57 research outputs found

    Alpine Architektur

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    ALPINE ARCHITEKTUR Alpine Architektur (Blatt 21) Einband (-) Titelseite (-) Inhalt (-) 1. Teil. Kristallhaus (-) Blatt 1: Aufsteig vom Bergsee (Blatt 1) Blatt 2: Weg im Wildbachtal (Blatt 2) Blatt 3: Kristallhaus (Blatt 3) Blatt 4: Im Kristallhause (Blatt 4) 2. Teil. Architektur der Berge (-) Blatt 5: Über dem Wolkenmeer (Blatt 5) Blatt 6: Tal als Blüte (Blatt 6) Blatt 7: Der Kristallberg (Blatt 7) Blatt 8: Groteske Gegend (Blatt 8) Blatt 9: Tal mit Wasserstürzen (Blatt 9) Blatt 10: Firnen im Eis und Schnee (Blatt 10) Blatt 11: Der Felsendom (Blatt 11) 3. Teil. Der Alpenbau (-) Blatt 12: Aus der Schweiz (Blatt 12) Blatt 13: Felsgegenden in Tirol (Blatt 13) Blatt 14: An den oberitalienischen Seeen (Blatt 14) Blatt 15: An der Riviera (Blatt 15) Blatt 16: Aufruf an die Europäer (Blatt 16) Blatt 17: Das Baugebiet (Blatt 17) Blatt 18: Die Monte Rosa-kette (Blatt 18) Blatt 19: Der Monte-Rosa-bau (Blatt 19) Blatt 20: Matterhorn (Blatt 20) Blatt 21: Die Bergnacht (Blatt 21) 4. Teil. Erdrindenbau (-) Blatt 22: Die Ralik- und Ratak-Inseln (Blatt 22) Blatt 23: Erde, amerikanische Seite (Blatt 23) Blatt 24: Rügen (Blatt 24) Blatt 25: Erde, asiatische Seite (Blatt 25) 5. Teil. Sternbau (-) Blatt 26: Der Domstern (Blatt 26) Blatt 27: Grottenstern mit schwebender Architektur (Blatt 27) Blatt 28: Sternsystem (Blatt 28) Blatt 29: Sternennebel (Blatt 29) Blatt 30: Ende (Blatt 30) Einband (-

    Machi: Neighborhood and Small Town—The Foundation for Urban Transformation in Japan

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    The term machi, signifying both neighborhood and small town, is a key element for understanding Japanese urban form and city planning. After tracing the origins of the term, this article explores the historic and contemporary significance of the concept and its particular spatial and socioeconomic forms. The article then argues that the concept of machi influenced the ways in which Japanese planners picked up foreign concepts through the nineteenth and particularly the twentieth century, absorbing some ideas and rejecting others. Building on their perception of the city as composed of urban units that allowed for planning in patchwork patterns, leading Japanese planners carefully selected models—independently of international appreciation—making, for example, the book The New Town by the German planner Gottfried Feder a standard reference. The article concludes by arguing that foreign observers must understand the concept of machi to comprehend contemporary Japanese neighborhoods, city life, and urban forms

    The Interplay Between Strictness of Policies and Individuals' Self-Regulatory Efforts: Associations with Handwashing During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    BACKGROUND: Patterns of protective health behaviors, such as handwashing and sanitizing during the COVID-19 pandemic, may be predicted by macro-level variables, such as regulations specified by public health policies. Health behavior patterns may also be predicted by micro-level variables, such as self-regulatory cognitions specified by health behavior models, including the Health Action Process Approach (HAPA). PURPOSE: This study explored whether strictness of containment and health policies was related to handwashing adherence and whether such associations were mediated by HAPA-specified self-regulatory cognitions. METHODS: The study (NCT04367337) was conducted among 1,256 adults from Australia, Canada, China, France, Gambia, Germany, Israel, Italy, Malaysia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Singapore, and Switzerland. Self-report data on cross-situational handwashing adherence were collected using an online survey at two time points, 4 weeks apart. Values of the index of strictness of containment and health policies, obtained from the Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker database, were retrieved twice for each country (1 week prior to individual data collection). RESULTS: Across countries and time, levels of handwashing adherence and strictness of policies were high. Path analysis indicated that stricter containment and health policies were indirectly related to lower handwashing adherence via lower self-efficacy and self-monitoring. Less strict policies were indirectly related to higher handwashing adherence via higher self-efficacy and self-monitoring. CONCLUSIONS: When policies are less strict, exposure to the SARS-CoV-2 virus might be higher, triggering more self-regulation and, consequently, more handwashing adherence. Very strict policies may need to be accompanied by enhanced information dissemination or psychosocial interventions to ensure appropriate levels of self-regulation


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    interior, waterfall roo

    La cadena de cristal

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    La Cadena de Cristal �Die Gläserne Kette� fue un grupo expresionista de la Alemania de entreguerras liderado por Bruno Taut. Entre 1919 y 1920, Taut y otros doce arquitectos intercambiaron por correspondencia escritos y dibujos que posteriormente se publicaron en la revista Frühlicht. Cada miembro del grupo tenía un seudónimo propio: Bruno Taut (con el seudónimo de «Glas»), Max Taut (sin seudónimo), Wilhelm Brückmann («Berxbach»), Alfred Brust («Cor»), Hermann Finsterlin («Prometh»), Paul Goesch («Tancred»), Jacobus Goettel («Stellarius»), Otto Gröne, Walter Gropius («Mass»), Wenzel Hablik («W.H.»), Hans Hansen («Antischmitz»), los hermanos Hans («Angkor») y Wassili Luckhardt («Zacken») y Hans Scharoun («Hannes»). En las cartas, liberados de los límites de la factibilidad, los miembros del grupo describen sus visiones de una sociedad ideal y de una arquitectura benéfica. A continuación, reproducimos una breve selección de algunos de estos textos


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    general vie

    Fundamentals of Japanese architecture

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    interior, stairwa

    Alpine Architektur

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    full view, Arch of the Mountains; sketch of mountain covered in ice and sno

    Alpine Architektur

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    full view, Tal als Blute (Valley as Blossom