34 research outputs found

    Les grands hôtels, témoins de l'histoire du tourisme : le Royal et Splendid Hôtel à Saint-Gervais-les-Bains (Haute-Savoie)

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    Buildings offer an operational insight into the way territories are structured and redesigned. In a spatial approach to tourism, grand old hotels reveal a great deal about the establishment and construction of tourist resorts. The apparent unity of a building often conceals a long and complex history, which is worth deciphering.

    Tourisme et loisirs

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    La France et le tourisme ont depuis longtemps partie liée : voici deux siècles que les touristes ont " inventé " la Côte d\u27Azur et le Mont-Blanc. Depuis, le tourisme est devenu un phénomène majeur et une activité productive. Aujourd\u27hui, la France réussit le double exploit d\u27accueillir le plus grand nombre de touristes étrangers et de retenir sur son territoire l\u27essentiel des Français qui partent en vacances. L\u27Atlas propose une première approche géographique du tourisme et des loisirs. Il rassemble et confronte des données dispersées, souvent peu connues. Il identifie les touristes, mesure l\u27apport de la richesse et différencie les activités touristiques. Une attention particulière est prêtée à l\u27analyse des différents modes d\u27hébergement. La place très inégale du tourisme dans l\u27espace français fait l\u27objet d\u27un autre chapitre. Par jeu d\u27échelle, l\u27Atlas se termine sur l\u27analyse des lieux du tourisme. Cet ouvrage n\u27est pas seulement une succession de cartes commentées : il a l\u27ambition de faire réfléchir à la nature du tourisme et des loisirs, en prenant un peu de distance à l\u27égard des intérêts qui pèsent sur cette activité et des idées reçues que celle-ci alimente à loisir

    L’Institut de Saint-Gervais. Une recherche-action dans la montagne touristique.

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    Cet ouvrage dresse un bilan de l\u27expérience de l\u27Institut de Saint Gervais, qui a réuni pendant 3 ans une équipe de chercheurs autour du désir commun de travailler sur la mutation des stations touristiques de la montagne alpine.

    Annuaire de la recherche géographique francophone

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    Annuaire de la recherche géographique francophone

    Les conditions de la mise en tourisme de la haute montagne et ses effets sur le territoire. L’apport d’une comparaison entre le Haut-Atlas et le Népal mise en perspective à l’aide du précédent alpin (exemple du massif du Mont-Blanc)

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    The article brings together information relating to certain high mountain tourist areas and places it in an historical context with a view to identifying the processes at work in the development of such areas. The study examines three mountain massifs (Mont-Blanc, Toubkal and Khumbu) where tourism development began at different times and has today reached different stages. The aim is to identify generic indices that might be applied to other tourist areas, whether they be in the mountains or not. With this in mind, the analysis focuses in particular on the role of the State, tourists and towns

    Development of 200-GHz to 2.7-THz multiplier chains for submillimeter-wave heterodyne receivers

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    Several astrophysics and Earth observation space missions planned for the near future will require submillimeter-wave heterodyne radiometers for spectral line observations. One of these, the Far InfraRed and Submillimeter Telescope will perform high-sensitivity, high-resolution spectroscopy in the 400 to 2700 GHz range with a seven channel super- conducting heterodyne receiver complement. The local oscillators for all these channels will be constructed around state-of-the-art GaAs power amplifiers in the 71 to 115 GHz range, followed by planar Schottky diode multiplier chains. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory is responsible for developing the multiplier chains for the 1.2, 1.7, and 2.7 THz bands. This paper will focus on the designs and technologies being developed to enhance the current state- of-the-art, which is based on discrete planar or whisker contacted GaAs Schottky diode chips mounted in waveguide blocks. We are proposing a number of new planar integrated circuit and device topologies to implement multipliers at these high frequencies. Approaches include substrateless, framed and frameless GaAs membrane circuitry with single, and multiple planar integrated Schottky diodes. Circuits discussed include 200 and 400 GHz doublers, a 1.2 THz tripler and a 2.4 THz doubler. Progress to date, with the implications of this technology development for future Earth and space science instruments, is presented

    Is the solar system entering a nearby interstellar cloud

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    Physical and chemical fractionation of deuterium in the interstellar medium

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    Is the solar system entering a nearby interstellar cloud

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    Summary: « Reading ebooks : a new reading contact ? » Since ebook reader software and hand-held dedicated ebook devices have arrived on the market in 1998, they have been heralded for opening new intellectual cognitive pathways. At the same time, alarmist voices have arisen, prophetizing the end of the printed book and of reading traditions. Is the future of reading really at stake ? Reading practices develop within implicit “reading contracts” which define minimal conditions and necessary presuppositions for establishing communication structures between texts, readers and authors. Ebooks with their “invisible” digital format could greatly upset these conventions and fragilise the central role of books in western culture and society. Do ebooks modify or change the different ways of negociating meaning through texts ? Will a new reading contract emerge with these dedicated devices that offer high readability (in the sense of legibility), portability and physical eye comfort ? These issues will be addressed through the results of a recent survey done with public library users of ebooks in the Rhone-Alps region in the first semester of 2002