10 research outputs found

    Influence of tris(2,3-epoxypropyl)isocyanurate as bonding agent on composite rocket propellant characteristics

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    Postupkom livenja izrađeni su uzorci kompozitnog raketnog goriva (KRG) i gorivno-vezivne komponente (GVK) na bazi karboksi-terminiranog poli(butadien-coakrilonitrila) (CTBN). Kao umrežavajući agensi korišćeni su triglicidil-etar glicerola i epihlorhidrina, komercijalne oznake EPON 812 kao i poliglicidil-etar glicerola i epihlorhidrina, komercijalne oznake LX 112. U cilju poboljšanja mehaničkih karakteristika, u KRG se tokom izrade dodaju vezivna sredstva (vezujući ili bonding agensi) koja omogućavaju ostvarivanje bolje veze između čestica neorganskog oksidatora i organskog polimernog veziva. Kako su se do sada vezujući agensi koristili pri izradi KRG na bazi hidroksi-terminiranog poli(butadiena), u radu je ispitivana mogućnost upotrebe ovih agenasa pri izradi KRG na bazi pretpolimera sa karboksilnim funkcionalnim grupama. U radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja uticaja tri(2,3-epoksipropil)izocijanurata (TEIC) u funkciji vezujućeg agensa na karakteristike kompozitnog raketnog goriva odnosno gorivno-vezivne komponente na bazi karboksi-terminiranog poli(butadien-coakrilonitrila) (CTBN). Kao oksidator korišćen je amonijum-perhlorat (AP). Udeo vezujućeg agensa variran je od 0,1 do 0,5 mas.% goriva, odnosno veziva. Ispitivan je uticaj vezujućeg agensa na vremenske zavisnosti prividnog viskoziteta i gustine goriva. Izvršena je mehanička karakterizacija na sobnoj temperaturi. Analiza rezultata dobijenih mehaničkom karakterizacijom pokazuje da su poboljšanja mehaničkih karakteristika najizraženija kod uzorka goriva koji sadrži 0,5 mas.% TEIC. Na sobnoj temperaturi ostvaren je porast vrednosti zatezne čvrstoće od 98% u odnosu na referentni uzorak (uzorak bez vezujućeg agensa). Istovremeno, ostvareno je sniženje vrednosti izduženja pri maksimalnoj sili za 19%. Sniženje vrednosti izduženja nije poželjno, ali obzirom na vrednosti izduženja pri maksimalnoj sili i izduženja pri prekidu referentnog uzorka koje iznose 55%, odnosno 70%, i uslovljene su visokom vrednošću molarne mase pretpolimera, sniženje ovih vrednosti primenom TEIC ne utiče na performanse goriva. Mehanička karakterizacija proširena je dinamičko-mehaničkom termalnom analizom (DMTA) i ispitivanjem udarne žilavosti. U okviru ispitivanja viskoelastičnih karakteristika, analizirane su temperaturne i frekvencione zavisnosti parametara reološkog ponašanja (modul sačuvane energije, G', modul izgubljene energije, G'', tangens ugla gubitaka, tg(δ)=G''/G' i temperature ostakljivanja, Tg). Na krivama temperaturne zavisnosti tg(δ) uočeno je prisustvo osnovnog i sekundarnog relaksacionog procesa. Relaksacioni proces na nižim temperaturama, u intervalu od –70°C do –55 °C, koji uključuje kooperativne pokrete segmenata polimerne mreže, odnosi se na temperaturnu oblast ostakljivanja. Uočava se i sekundarni relaksacioni proces, dosta izraženiji, zabeležen u temperaturnom intervalu od –15 °C do 80 °C. Za razliku od prethodnog, ovaj relaksacioni proces se odnosi na oblast ograničene pokretljivosti polimernih lanaca. Ovo ograničenje uzrokovano je postojanjem, kako krutih segmenata polimerne mreže tako i interakcijom čestica amonijum-perhlorata i segmenata nastale polimerne mreže...omposite rocket propellant (CRP) and composite rocket propellant binder (CRPB) test samples, based on carboxyl-terminated poly(butadiene-co-acrylonitrile) were prepared by casting technique. As curing agents, triglycidyl ether of glycerol and epichlorhydrin, comercially known as EPON 812 and polyglycidyl ether of glycerol and epichlorhydrin, comercially known as LX 112 were used. In order to improve mechanical characteristics, during homogenization of composite propellant, the bonding agents are added, which increase the interaction between inorganic oxidizer particles and organic polymer-based binder. Although the bonding agents are typically used in hydroxyl-terminated poly(butadiene)-based composite propellant, the dissertation considers the possibility of using these aditives within the carboxyl-terminated prepolymer-based composite rocket propellant. The investigation results of influence tris(2,3-epoxypropyl)isocyanurate (TEIC) as bonding agent on the carboxyl-terminated poly(butadiene-co-acrylonitrile)-based composite rocket propellant and corresponding propellant binder characteristics are presented in this study. As oxidizer, ammonium perchlorate (AP) is used. Tris(2,3- epoxypropyl)isocyanurate content varied from 0.1 to 0.5 wt.% of the total mass of the investigated propellant and corresponding binder. The influence of the bonding agent on the time dependent apparent viscosity as also density values of tested composite propellant was investigated. Mechanical characterization was performed at room temperature. Analysis of the results obtained by mechanical characterization shows that the highest effectiveness is observed with TEIC at 0.5 wt.%. Compared to reference propellant composition (composition without bonding agent), at room test temperature, an increase of tensile strength value of 98% was recorded. At the same time, reduction of the strain at maximum load value for 19% is observed. The reduction of both strain values is not desirable, although the values of the strain at maximum load and the strain at break of the reference composite propellant composition are 55% and 70%, respectively. These values are primarily caused by the prepolymer molecular weight. Mechanical characterization was extended with dynamic-mechanical thermal analysis (DMTA) and impact tougness testing. Viscoelastic characterization consisted of temperature and frequency dependences of rheological behavior parameters (storage modulus, G', loss modulus, G'', loss factor, tan(δ)=G''/G') and glass-rubber transition temperature, Tg). It was observed that all the propellant samples have shown two relaxation processes in the tested temperature range. The relaxation process, positioned between –70 °C and –55 °C, is attributed to the main glass transition temperature. This relaxation process involves the release of the cooperative segmental motions of the formed polymer network..

