25 research outputs found

    The burden of premature mortality in Poland analysed with the use of standard expected years of life lost

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    Background: Despite positive changes in the health of the population of Poland, compared to the EU average, the average life expectancy in 2011 was 5 years shorter for males and 2.2 years shorter for females. The immediate cause is the great number of premature deaths, which results in years of life lost in the population. The aim of the study was to identify the major causes of years of life lost in Poland. Methods: The analysis was based on a database of the Central Statistical Office of Poland, containing information gathered from 375,501 death certificates of inhabitants of Poland who died in 2011. The SEYLLp (Standard Expected Years of Life Lost per living person) and the SEYLLd (SEYLL per death) measures were calculated to determine years of life lost. Results: In 2011, the total number of years of life lost by in Polish residents due to premature mortality was 2,249,213 (1,415,672 for males and 833,541 for females). The greatest number of years of life lost in males were due to ischemic heart disease (7.8 per 1,000), lung cancer (6.0), suicides (6.6), cerebrovascular disease (4.6) and road traffic accidents (5.4). In females, the factors contributing to the greatest number of deaths were cerebrovascular disease (3.8 per 1,000), ischemic heart disease (3.7), heart failure (2.7), lung cancer (2.5) and breast cancer (2.3). Regarding the individual scores per person in both males and females, the greatest death factors were road traffic accidents (20.2 years in males and 17.1 in females), suicides (17.4 years in males and 15.4 in females) and liver cirrhosis (12.1 years in males and 11.3 in females). Conclusions: It would be most beneficial to further reduce the number of deaths due to cardiovascular diseases, because they contribute to the greatest number of years of life lost. Moreover, from the economic point of view, the most effective preventative activities are those which target causes which result in a large number of years of life lost at productive age for each death due to a particular reason, i.e. road traffic accidents, suicides and liver cirrhosis.National Science Centre, no. DEC-2013/11/B/HS4/00465

    Socioeconomic inequalities in mortality due to all causes in the working age population of Poland in 2002 and 2011

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    Background: The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of education, marital status, employment status and place of residence on mortality in the working age population of Poland in 2002 and 2011. Material and Methods: All deaths of Poland’s inhabitants aged 25–64, in 2002 (N = 97 004) and 2011 (N = 104 598) were analyzed. For individual socio-economic groups standardized mortality rates (SDR) per 100 000 and rate ratio (RR) were calculated. Results: In the group of economically inactive men SDR decreased from 2244.3 in 2002 to 1781.9 in 2011, while in the group of economically active population increased from 253.8 to 298.9 (RR drop from 8.8 to 6). In the group of economically inactive women SDR decreased from 579.5 to 495.2, and among the economically active women population it increased from 78.8 to 90.9 (RR drop from 7.4 to 5.4). In the group of men with higher education SDR decreased from 285.7 to 246, while among men with primary education it increased from 1141 to 1183 (RR increase from 4 to 4.8). In the group of women with higher education SDR decreased from 127.2 to 115.6 and among women with primary education it increased from 375.8 to 423.1 (RR increase from 3 to 3.7). In the group of divorced/separated SDR also increased – from 1521.4 to 1729.8 among men and from 365.5 to 410.8 among women. Conclusions: Future prevention and educational programs should be addressed primarily to the population economically inactive, with primary education and those divorced/separated. Med Pr 2017;68(6):771–77

    Thermographic evaluation of the sinus areas of selected groups of students - pilot study

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    Thermal imaging technique is a sufficiently precise tool by which you can evaluate the condition of the blood supply of various areas of the body. Blood supply is connected with physiological functional status or ongoing pathological processes such as inflammation. The study was conducted on 40 volunteers - randomly selected students. The results are characterized by a slight standard deviation in maximum and minimum temperatures in the maxillary sinus area and the minimal difference between these results. On the basis of studies, the range of values of the reference temperature of the maxillary sinus. This range was isolated based on the results of a group of 39 individuals. It has been shown that in case of one person the results were not within the range of reference values indicating the presence of chronic inflammatory sinusitis


