221 research outputs found

    An Innovation Formula for Privately Held Mid-Sized Companies

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    The principal objective of this paper is to create an innovation formula that streamlines and optimizes the innovation process in mid-sized privately held companies. Research included case studies of three privately held mid-sized companies. A comparison and analysis was completed on how each of the companies innovate, the success of methods used, and their ability to adapt to adversity. To address the increasing demand for innovative products and services that privately held mid-sized companies need to deliver on, information taken from the case studies was utilized to derive an innovation formula that focuses on customer engagement, professional affiliations, and open innovation

    Employee Behavioral Intention and Technology Use: Mediating Processes and Individual Difference Moderators

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    Considering the substantial amount of time and organizational resources that are involved in the development and implementation of end-user technology (e.g., communication software platforms, social networking sites) within organizations, it is imperative to understand the factors that best predict use of end-user software. Although technology acceptance models, grounded in broader theories of behavior, do exist, these models fall-short in determining the most proximal antecedents of actual behavior. Currently, the majority of the research in the information technology arena posits behavioral intention as the most proximal antecedent of technology use. Behavioral intention does explain variance in use, but this relationship has been the subject of discussions and research calling for 1) an investigation of potential moderators based on meta-analytic results, 2) the consideration of theoretically meaningfully mediators that may explain the relationship between behavioral intention and behavior, and 3) stronger experimental designs that do not rely on self-reported technology use. To this end, a model was developed that posited that the relationship between behavioral intention and behavior is mediated by implementation plans. Further, it was also hypothesized that the behavioral intention to implementation plans relationship, as well as the implementation plans to behavior relationship, is moderated by computer self-efficacy. To test the hypotheses, approximately 406 participants from a large international organization responded to survey questions intended to assess their behavioral intentions, implementation plans, and computer self-efficacy. Further, participant usage of the technology in question (Microsoft Lync) was assessed by querying their actual use following a one month post-survey lag. The results demonstrated partial support for the complete hypothesized model, with implementation plans mediating the behavioral intentions – behavior relationship. The moderating effect of computer self-efficacy was not supported. Practical implications, directions for future, and limitations are discussed

    Crowdsourcing Job Satisfaction Data: Examining the Construct Validity of Glassdoor.com Ratings

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    Researchers, practitioners, and job seekers now routinely use crowdsourced data about organizations for both decision-making and research purposes. Despite the popularity of such websites, empirical evidence regarding their validity is generally absent. In this study, we tackled this problem by combining two curated datasets: (a) the results of the 2017 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS), which contains facet-level job satisfaction ratings from 407,789 US federal employees, and which we aggregated to the agency level, and (b) current overall and facet ratings of job satisfaction of the federal agencies contained within FEVS from Glassdoor.com as scraped from the Glassdoor application programming interface (API) within a month of the FEVS survey’s administration. Using these data, we examined convergent validity, discriminant validity, and methods effects for the measurement of both overall and facet-level job satisfaction by analyzing a multitrait-multimethod matrix (MTMM). Most centrally, we provide evidence that overall Glassdoor ratings of satisfaction within US federal agencies correlate moderately with aggregated FEVS overall ratings (r = .516), supporting the validity of the overall Glassdoor rating as a measure of overall job satisfaction aggregated to the organizational level. In contrast, the validity of facet-level measurement was not well-supported. Overall, given varying strengths and weaknesses with both Glassdoor and survey data, we recommend the combined use of both traditional and crowdsourced data on organizational characteristics for both research and practice

