8 research outputs found

    Eleocharis carniolica W. D. J. Koch, new species in flora of Montenegro

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    During floristic research of acidic bogs, calcareous fens and seasonally flooded (periodically inundated) grassy places in beech forests in Semolj region, Eleocharis carniolica W. D. J. Koch was found, which was the first record of that species in vascular plant flora of Montenegro. In surrounding countries, this species was recorded in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia and Albania. This paper provides description of sites, habitat and ecology of Eleocharis carniolica W. D. J. Koch in Montenegro

    Geobotanical characterization of vascular flora of Long Ulcinj beach and its hinterland in Montenegro.

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    U radu je predstavljena taksonomska, ekološka i fitogeografska analiza vaskularne flore Velike plaže u Ulcinju i njenog zaleđa, a razlog zbog kog smo se opredjelili za ovo istraživanje je prilično oskudna istraženost ovog lokaliteta do sada u Crnoj Gori. Osim ovih takođe su urađene i analize za mart i avgust fizičko – hemijskih parametara u stalnim i povremenim vodenim basenima u zaleđu plaže kao i multivarijantne statističke analize - kanonijsko korespodentna analiza (CCA) i analiza glavnih komponenti (PCA) koje objašnjavaju djelovanje ovih faktora na distribuciju i diverzitet vodenih biljaka u basenima. Razlog za ovo istraživanje je bio taj što vodene biljke do sada na prostoru Crne Gore nikad nijesu bile istraživane na ovaj način. Istraživani teren zauzima površinu oko 1500 ha i obuhvata Veliku plažu dužine 13 km i ostrvo Ada Bojanu dužine 3,7 km. Sopstvenim terenskim istraživanjima kao i pregledom literature na prostoru Velike plaže i ostrva Ada Bojana registrovano je 962 taksona (vrste i podvrste). Tri taksona se po prvi put navode za teritoriju Crne Gore i sva tri su predstavnici adventivne flore Elodea canadensis Michx., Physalis angulata L., Coreopsis tinctoria Nutt. Taksonomskom analizom flore Velike plaže i ostrva Ada Bojana konstatovano je 125 familija i 516 rodova. Rodovski koeficijent iznosi 53,6 %. Familija sa najvećim brojem taksona je Poaceae a za njom po brojnosti vrsta su familije Asteraceae, Fabaceae, Brassicaceae i dr. Rodovi sa najvećim brojem taksona su Euphorbia, Trifolium, Carex, Veronica, Medicago, Juncus, Bromus i dr. U biološkom spektru flore Velike plaže i ostrva Ada Bojana dominiraju terofite sa 35,6 % i hemikriptofite sa 25,0 %. što se objašnjava geografskim položajem istraživanog terena tj. intezivnim uticajem mediteranske klime...This thesis presents a taxonomic, ecological and phytogeographic analysis of vascular flora of Long Beach in Ulcinj and its hinterland, and the motive for this research is poor exploration of this region to date. Aside from the aforementioned, analyses of physicochemical parameters in permanent and temporary ponds in the beach hinterland, during March and August, were carried out, as well as multivariable statistical analyses, a Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA), and a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) were performed to show the influence of physicochemical parameters on distribution and diversity of aquatic plants in ponds. Aquatic plants in Montenegro have never been studied in this manner, which was the reason for this research. The studied area is approximately 1500 ha and includes Long Beach ranging 13 km, and Ada Bojana island with the length of 3.7 km. During field research and literature review for the areas of Long Beach and Ada Bojana 962 taxa (species and subspecies) were registered. Three taxa are registered for the first time in Montenegro and all of them are representative of adventive flora Elodea canadensis Michx., Physalis angulata L., Coreopsis tinctoria Nutt. The taxonomical analysis of Long Beach and Ada Bojana flora gives 125 families and 516 genera. The genera coefficient is 53.6%. The family with the largest number of taxa is Poaceae, followed by Euphorbia, Trifolium, Carex, Veronica, Medicago, Juncus, Bromus etc. In the biological spectrum of the flora of Long Beach and Ada Bojana therophytes with 35.6 % and hemicryptophytes with 25.0 % are dominant, which is explained by geology of the reached area, e.g. extensive influence of Mediterranean climate..

