23 research outputs found

    Technical note: Laboratory modelling of urban flooding: strengths and challenges of distorted scale models

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    Laboratory experiments are a viable approach for improving process understanding and generating data for the validation of computational models. However, laboratory-scale models of urban flooding in street networks are often distorted, i.e. different scale factors are used in the horizontal and vertical directions. This may result in artefacts when transposing the laboratory observations to the prototype scale (e.g. alteration of secondary currents or of the relative importance of frictional resistance). The magnitude of such artefacts was not studied in the past for the specific case of urban flooding. Here, we present a preliminary assessment of these artefacts based on the reanalysis of two recent experimental datasets related to flooding of a group of buildings and of an entire urban district, respectively. The results reveal that, in the tested configurations, the influence of model distortion on the upscaled values of water depths and discharges are both of the order of 10&thinsp;%. This research contributes to the advancement of our knowledge of small-scale physical processes involved in urban flooding, which are either explicitly modelled or parametrized in urban hydrology models.</p

    Early interceptive treatment management

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    This article offers a series of justifications for early interceptive treatment as opposed to later treatment that might necessarily involve the extraction of permanent teeth. The biological responses of the membranous sutures, of the periosteum, of the periodontal ligaments, and of the condylar cartilages but also of the potential for growth in stature, well before the pre-pubertal growth spurt and the administration of effective treatments, are also reasons that support an early phase of treatment, in the early mixed dentition, even in the primary dentition! Some early orthodontic or orthopedic treatments and their appliances such as buccal screens, myofunctional trainers, occlusal splints or sectional expansion plates and other maxillary expansion and protraction appliances are useful for correcting deformities or severe under-developments that are already in place. But myofunctional re-education, when carried out according to a structured and prioritized program, is perhaps the most important because these etiopathogenic treatments used to both suppress the causes of the deformations and to restore balanced function, make it possible to re-establish a normal growth pattern and perhaps consequently, to avoid the need for extraction of permanent teeth

    TEaching, learning and memorising lexis of a sedond/foreign language

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    V prispevku je opisana vloga, ki jo je zavzemalo poučevanje/učenje leksike pri metodah in pristopi, ki so se v preteklosti uporabljali za poučevanje drugih/tujih jezikov. Poseben poudarek je na trenutnih tendencah poučevanja/učenja leksike, hkrati pa članek prinaša še vpogled v proses usvajanja leksike in hipoteze o pomnjenju pomenskih prvin jezika. Teoretična izhodišča so bila zbrana predvsem na podlagi tujejezične literature, pri čemer pa avtorica skuša opozarjati na jezikovno specifičnost slovenščine.The article describes the role of teaching/learning lexis of the methods and approaches applied in the teaching of second/foreign language in the past. A special emphasis is placed on the current trends of teaching/learning lexis. In addition, the article affords an insight into the process of lexis acquisition, and a hypothesis on how to memorise word menaning. Although theoretical background has been taken mainly from foreign literature, the author tries to point out the specific linguistic nature of the Slovene language

    Les travaux d'histoire locale: Conseils aux auteurs

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