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    Celem badań było zrelacjonowanie wpływu internetowej promocji edukacji filmowej na wybór oferty kulturalnej wśród pedagogów w krakowskich szkołach podstawowych. Jako zaplecze metodologiczne wykorzystano teorie dotyczące promocji oraz zintegrowanej komunikacji marketingowej, jak również koncepcje pedagogiczne, dotyczące roli edukacji filmowej w kształtowaniu jednostek. Podjęto także próbę opisania znaczenia kultury filmowej dla Krakowa. Weryfikację wpływu Internetu na promocję ofert związanych z edukacją filmową umożliwiło badanie ankietowe, przeprowadzone wśród dwudziestu pięciu respondentów. Analiza wyników wykazała, iż przekaz internetowy jest najczęściej wykorzystywanym przez nauczycieli narzędziem, ułatwiającym zaznajomienie się z ofertą krakowskich kin. Wyniki mogą stanowić wkład i zachętę do dalszych badań nad możliwościami i rolą edukacji filmowej, jak również promocji internetowej – stającej się jednym z głównych mediów w dzisiejszym świecie.The aim of the study was to describe the impact of internet promotion of film education on cultural resources chosen by teachers from Kraków primary schools. The methodological background for the study was theories on promotion and integrated marketing communications, as well as pedagogical concepts relating to the role of film education in personal development. An attempt was also made to describe the significance of film culture for Kraków.The Internet’s impact on the promotion of film education resources was verified through a survey conducted among twenty-five respondents. Result analysis showed that internet sources are the tool most frequently used by teachers for learning about films played at Kraków cinemas. The results may contribute and encourage further research on the potential and role of film education as well as internet promotion – which is becoming one of the main media in today’s world

    Do Malignant Neoplasms Contributed to Excess Mortality of Males Aged 65 and More in the Lodz Region from 1999 to 2014?

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    The aim of the study is the analysis of mortality due to cancer diseases of men and women aged 65+ in the Lodz region in the period 1999-2014, with particular emphasis on the phenomenon of excess male mortality. The analysis included information on 501,124 deaths reported in the Lodz region from 1999 to 2014. Crude and standardized death rates according to the causes of death based on ICD–10 and excess mortality rates were calculated. An analysis of time trends was performed with the use of joinpoint models. In the period under study a slight decrease in standardized mortality rates (per 10,000) caused by cancer among people aged 65 and more was observed – from 171.7 to 166.8 among males and from 83.9 to 81.7 among females. The excess mortality rate at the beginning and end of the study period was 2.0. The main causes of deaths in the C00‑C97 class among men aged 65+ in 2014 were cancers of (rates per 10,000): trachea, bronchus and lung (46.0); colon, rectum and anus (19.0); prostate (18.4). While among women aged 65 and more, these were cancers of: trachea, bronchus and lung (12.6); colon, rectum and anus (11.3); breast (8.8). The phenomenon of excess mortality of males aged 65 and more due to cancer diseases in the Lodz region in 2014 was determined mainly by malignant neoplasms of: bladder; trachea, bronchus and lung; stomach.Celem artykułu jest analiza umieralności z powodu chorób nowotworowych mężczyzn i kobiet w wieku 65+ w województwie łódzkim w latach 1999-2014, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem zjawiska nadumieralności mężczyzn. Analizą objęto informacje o 501 124 zgonach odnotowanych w województwie łódzkim w latach 1999-2014. Obliczono rzeczywiste i standaryzowane współczynniki umieralności szczegółowej według przyczyn zgonów na podstawie ICD–10 oraz wskaźniki nadumieralności. Analizę trendów czasowych przeprowadzono za pomocą modeli joinpoint. W badanym okresie zaobserwowano nieznaczne obniżenie standaryzowanych współczynników umieralności (na 10 000 ludności) z powodu nowotworów złośliwych wśród osób w wieku 65+: w grupie mężczyzn z 171,7 do 166,8, a w grupie kobiet z 83,9 do 81,7. Wskaźnik nadumieralności na początku i na końcu ba danego okresu wynosił 2,0. W klasie C00‑C97 najważniejszymi przyczynami zgonów wśród mężczyzn w wieku 65+ w 2014 roku były nowotwory złośliwe (wskaźnik na 10 000 ludności): tchawicy, oskrzela i płuca (46,0); jelita grubego, odbytnicy i odbytu (19,0); gruczołu krokowego (18,4). Natomiast wśród kobiet powyżej 65 roku życia były to nowotwory: tchawicy, oskrzela i płuca (12,6); jelita grubego, odbytnicy i odbytu (11,3); piersi (8,8). Zjawisko nadumieralności mężczyzn w wieku 65 lat i więcej z powodu chorób nowotworowych w województwie łódzkim w 2014 roku było determinowane w największym stopniu nowotworami złośliwymi: pęcherza moczowego, tchawicy, oskrzela i płuca oraz żołądka.Badanie zostało zrealizowane ze środków Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Łodzi na rozwój młodej kadry – nr 502-03/6-029-07/502-64-102-1