    Synecology of Cutandia maritma (L.) Barbey, a rare psammophytc species along the Montenegrin Coast (East Adriatc Coast)

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    Cutandia maritima is a circum-Mediterranean species that inhabits sandy dunesalong the coast line. It is fairly frequent on the western Adriatic coast but fairlyrare and possibly even non-native in the east. In Croatia, it was discovered in1990 in Crnika Bay on the island of Rab, which was considered until 2005 to bethe only site on the eastern Adriatic coast from the Gulf of Trieste in the northto Corfu in the south. In 2009, the species was briefly reported for Velika plaža(Long Beach) in Ulcinj (Montenegro) but without details about the habitattype and synecology. Te aim of this paper is thus to provide a deeper insightinto the ecology and synecology of C. maritima in the eastern Adriatic part ofthe distribution area. On Velika plaža in Ulcinj, the species was found along thewhole sea-inland gradient of sand dunes, in various types of vegetation: [1210]– annual vegetation of drift lines, [2110] – embryonic shifting dunes, [2120]– shifting dunes with Ammophila arenaria (white dunes), [2220] – dunes withEuphorbia terracina, [2130*] – fxed coastal dunes with herbaceous vegetation(grey dunes), and also [2190] – humid dune slacks

    Distribution of alien species along sand dune plant communities zonation

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    Background and purpose: For a fairly long period, Velika plaža in Ulcinj, Montenegro has been considered to be one of the best-preserved sites with psammophilous vegetation along the Adriatic coast. In recent years, however, this area has been significantly transformed as a result of various human disturbances (e.g., a non-sustainable approach to touristic development, illegal dumping, sand exploitation etc.), and has become prone to alien plant invasions. We made a transect survey to assess the presence of alien species in the psammophilous communities.Materials and methods: In order to make a survey of the present state of plant life on Velika plaža, its floristic composition and zonation of plant communities, 20 transects were set perpendicular to the coast, regularly every 500 m. Quadrats (2 x 2 m) were laid contiguously in the form of a belt transect starting from the area with the first colonizing plants towards the end of the sand dune system with forest vegetation. This resulted in a matrix of 1124 plots and 196 species (15 alien and 181 native), on which multivariate analysis was performed.Results: Nine plant communities were detected, arranged in zonation from sea to inland. All of them were characterised by the presence of alien species. The least affected was the plant community dominated by Cladium mariscus, while the most affected ones were dominated by Scirpoides holoschoenus and Tripidium ravennae. Psammophilous vegetation is less affected by alien species than wetland communities. Foredunes are dominated by Xanthium orientale ssp. italicum, while Oenothera species are predominant on stable dunes.Conclusions: Sand dunes are a highly invaded ecosystem, with changed plant communities, so conservation measures should be considered.</p

    Five new alien species in the flora of Montenegro: Coreopsis tinctoria Nutt., Ipomoea indica (Burm.) Merr., Lupinus × regalis Bergmans, Physalis angulata L., and Solidago canadensis L. and new possible threats to the biodiversity

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    The alien flora of Montenegro is enlarged by 5 new species: Coreopsis tinctoria, Ipomoea indica, Lupinus × regalis, Physalis angulata, and Solidago canadensis. All species are grown as ornamentals, and thus horticulture is considered the most possible pathway for their introduction. Nevertheless, in the case of Physalis angulata, the occurrence might have originated in the remains of picnic meals. In order to define the alien status of these species, monitoring is needed, and thus we propose including the species on the National List of Indicators in environmental protection. Special attention should be paid to the species with invasive potentials: Solidago canadensis, Ipomoea indica and Physalis angulata

