7 research outputs found

    Tablice epitafijne w kościele pw. Narodzenia Najświętszej Marii Panny w Mysłowicach

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    The article contains an epigraphical analysis of five epitaphs from the Church of the Nativity of Our Lady in Mysłowice: the epitaph of Katarzyna Salomonowa, of Father Michał Gosławski, of Father Jerzy Antoni Mieroszewski, of the married couple Felicjan and Helena z Łętowskich Mieroszewscy, of Kunegunda ze Zborowskich Mieroszewska and the one dedicated to the memory of Krzysztof Mieroszewski. The earliest epitaphs date back to the years 1742—1744, whereas the most recent ones date back to ca. 1880. All of the epitaphs, regardless of the date they were created, were made of black marble, the so‑ called Cracow marble. The inscriptions on the epitaphs feature lettering which belongs to the groups of scripts formed on the basis of humanist scripts. A majuscule script is visible in the epigraphs of Katarzyna Salomonowa, Father Michał Gosławski, Krzysztof Mieroszewski and Father Jerzy Antoni Mieroszewski. Whereas the epigraph of Felicjan and Helena z Łętowskich features a minuscule and majuscule script. As far as the three oldest inscriptions i.e. the one of Katarzyna Salomonowa, Priest Michał Gosławski and Priest Jerzy Antoni Mieroszewski, are concerned, they were written in Latin, whereas the two remaining inscriptions were written in Polish. The text features a correct transcription of the inscriptions and a list of abbreviations. The author also presented an interpretation of the extra‑inscriptional elements of the epitaphs such as: coats of arms and heraldic elements, portraits of the deceased and ornamental motifs. There is also a presentation of the profiles of the people to which the epitaphs that were analysed were devoted

    The Influence of Various Matrixes on the Strength Properties of Moulding Sands with Thermally Hardened Hydrated Sodium Silicate for the Ablation Casting Process

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    The essence of ablation casting technology consists in pouring castings into single-use moulds made from the mixture of sand and a water-soluble binder. After pouring the mould with liquid metal yet while the casting is still solidifying, the mould destruction (washing out, erosion) takes place using a stream of cooling medium, which in this case is water. This paper focuses on the selection of  moulding sands with hydrated sodium silicate for moulds used in ablation casting. The research is based on the use of water glass 145 and 150 as binders. As part of the research, loose moulding mixtures based on two silica sands from different sand mines with different content of binders were prepared. The review of literature data and the results of own studies have shown that moulding sand with hydrated sodium silicate hardened by dehydration is characterized by sufficient strength properties to be used in the ablation casting process. Our own research also confirmed the possibility of using these sand mixtures in terms of both casting surface quality and sand reclamation. The results presented in this paper prove that both sand grains and types of binder tested may be used as components in moulding sands devoted to ablation casting


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    Z nieukrywaną satysfakcją oddajemy w ręce Czytelnika tom będący efektem wieloaspektowego spojrzenia na problem związany z relacją zwrotną władza – społeczeństwo. Zebrane artykuły są rezultatem doświadczeń młodych badaczy reprezentujących ośrodki naukowe z całego kraju oraz dyscypliny w obrębie szeroko pojętych nauk humanistycznych i społecznych[…

    The epitaphs in the Church of the Nativity of Our Lady in Mysłowice

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    The article contains an epigraphical analysis of five epitaphs from the Church of the Nativity of Our Lady in Mysłowice: the epitaph of Katarzyna Salomonowa, of Father Michał Gosławski, of Father Jerzy Antoni Mieroszewski, of the married couple Felicjan and Helena z Łętowskich Mieroszewscy, of Kunegunda ze Zborowskich Mieroszewska and the one dedicated to the memory of Krzysztof Mieroszewski. The earliest epitaphs date back to the years 1742—1744, whereas the most recent ones date back to ca. 1880. All of the epitaphs, regardless of the date they were created, were made of black marble, the so‑called Cracow marble. The inscriptions on the epitaphs feature lettering which belongs to the groups of scripts formed on the basis of humanist scripts. A majuscule script is visible in the epigraphs of Katarzyna Salomonowa, Father Michał Gosławski, Krzysztof Mieroszewski and Father Jerzy Antoni Mieroszewski. Whereas the epigraph of Felicjan and Helena z Łętowskich features a minuscule and majuscule script. As far as the three oldest inscriptions i.e. the one of Katarzyna Salomonowa, Priest Michał Gosławski and Priest Jerzy Antoni Mieroszewski, are concerned, they were written in Latin, whereas the two remaining inscriptions were written in Polish. The text features a correct transcription of the inscriptions and a list of abbreviations. The author also presented an interpretation of the extra‑inscriptional elements of the epitaphs such as: coats of arms and heraldic elements, portraits of the deceased and ornamental motifs. There is also a presentation of the profiles of the people to which the epitaphs that were analysed were devoted

    Struktura powieści kryminalnych Josefa Škvoreckiego

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    Doktryna protestancka na kartach śląskich druków kalendarzowych do połowy XVIII w

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    This article looks at the issue of confesionality and the presence of Protestant doctrine in early modern calendars produced in Silesia. The article is based on an examination of 78 early modern calendars (16th through mid-18th century), which were printed in Silesian printing houses (including Breslau, Brzeg, Legnica, Kłodzko, Kożuchów, Nysa and Opawa). Of the calendars bearing the names of editors/authors, 17 were Protestant. While some of these figures were pastors, others were intellectuals who associated with Protestant groups. Silesian calendars were addressed to both Protestants and Catholics. This dual religious character reflected the contemporary Silesian political context, which was fraught with religious tension. While these conditions stimulated a broad religious neutrality, leading many to avoid any direct reference to either Protestant reformers or their doctrines in published works, some Protestant religious ideals nevertheless permeated calendars. The goal of this infiltration, often couched in religious and biblical phrases, was to educate readers on specific social values and work ethic, morality, obedience to superiors, and openness to the outside world