídico, sistêmico e estrutural, método de pesquisa jurídica intersetorial, método de análise de sistemas.Discussão: o princípio europeu da proporcionalidade e o método americano de ponderar interesses, embora não pertençam a novos fenômenos do pensamento jurídico, no entanto, devido à sua importância fundamental, tanto nos níveis constitucionais quanto em outros setores do desenvolvimento do direito, estão constantemente no centro do campo de visão do pensamento jurídico. no exterior, bem como na Rússia. O surgimento de várias abordagens para entender a provisão legal da balança de interesses privados e públicos está causando discussões animadas, às vezes bastante acentuadas, no campo científico. O artigo enfoca as características históricas, socioculturais, políticas e legais do desenvolvimento do princípio europeu da proporcionalidade e o método americano de equilibrar interesses, o que leva a uma interação e convergência próximas, bem como a necessidade de sua pesquisa científica conjunta, o que pode dar um efeito teórico e prático significativo.Conclusão: o artigo afirma que as características distintivas do princípio europeu da proporcionalidade e do método americano de ponderação de interesses não são de natureza paradigmática essencial, o que nos permite concluir que, neste caso, não há fundamento para uma oposição fundamental entre si dos modelos construtivos acima mencionados como métodos de compreensão jurídica. realidade, bem como meios legais para garantir um equilíbrio de interesses públicos e privados. O desenvolvimento do princípio europeu da proporcionalidade tem um impacto significativo na formação do pensamento e das práticas políticas e jurídicas russas no campo da interação entre direito privado e público, garantindo uma combinação orgânica de interesses privados e públicos, o que se reflete na posição jurídica formulada pelo Tribunal Constitucional da Federação da Rússia sobre o princípio de garantir proporcionalidade. observância, equilíbrio de interesses privados e públicos na implementação da regulamentação legal das relações públicas.The article is devoted to a comparative legal study of the European principle of proportionality and the American method of weighing interests, their origins, common and distinctive features, socio-cultural and historical foundations, the application of the principle of proportionality in the Russian legal order. Historically, the origins (roots) of the European principle of proportionality go back to the German administrative-legal doctrine, and the American method of weighing as an initial principle is associated with private law and only later was extended to the public law sphere. The article assesses the impact of these principles on the Russian legal doctrine and law enforcement practice.Purpose: The main purpose of the article is to identify the general and distinctive features of the European principle of proportionality and the American method of balancing interests in order to comprehend on this basis the Russian legal model for ensuring the balance of private and public interests. Tasks: to explore the historical, socio-cultural, doctrinal foundations of the genesis of the European principle of proportionality and the American method of weighing interests; to identify the common and special features characteristic of these methods; to show the influence of these methods on Russian doctrine and law enforcement practice; compare the Russian principle of balance between private and public interests with the European principle of proportionality; formulate recommendations and suggestions for improving Russian law enforcement practice.Methods: historical and legal, logical, formal and legal, systemic and structural, method of interdisciplinary legal research, method of system analysis.Discussion: the European principle of proportionality and the American method of weighing interests, although they do not belong to new phenomena of legal thought, nevertheless, due to their fundamental importance both at the constitutional and other sectoral levels of development of law, are constantly in the center of the field of vision of legal thought abroad, as well as in Russia. The emergence of various approaches to understanding the legal provision of the balance of private and public interests is causing lively, sometimes quite sharp, discussions in the scientific field. The article focuses on the historical, socio-cultural, political and legal features of the development of the European principle of proportionality and the American method of balancing interests, which leads to both close interaction and convergence, as well as the need for their joint scientific research, which can give a significant theoretical and practical effect.Conclusion: the article states that the distinctive features of the European principle of proportionality and the American method of weighing interests are not of an essential, paradigmatic nature, which allows us to conclude that in this case there are no grounds for a fundamental opposition to each other of the above-named constructive models as methods of understanding legal reality, as well as legal means of ensuring a balance of private and public interests. The development of the European principle of proportionality has a significant impact and impact on the formation of Russian political and legal thought and practice in the field of interaction between private and public law, ensuring an organic combination of private and public interests, which is reflected in the legal position formulated by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation concerning the principle of ensuring proportional observance, balance of private and public interests in the implementation of legal regulation of public relations