    Thermal Decomposition of Ammonium Perchlorate Encapsulated with Copper(II)/Iron(III) Oxide Nanoparticles

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    Thermal decomposition of ammonium perchlorate (AP), as a high energy oxidizer in composite solid rocket propellants (CSRP), greatly affects the burning rate of the propellant. This paper summarizes the results of a study of the synergistic catalytic activity of nano-CuO/Fe2O3 nanoparticles on thermal decomposition of AP. AP micro-particles are efficiently encapsulated with 1 and 5 wt.% of nano-CuO and/or nano-Fe2O3 nanoparticles by the fast-crash solvent-antisolvent technique. The efficiency of the encapsulation method was confirmed using FT-IR spectroscopy. Morphological characterization, performed using SEM-EDS microscopy, showed that encapsulation provides recrystallization and deagglomeration of AP and uniform nano-catalyst distribution. The catalytic efficiency of nano-CuO/ nano-Fe2O3 nanoparticles on the thermal decomposition of AP was investigated using DSC, and an increase in released heat was observed from 1453 to 1628 J/g. The catalytic activities of performed nano-catalysts were proven by decreasing the HTD and merging with the low decomposition temperature peak. The highest catalytic effect was obtained after encapsulating with 5 wt.% of nano-CuO and nano-Fe2O3 combined in a 50/50 mass ratio due to multiple mechanisms of catalytic activity of nano-Fe2O3. The effect of AP encapsulation with nano-Fe2O3 on the burning rate of CSRP was investigated and the obtained results showed a favorable effect on the combustion rate law. © 2023 Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Industrial Organic Chemistry, Polan

    Influence of tris(2,3-epoxypropyl)isocyanurate as bonding agent on composite rocket propellant characteristics