    Years of life lost of inhabitants of rural areas in Poland due to premature mortality caused by external reasons of death 1999–2012

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    Introduction External causes of death are the third most common causes of death, after cardiovascular diseases and malignant neoplasms, in inhabitants of Poland. External causes of death pose the greatest threat to people aged 5–44, which results in a great number of years of life lost. Objective The aim of the study is the analysis of years of life lost due to external causes of death among rural inhabitants in Poland, particularly due to traffic accidents and suicides. Material and Methods The study material included a database created on the basis of 2,100,785 certificates of rural inhabitants in Poland in the period 1999–2012. The SEYLL p (Standard Expected Years of Life Lost per living person) and the SEYLL d (per death) indices were used to determine years of life lost due to external causes of death. Joinpoint models were used to analyze time trends. Results In the period 1999–2012, 151,037 rural inhabitants died due to external causes, including 27.2% due to traffic accidents and 25.2% due to suicides. In 2012, the SEYLL[sub]p[/sub] was 1,817 per 100,000 males and 298 per 100,000 females. Among males, suicides (SEYLL p = 633 years per 100,000) and traffic accidents (SEYLL p = 473 years per 100,000) contributed to the largest number of years of life lost. Among females, SEYLLp values were: 109 years due to traffic accidents and 69 years due to suicides (per 100,000). Among males, SEYLL p values started to decrease in 2008 at the average annual rate of 3.2%. In the group of females in the period 1999–2012, SEYLL p values were decreasing by 2.4% per year. Conclusions The decreasing trend of the number of lost years of life due to external causes among rural inhabitants does not apply to suicides among men. The SEYLL p due to this group of causes has been steadily increasing since 1999. Analysis of the years of life lost focuses on the social and economic aspects of premature mortality due to external causes

    Socioeconomic inequalities in mortality due to all causes in the working age population of Poland in 2002 and 2011

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    Background: The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of education, marital status, employment status and place of residence on mortality in the working age population of Poland in 2002 and 2011. Material and Methods: All deaths of Poland’s inhabitants aged 25–64, in 2002 (N = 97 004) and 2011 (N = 104 598) were analyzed. For individual socio-economic groups standardized mortality rates (SDR) per 100 000 and rate ratio (RR) were calculated. Results: In the group of economically inactive men SDR decreased from 2244.3 in 2002 to 1781.9 in 2011, while in the group of economically active population increased from 253.8 to 298.9 (RR drop from 8.8 to 6). In the group of economically inactive women SDR decreased from 579.5 to 495.2, and among the economically active women population it increased from 78.8 to 90.9 (RR drop from 7.4 to 5.4). In the group of men with higher education SDR decreased from 285.7 to 246, while among men with primary education it increased from 1141 to 1183 (RR increase from 4 to 4.8). In the group of women with higher education SDR decreased from 127.2 to 115.6 and among women with primary education it increased from 375.8 to 423.1 (RR increase from 3 to 3.7). In the group of divorced/separated SDR also increased – from 1521.4 to 1729.8 among men and from 365.5 to 410.8 among women. Conclusions: Future prevention and educational programs should be addressed primarily to the population economically inactive, with primary education and those divorced/separated. Med Pr 2017;68(6):771–77

    Years of life lost of inhabitants of rural areas in Poland due to premature mortality caused by external reasons of death 1999–2012