    Drought propagation in brazilian biomes revealed by remote sensing

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    Drought events have been reported in all Brazilian regions every year, evolving slowly over time and large areas, and largely impacting agriculture, hydropower production, and water supplies. In the last two decades, major drought events have occurred over the country, such as the 2010 and 2015 events in the Amazon, the 2012 event in the Pampa, and the 2014 event in the Cerrado biome. This research aimed to understand drought propagation and patterns over these biomes through joint analysis of hydrological, climatic, and vegetation indices based on remote sensing data. To understand the drought cascade propagation patterns, we assessed precipitation, evapotranspiration, soil moisture (at surface and sub-surface), terrestrial water storage, land surface temperature, enhanced vegetation index, and gross primary productivity. Similar drought patterns were observed in the 2015 Amazon and 2012 Pampa droughts, with meteorological and agricultural droughts followed by a hydrological drought, while the 2014 event in the Cerrado was more associated with a hydrological drought. Moreover, the 2015 Amazon drought showed a different pattern than that of 2010, with higher anomalies in precipitation and lower anomalies in evapotranspiration. Thus, drought propagation behaves differently in distinct Brazilian biomes. Our results highlight that terrestrial water storage anomalies were able to represent the hydrological drought patterns over the country. Our findings reveal important aspects of drought propagation using remote sensing in a heterogenous country largely affected by such events

    Estimativas de evaporação de reservatórios no Brasil por sensoriamento remoto

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    A evaporação é um dos componentes mais importantes do ciclo hidrológico, podendo afetar significativamente a disponibilidade de água em lagos e reservatórios, e com isso, o abastecimento de água para a população, agricultura, geração de energia, entre outros usos. O Brasil possui uma área de aproximadamente 45.500 km² ocupada por corpos d’água artificiais, sendo que os reservatórios possuem papel fundamental na geração de energia elétrica do país. A evaporação líquida (evaporação do reservatório menos a evapotranspiração do entorno) representa o uso adicional de água promovido pelo próprio reservatório. Estimativas precisas de evaporação do lago e evaporação líquida são essenciais para a gestão de recursos hídricos; apesar disso, as medições em campo de evaporação em reservatórios são escassas. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho tem por objetivo estimar a taxa de evaporação de águas abertas (Ew) e a evaporação líquida em reservatórios brasileiros, a partir de sensoriamento remoto. Foram utilizadas estimativas de evaporação de cinco modelos, baseados em sensoriamento remoto: geeSEBAL, SSEBop, SELET, MOD28C3 e a equação de Shuttleworth. Entre os métodos existentes para estimar a evaporação, destacam-se os métodos baseados em balanço de energia (e.g. geeSEBAL, SSEBop, SELET), que utilizam produtos de temperatura de superfície para obter as estimativas dos fluxos energéticos entre a superfície e atmosfera. A evaporação, e suas incertezas, foram estimadas para os maiores reservatórios pertencentes ao Sistema Interligado Nacional – SIN, totalizando 74 reservatórios com área maior do que 50 km², o que representa quase 70% da área ocupada por massas d’água artificiais no Brasil. Os resultados indicaram que os modelos representaram de forma satisfatória a evaporação e a evaporação líquida nos reservatórios. Para os reservatórios analisados, a evaporação total foi estimada em cerca de 46,6 ± 1.0 km³ por ano (cerca de 8% do volume total dos reservatórios analisados), e a evaporação líquida em 16,4 ± 0.5 km³ por ano (cerca de 27% da retirada de água total em 2021 no Brasil). Os reservatórios com maior taxa evaporativa estão localizados na região do semiárido. Os reservatórios localizados em climas secos (semiárido) apresentaram maior evaporação líquida do que reservatórios em clima tropical e subtropical. Os resultados demonstram a relevância da aplicação de métodos de balanço de energia combinados com dados de sensoriamento remoto para estimar a evaporação de reservatórios em escala nacional, contribuindo para a gestão de recursos hídricos em reservatórios e para a promoção da segurança hídrica.Evaporation is one of the most important components of the hydrological cycle and can significantly affect the availability of water in lakes and reservoirs, and so, impact the water supply to the population, agriculture, energy generation, among other uses. Brazil has an area of about 45,500 km² occupied by artificial water bodies, and the reservoirs play a fundamental role in the generation of electricity in the country. Net evaporation (reservoir evaporation minus the evapotranspiration from surroundings) represents the additional water use promoted by the reservoir. Accurate lake evaporation and net evaporation estimates are essential for water resources management, although field measurements of reservoirs evaporation are scarce. In this context, the present study aims to estimate open water evaporation (Ew) rates and net evaporation in Brazilian reservoirs using remote sensing. In this study, five remote sensing-based models were used to estimate evaporation: geeSEBAL, SSEBop, SELET, MOD28C3 and the Shuttleworth equation. Among the existing methods to estimate evaporation, it stands out the methods based on energy balance (e.g. geeSEBAL, SSEBop, SELET), which use surface temperature products to obtain energy fluxes estimates between the surface and atmosphere. Open water evaporation, and their uncertainties, were estimated for the largest reservoirs that belong to the Brazilian National Interconnected, achieving 74 reservoirs with an area greater than 50 km², which represents almost 70% of the area occupied by artificial water bodies in Brazil. The results indicated that the models satisfactorily represented the evaporation and net evaporation in Brazilian reservoirs. For the assessed reservoirs, total evaporation was estimated at around 46.6 ± 1.0 km³ per year (about 8% of the analyzed reservoirs total volume), and the net evaporation was estimated at 16.4 ± 0.5 km³ per year (about 27% of the total water withdrawal in 2021 in Brazil). The reservoirs with the highest evaporative rate are located in the semi-arid region. Furthermore, it was verified that the reservoirs located in dry climate zones presented higher net evaporation than reservoirs in tropical and subtropical climate zones. The results demonstrate the relevance of applying energy balance methods combined with remote sensing data to estimate reservoirs evaporation on a national scale, enhancing water resources management in reservoirs and promoting water security

