49 research outputs found

    Summer diet of the sable Martes zibellina in the Middle Yenisei taiga, Siberia

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    Communication platforms for shaping a mega-event. A case study of selected European Capitals of Culture

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    This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.The publication was co-funded by Culture programme of the European Union as a part of Campus Culturae project (grant No. 2011-1177/001-001)

    Analysis and Evaluation of Effect of Manganese Content on Properties of EN AC 46000 Aluminum Alloy

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    This article is the effect of industrial work and many surveys in the one of the Polish foundries that specialize in aluminum alloys. The main goal of our explorations is to evaluate the influence of manganese on Al-Si alloy properties. In die-cast alloys, it is recommended to use larger amounts of iron to reduce the impact on the pressure chamber and mold. Manganese neutralizes the harmful effect of iron by changing the morphology of the separated brittle ferrous phases. The unfavorable form of the iron-containing phases in the form of long needles changes into the forms of fine compact crystals, which are less harmful to the mechanical properties. Nowadays, the main client requirement is to obtain the right parameters at the best price. Specifically, the customer is in the automotive industry, where new technologies provide a connection between the high quality and low weight of car parts [1–3]

    Notes on the technique of the otter field survey

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    Transaortic transcatheter aortic valve implantation: Results of the Polish arm of the ROUTE registry

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    Background: Transaortic (TAo) transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) is an alter­native approach in patients considered to be at high risk for classical open surgery with poor peripheral vessel access. The purpose of this study was to determine the feasibility of using TAo access for TAVI procedures employing the Edwards SAPIEN transcatheter heart valve. The primary objective was to determine overall 30-day mortality. Methods: A total of 32 patients with severe aortic valve stenosis underwent TAo-TAVI using Edwards SAPIEN bioprostheses. Postoperative results were collected according to the Registry of the Utilization Of the TAo-TAVI approach using the Edwards SAPIEN Valve (ROUTE) study protocol. Complications were assessed using Valve Academic Research Consortium- 2 (VARC-2) criteria. Results: The mean age of the population was 80.9 ± 5.2 years, with 53.1% being female. All patients received either the SAPIEN XT or the SAPIEN 3 bioprosthesis (Edwards Lifesciences). Device success was achieved in 100% of cases. One (3.25%) patient subsequently suffered an aortic dissection and required ascending aorta replacement. Paravalvular leakage was absent or mild in 26 (81%) patients, and moderate in 6 (19%) patients. Other complications included permanent pacemaker implantation in 2 (6.5%), and transient post operative delirium in 2 (6.5%) patients. The total hospital stay was 6.7 ± 2.4 days. New York Heart Association class decreased significantly on follow-up. Thirty-day mortality rate was 2 (6.5%) patients. Conclusions: Use of TAo access for TAVI procedures has a reasonable clinical outcome and is a safe alternative to the transfemoral and transapical approaches, especially for patients with high-risk peripheral vessel access

    The association of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and free thyroxine (fT4) concentration levels with carbohydrate and lipid metabolism in obese and overweight teenagers.

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    Introduction: Obesity has increased rapidly among children and adolescents during the last 30 years. Paediatric patients with a BMI above the 85th centile are more often diagnosed with increased TSH levels than are children with proper body weight. Material and methods: The data of 961 overweight and obese children, aged 13 years, recruited in four cities in Poland as part of PoZdro!, a two-year prophylactic program, were analysed to observe the relationship between serum TSH and fT4 concentration and carbohydrate and lipid metabolism parameters, as well as anthropometric parameters.Results: TSH concentration in the study group was positively correlated, whereas fT4 concentration was negatively correlated with WHR and WHtR values, fasting serum glucose concentrations and one-hour glucose concentration, fasting serum insulin concentrations, one-hour and two-hour insulin concentration, ALT serum activity, as well as total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglyceride serum concentrations. An increased risk of metabolic syndrome was diagnosed previously in patients with TSH concentrations > 2.5 mUI/L. Conclusions: TSH concentration in the upper half of the current reference range (> 2.50 mIU/L) is associated with an increased risk of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism disorders and therefore increased chances of developing metabolic syndrome. It seems advisable to regularly monitor thyroid function in overweight and obese paediatric patients

    Wyniki odległe przezskórnych interwencji obwodowych w zakresie tętnic kończyn dolnych u chorych z ostrym zespołem wieńcowym i współistniejącą cukrzycą