    Distribution of energy between the milkformation and deposit in the cow body with the different level of milk productivity and under influence of exogenous hormone of growth

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    Purpose of the work: experimental and theoretical study of factors limiting the durability of moulds, development and introduction of new design moulds possessing higher durability and requiring lesser material and labour consumption. The work develops a mathematical model of the thermal operation of the mould, estimates the cyclic durability of the sleeve and substatiates the hypothesis on thermal fatigue nature of its deterioration. New experimental data are obtained. The results of the investigation include the development of new designs of the moulds with thin-walled sleeves for horizontal-type steel continuous casting machines and production recommendations on steel casting on a single-sided machine. Square thin-walled sleeves with cylindrical locating holes for the metal feeder are designed. The moulds are put into operation at a metallurgical plant. Field of application: designing of new steel and alloy billet continuous casting machinesAvailable from VNTIC / VNTIC - Scientific & Technical Information Centre of RussiaSIGLERURussian Federatio

    Capabilities of X-ray diffuse scattering method for study of microdefects in semiconductor crystals

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    The capabilities of X-ray diffuse scattering (XRDS) method for the study of microdefects in semiconductor crystals have been overviewed. Analysis of the results has shown that the XRDS method is a highly sensitive and information valuable tool for studying early stages of solid solution decomposition in semiconductors. A review of the results relating to the methodological aspect has shown that the most consistent approach is a combination of XRDS with precision lattice parameter measurements. It allows one to detect decomposition stages that cannot be visualized using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and moreover to draw conclusions as to microdefect formation mechanisms. TEM-invisible defects that are coherent with the matrix and have smeared boundaries with low displacement field gradients may form due to transmutation doping as a result of neutron irradiation and relaxation of disordered regions accompanied by redistribution of point defects and annihilation of interstitial defects and vacancies. For GaP and InP examples, a structural microdefect formation mechanism has been revealed associated with the interaction of defects forming during the decomposition and residual intrinsic defects. Analysis of XRDS intensity distribution around the reciprocal lattice site and the related evolution of lattice constant allows detecting different decomposition stages: first, the formation of a solution of Frenkel pairs in which concentration fluctuations develop, then the formation of matrix-coherent microdefects and finally coherency violation and the formation of defects with sharp boundaries. Fundamentally, the latter defects can be precipitating particles. Study of the evolution of diffuse scattering iso-intensity curves in GaP, GaAs(Si) and Si(O) has allowed tracing the evolution of microdefects from matrix-coherent ones to microdefects with smeared coherency resulting from microdefect growth during the decomposition of non-stoichiometric solid solutions heavily supersaturated with intrinsic (or impurity) components

    Structure formation by hot extrusion of thermoelectric bismuth chalcogenide solid solution rods

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    Major advantage of extruded Bi2Te3 based thermoelectric materials is high mechanical strength compared with that of melt-crystallized materials. Mechanical properties are of special importance for thermogenerator module applications where thermogenerator branches may undergo elevated thermal stresses due to large temperature differences at the modules. Since extrusion is typically a high-temperature process the structure of extruded materials is controlled by the plastic deformation in multiple slip systems resulting in the formation of a final deformed structure. The grain orientations are predominantly such that the most probable cleavage plane orientation is parallel to the extrusion axis. Recovery processes occur simultaneously and different recrystallization stages may take place. In the latter case the deformed texture may be destroyed. Structure evolution along the extruded rod of Bi2Se0.3Te2.7 ternary solid solution was studied with metallography and X-ray diffraction. Extrusion was interrupted for the study and so the specimen was a whole rod the initial part of which was the extrusion billet and the final part was the as-extruded material. The structure of the material is formed by competitive processes of dislocation generation and annealing. The plastic deformation energy is the highest in the extruder zone of the rod. Both the hardening processes and the texture are controlled by the plastic deformation mechanism. Plastic deformation is accompanied by generation of defects that are most likely vacancy type ones