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    Postupkom livenja izrađeni su uzorci kompozitnog raketnog goriva (KRG) i gorivno-vezivne komponente (GVK) na bazi karboksi-terminiranog poli(butadien-coakrilonitrila) (CTBN). Kao umrežavajući agensi korišćeni su triglicidil-etar glicerola i epihlorhidrina, komercijalne oznake EPON 812 kao i poliglicidil-etar glicerola i epihlorhidrina, komercijalne oznake LX 112. U cilju poboljšanja mehaničkih karakteristika, u KRG se tokom izrade dodaju vezivna sredstva (vezujući ili bonding agensi) koja omogućavaju ostvarivanje bolje veze između čestica neorganskog oksidatora i organskog polimernog veziva. Kako su se do sada vezujući agensi koristili pri izradi KRG na bazi hidroksi-terminiranog poli(butadiena), u radu je ispitivana mogućnost upotrebe ovih agenasa pri izradi KRG na bazi pretpolimera sa karboksilnim funkcionalnim grupama. U radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja uticaja tri(2,3-epoksipropil)izocijanurata (TEIC) u funkciji vezujućeg agensa na karakteristike kompozitnog raketnog goriva odnosno gorivno-vezivne komponente na bazi karboksi-terminiranog poli(butadien-coakrilonitrila) (CTBN). Kao oksidator korišćen je amonijum-perhlorat (AP). Udeo vezujućeg agensa variran je od 0,1 do 0,5 mas.% goriva, odnosno veziva. Ispitivan je uticaj vezujućeg agensa na vremenske zavisnosti prividnog viskoziteta i gustine goriva. Izvršena je mehanička karakterizacija na sobnoj temperaturi. Analiza rezultata dobijenih mehaničkom karakterizacijom pokazuje da su poboljšanja mehaničkih karakteristika najizraženija kod uzorka goriva koji sadrži 0,5 mas.% TEIC. Na sobnoj temperaturi ostvaren je porast vrednosti zatezne čvrstoće od 98% u odnosu na referentni uzorak (uzorak bez vezujućeg agensa). Istovremeno, ostvareno je sniženje vrednosti izduženja pri maksimalnoj sili za 19%. Sniženje vrednosti izduženja nije poželjno, ali obzirom na vrednosti izduženja pri maksimalnoj sili i izduženja pri prekidu referentnog uzorka koje iznose 55%, odnosno 70%, i uslovljene su visokom vrednošću molarne mase pretpolimera, sniženje ovih vrednosti primenom TEIC ne utiče na performanse goriva. Mehanička karakterizacija proširena je dinamičko-mehaničkom termalnom analizom (DMTA) i ispitivanjem udarne žilavosti. U okviru ispitivanja viskoelastičnih karakteristika, analizirane su temperaturne i frekvencione zavisnosti parametara reološkog ponašanja (modul sačuvane energije, G', modul izgubljene energije, G'', tangens ugla gubitaka, tg(δ)=G''/G' i temperature ostakljivanja, Tg). Na krivama temperaturne zavisnosti tg(δ) uočeno je prisustvo osnovnog i sekundarnog relaksacionog procesa. Relaksacioni proces na nižim temperaturama, u intervalu od –70°C do –55 °C, koji uključuje kooperativne pokrete segmenata polimerne mreže, odnosi se na temperaturnu oblast ostakljivanja. Uočava se i sekundarni relaksacioni proces, dosta izraženiji, zabeležen u temperaturnom intervalu od –15 °C do 80 °C. Za razliku od prethodnog, ovaj relaksacioni proces se odnosi na oblast ograničene pokretljivosti polimernih lanaca. Ovo ograničenje uzrokovano je postojanjem, kako krutih segmenata polimerne mreže tako i interakcijom čestica amonijum-perhlorata i segmenata nastale polimerne mreže...omposite rocket propellant (CRP) and composite rocket propellant binder (CRPB) test samples, based on carboxyl-terminated poly(butadiene-co-acrylonitrile) were prepared by casting technique. As curing agents, triglycidyl ether of glycerol and epichlorhydrin, comercially known as EPON 812 and polyglycidyl ether of glycerol and epichlorhydrin, comercially known as LX 112 were used. In order to improve mechanical characteristics, during homogenization of composite propellant, the bonding agents are added, which increase the interaction between inorganic oxidizer particles and organic polymer-based binder. Although the bonding agents are typically used in hydroxyl-terminated poly(butadiene)-based composite propellant, the dissertation considers the possibility of using these aditives within the carboxyl-terminated prepolymer-based composite rocket propellant. The investigation results of influence tris(2,3-epoxypropyl)isocyanurate (TEIC) as bonding agent on the carboxyl-terminated poly(butadiene-co-acrylonitrile)-based composite rocket propellant and corresponding propellant binder characteristics are presented in this study. As oxidizer, ammonium perchlorate (AP) is used. Tris(2,3- epoxypropyl)isocyanurate content varied from 0.1 to 0.5 wt.% of the total mass of the investigated propellant and corresponding binder. The influence of the bonding agent on the time dependent apparent viscosity as also density values of tested composite propellant was investigated. Mechanical characterization was performed at room temperature. Analysis of the results obtained by mechanical characterization shows that the highest effectiveness is observed with TEIC at 0.5 wt.%. Compared to reference propellant composition (composition without bonding agent), at room test temperature, an increase of tensile strength value of 98% was recorded. At the same time, reduction of the strain at maximum load value for 19% is observed. The reduction of both strain values is not desirable, although the values of the strain at maximum load and the strain at break of the reference composite propellant composition are 55% and 70%, respectively. These values are primarily caused by the prepolymer molecular weight. Mechanical characterization was extended with dynamic-mechanical thermal analysis (DMTA) and impact tougness testing. Viscoelastic characterization consisted of temperature and frequency dependences of rheological behavior parameters (storage modulus, G', loss modulus, G'', loss factor, tan(δ)=G''/G') and glass-rubber transition temperature, Tg). It was observed that all the propellant samples have shown two relaxation processes in the tested temperature range. The relaxation process, positioned between –70 °C and –55 °C, is attributed to the main glass transition temperature. This relaxation process involves the release of the cooperative segmental motions of the formed polymer network..

