1,600 research outputs found

    New tests of the pp-wave correspondence.

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    The pp-wave/SYM correspondence is an equivalence relation, H string = Δ-J , between the hamiltonian H string of string field theory in the pp-wave background and the dilatation operator Δ in = 4 Super Yang-Mills in the double scaling limit. We calculate matrix elements of these operators in string field theory and in gauge theory. In the string theory Hilbert space we use the natural string basis, and in the gauge theory we use the basis which is isomorphic to it. States in this basis are specific linear combinations of the original BMN operators, and were constructed previously for the case of two scalar impurities. We extend this construction to incorporate BMN operators with vector and mixed impurities. This enables us to verify from the gauge theory perspective two key properties of the three-string interaction vertex of Spradlin and Volovich: (1) the vanishing of the three-string amplitude for string states with one vector and one scalar impurity; and (2) the relative minus sign in the string amplitude involving states with two vector impurities compared to that with two scalar impurities. This implies a spontaneous breaking of the 2 symmetry of the string field theory in the pp-wave background. Furthermore, we calculate the gauge theory matrix elements of Δ-J for states with an arbitrary number of scalar impurities. In all cases we find perfect agreement with the corresponding string amplitudes derived from the three-string vertex

    Cluster-based feedback control of turbulent post-stall separated flows

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    We propose a novel model-free self-learning cluster-based control strategy for general nonlinear feedback flow control technique, benchmarked for high-fidelity simulations of post-stall separated flows over an airfoil. The present approach partitions the flow trajectories (force measurements) into clusters, which correspond to characteristic coarse-grained phases in a low-dimensional feature space. A feedback control law is then sought for each cluster state through iterative evaluation and downhill simplex search to minimize power consumption in flight. Unsupervised clustering of the flow trajectories for in-situ learning and optimization of coarse-grained control laws are implemented in an automated manner as key enablers. Re-routing the flow trajectories, the optimized control laws shift the cluster populations to the aerodynamically favorable states. Utilizing limited number of sensor measurements for both clustering and optimization, these feedback laws were determined in only O(10)O(10) iterations. The objective of the present work is not necessarily to suppress flow separation but to minimize the desired cost function to achieve enhanced aerodynamic performance. The present control approach is applied to the control of two and three-dimensional separated flows over a NACA 0012 airfoil with large-eddy simulations at an angle of attack of 9∘9^\circ, Reynolds number Re=23,000Re = 23,000 and free-stream Mach number M∞=0.3M_\infty = 0.3. The optimized control laws effectively minimize the flight power consumption enabling the flows to reach a low-drag state. The present work aims to address the challenges associated with adaptive feedback control design for turbulent separated flows at moderate Reynolds number.Comment: 32 pages, 18 figure

    Unsupervised decoding of long-term, naturalistic human neural recordings with automated video and audio annotations

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    Fully automated decoding of human activities and intentions from direct neural recordings is a tantalizing challenge in brain-computer interfacing. Most ongoing efforts have focused on training decoders on specific, stereotyped tasks in laboratory settings. Implementing brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) in natural settings requires adaptive strategies and scalable algorithms that require minimal supervision. Here we propose an unsupervised approach to decoding neural states from human brain recordings acquired in a naturalistic context. We demonstrate our approach on continuous long-term electrocorticographic (ECoG) data recorded over many days from the brain surface of subjects in a hospital room, with simultaneous audio and video recordings. We first discovered clusters in high-dimensional ECoG recordings and then annotated coherent clusters using speech and movement labels extracted automatically from audio and video recordings. To our knowledge, this represents the first time techniques from computer vision and speech processing have been used for natural ECoG decoding. Our results show that our unsupervised approach can discover distinct behaviors from ECoG data, including moving, speaking and resting. We verify the accuracy of our approach by comparing to manual annotations. Projecting the discovered cluster centers back onto the brain, this technique opens the door to automated functional brain mapping in natural settings

    Spatio-temporal feature extraction in sensory electroneurographic signals

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    The recording and analysis of peripheral neural signal can provide insight for various prosthetic and bioelectronics medicine applications. However, there are few studies that investigate how informative features can be extracted from population activity electroneurographic (ENG) signals. In this study, five feature extraction frameworks were implemented on sensory ENG datasets and their classification performance was compared. The datasets were collected in acute rat experiments where multi-channel nerve cuffs recorded from the sciatic nerve in response to proprioceptive stimulation of the hindlimb. A novel feature extraction framework, which incorporates spatio-temporal focus and dynamic time warping, achieved classification accuracies above 90% while keeping a low computational cost. This framework outperformed the remaining frameworks tested in this study and has improved the discrimination accuracy of the sensory signals. Thus, this study has extended the tools available to extract features from sensory population activity ENG signals. This article is part of the theme issue ‘Advanced neurotechnologies: translating innovation for health and well-being’

    A mutational analysis of the globotriaosylceramide-binding sites of verotoxin VT1.