    Representação de eventos de secas no Brasil por produtos de sensoriamento remoto

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    Os eventos extremos de secas ocorrem de formas distintas em diferentes regiões do Brasil, considerando o seu tempo de duração, intensidade, e efeitos para o meio ambiente e sociedade de modo geral. A identificação e caracterização destes processos, em cada região, se apresentam como uma forma de avaliação, monitoramento e possível controle dos impactos das secas. Para tanto, a análise de variáveis climáticas e hidrológicas, obtidas de produtos de sensoriamento remoto, se mostra como uma alternativa para a caracterização de eventos de escassez hídrica. Neste sentido, este estudo tem como objetivo identificar e comparar como ocorreram determinados eventos extremos de secas, em diferentes regiões do país, avaliando sua duração e intensidade, e correlacionando diversas variáveis ambientais com vista a obter padrões na ocorrência destes eventos. Foram avaliadas quatro regiões do país e eventos extremos de secas ocorridos em cada região, sendo: a Região Norte – Amazônia (seca de 2010), a Região Nordeste (seca de 2012), a Região Sudeste (seca de 2014), e a Região Sul – Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (seca de 2012). Foram utilizados dados obtidos por sensoriamento remoto, disponíveis na plataforma Google Earth Engine, para o período de janeiro de 2003 a dezembro de 2016. As variáveis de interesse deste estudo foram a precipitação (IMERG), a temperatura de superfície (MOD11), a anomalia no armazenamento total de água (GRACE), a evapotranspiração (GLEAM e MOD16) e os índices de vegetação NDVI, EVI (MOD13) e GPP (MOD17). Com estes dados, se obteve o comportamento das variáveis na estação seca de cada região, seus padrões temporais, e a correlação entre estas variáveis, para cada região. Os resultados deste estudo indicaram os padrões característicos de eventos extremos de secas, e como estes ocorrem em diferentes regiões do Brasil, verificando o comportamento das variáveis em cenários com e sem a presença de secas. A seca extrema da Amazônia, em 2010, gerou grande redução de precipitação, o que provocou redução no armazenamento total de água, e nos índices EVI e NDVI. Na Região Nordeste, antes da seca de 2012, a precipitação, a ET e os índices de vegetação já apresentavam anomalias muito negativas, e depois da seca, os registros de anomalias negativas seguiram para a ET, o armazenamento total de água e os índices de vegetação. Na Região Sudeste, a seca de 2014 provocou queda na anomalia de armazenamento total de água, registrando valor muito menor que a média para o período, sendo que essa variável só se recuperou em 2016. No Rio Grande do Sul, para a seca de 2012, a variação no armazenamento total de água também registrou grande redução nos valores. Destaca-se a variável de anomalia no armazenamento total de água, obtida pelo produto GRACE, que representou muito bem os eventos de secas. Espera-se que os resultados obtidos neste estudo sejam úteis para melhor compreender como ocorrem os eventos extremos de secas no Brasil, podendo contribuir para o gerenciamento dos recursos disponíveis em cenários extremos de escassez hídrica.Extreme drought events occur in distinct ways for different regions of Brazil, considering their duration, intensity, and effects on the environment and society. The identification and characterization of these processes, in each region, are presented as a form of assessement, monitoring and possible control of drought impacts. Therefore, the analysis of climatic and hydrological variables, obtained from remote sensing products, is shown as an alternative for the characterization of water scarcity events. Thus, this study aims to identify and compare how certain extreme drought events occurred, in different regions of the country, assessing their duration and intensity, and correlating the environmental variables in order to obtain patterns in the occurrence of these events. Extreme droughts in four regions of the country were evaluated: the North Region – Amazon (2010 drought), the Northeast Region (2012 drought), the Southeast Region (2014 drought), and the South Region – State of Rio Grande do Sul (2012 drought). Remote sensing data available on the Google Earth Engine platform were processed for the period from January 2003 to December 2016. The variables of interest in this study were precipitation (IMERG), surface temperature (MOD11), total water storage anomaly (GRACE), evapotranspiration (GLEAM and MOD16) and vegetation indices - NDVI, EVI (MOD13) and GPP (MOD17). With these data, the behavior of the variables in the defined drought period, their temporal patterns, and the correlation between these variables, for each region, were discussed. The results of this study indicated the characteristic patterns of extreme drought events, and how they occurred in different regions of Brazil, verifying the behavior of variables in scenarios with and without the presence of droughts. The Amazon extreme drought, in 2010, generated a great reduction in precipitation, which caused a reduction in total water storage, and EVI and NDVI indices. In the Northeast Region, before the 2012 drought, precipitation, ET and vegetation indices already showed very negative anomalies, and after the drought, the records of negative anomalies followed for ET, total water storage and vegetation indices. In the Southeast Region, the drought of 2014 caused a decrease in total water storage anomaly, registering a value much lower than the average for that period, and this variable only recovered in 2016. In Rio Grande do Sul, for the 2012 drought, the variation in total water storage also registered a great reduction in values. Stands out that the variable of anomaly in total water storage, obtained by GRACE product, represented drought events very well. The results obtained in this study are expected to be useful to better understand how extreme drought events occur in Brazil, and may contribute to the management of available resources in extreme water scarcity scenarios

    Simulação numérica 3D do escoamento em escadas para peixes com ranhura vertical : validação do modelo e caracterização do escoamento

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    Vertical slot fishways allow energy dissipation as a function of the pool, longitudinal slope, baffle and vertical slot design. The mean and turbulent flow patterns in these structures must be compatible with the fish target. The design of these structures is commonly based on previous successful fishways as well as simplified theoretical equations and empirical relationships. To aid in the design of these structures, a three-dimensional hydrodynamic model was used to simulate the flow, and experimental studies were used to validate the model. The mean velocities, pressures and parameters indicative of turbulence were analyzed. The maximum flow velocities were up to 32% higher than the values obtained using a simplified theoretical equation. The evaluation of the volumetric dissipated power indicated that the mean value for the pool was lower than 150 W/m3; however, analysis of the spatial distribution showed that in some areas, the values can exceed 1000 W/m3. The results indicate that the numerical simulation was able to adequately represent the flow considering the computational cost involved. Accordingly, it can be used as a complementary tool for the design of new fishways and for the analysis of modifications in existing ones.As escadas para peixes com ranhuras verticais permitem que ocorra a dissipação da energia do escoamento em função da forma da bacia, dos defletores, da declividade longitudinal e da largura da ranhura vertical. Estas estruturas devem apresentar padrões médios e turbulentos do escoamento compatíveis com os peixes que irão transpô-la. Tipicamente a concepção das escadas para peixes é baseada na utilização de geometrias empregadas com sucesso em situações anteriores e a estimativa das características do escoamento através de equações teóricas simplificadas e relações empíricas. Para contribuir na concepção dessas estruturas, foi utilizado um modelo hidrodinâmico tridimensional para simular o escoamento e estudos experimentais para validar o modelo. Velocidades médias, pressões e parâmetros indicativos da turbulência foram analisados. As velocidades máximas do escoamento foram até 32% superiores aos valores obtidos utilizando uma equação teórica simplificada. A avaliação da potência dissipada por unidade de volume indica que o valor médio para o tanque é inferior a 150 W/m3, no entanto, a análise da distribuição espacial desta grandeza no tanque, mostra que valores pontuais podem ultrapassar 1000 W/m3. Os resultados indicam que a simulação numérica foi capaz de representar de forma adequada o escoamento, considerando o custo computacional envolvido e pode ser utilizada como uma ferramenta complementar para o projeto de novas escadas para peixes e para a análise de modificações em estruturas existentes