    Sinteza i karakterizacija glicidil azid polimera atraktivnog veziva za energetske materijale

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    The glycidyl azide polymer (GAP), known as an energetic, thermally stable, low sensitive, hydroxyl-terminated prepolymer, was synthesized using different diol and triol initiator units. GAP was prepared by azidation of poly(epichlorohydrin) (PECH) with different polyol units in the polymer chain. PECH was obtained by cationic ring-opening polymerization of epichlorohydrin, with BF3-etherate as a catalyst and polyol as a co-catalyst. The synthesized polymers have been characterized using IR-spectroscopy, while the prepolymers structure was confirmed by proton NMR spectroscopy. Additionally, glass transition temperature (Tg) and sensitivity to thermal stimuli were determined. Physico-chemical and rheological performances were carried out towards: end groups analysis, as well as density and molecular mass determination.Glicidil azid polimer (GAP), energetski, termički stabilni, nisko osetljivi, hidroksi terminirani polimer, sintetisan je korišćenjem različitih diola i triola kao inicijatora. GAP je pripremljen azidacijom poli(epihlorohidrina) (PECH) sa različitim poliolima u polimernom lancu. PECH je dobijen katjonskom polimerizacijom otvaranjem prstena, sa BF3-eteratom kao katalizatorom i poliolom kao ko-katalizatorom. Sintetisani polimeri su okarakterisani pomoću IR-spektroskopije, priroda hidroksi terminirane grupe je potvrđena protonskom NMR spektroskopijom. Određene su temperature staklastog prelaza (Tg) i osetljivosti na termičke impulse. Fizičko-hemijske i reološke osobine su potvrđene određivanjem: hidroksilnog broja, molarne mase, gustine i viskoznosti

    The influence of TiO2 nanoparticles on viscoelastic properties and thermo-oxidative stability of polyurethane network

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    In this study, unmodified TiO2 nanoparticles (NPs) and TiO2 NPs surface modified with lauryl gallate were incorporated into polyurethane (PU) network, based on Boltorn® aliphatic hyperbranched polyester of the second pseudo generation (BH-20) as crosslinking agent and polycaprolactone (PCL) as soft segment (SS). The influence of the applied TiO2 NPs on viscoelastic properties and thermo-oxidative stability of the prepared PU/TiO2 nanocomposites (NCs) were investigated by dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), respectively. DMA results revealed that addition of unmodified and modified TiO2 NPs led to the increase of glass transition temperature of SS, decrease of the glass transition temperature of hard segments and crosslinking density of PU network. According to the obtained results, PU/TiO2 NC loaded with TiO2 NPs surface modified with lauryl gallate has better thermo-oxidative stability than pure PU and PU/TiO2 NC prepared with unmodified TiO2 NPs

    Phosphorylated kraft lignin based flame retardant: efficient method for improvement of lignin flame retardancy and mechanical action in polyester