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    Wstęp: Współwystępowanie cukrzycy i ostrych zespołów wieńcowych (OZW) jest częstym zjawiskiem. Obecność cukrzycy jest predyktorem niekorzystnego rokowania chorych po zabiegach przezskórnej angioplastyki tętnic kończyn dolnych (ang. percutaneous transluminal angioplasty, PTA). Cel: Porównanie bezpośrednich wyników leczenia chorych z cukrzycą i bez cukrzycy metodą przezskórnej interwencji wieńcowej (ang. percutaneous coronary intervention, PCI) oraz PTA w czasie tej samej hospitalizacji oraz określenie wyników leczenia w 12-miesięcznej obserwacji. Materiał i metody: Stu szesnastu chorych z OZW bez uniesienia odcinka ST zostało włączonych do prospektywnego rejestru w czasie badania w latach 2003–2009 w jednym centrum akademickim w Krakowie. Wyniki: Analizowano dane chorych, którzy przebyli procedury PCI i PTA w czasie jednego pobytu szpitalnego. Spośród tych chorych 16 (14%) miało rozpoznaną cukrzycę, pozostali nie byli leczeni z tego powodu [100 (86%)]. Obie grupy różniły się istotnie statystycznie ze względu na płeć i wywiad. W ciągu rocznej obserwacji 12,5% osób zmarło w grupie chorych na cukrzycę w przeciwieństwie do 2% zgonów w grupie chorych bez cukrzycy (p = 0,033). Cukrzyca okazała się również silnym czynnikiem konieczności wykonania ponownych interwencji przezskórnych w ciągu 12-miesięcznej obserwacji. Wnioski: Pacjenci z cukrzycą mieli bardziej obciążający wywiad chorobowy z licznymi chorobami towarzyszącymi. Obecność cukrzycy u chorych z OZW leczonych metodą PCI i PTA jest związana z istotnie pogorszonym przeżyciem w 12-miesięcznej obserwacji. Cukrzyca jest ponadto silnym predyktorem konieczności ponownych rewaskularyzacji przezskórnych.Background: Diabetes mellitus is a quite frequent comorbidity among patients with acute coronary syndromes (ACS). The presence of diabetes has also predicted poor outcome after lower limb percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA). Aim: To determine outcomes of patients with and without diabetes mellitus treated with PCI and PTA at index hospital stay during a 12-month follow-up. Material and methods: There were 116 NSTACS (non ST elevation acute coronary syndromes) patients gathered in this prospective registry study in 2003-2009 in one academic center in Krakow, Poland. Results: Data on consecutive patients who underwent PTA and PCI procedure during the same hospital stay were analyzed. Of these, 16 (14%) had diabetes mellitus, the other 100 (86%) had no history of diabetes. Both groups differed significantly with regard to gender and past medical history. During one-year observation 12.5% patients died in diabetes group vs. 2% in non-diabetes group (p = 0.033). Diabetes mellitus has turned out to be a strong predictor of outcome measured by the occurrence of repeated percutaneous peripheral procedure in 12-month observation. Conclusions: Patients with diabetes mellitus have more aggravating past medical history with more frequently coexisting comorbidities. Diabetes mellitus in patients with ACS treated by PCI and PTA is associated with impaired 1-year survival. Diabetes itself is a strong predictor of repeated PTA procedures

    Lower limb revascularization in patients with heparin-induced thrombocytopenia

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    Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) is a serious complication which occurs in patients treated with heparin. It is estimated that in clinical practice this syndrome can be encountered among 1-3% of patients who receive heparin treatment. This disease is often not diagnosed. The aim of this study was to evaluate the treatment of patients with diagnosed HIT syndrome who were qualified to revascularisation in the course of critical lower limb ischaemia. There were two cases of patients with diagnosed HIT syndrome who were treated in the Department of General and Vascular Surgery in Poznań. The results of revascular treatment of patients with diagnosed HIT syndrome were evaluated retrospectively. In all patients it was possible to perform revascular surgery of lower limbs after introducing an oral anticoagulant. In 2004 it was impossible to treat HIT syndrome with new generation anticoagulants. That is why oral anticoagulant (coumarin) treatment was introduced as a safe method and the only one available in our conditions. It enabled us to perform revascular surgery retaining INR indicator of 1.5-1.7.Małopłytkowość poheparynowa (HIT) jest poważnym powikłaniem występującym u chorych leczonych heparyną. Ocenia się, że w praktyce klinicznej zespół ten pojawia się u 1-3% osób poddanych terapii heparynowej i często jest to schorzenie nierozpoznane. Celem pracy była ocena leczenia chorych z rozpoznanym zespołem HIT, zakwalifikowanych do operacji rewaskularyzacyjnych w przebiegu krytycznego niedokrwienia kończyn dolnych. Przedstawiono przypadki dwóch chorych z rozpoznanym zespołem HIT, leczonych w Klinice Chirurgii Ogólnej i Naczyń w Poznaniu. Retrospektywnie oceniono wyniki leczenia rewaskularyzacyjnego chorych z rozpoznanym zespołem HIT. U wszystkich chorych włączenie doustnego antykoagulantu umożliwiło przeprowadzenie operacji rewaskularyzacyjnej kończyn dolnych. W 2004 roku z powodu braku możliwości leczenia zespołu HIT lekami przeciwkrzepliwymi nowej generacji, zastosowanie doustnych antykoagulantów (acenokumarolu) było metodą bezpieczną i w tym czasie jedynie dostępną w tych warunkach. Pozwoliła ona na przeprowadzenie operacji rewaskularyzacyjnej, przy zachowaniu wskaźnika INR na poziomie 1,5-1,7