2,577 research outputs found

    Thermal kinetic inductance detectors for ground-based millimeter-wave cosmology

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    We show measurements of thermal kinetic inductance detectors (TKID) intended for millimeter wave cosmology in the 200-300 GHz atmospheric window. The TKID is a type of bolometer which uses the kinetic inductance of a superconducting resonator to measure the temperature of the thermally isolated bolometer island. We measure bolometer thermal conductance, time constant and noise equivalent power. We also measure the quality factor of our resonators as the bath temperature varies to show they are limited by effects consistent with coupling to two level systems.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures. Submitted to Journal of Low Temperature Physic

    Center Lift Trailer Support Structure

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    Center lift pontoon trailers have a high center of gravity, therefore have the potential for the pontoon and trailer to tip while cornering. There is need for a component to stabilize the pontoon on the trailer while towing. Different concepts of a support system were sketched to determine the best option. The characteristics that were deemed important for the support system were narrowed down to determine the best concept and the connections of the best design were sketched in greater detail. The forces that the support system would have to withstand to stabilize the pontoon on the trailer were calculated. Then the size of the components of the design were selected and 3D modeled. Manufacturing of the support system was optimized by using like materials to lower costs. This design is a low cost option to increase the safety of center lift pontoon trailers while cornering

    A Variable Polyglutamine Repeat Affects Subcellular Localization and Regulatory Activity of a Populus ANGUSTIFOLIA Protein.

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    Polyglutamine (polyQ) stretches have been reported to occur in proteins across many organisms including animals, fungi and plants. Expansion of these repeats has attracted much attention due their associations with numerous human diseases including Huntington's and other neurological maladies. This suggests that the relative length of polyQ stretches is an important modulator of their function. Here, we report the identification of a Populus C-terminus binding protein (CtBP) ANGUSTIFOLIA (PtAN1) which contains a polyQ stretch whose functional relevance had not been established. Analysis of 917 resequenced Populus trichocarpa genotypes revealed three allelic variants at this locus encoding 11-, 13- and 15-glutamine residues. Transient expression assays using Populus leaf mesophyll protoplasts revealed that the 11Q variant exhibited strong nuclear localization whereas the 15Q variant was only found in the cytosol, with the 13Q variant exhibiting localization in both subcellular compartments. We assessed functional implications by evaluating expression changes of putative PtAN1 targets in response to overexpression of the three allelic variants and observed allele-specific differences in expression levels of putative targets. Our results provide evidence that variation in polyQ length modulates PtAN1 function by altering subcellular localization

    Characterization and Improvement of the Thermal Stability of TES Bolometers

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    We study the mechanism of instability in transition edge sensor (TES) bolometers used for ground based observations of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) at 270GHz. The instability limits the range of useful operating resistances of the TES down to ≈50% of R_n, and due to variations in detector properties and optical loading within a column of multiplexed detectors, limits the effective on sky yield. Using measurements of the electrical impedance of the detectors, we show the instability is due to the increased bolometer leg G for higher-frequency detection inducing decoupling of the palladium-gold heat capacity from the thermistor. We demonstrate experimentally that the limiting thermal resistance is due to the small cross sectional area of the silicon nitride bolometer island, and so is easily fixed by layering palladium-gold over an oxide protected TES. The resulting detectors can be biased down to a resistance ≈10% of R_n

    Abelson Phosphorylation of CLASP2 Modulates its Association With Microtubules and Actin

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    The Abelson (Abl) non-receptor tyrosine kinase regulates the cytoskeleton during multiple stages of neural development, from neurulation, to the articulation of axons and dendrites, to synapse formation and maintenance. We previously showed that Abl is genetically linked to the microtubule (MT) plus end tracking protein (+TIP) CLASP in Drosophila. Here we show in vertebrate cells that Abl binds to CLASP and phosphorylates it in response to serum or PDGF stimulation. In vitro, Abl phosphorylates CLASP with a Km of 1.89 µM, indicating that CLASP is a bona fide substrate. Abl-phosphorylated tyrosine residues that we detect in CLASP by mass spectrometry lie within previously mapped F-actin and MT plus end interaction domains. Using purified proteins, we find that Abl phosphorylation modulates direct binding between purified CLASP2 with both MTs and actin. Consistent with these observations, Abl-induced phosphorylation of CLASP2 modulates its localization as well as the distribution of F-actin structures in spinal cord growth cones. Our data suggest that the functional relationship between Abl and CLASP2 is conserved and provides a means to control the CLASP2 association with the cytoskeleton. © 2014 The Authors. Cytoskeleton Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    Control of telomere length by a trimming mechanism that involves generation of t-circles