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    In this paper, the potential application of phosphorylated industrial kraft lignin (KLP) in improving flame retardant properties of unsaturated polyester/KLP composites (UPe/KLP) was studied. KLP mass contents in UPe based composites varied from 0.5 wt.% to 5.0 wt.%. The successfulness of the performed phosphorylation method, direct grafting of phosphorus chloride on KLP surface hydroxyl groups, and formation of phosphoric acid ester were confirmed via Fourier Transform-Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR). The effects of KLP surface functionalization and KLP mass contents on the UPe tensile properties were studied. Tensile strength (σ), elongation (ε) and Young’s modulus of elasticity (E) of the UPe/KLP composites were analyzed in relation to the structure of KLP modification. The obtained composites were tested on fire retardant properties according to the standard test method UL-94V

    Preliminarna analiza mogućnosti izrade kompozita PVB/IF-WS2 i efekat dodataka nanočestica na termičko i reološko ponašanje PVB

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    A possibility of using inorganic fullerene-like tungsten disulfide, IF-WS2, nanoparticles as a filler in poly (vinyl butyral), PVB, for improving its thermal and rheological properties is examined. PVB is a thermoplastic polymer with excellent properties, widely used: in ballistic protection, for protection of safety glass, in metal primers and coatings, temporary binders. Two different molecular weights of PVB were previously examined in this research: Mowital B60H and B75H. Both grades of PVB were dissolved in different solvents: ethanol and 2-propanol. Thin films were prepared by solvent casting technique. The glass transition temperature (Tg) of the tested samples was determined using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), at three different heating rates (5°C/min, 10°C/min and 20°C/min). After choosing a solvent and PVB grade, IF-WS2 nanoparticles were added to PVB solutions and dispersed by ultrasonic irradiation. Compatibility, i.e. interaction of IF-WS2 with the dissolved PVB was examined by microcalorimetry method. The nanoparticles dispersion and deagglomeration in matrix of PVB was analyzed by scanning electron microscope (SEM). The effect of IF-WS2 on rheological properties of the chosen samples has been examined using Dynamic Mechanical Thermal Analysis (DMTA), observing storage modulus, loss modulus and the loss factor as functions of temperature for the tested composites.Ispitana je mogućnost upotrebe fulerenskih nanočestica volfram disulfida, IF-WS2 kao punioca poli (vinil butirala), PVB, radi poboljšanja termalnih i reoloških svojstava. PVB je termoplastični polimer sa odličnim karakteristikama, široke primene: u balističkoj zaštiti, za zaštitu sigurnosnih stakala, u metalnim prajmerima i premazima, itd. U ovom istraživanju najpre su ispitane dve različite molekulske mase PVB: Mowital B60H i B75H. Rastvoreni su u različitim rastvaračima: etanol i 2- propanol. Uzorci u vidu tankih filmova su pripremljeni i temperatura ostakljivanja je određena korišćenjem diferencijalne skenirajuće kalorimetrije na tri različite brzine zagrevanja (5°C/min, 10°C/min i 20°C/min). Nakon izbora optimalnog rastvarača i molekulske mase PVB, IF-WS2 nanočestice su dodate u rastvor PVB i ultrazvučno dispergovane. Kompatibilnost, odnosno interakcija IF-WS2 sa rastvorenim PVB je ispitana metodom mikrokalorimetrije. Deaglomeracija nanočestica i disperzija u matrici PVB su analizirane pomoću skenirajućeg elektronskog mikroskopa. Efekat dodavanja IF-WS2 na reološka svojstva odabranih uzoraka je ispitana korišćenjem dinamičko-mehaničko-termičke analize (DMTA), posmatrajući modul sačuvane energije, modul gubitaka i mehanički faktor gubitaka kao funkcije temperature za ispitne kompozite

    Vatrootporni kompoziti na bazi fosfatnih estara kraft lignina i poliesterske smole - ekološki prihvatljiv materijal za sisteme termičke zaštite raketnih goriva