    Regularities of microdefect formation in silicon during heat treatment for internal getter synthesis

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    Gettering is defined as a process by which metal impurities in the device region are reduced by localizing them in predetermined, passive regions of the silicon wafer. Internal or intrinsic gettering is an effective way to reduce the contamination in active regions. The generation of internal getters is based on the decomposition of the supersaturated oxygen solid solution in silicon, which favours the formation of a complex defect system in silicon that consists of various precipitate/dislocation agglomerates. Regularities of microdefect formation during oxygen solid solution decomposition in silicon have been studied. We show that actual solid solution supersaturation, temperature and heat treatment duration determine the structure of the solid solution. Combining these factors, including heat treatment parameters, one can control solid solution decomposition rate and SiOx precipitate sizes and quantity. The methods of X-ray diffuse scattering and transmission electron microscopy have shown high efficiency for studying the effect of heat treatment in crystals. For annealing at 450 °C, solid solution decomposition occurs at high supersaturation degrees, and concentration inhomogeneity regions may form at an early decomposition stage over the actual annealing time (up to 40 h). With an increase in the temperature of subsequent annealing to 650 °C, local regions with above-average oxygen supersaturation degrees increase the efficiency of oxygen solid solution decomposition. Further, an increase in annealing temperature to T > 1000 °С results in a more intense generation of the largest precipitates at the expense of the smaller ones. Once the precipitate sizes become sufficiently large, the elastic stresses start to relax, leading to partial incoherence and the generation of dislocations around the particles. This type of defect structure seems to be the most efficient getter

    Structure formation by hot extrusion of thermoelectric bismuth chalcogenide solid solution rods

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    Major advantage of extruded Bi2Te3 based thermoelectric materials is high mechanical strength compared with that of melt-crystallized materials. Mechanical properties are of special importance for thermogenerator module applications where thermogenerator branches may undergo elevated thermal stresses due to large temperature differences at the modules. Since extrusion is typically a high-temperature process the structure of extruded materials is controlled by the plastic deformation in multiple slip systems resulting in the formation of a final deformed structure. The grain orientations are predominantly such that the most probable cleavage plane orientation is parallel to the extrusion axis. Recovery processes occur simultaneously and different recrystallization stages may take place. In the latter case the deformed texture may be destroyed. Structure evolution along the extruded rod of Bi2Se0.3Te2.7 ternary solid solution was studied with metallography and X-ray diffraction. Extrusion was interrupted for the study and so the specimen was a whole rod the initial part of which was the extrusion billet and the final part was the as-extruded material. The structure of the material is formed by competitive processes of dislocation generation and annealing. The plastic deformation energy is the highest in the extruder zone of the rod. Both the hardening processes and the texture are controlled by the plastic deformation mechanism. Plastic deformation is accompanied by generation of defects that are most likely vacancy type ones

    The constitutional principle of proportionality in foreign and Russian law: a theoretical and practical analysis

