63 research outputs found

    Disorders in the temporomandibular joints in pediatric patients - frequency of physiotherapy visits

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    Introduction: Temporomandibular disorders can be a challenge for both clinicians and patients. It is unclear what factors are associated with prolonged conservative care and patient dissatisfaction with treatment outcomes.Material and research method: A literature review was carried out in terms of methods of physiotherapeutic treatment following disorders of temporomandibular joints in pediatric patients. This work is for reference only. The PubMed and Google Schoolar databases were analyzed. The keywords used in the search were: "physiotherapy, temporomandibular joints and children", "manual therapy, temporomandibular joints and children". The authors focused on reports published in Polish and English from the last 10 years.Results: There is a need to combine standard therapy with physiotherapy in order to accelerate the treatment process.Conclusions: Physiotherapy is highly effective and non-invasive in the treatment of stomatognathic system disorders. A physiotherapist provides a number of therapeutic treatments that improve disorders in the temporomandibular joints

    phi YeO3-12 phage tail fiber Gp17 as a promising high specific tool for recognition of Yersinia enterocolitica pathogenic serotype O : 3

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    Yersiniosis is an infectious zoonotic disease caused by two enteropathogenic species of Gram-negative genus Yersinia: Yersinia enterocolitica and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis. Pigs and other wild and domestic animals are reservoirs for these bacteria. Infection is usually spread to humans by ingestion of contaminated food. Yersiniosis is considered a rare disease, but recent studies indicate that it is overlooked in the diagnostic process therefore the infections with this bacterium are not often identified. Reliable diagnosis of Yersiniosis by culturing is difficult due to the slow growth of the bacteria easily overgrown by other more rapidly growing microbes unless selec-tive growth media is used. Phage adhesins recognizing bacteria in a specific manner can be an excellent diagnostic tool, es-pecially in the diagnosis of pathogens difficult for culturing. In this study, it was shown that Gp17, the tail fiber protein (TFP) of phage phi YeO3-12, specifically recognizes only the pathogenic Yersinia enterocolitica serotype O:3 (YeO:3) bacteria. The ELISA test used in this work confirmed the specific interaction of this protein with YeO:3 and demonstrated a promising tool for developing the pathogen recognition method based on phage adhesins.Peer reviewe

    HLHS – wrodzona wada serca na materiale Kliniki Patologii Ciąży w latach 2001-2007

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    Abstract Background: HLHS (hypoplastic left heart syndrome) is a serious congenital heart defect. In neonates with congenital heart disease HLHS accounts for nearly 25% of neonatal deaths. The etiology of HLHS is unknown. At present we expect to have those cases diagnosed in the second trimester of pregnancy. Aim: The main aim was to find the rate and outcome of the congenital heart defect – left heart hypoplasia (HLHS). Material and methods: All cases of this heart defect found in the High Risk Pregnancy Clinic in 2001-2007 were presented. Twice the congenital malformation was diagnosed after delivery and once during pregnancy - in the second trimester. All babies were delivered between 38 and 39 weeks of pregnancy, one by the spontaneous normal delivery, one by elective caesarean section and one by emergency caesarean section because of fetal distress during the delivery. All of the newborns were transported to the Pediatric Cardio surgery Unit of M.U. and operated in first weeks after delivery. Results: In two cases the operation was complicated and children died due to the cardiac arrest. One of the babies died before surgical correction. Two of the women, whose babies died after the operation gave birth to healthy newborns with no cardiac abnormalities. Conclusion: The HLHS is the most serious heart congenital malformation diagnosed often after the delivery because of lack of sufficient diagnostic system in healthy women. The prognosis for the children is bad, but the chance of giving birth to healthy children in the future is good.Streszczenie Wstęp: HLHS (Zespół niedorozwoju lewego serca) należy do ciężkich zespołów wrodzonych wad serca. Wśród noworodków urodzonych z różnymi wadami, 25% zgonów dotyczy dzieci z ta anomalia. Etiologia zespołu HLHS jest ciągle nieznana. Obecnie spodziewamy się rozpoznania tej wady już w II trymestrze ciąży. Cel: Głównym celem pracy była ocena częstości występowania zespołu HLHS oraz dalszych losów osób z tą wadą. Materiał i metody: Wszystkie przypadki z rozpoznaniem tej anomalii w Klinice Patologii Ciąży z lat 2001-2007 zostały zaprezentowane. Dwukrotnie wada została rozpoznana podczas ciąży, a w jednym przypadku pourodzeniowo. Wszystkie noworodki były urodzone o czasie- między 38 a 39 tygodniem ciąży, jeden drogami natury a dwa drogą cięcia cesarskiego – jeden cięciem elektywnym a kolejny z powodu zagrożenia wewnątrzmacicznego podczas porodu. Wszystkie noworodki po porodzie przenoszone były do Kliniki Kardiochirurgii Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Łodzi, a następnie – przygotowywane do operacji w pierwszym tygodniu życia. Wyniki: W dwóch przypadkach wystąpiły komplikacje pooperacyjne na kolejnych etapach złożonych operacji i dzieci zmarły na skutek nagiego zatrzymania krążenia. Jeden noworodek zmarł przed wykonaniem korekty operacyjnej. Dwie kobiety, których dzieci zmarły w trakcie kolejnych etapów korekcji chirurgicznej w 2007 roku urodziły zdrowe donoszone noworodki. Wnioski: HLHS jest poważna anomalią budowy serca, która często rozpoznawana jest dopiero po urodzeniu ze względu na niedostatecznie skuteczną diagnostykę ultrasonograficzną w grupie zdrowych ciężarnych. Rokowanie dla dzieci jest poważne, chociaż szansa na urodzenie zdrowego dziecka w kolejnej ciąży jest duża