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    Presented study was aimed to investigate the influence of surface functionalization of the industrial kraft lignin (KL) on mechanical and thermal properties of high-performance and fireproof composites based on unsaturated polyester (UPe) resin. In order to improve flame retardant properties, surface of the KL was modified by phosphorylation method in two-step process. First, direct grafting of phosphorus chloride on KL phenolic hydroxyl groups was performed and phosphoric acid ester of KL was formed. In the second step, phosphor ester of KL was recovered by precipitation in cooled isopropyl alcohol and the final obtained product, phosphorylated industrial kraft lignin with methyl terminal groups (KLP) was obtained. KLP mass contents in UPe based composites varied from 0.5 wt.% to 5.0 wt.%. Structural characterization was done via Fourier Transform-Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR). The effects of KLP surface functionalization and KLP mass contents on the UPe tensile properties were studied. Tensile strength (σ), elongation (ε) and Young's modulus of elasticity (E) and Shore A (Sh A) hardness of the UPe/KLP composites were analyzed in relation to the structure of KLP modification. Tensile testing results showed an increase in σ of 31 % for UPe/KL sample with 1.0 wt.% KL particles compared to the bare UPe matrix. The origin and cause of fracture that occurred during uniaxial tensile testing were analyzed using stereo microscopy. The obtained composites were tested on fire retardant properties in accordance with the standard test method UL-94V, and composites with 5.0 wt.% loaded KLP achieved V-1 category.U radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja mogućnosti primene fosfatnih estara kraft lignina kao usporivača gorivosti u polimernim kompozitnim materijalima baziranim na nezasićenim poliestеrskim smolama. Sinteza fosfatnih estara lignina (funkcionalizacija lignina) izvršena je direktnim graftovanjem fosforoksihlorida na slobodne polifenolne grupe iz lignina, i potom hidrolizom hloridnih grupa izopropil alkoholom. Maseni sadržaj čistog i funkcionalizovanog lignina u poliestеrskim smolama variran je od 0,5 mas. % do 5,0 mas. %. Strukturna karakterizacija funkcionalizovanog kraft lignina i kompozita izvršena je primenom FT-IR spektroskopije. Proučavan je uticaj funkcionalizacije i masenog udela kraft lignina na tvrdoću, zatezna i termička svojstva nezasićenih poliestеrskih smola. Rezultati ispitivanja jednoosnog istezanja pokazali su da je povećanje zatezne čvrstoće od 31 % postignuto ugradnjom 1,0 % nefunkcionalizovanih čestica kraft lignina. Mehanizam nastajanja loma prilikom jednoosnog istezanja analiziran je primeneom stereomikroskopije. Termička svojstva kompozita analizirana su prema standardnoj metodi UL-94 na osnovu koje je kompozit sa 5,0 mas. % funkcionalizovanog lignina svrstan u najvišu kategoriju termootpornih materijala, V-1, a da su zatezna svojstva i tvrdoća po Šoru (eng. Shore A) ostala zadovoljavajuća

    Viscoelastic properties of hydroxyl-terminated poly(butadiene) based composite rocket propellants

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    In the present study, the viscoelastic response of three composite solid propellants based on hydroxyl-terminated poly(butadiene), ammonium perchlorate and aluminum has been investigated. The investigation was surveyed by dynamic mechanical analysis over a wide range of temperatures and frequencies. The mechanical properties of these materials are related to the macromolecular structure of the binder as well as to the content and nature of solid fillers. The storage modulus, loss modulus, loss factor and glass transition temperature for each propellant sample have been evaluated. The master curves of storage (log G' vs log ω) and loss modulus (log G'' vs log ω) were generated for each propellant. A comparison of logaT vs temperature curves for all propellants indicate conformance to Williams-Landel-Ferry equation. Choosing the glass transition as the reference temperature, WLF equation constants are determined. Fractional free volume at the glass transition temperature and thermal coefficient of free volume expansion values are in accordance with the consideration that Al is reinforcing filler

    Effect of surface activation of alumina particles on the performances of thermosetting-based composite materials

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    Two types of alumina particles, commercial (c-Al2O3) and iron doped (Fe-Al2O3), were functionalized with 3-(aminopropyl)trimethoxysilane (one-step) and two-step consecutive process, i.e. firstly using 3-(aminopropyl)trimethoxysilane followed by methyl ester of linseed oil (biodiesel) to produce Al(2)O(3)ATPMS-BD reinforcement, respectively. The effect of modifier type and variable amount of alumina particles on the dynamical and mechanical properties of unsaturated polyester resin-based composites was studied. The highest improvement of the tensile strength and micro Vickers hardness, 78.1 and 163%, respectively, was obtained at 1.0 wt% of Fe-Al(2)O(3)APTMS-BD addition. The obtained multifunctional composites can be potentially applied in construction and mining industries