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    Introduction External causes of death are the third most common causes of death, after cardiovascular diseases and malignant neoplasms, in inhabitants of Poland. External causes of death pose the greatest threat to people aged 5–44, which results in a great number of years of life lost. Objective The aim of the study is the analysis of years of life lost due to external causes of death among rural inhabitants in Poland, particularly due to traffic accidents and suicides. Material and Methods The study material included a database created on the basis of 2,100,785 certificates of rural inhabitants in Poland in the period 1999–2012. The SEYLL p (Standard Expected Years of Life Lost per living person) and the SEYLL d (per death) indices were used to determine years of life lost due to external causes of death. Joinpoint models were used to analyze time trends. Results In the period 1999–2012, 151,037 rural inhabitants died due to external causes, including 27.2% due to traffic accidents and 25.2% due to suicides. In 2012, the SEYLL[sub]p[/sub] was 1,817 per 100,000 males and 298 per 100,000 females. Among males, suicides (SEYLL p = 633 years per 100,000) and traffic accidents (SEYLL p = 473 years per 100,000) contributed to the largest number of years of life lost. Among females, SEYLLp values were: 109 years due to traffic accidents and 69 years due to suicides (per 100,000). Among males, SEYLL p values started to decrease in 2008 at the average annual rate of 3.2%. In the group of females in the period 1999–2012, SEYLL p values were decreasing by 2.4% per year. Conclusions The decreasing trend of the number of lost years of life due to external causes among rural inhabitants does not apply to suicides among men. The SEYLL p due to this group of causes has been steadily increasing since 1999. Analysis of the years of life lost focuses on the social and economic aspects of premature mortality due to external causes

    Piętnastoletnie trendy umieralności z powodu chorób układu sercowo-naczyniowego przy użyciu współczynników utraconych standardowych oczekiwanych lat życia w Polsce w latach 2000–2014