    Analysis of the indications for the caesarean section deliver for very low birthweight neonates (

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    Abstract Despite better care pregnant women receive nowadays, preterm birth and prematurity remain to be the reason of many complications and high mortality of neonates. Objective: The goal was to analyze the indications for cesarean sections delivery for very low birthweight

    Gender does not influence event-free survival in patients with ischaemic heart disease undergoing non-emergency coronary angiography : a single centre analysis

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    Background: Although gender-related differences in cardiovascular risk in patients with acute coronary syndromes have been investigated several times in Poland, there are few data on the effects of gender on management of patients with stable ischaemic heart disease (IHD). In addition, available data on the prognosis in this condition in men and women are also scarce. Aim: To assess gender-related differences in treatment and event-free survival in patients with IHD undergoing non-emergency coronary angiography. Methods: 960 consecutive patients with IHD undergoing coronary angiography were included. Study end points were ascertained over 4.5-year follow-up in 925 patients, of whom 187 were women and 738 were men. The primary end-point consisted of cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction, stroke, cardiac arrest, PCI, CABG or heart transplantation. Results: Female gender was independently related to higher prescription rate of beta-blockers [odds ratio 1.89 (95% CI 1.08-3.29)], ACE inhibitors [1.47 (1.01-2.16)] and calcium antagonists [1.65 (1.08-2.53)] at the time of coronary angiography. On the other hand, female gender was not independently related to the probability of PCI [1.01 (0.69-1.49)] or CABG [0.91 (0.57-1.48)]. We did not find any gender-related difference in the risk of the primary end point [hazard ratio 0.94 (95% CI 0.67-1.34)] or the three predefined secondary end points. Conclusions: Female gender was independently related to a higher prescription rate of beta-blockers, ACE inhibitors and calcium antagonists. No gender-related revascularisation was found in respect of myocardial revascularisation. Gender was not an independent factor affecting event-free survival in patients with IHD undergoing non-emergency coronary angiographyWstęp: Wyniki badań oceniających wpływ płci na rokowanie u pacjentów z ostrymi zespołami wieńcowymi są sprzeczne. Natomiast wyniki badań oceniających wpływ płci na rokowanie u pacjentów ze stabilną chorobą niedokrwienną serca (IHD) są nieliczne i również rozbieżne. W Polsce nie analizowano dotąd wpływu płci na rokowanie w tej grupie chorych. Także wyniki badań dotyczących relacji między płcią a częstością stosowania leków kardiologicznych oraz częstością rewaskularyzacji mięśnia sercowego nie są zgodne. Cel: Ocena wpływu płci na częstość stosowania leków kardiologicznych, częstość wykonywania zabiegów angioplastyki wieńcowej (PCI) oraz operacji pomostowania aortalno-wieńcowego (CABG), a także rokowanie u osób z IHD poddawanych koronarografii w trybie planowym. Metodyka:Do badania zakwalifikowano 960 kolejnych pacjentów z IHD poddawanych koronarografii. Chorobę niedokrwienną serca zdefiniowano jako co najmniej jedno zwężenie >50% w tętnicy wieńcowej lub zawał mięśnia sercowego lub rewaskularyzację w wywiadzie. Występowanie powikłań sercowo-naczyniowych oceniono u 925 osób (738 mężczyzn oraz 187 kobiet). Pierwszorzędowy punkt końcowy zdefiniowano jako zgon z przyczyn sercowo-naczyniowych, zawał serca, udar mózgu, zatrzymanie krążenia, PCI, CABG lub transplantację serca. Wyniki: Kobiety były starsze od mężczyzn (60,6±9,2 lat vs 57,5±10,0 lat,

    Concentration of selected biochemical parameters in blood of pregnant women infected by HPV 16 and 18