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    Escherichia coli verotoxin, also known as Shiga-like toxin, binds to eukaryotic cell membranes via the glycolipid Gb(3) receptors which present the P(k) trisaccharide Galalpha(1-4)Galbeta(1-4)Glcbeta. Crystallographic studies have identified three P(k) trisaccharide (P(k)-glycoside) binding sites per verotoxin 1B subunit (VT1B) monomer while NMR studies have identified binding of P(k)-glycoside only at site 2. To understand the basis for this difference, we studied binding of wild type VT1B and VT1B mutants, defective at one or more of the three sites, to P(k)-glycoside and pentavalent P(k) trisaccharide (pentaSTARFISH) in solution and Gb(3) presented on liposomal membranes using surface plasmon resonance. Site 2 was the key site in terms of free trisaccharide binding since mutants altered at sites 1 and 3 bound this ligand with wild type affinity. However, effective binding of the pentaSTARFISH molecule also required a functional site 3, suggesting that site 3 promotes pentavalent binding of linked trisaccharides at site 1 and site 2. Optimal binding to membrane-associated Gb(3) involved all three sites. Binding of all single site mutants to liposomal Gb(3) was weaker than wild type VT1B binding. Site 3 mutants behaved as if they had reduced ability to enter into high avidity interactions with Gb(3) in the membrane context. Double mutants at site 1/site 3 and site 2/site 3 were completely inactive in terms of binding to liposomal Gb(3,) even though the site 1/site 3 mutant bound trisaccharide with almost wild type affinity. Thus site 2 alone is not sufficient to confer high avidity binding to membrane-localized Gb(3). Cytotoxic activity paralleled membrane glycolipid binding. Our data show that the interaction of verotoxin with the Gb(3) trisaccharide is highly context dependent and that a membrane environment is required for biologically relevant studies of the interaction

    Modern sedative agents and techniques used in dentistry for patients with special needs: A review

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    According to the World Health Organisation, approximately 1.3 billion people worldwide experience substantial disability due to physical, mental or sensory impairment. People with special needs require special consideration and more time or altered delivery methods when receiving dental treatments. Various factors, such as patients' lack of cooperation, cognitive impairment and complex medical status, may lead dental practitioners to recommend conscious sedation. Several pharmacological agents and administrative routes are available, which achieve varying levels of sedation ranging from minimal to deep. Pre-operative assessment and careful case selection are necessary to determine the appropriate sedative agent, route of administration and level of sedation for each patient. Thus, a thorough understanding of the pharmacokinetics, risks and benefits, and implications of various sedatives available for PSN is essential to achieve the desired clinical outcomes. This review critically presents the considerations associated with the use of various sedative agents for PSN in dentistry. Considerations include patients' pre-anaesthesia medical comorbidities, cardiorespiratory adverse effects and cooperativeness, and the viable alternative treatment modalities

    Ovariectomy as treatment for ovarian bacterial granulomas in a Duvaucel's gecko (Hoplodactylus duvaucelii)

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    CASE HISTORY: An adult female Duvaucel's gecko (Hoplodactylus duvaucelii) from a threatened species breeding programme presented due to a prolonged gestation period and distended abdomen. CLINICAL AND PATHOLOGICAL FINDINGS: The gecko was in lean body condition with an irregularly shaped, firm mass in the coelomic cavity. Radiographically there was a diffuse radio-opacity within the coelomic cavity with cranial displacement of the right lung field. Ultrasonography revealed a round homogenous abdominal mass of medium echogenicity with an echogenic capsule. Haematology showed a leucocytosis with a moderate left shift in heterophils and toxic changes. Bilateral ovariectomy was performed to remove two ovarian granulomas and Salmonella enterica subspecies houtenae (IV) was cultured from the ovarian tissue. The gecko recovered well from the surgery, regained weight and remained in good health 3 years following the surgery. DIAGNOSIS: Pre-ovulatory stasis and ovarian granulomas associated with infection with Salmonella enterica subsp. houtenae. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The surgery described in this case resulted in recovery of the gecko, which despite its loss of reproductive capability is of value as an education animal. This is the first report of pre-ovulatory stasis and ovarian granulomas associated with infection with Salmonella enterica in a Duvaucel's gecko and is also the first reported case of pre-ovulatory stasis in a viviparous lizard species. The case adds to knowledge regarding potential reproductive pathology in lizards, which is particularly important information for managers of captive lizard breeding programmes
