27,793 research outputs found

    Gades and the Mediterranean: a Process of Integration

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    The impetus for this paper is to present possible contributions of the Network Theory approach to the analysis of the Roman presence in Turdetania by the end of the 1st millennium BC. Firstly, we discuss how some written sources, such as Strabo’s Geography, describe this region and how the countryside and coastal areas are mentioned. Secondly, we present how contemporary historiography makes use of Network Theory to investigate numerous issues of Ancient History. Finally, we point out a proposal for Social Network Analysis (SNA) to questions regarding Turdetania before and after Roman occupation

    An empirical analysis of Brazilian courts law documents using learning techniques

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    This paper describes a survey on investigating judicial data to find patterns and relations between crime attributes and corresponding decisions made by courts, aiming to find import directions that interpretation of the law might be taking. We have developed an initial methodology and experimentation to look for behaviour patterns to build judicial sentences in the scope of Brazilian criminal courts and achieved results related to important trends in decision making. Neural networks-based techniques were applied for classification and pattern recognition, based on Multi-Layer Perceptron and Radial-basis Functions, associated with data organisation techniques and behavioral modalities extractio

    PRHOLO: 360º Interactive Public Relations

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    In the globalized world, possessing good products may not be enough to reach potential clients unless creative marketing strategies are well delineated. In this context, public relations are also important when it comes to capture the client’s attention, making the first contact between the clients and the company’s products, while being persuasive enough to make them confident that the company has the right products to fit their needs. Three virtual public relations installations were purposed in this chapter, combining technology with a human like public relations ability, capable of interacting with potential clients located in front of the installation, at angles of up to 57º (degrees), 180º and 360º, respectively. From one to several Microsoft Kinects were used to develop the three interaction models, which allows tracking and recognition of users’ gestures and positions (heat map), sound sources, voice commands and face and body extraction of the user interacting with the installation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Learning Parameterized Skills

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    We introduce a method for constructing skills capable of solving tasks drawn from a distribution of parameterized reinforcement learning problems. The method draws example tasks from a distribution of interest and uses the corresponding learned policies to estimate the topology of the lower-dimensional piecewise-smooth manifold on which the skill policies lie. This manifold models how policy parameters change as task parameters vary. The method identifies the number of charts that compose the manifold and then applies non-linear regression in each chart to construct a parameterized skill by predicting policy parameters from task parameters. We evaluate our method on an underactuated simulated robotic arm tasked with learning to accurately throw darts at a parameterized target location.Comment: Appears in Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2012

    A Multistage Method for SCMA Codebook Design Based on MDS Codes

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    Sparse Code Multiple Access (SCMA) has been recently proposed for the future generation of wireless communication standards. SCMA system design involves specifying several parameters. In order to simplify the procedure, most works consider a multistage design approach. Two main stages are usually emphasized in these methods: sparse signatures design (equivalently, resource allocation) and codebook design. In this paper, we present a novel SCMA codebook design method. The proposed method considers SCMA codebooks structured with an underlying vector space obtained from classical block codes. In particular, when using maximum distance separable (MDS) codes, our proposed design provides maximum signal-space diversity with a relatively small alphabet. The use of small alphabets also helps to maintain desired properties in the codebooks, such as low peak-to-average power ratio and low-complexity detection.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Wireless Communication Letter

    Unstable and elusive superconductors

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    We briefly review earlier and report original experimental results in the context of metastable or possible superconducting materials. We show that applied electric field induces conducting state in Copper Chloride (CuCl) whose characteristics resemble behavior of sliding charge-density-wave(s) (CDW). We discuss whether the sliding CDW or collective transport of similar ordered charge phase(s) may account for the problem of "high-temperature superconductivity" observed in this and other materials, including Cadmium Sulfide (CdS), metal-ammonia solutions, polymers, amorphous carbon and tungsten oxides. We also discuss a local superconductivity that occurs at the surface of graphite and amorphous carbon under deposition of foreign atoms/molecules.Comment: Invited review article published in a special edition on Superconducting Materials in honor of the 95th birthday year of Ted Geballe, edited by M. B. Maple, J. Hirsch, and F. Marsigli

    The Inner Project

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    A través de videos producidos en el interior del cuerpo humano, The Inner Space explora lo último espacio para donde todo converge, el cuerpo humano, el repositorio de todas las cosas. El colectivo The Inner Project es formado por Miriam Tavares, Silva Vieira, Filipa Cerol y Bruno Silva

    Projeto «Os caminhos que se bifurcam: a experiência temporal da narrativa fílmica pelo espetador-protagonista»

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    O projeto “Os caminhos que se bifurcam” procura continuar a investigação iniciada na tese de doutoramento “Eterno Presente, o tempo na contemporaneidade”, que resultou na publicação do livro “A máquina encravada, a questão do tempo nas relações entre cinema, banda desenhada e contemporaneidade” (2010). Esta investigação básica é o ponto de partida para o projeto atual, que tenta cruzar investigação aplicada com desenvolvimento experimental. Nesta nova fase, pretende-se, portanto, uma abordagem prática, iterativa e reflexiva sobre a questão do tempo no cinema e no ciberespaço