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    Summary Asymptomatic HPV infection in pregnant women may be connected with changes of pro-inflammatory cytokines and proteolytic enzymes which may condition the persistence of infection during pregnancy. Aim: The main aim of the study was to evaluate the concentration of interleukin-1, TNF-α and α-1 antitrypsin in pregnant women infected by oncogenic types HPV. Materials and method: The study was conducted in 2008-2009 at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Medical University Lodz, on pregnant women in the third trimester of pregnancy. The study group consisted on 19 pregnant women HPV-16, -18 infected. The control group consisted on 34 pregnant women at the same gestational age, HPV-negative. The concentration of interleukin-1, TNF-α and α-1 antitripsin was estimated in blood. Results: The results of concentration interleukin-1, TNF-α and α-1 antitrypsin were similar in both groups of pregnant women. Conclusions: High risk HPV infection has no influence on the concentration of pro- inflammatory cytokines. In HPV infection during pregnancy the anti proteolytic defense did not decrease

    Epitopes of Immunoreactive Proteins of Streptococcus Agalactiae: Enolase, Inosine 5′-Monophosphate Dehydrogenase and Molecular Chaperone GroEL

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    Three Streptococcus agalactiae (group B streptococci, GBS) immunoreactive proteins: enolase (47.4 kDa), inosine 5′-monophosphate dehydrogenase (IMPDH) (53 kDa) and molecular chaperone GroEL (57 kDa) were subjected to investigation. Enolase protein was described in our previous paper, whereas IMPDH and GroEL were presented for the first time. The aim of our paper was to provide mapping of specific epitopes, highly reactive with umbilical cord blood serum. Bioinformatic analyses allowed to select 32 most likely epitopes for enolase, 36 peptides for IMPDH and 41 immunoreactive peptides for molecular chaperone GroEL, which were synthesized by PEPSCAN. Ten peptides: two in enolase, one in IMPDH and seven in molecular chaperone GroEL have been identified as potentially highly selective epitopes that can be used as markers in rapid immunological diagnostic tests or constitute a component of an innovative vaccine against GBS infections

    The Podovirus phi 80-18 Targets the Pathogenic American Biotype 1B Strains of Yersinia enterocolitica

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    We report here the complete genome sequence and characterization ofYersiniabacteriophage vB_YenP_phi 80-18. phi 80-18 was isolated in 1991 using aY. enterocoliticaserotype O:8 strain 8081 as a host from a sewage sample in Turku, Finland, and based on its morphological and genomic features is classified as a podovirus. The genome is 42 kb in size and has 325 bp direct terminal repeats characteristic for podoviruses. The genome contains 57 predicted genes, all encoded in the forward strand, of which 29 showed no similarity to any known genes. Phage particle proteome analysis identified altogether 24 phage particle-associated proteins (PPAPs) including those identified as structural proteins such as major capsid, scaffolding and tail component proteins. In addition, also the DNA helicase, DNA ligase, DNA polymerase, 5 '-exonuclease, and the lytic glycosylase proteins were identified as PPAPs, suggesting that they might be injected together with the phage genome into the host cell to facilitate the take-over of the host metabolism. The phage-encoded RNA-polymerase and DNA-primase were not among the PPAPs. Promoter search predicted the presence of four phage and eleven host RNA polymerase -specific promoters in the genome, suggesting that early transcription of the phage is host RNA-polymerase dependent and that the phage RNA polymerase takes over later. The phage tolerates pH values between 2 and 12, and is stable at 50 degrees C but is inactivated at 60 degrees C. It grows slowly with a 50 min latent period and has apparently a low burst size. Electron microscopy revealed that the phage has a head diameter of about 60 nm, and a short tail of 20 nm. Whole-genome phylogenetic analysis confirmed that phi 80-18 belongs to theAutographivirinaesubfamily of thePodoviridaefamily, that it is 93.2% identical toYersiniaphage fHe-Yen3-01. Host range analysis showed that phi 80-18 can infect in addition toY. enterocoliticaserotype O:8 strains also strains of serotypes O:4, O:4,32, O:20 and O:21, the latter ones representing similar toY. enterocoliticaserotype O:8, the American pathogenic biotype 1B strains. In conclusion, the phage phi 80-18 is a promising candidate for the biocontrol of the American biotype 1BY. enterocolitica.Peer reviewe

    The course of pregnancy and perinatal period in overweight or obese pregnant women with regard to the condition of the newborn – own experience

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    Summary Objectives: The aim of the study was to estimate whether obesity and overweight influence the course of a pregnancy and labor and to assess the condition of a newborn. Material and Methods: 92 cases of pregnant women with singleton pregnancy were analyzed and assessed. The patients were divided into three groups according to their body mass index. Women with BMI between 18.5 and 24.9 comprised the first group (controls), those with BMI from 25.0 to 29.9 – the second group (overweight but not obese) and those with BMI of 30 and above – the third one (obese). Results: Average weight gain in the course of a pregnancy was significantly lower in the obese group whereas average blood pressure in obese women was significantly higher than in the control group. Gestational complications, such as hypertension and gestational edemas were more common in the third group. Birth weight and neonatal outcome were similar in all groups. Conclusions: 1. There is a higher risk of complications in pregnancy in overweight and obese women. 2. Obesity of women may worsen the outcome of the neonate