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    The article is devoted to a comparative legal study of the European principle of proportionality and the American method of weighing interests, their origins, common and distinctive features, socio-cultural and historical foundations, the application of the principle of proportionality in the Russian legal order. Historically, the origins (roots) of the European principle of proportionality go back to the German administrative-legal doctrine, and the American method of weighing as an initial principle is associated with private law and only later was extended to the public law sphere. The article assesses the impact of these principles on the Russian legal doctrine and law enforcement practice.Purpose: The main purpose of the article is to identify the general and distinctive features of the European principle of proportionality and the American method of balancing interests in order to comprehend on this basis the Russian legal model for ensuring the balance of private and public interests. Tasks: to explore the historical, socio-cultural, doctrinal foundations of the genesis of the European principle of proportionality and the American method of weighing interests; to identify the common and special features characteristic of these methods; to show the influence of these methods on Russian doctrine and law enforcement practice; compare the Russian principle of balance between private and public interests with the European principle of proportionality; formulate recommendations and suggestions for improving Russian law enforcement practice.Methods: historical and legal, logical, formal and legal, systemic and structural, method of interdisciplinary legal research, method of system analysis.Discussion: the European principle of proportionality and the American method of weighing interests, although they do not belong to new phenomena of legal thought, nevertheless, due to their fundamental importance both at the constitutional and other sectoral levels of development of law, are constantly in the center of the field of vision of legal thought abroad, as well as in Russia. The emergence of various approaches to understanding the legal provision of the balance of private and public interests is causing lively, sometimes quite sharp, discussions in the scientific field. The article focuses on the historical, socio-cultural, political and legal features of the development of the European principle of proportionality and the American method of balancing interests, which leads to both close interaction and convergence, as well as the need for their joint scientific research, which can give a significant theoretical and practical effect.Conclusion: the article states that the distinctive features of the European principle of proportionality and the American method of weighing interests are not of an essential, paradigmatic nature, which allows us to conclude that in this case there are no grounds for a fundamental opposition to each other of the above-named constructive models as methods of understanding legal reality, as well as legal means of ensuring a balance of private and public interests. The development of the European principle of proportionality has a significant impact and impact on the formation of Russian political and legal thought and practice in the field of interaction between private and public law, ensuring an organic combination of private and public interests, which is reflected in the legal position formulated by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation concerning the principle of ensuring proportional observance, balance of private and public interests in the implementation of legal regulation of public relations.O artigo é dedicado a um estudo jurídico comparativo do princípio europeu da proporcionalidade e do método americano de ponderar interesses, suas origens, características comuns e distintivas, fundamentos socioculturais e históricos, a aplicação do princípio da proporcionalidade na ordem jurídica russa. Historicamente, as origens (raízes) do princípio europeu da proporcionalidade remontam à doutrina administrativa-jurídica alemã, e o método americano de ponderação como princípio inicial está associado ao direito privado e só mais tarde foi estendido à esfera do direito público. O artigo avalia o impacto desses princípios na doutrina russa e na prática de aplicação da lei.Objetivo: O objetivo principal do artigo é identificar as características gerais e distintivas do princípio europeu de proporcionalidade e o método americano de equilibrar interesses, a fim de compreender, com base nisso, o modelo jurídico russo para garantir o equilíbrio de interesses públicos e privados.Tarefas: explorar os fundamentos históricos, socioculturais e doutrinários da gênese do princípio europeu da proporcionalidade e do método americano de ponderar interesses; identificar características comuns e especiais características desses métodos; mostrar a influência desses métodos na doutrina russa e na prática da aplicação da lei; comparar o princípio russo de equilíbrio entre interesses públicos e privados com o princípio europeu de proporcionalidade; formular recomendações e sugestões para melhorar as práticas de aplicação da lei na Rússia.Métodos: histórico e jurídico, lógico, formal e jurídico, sistêmico e estrutural, método de pesquisa jurídica intersetorial, método de análise de sistemas.Discussão: o princípio europeu da proporcionalidade e o método americano de ponderar interesses, embora não pertençam a novos fenômenos do pensamento jurídico, no entanto, devido à sua importância fundamental, tanto nos níveis constitucionais quanto em outros setores do desenvolvimento do direito, estão constantemente no centro do campo de visão do pensamento jurídico. no exterior, bem como na Rússia. O surgimento de várias abordagens para entender a provisão legal da balança de interesses privados e públicos está causando discussões animadas, às vezes bastante acentuadas, no campo científico. O artigo enfoca as características históricas, socioculturais, políticas e legais do desenvolvimento do princípio europeu da proporcionalidade e o método americano de equilibrar interesses, o que leva a uma interação e convergência próximas, bem como a necessidade de sua pesquisa científica conjunta, o que pode dar um efeito teórico e prático significativo.Conclusão: o artigo afirma que as características distintivas do princípio europeu da proporcionalidade e do método americano de ponderação de interesses não são de natureza paradigmática essencial, o que nos permite concluir que, neste caso, não há fundamento para uma oposição fundamental entre si dos modelos construtivos acima mencionados como métodos de compreensão jurídica. realidade, bem como meios legais para garantir um equilíbrio de interesses públicos e privados. O desenvolvimento do princípio europeu da proporcionalidade tem um impacto significativo na formação do pensamento e das práticas políticas e jurídicas russas no campo da interação entre direito privado e público, garantindo uma combinação orgânica de interesses privados e públicos, o que se reflete na posição jurídica formulada pelo Tribunal Constitucional da Federação da Rússia sobre o princípio de garantir proporcionalidade. observância, equilíbrio de interesses privados e públicos na implementação da regulamentação legal das relações públicas