    La respiración en la voz cantada

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    El conocimiento de la fisiología respiratoria es un requisito básico para lograr un buen desempeño técnico en la voz cantada, y no es poco frecuente encontrar cantantes que tienen errores conceptuales acerca de la fisiología respiratoria y de la técnica del appoggio. Esto acarrea, también, las dificultades técnicas que estos encuentran a lo largo de su formación. Nuestro objetivo es investigar cómo incide el conocimiento de la fisiología respiratoria en el correcto desempeño técnico de los cantantes. Asimismo, indagamos en las sensaciones propioceptivas registradas durante el canto, la duración del soplo espiratorio mantenido con una “ S ”, el uso de la técnica del appoggio, durante este ejercicio, y el tipo respiratorio utilizado. El muestreo de casos ha sido realizado entre cantantes con estudios y cantantes amateurs. Ha sido utilizado un protocolo pautado: los cantantes debieron responder preguntas y los investigadores, consignar datos obtenidos en mediciones. Los resultados han demostrado que los cantantes con estudios tienen mayores conocimientos y mejor performance, y los cantantes amateurs poseen menos conocimientos y un escaso manejo de la técnica del appoggio. Si bien no ha sido encontrada una correspondencia unívoca entre conocimientos anatomofisiológicos y control de los músculos respiratorios, sí hemos comprobado que una formación integral provee al cantante de mejores condiciones para adquirir un manejo técnico que le permita desarrollar su voz.Facultad de Bellas Arte

    La respiración en la voz cantada

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    El conocimiento de la fisiología respiratoria es un requisito básico para lograr un buen desempeño técnico en la voz cantada, y no es poco frecuente encontrar cantantes que tienen errores conceptuales acerca de la fisiología respiratoria y de la técnica del appoggio. Esto acarrea, también, las dificultades técnicas que estos encuentran a lo largo de su formación. Nuestro objetivo es investigar cómo incide el conocimiento de la fisiología respiratoria en el correcto desempeño técnico de los cantantes. Asimismo, indagamos en las sensaciones propioceptivas registradas durante el canto, la duración del soplo espiratorio mantenido con una “ S ”, el uso de la técnica del appoggio, durante este ejercicio, y el tipo respiratorio utilizado. El muestreo de casos ha sido realizado entre cantantes con estudios y cantantes amateurs. Ha sido utilizado un protocolo pautado: los cantantes debieron responder preguntas y los investigadores, consignar datos obtenidos en mediciones. Los resultados han demostrado que los cantantes con estudios tienen mayores conocimientos y mejor performance, y los cantantes amateurs poseen menos conocimientos y un escaso manejo de la técnica del appoggio. Si bien no ha sido encontrada una correspondencia unívoca entre conocimientos anatomofisiológicos y control de los músculos respiratorios, sí hemos comprobado que una formación integral provee al cantante de mejores condiciones para adquirir un manejo técnico que le permita desarrollar su voz.Facultad de Bellas Arte