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    Telomere lengths are maintained in many cancer cells by the ribonucleoprotein enzyme telomerase but can be further elongated by increasing telomerase activity through the overexpression of telomerase components. We report here that increased telomerase activity results in increased telomere length that eventually reaches a plateau, accompanied by the generation of telomere length heterogeneity and the accumulation of extrachromosomal telomeric repeat DNA, principally in the form of telomeric circles (t-circles). Telomeric DNA was observed in promyelocytic leukemia bodies, but no intertelomeric copying or telomere exchange events were identified, and there was no increase in telomere dysfunction-induced foci. These data indicate that human cells possess a mechanism to negatively regulate telomere length by trimming telomeric DNA from the chromosome ends, most likely by t-loop resolution to form t-circles. Additionally, these results indicate that some phenotypic characteristics attributed to alternative lengthening of telomeres (ALT) result from increased mean telomere length, rather than from the ALT mechanism itself

    Mucosal antibodies to the C terminus of toxin A prevent colonization of Clostridium difficile

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    Mucosal immunity is considered important for protection against Clostridium difficile infection (CDI). We show that in hamsters immunized with Bacillus subtilis spores expressing a carboxy-terminal segment (TcdA26-39) of C. difficile toxin A, no colonization occurs in protected animals when challenged with C. difficile strain 630. In contrast, animals immunized with toxoids showed no protection and remained fully colonized. Along with neutralizing toxins, antibodies to TcdA26-39 (but not to toxoids), whether raised to the recombinant protein or to TcdA26-39 expressed on the B. subtilis spore surface, cross-react with a number of seemingly unrelated proteins expressed on the vegetative cell surface or spore coat of C. difficile. These include two dehydrogenases, AdhE1 and LdhA, as well as the CdeC protein that is present on the spore. Anti-TcdA26-39 mucosal antibodies obtained following immunization with recombinant B. subtilis spores were able to reduce the adhesion of C. difficile to mucus-producing intestinal cells. This cross-reaction is intriguing yet important since it illustrates the importance of mucosal immunity for complete protection against CDI

    Marrow adipose tissue expansion coincides with insulin resistance in MAGP1-deficient mice

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    Marrow adipose tissue (MAT) is an endocrine organ with the potential to influence skeletal remodeling and hematopoiesis. Pathologic MAT expansion has been studied in the context of severe metabolic challenge, including caloric restriction, high fat diet feeding, and leptin deficiency. However, the rapid change in peripheral fat and glucose metabolism associated with these models impedes our ability to examine which metabolic parameters precede or coincide with MAT expansion. Microfibril-associated glycoprotein-1 (MAGP1) is a matricellular protein that influences cellular processes by tethering signaling molecules to extracellular matrix structures. MAGP1-deficient (Mfap2(−/−)) mice display a progressive excess adiposity phenotype, which precedes insulin resistance and occurs without changes in caloric intake or ambulation. Mfap2(−/−) mice were, therefore, used as a model to associate parameters of metabolic disease, bone remodeling, and hematopoiesis with MAT expansion. Marrow adiposity was normal in Mfap2(−/−) mice until 6 months of age; however, by 10 months, marrow fat volume had increased fivefold relative to wild-type control at the same age. Increased gonadal fat pad mass and hyperglycemia were detectable in Mfap2(−/−) mice by 2 months, but peaked by 6 months. The development of insulin resistance coincided with MAT expansion. Longitudinal characterization of bone mass demonstrated a disconnection in MAT volume and bone volume. Specifically, Mfap2(−/−) mice had reduced trabecular bone volume by 2 months, but this phenotype did not progress with age or MAT expansion. Interestingly, MAT expansion in the 10-month-old Mfap2(−/−) mice was associated with modest alterations in basal hematopoiesis, including a shift from granulopoiesis to B lymphopoiesis. Together, these findings indicate MAT expansion is coincident with insulin resistance, but not excess peripheral adiposity or hyperglycemia in Mfap2(−/−) mice; and substantial MAT accumulation does not necessitate a proportional decrease in either bone mass or bone marrow cellularity