3 research outputs found

    Application of climate-smart forestry – forest manager response to the relevance of European definition and indicators

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    Climate change impacts are an increasing threat to forests and current approaches to management. In 2020, Climate-smart Forestry (CSF) definition and set of indicators was published. This study further developed this work by testing the definition and indicators through a forest manager survey across fifteen member European countries. The survey covered topic areas of demographics, climate change impacts, definition and indicators assessment, as well as knowledge and communication. Overall, forest managers considered the threat of climate change to their forests as high or critical and 62% found the CSF definition clear and concise; however, the minority suggested greater simplification or nuance. Indicators were viewed as comprehensive but too numerous to integrate into management activities. Two highest ranking indicators were ‘Trees species composition’, and ‘Erosion protection and maintenance of soil condition’. Many managers were aware of suitable alternative species, but also stressed that greater resources should focus on exploring adaptable provenances. Demonstration sites and interactive guides were ranked highest for communication and dissemination; however, online multimedia tools and workshops were also ranked highly. Local perspectives on providing more relevant CSF ranged from silviculture systems, finance and funding, education and training, and social awareness, to tree species mixes and development of protective functions. In summary, forest managers were generally open to CSF, but required greater guidance and proof of application.Thanks to the support of the COST Action CLIMO “Climate-smart Forestry in Mountain regions – CA15226” for supporting the research and providing the networks and collaboration. We are grateful to all people who took part at survey providing answers and helpful comments.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Application of climate-smart forestry: forest manager response to the relevance of European definition and indicators

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    Climate change impacts are an increasing threat to forests and current approaches to management. In 2020, Climate-smart Forestry (CSF) definition and set of indicators was published. This study further developed this work by testing the definition and indicators through a forest manager survey across fifteen member European countries. The survey covered topic areas of demographics, climate change impacts, definition and indicators assessment, as well as knowledge and communication. Overall, forest managers considered the threat of climate change to their forests as high or critical and 62% found the CSF definition clear and concise; however, the minority suggested greater simplification or nuance. Indicators were viewed as comprehensive but too numerous to integrate into management activities. Two highest ranking indicators were ‘Trees species composition’, and ‘Erosion protection and maintenance of soil condition’. Many managers were aware of suitable alternative species, but also stressed that greater resources should focus on exploring adaptable provenances. Demonstration sites and interactive guides were ranked highest for communication and dissemination; however, online multimedia tools and workshops were also ranked highly. Local perspectives on providing more relevant CSF ranged from silviculture systems, finance and funding, education and training, and social awareness, to tree species mixes and development of protective functions. In summary, forest managers were generally open to CSF, but required greater guidance and proof of application

    Samspil áburðargjafar í gróðrarstöð og útjörð á lifun, vöxt og frostlyftingu birkis og sitkagrenis

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    The interaction of nursery fertilization and field fertilization at the time of planting on survival, growth and frost heaving of container seedlings of birch (Betula pubescens) and Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) was tested in a factorial trial on four sites in Iceland. A trial with nutrient loading of seedlings was done during a four week period in May-June in a nursery prior to planting. Seedlings were divided into three groups and irrigated twice weekly for four weeks with; control = pure water; Sc1 = 10 g fertilizer m-3 water and Sc2 = 20 g m-3. Field experiments were established on two sites in east Iceland and two in west Iceland. On each site the three nursery treatments were split up by giving the seedlings either a single application of 15 g seedlings-1 of the fertilizer “Gróska II” or no fertilizer. The pre-treatments Sc1 and Sc2 increased the shoot growth significantly during the first summer, and this effect was still seen on the volume growth three years later. The field fertilization at planting had a positive effect on survival and growth and also reduced frost heaving, and the best growth and survival rates were obtained by pre-treatment Sc2 followed by field fertilization.Mikil aukning hefur orðið í skógrækt á síðustu árum á Íslandi með tilkomu landshlutabundinna skógræktarverkefna sem styrkt eru af ríkinu. Miklir hagsmunir felast í því að faglega sé staðið að ræktun, meðferð og gróðursetningu trjáplantna. Í greininni eru kynntar niðurstöður tilraunar þar sem skoðuð voru áhrif mismunandi áburðarstyrks í vökvunarvatni á bakkaplöntur af birki (Betula pubescens) og sitkagreni (Picea sithensis) síðustu fjórar vikurnar fyrir gróðursetningu og einnig áburðargjafar við gróðursetningu í foldu, og áhrif meðferðanna á lifun, vöxt og frostlyftingu. Tilraunin var gerð í gróðrarstöð í maí og voru plöntur vökvaðar tvisvar í viku í fjórar vikur með þrenns konar áburðarvatni, viðmiðun = hreint vatn, Sc1 = 10 g áburður m-3 og Sc2 = 20 g m-3. Voru plönturnar svo gróðursettar í fjóra tilraunareiti, tvo á Fljótsdalshéraði og tvo í Skorradal, skv. blokkartilraunaskipulagi með 4 blokkum á hverjum stað. Á hverjum tilraunastað voru plöntur úr hverjum tilraunalið úr gróðrarstöðinni gróðursettar með eða án 15 g „Grósku II“ áburði. Áhrif áburðargjafarinnar í gróðrarstöð voru áberandi fyrsta sumarið eftir gróðursetningu og uxu þær plöntur almennt best sem fengið höfðu Sc2 skammtinn. Þremur árum eftir gróðursetningu sáust enn tölfræðilega marktæk áhrif af vökvuninni á lifun og vöxt og uxu þau tré mest sem fengu stærsta áburðarskammtinn, Sc2, í gróðrarstöð ásamt áburði við gróðursetningu. Áburðargjöf við gróðursetningu jók lifun og vöxt, auk þess að draga úr frostlyftingu á einum af tilraunastöðunum. Mestur vöxtur fékkst þegar plöntur voru vökvaðar með sterkustu áburðarlausninni, Sc2, og þeim gefinn áburður við gróðursetningu