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    Background: Measures presenting the number of years of lost life point out social and economic aspects of premature mortality. Aim: The aim of the study was to determine trends and pace of changes in years of life lost, in inhabitants of Poland, in 2000–2014, due to cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Methods: The study material was a database including 2,587,141 death certificates of Polish inhabitants who died of CVD in 2000–2014. We applied the standard expected years of life lost (SEYLL) indicators per living person (SEYLLp) and per death (SEYLLd) to calculate life years lost. We also estimated annual percentage changes (APC) and average annual percentage changes (AAPC) in the SEYLL indicators. Results: In 2000 the SEYLLp index due to CVD was 860.3 years per 10,000 males and 586.9 years per 10,000 females. In 2000–2004 the indices were decreasing and the average annual rate was –0.8% in the male group and –1.2% in the female group. Eventually, in 2014 its values were 721.4 years per 10,000 males and 475.6 years per 10,000 females. The respondents were losing years of life due to ischaemic heart disease (IHD) most rapidly (AAPC = –3.3% in the male group and –3.2% in the female group) and due to cerebrovascular diseases (AAPC = –2.5% in the male group and AAPC = –3.3% in the female group). On the other hand, there was an increase in the number of years of life lost due to heart failure (HF) (AAPC = 5.7% in the male group and AAPC = 4.4% in the female group). In 2014 SEYLLp due to IHD were 207.3 per 10,000 males and 99.1 per 10,000 females, due to cerebrovascular diseases — 124.3 and 102.2, and due to HF — 155.3 and 104.9. Each male who died of CVD lost on average 19.1 years in the year 2000 and 17.0 years in the year 2014 (AAPC = –0.5%). Regarding women, SEYLLd values were 12.6 years in 2000 and 10.4 years in 2014 (AAPC = –1.4%). A decrease in the SEYLLd value was observed in all analysed causes of mortality, in both males and females. Conclusions: Among CVDs, IHD and cerebrovascular diseases contribute to the highest number of years of life lost in inhabitants of Poland. The constant decline in the average number of years of life lost by each person who died of CVD might result from implementation of more effective prophylaxis and more effective treatment, which extend lifespan.Wstęp: Ocena udziału poszczególnych chorób będących przyczynami zgonów w krajach wysoko rozwiniętych przy użyciu współczynników umieralności wskazuje na największy udział chorób układu sercowo-naczyniowego (CVD). Ponieważ jednak ta klasa chorób jest w dużej części odpowiedzialna za zgony osób w wieku starszym, skutki społeczne i ekonomiczne są mniejsze niż w przypadku tych przyczyn, które są odpowiedzialne za zgony osób młodszych. Użycie współczynników oceniających przedwczesną umieralność w jednostkach utraconego czasu życia umożliwia uwzględnienie tych różnic. Cel: Celem badania jest określenie kierunku i tempa zmian w utraconych latach życia mieszkańców Polski w latach 2000–2014 z powodu CVD, w tym w szczególności choroby niedokrwiennej serca (IHD), chorób naczyń mózgowych, chorób tętnic, tętniczek i naczyń włosowatych oraz niewydolności serca (HF). Metody: Materiał badawczy stanowiła baza danych utworzona na podstawie 2,587,141 kart zgonów z powodu CVD mieszkańców Polski w latach 2000–2014. Do obliczenia utraconych lat życia zastosowano wskaźniki SEYLLp (standard expected years of life lost per living person) oraz SEYLLd (standard expected years of life lost per death). Analizę trendów przeprowadzono za pomocą modeli joinpoint. Policzono współczynniki APC (annual percentage change) i AAPC (average annual percentage change). Wyniki: Współczynnik SEYLLp z powodu CVD wynosił w 2000 r. 860,3 roku na 10 tys. mężczyzn i 586,9 roku na 10 tys. kobiet. W latach 2000–2004 współczynniki zmniejszały się w średnim rocznym tempie wynoszącym –0,8% wśród mężczyzn i –1,2% wśród kobiet, a w 2014 r. osiągnęły wartości 721,4 roku na 10 tys. mężczyzn i 475,6 roku na 10 tys. kobiet. W najszybszym tempie zmniejszała się liczba utraconych lat z powodu IHD (AAPC = –3,3% w grupie mężczyzn i AAPC = –3,2% w grupie kobiet) oraz z powodu chorób naczyń mózgowych (AAPC = –2,5% w grupie mężczyzn i AAPC = –3,3% w grupie kobiet). Niewielki i nieistotny statystycznie spadek dotyczył SEYLLp z powodu chorób tętnic, tętniczek i naczyń włosowatych. Zwiększała się natomiast liczba utraconych lat z powodu HF (AAPC = 5,7% w grupie mężczyzn i AAPC = 4,4% w grupie kobiet). W 2014 r. współczynniki SEYLLp osiągnęły następujące wartości: z powodu IHD — 207,3 na 10 tys. mężczyzn i 99,1 na 10 tys. kobiet, z powodu chorób naczyń mózgowych — odpowiednio 124,3 i 102,2, z powodu HF — odpowied­nio 155,3 i 104,9, z powodu chorób tętnic, tętniczek i naczyń włosowatych — odpowiednio 83,1 i 92,3. Każdy mężczyzna zmarły z powodu CVD stracił średnio 19,1 roku w 2000 r. i 17,0 lat w 20014 r. (AAPC = –0,5%). W grupie kobiet wartości SEYLLd wyniosły 12,6 roku w 2000 r. i 10,4 roku w 2014 r. (AAPC = –1,4%). We wszystkich spośród analizowanych grup przyczyn zgonów u obu płci zaobserwowano istotny statystycznie spadek wartości SEYLLd. W 2014 r. wskaźniki SEYLLd dla poszczególnych grup przyczyn wynosiły: z powodu IHD — 18,3 roku wśród mężczyzn i 11,3 roku wśród kobiet, z powodu chorób naczyń mózgowych — odpowiednio 17,3 i 11,5, z powodu HF — odpowiednio 16,6 i 10,3, a z powodu chorób tętnic, tętniczek i naczyń włosowatych — odpowiednio 11,0 i 7,7. Wnioski: W redukcji liczby utraconych lat życia mieszkańców Polski z powodu CVD największy udział mają IHD oraz choroby naczyń mózgowych. W okresie ostatnich 10 lat wzrasta systematycznie liczba utraconych lat życia z powodu HF. Zaobserwowano stały spadek średniej liczby utraconych lat życia przez każdą osobę zmarłą z powodu CVD ogółem oraz w każdej z analizowanych grup przyczyn zgonów, co może świadczyć o lepszych efektach działań profilaktycznych i bardziej skutecznym leczeniu wydłużającym życie pacjentów