    Eleocharis Carniolica W. D. J. Koch, New Species in Flora of Montenegro

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    During floristic research of acidic bogs, calcareous fens and seasonally flooded (periodically inundated) grassy places in beech forests in Semolj region, Eleocharis carniolica W. D. J. Koch was found, which was the first record of that species in vascular plant flora of Montenegro. In surrounding countries, this species was recorded in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia and Albania. This paper provides description of sites, habitat and ecology of Eleocharis carniolica W. D. J. Koch in Montenegro

    Phytoremediation potential of the naturally occurring wetland species in protected Long Beach in Ulcinj, Montenegro

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    Long Beach, situated in southern Montenegro, is subject to considerable biogenic and abiogenic influences. Thus, analyzing total heavy metal content in soil and plants in this region is, while challenging, highly important in order to assess the level for determining the soil degradation level and the phytoremediation potential of naturally growing salt marsh species. This area together with a Bojana river and backshore forms a real vegetation mosaic where habitats of various types coexist. Therefore, it represents good model system. In the present study, the levels of As, Al, B, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb and Zn in coastal soils as well as in eight salt marsh plants: Bolboschoenus maritimus, Juncus acutus, Juncus anceps, Juncus articulatus, Juncus gerardii, Juncus maritimus, Scirpus holoschoenus and Schoenus nigricans, were investigated in order to identify the plant species that can be used for the remediation of polluted sites, especially those located along the coastline. The obtained results show that species J. gerardii, J. articulatus and B. maritimus can be clearly separated from J. acutus, J. anceps, J. maritimus, S. holoschoenus and Sh. nigricans based on the degree of heavy metal accumulation in various organs. Moreover, analyses revealed that the bioaccumulation factor of underground organs is significantly higher relative to that of the aboveground parts for almost all investigated metals and species. The bioaccumulation factor had the highest value in the underground organs of J. gerardii and B. maritimus, where a value of 3.37 was measured for B and 2.54 for Hg, respectively. Hence, as all investigated species are “underground accumulators” for most of the analyzed metals, they could be useful for phytostabilization and phytoremediation of B and Hg in particular. Moreover, each plant species can be used in the phytoremediation process targeting specific heavy metals

    The degree of coronary atherosclerosis as a marker of insulin resistance in non-diabetics

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    Introduction. The metabolic syndrome and its influence on coronary artery disease development and progression remains in focus of international research debates, while insulin resistance, which represents its core, is the key component of hypertension, dyslipidaemias, glucose intolerance and obesity. Objective. The aim of this study was to establish relationship between basal glucose and insulin levels, insulin sensitivity and lipid panel and the degree of coronary atherosclerosis in nondiabetic patients. Methods. The coronary angiograms were evaluated for the presence of significant stenosis, insulin sensitivity was assessed using the intravenous glucose tolerance test with a minimal model according to Bergman, while baseline glucose (G0), insulin (I0) and lipid panel measurements (TC, HDL, LDL, TG) were taken after a 12-hour fasting. Results. The protocol encompassed 40 patients (19 men and 21 women) treated at the Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases of the Clinical Centre of Serbia, Belgrade. All were non-diabetics who were divided into 3 groups based on their angios: Group A (6 patients, 15%, with no significant stenosis), Group B (18 patients, 45%, with a single-vessel disease) and Group C (16 patients, 40%, with multi-vessel disease). Presence of lower insulin sensitivity, higher I0 and TC in the group of patients with a more severe degree of coronary atherosclerosis (insulin sensitivity: F=4.279, p=0.023, A vs. C p=0.012, B vs. C p=0.038; I0: F=3.461 p=0.042, A vs. B p=0.045, A vs. C p=0.013; TC: F=2.572, p=0.09), while no significant difference was found for G0, LDL, HDL and TG. Conclusion. Baseline insulinaemia, more precisely, fasting hyperinsulinaemia could be a good predictor of significant coronary atherosclerosis in non-diabetic patients, which enables a more elegant cardiometabolic risk assessment in the setting of everyday clinical practice