    Effect of proton doping and heat treatment on the structure of single crystal silicon

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    The quality and structural perfection of single crystal silicon have been studied using double-crystal X-ray diffraction after hydrogen ion implantation and thermal annealing used in a number of semiconductor technologies. The fundamental difference of this approach is the possibility to rapidly obtain reliable experimental results which were confirmed using X-ray topography. Data have been presented for the condition of the damaged layer in n-type silicon single crystals (r = 100 W × cm) having the (111) orientation and a thickness of 2 mm after proton implantation at energies E = 200, 300 and 100 + 200 + 300 keV and dose D = 2 × 1016 cm-2 and subsequent heat treatment in the T = 100–900 °C range. Using the method of integral characteristics we have revealed a nonmonotonic dependence of the integral characteristics of the damaged layer, i.e., the mean effective thickness Leff and the mean relative deformation Da/a, on the annealing temperature, the maximum deformation being observed for ~300 °C. The results have allowed us to make a general assessment of the damaged layer condition after heat treatment

    Importin 7 and Exportin 1 Link c-Myc and p53 to Regulation of Ribosomal Biogenesis

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    Members of the β-karyopherin family mediate nuclear import of ribosomal proteins and export of ribosomal subunits, required for ribosome biogenesis. We report that transcription of the β-karyopherin genes importin 7 (IPO7) and exportin 1 (XPO1), and several additional nuclear import receptors, is regulated positively by c-Myc and negatively by p53. Partial IPO7 depletion triggers p53 activation and p53-dependent growth arrest. Activation of p53 by IPO7 knockdown has distinct features of ribosomal biogenesis stress, with increased binding of Mdm2 to ribosomal proteins L5 and L11 (RPL5 and RPL11). Furthermore, p53 activation is dependent on RPL5 and RPL11. Of note, IPO7 and XPO1 are frequently overexpressed in cancer. Altogether, we propose that c-Myc and p53 counter each other in the regulation of elements within the nuclear transport machinery, thereby exerting opposing effects on the rate of ribosome biogenesis. Perturbation of this balance may play a significant role in promoting cancer

    Effect of proton doping and heat treatment on the structure of single crystal silicon

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    The quality and structural perfection of single crystal silicon have been studied using double-crystal X-ray diffraction after hydrogen ion implantation and thermal annealing used in a number of semiconductor technologies. The fundamental difference of this approach is the possibility to rapidly obtain reliable experimental results which were confirmed using X-ray topography. Data have been presented for the condition of the damaged layer in n-type silicon single crystals (r = 100 W × cm) having the (111) orientation and a thickness of 2 mm after proton implantation at energies E = 200, 300 and 100 + 200 + 300 keV and dose D = 2 × 1016 cm-2 and subsequent heat treatment in the T = 100–900 °C range. Using the method of integral characteristics we have revealed a nonmonotonic dependence of the integral characteristics of the damaged layer, i.e., the mean effective thickness Leff and the mean relative deformation Da/a, on the annealing temperature, the maximum deformation being observed for ~300 °C. The results have allowed us to make a general assessment of the damaged layer condition after heat treatment