809 research outputs found

    Geo-emotions: Research, Challenges, and Mapping

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    Una tendencia emergente en el mundo académico es discutir conceptos y teorías que cruzan líneas disciplinarias, como el cambio climático, la COVID-19 y el bienestar humano. Otro ejemplo son las emociones humanas, que atraen cada vez más intereses transdisciplinarios e internacionales. Estos mundos se exploran introduciendo el concepto de geo-emociones que cruza la investigación más allá de la psicología del comportamiento, con geografía, sociología, antropología, estudios de ocio, impactos de desastres, conservación, así como científicos ambientales, cartógrafos y especialistas en SIG. Se abordan los desafíos de la investigación, como la importancia de mapear las emociones a escala local, comunitaria, nacional y global.One emerging trend in scholarly worlds is discussing concepts and theories that cross disciplinary lines, such as climate change, COVID-19, and human welfare. Another example is human emotions, which are increasingly drawing transdisciplinary and international interests. These worlds are explored by introducing the concept of geo-emotions that intersects research beyond behavioral psychology, with geography, sociology, anthropology, leisure studies, disaster impacts, conservation, as well as environmental scientists, cartographers, and GIS specialists. Research challenges are addressed such as the importance of mapping emotions at local, community, national, and global scales

    Universality of Brunnian (NN-body Borromean) four and five-body systems

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    We compute binding energies and root mean square radii for weakly bound systems of N=4N=4 and 55 identical bosons. Ground and first excited states of an NN-body system appear below the threshold for binding the system with N1N-1 particles. Their root mean square radii approach constants in the limit of weak binding. Their probability distributions are on average located in non-classical regions of space which result in universal structures. Radii decrease with increasing particle number. The ground states for more than five particles are probably non-universal whereas excited states may be universal

    America\u27s Learning about Foreign Places through the eyes of Missionaries: Writings in the Friends\u27 Missionary Advocate, 1885-1933

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    Missionaries were among the travelers who supplied American adults and children with information about foreign places. Because they enjoyed a high status and respect with their home congregations and because they lived among peoples in foreign, often exotic, lands, missionaries and their writings enjoyed a wide and attentive audience. Materials in The Friends\u27 Missionary Advocate between 1885 and 1933 report that information on foreign regions reached American audiences through presentations at monthly and quarterly meetings and at yearly conferences. Articles, letters, reports, maps, and pictures were also a medium for influencing Americans\u27 impressions of the world

    Closed-Form Prediction of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems by Means of Gaussian Mixture Approximation of the Transition Density

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    Recursive prediction of the state of a nonlinear stochastic dynamic system cannot be efficiently performed in general, since the complexity of the probability density function characterizing the system state increases with every prediction step. Thus, representing the density in an exact closed-form manner is too complex or even impossible. So, an appropriate approximation of the density is required. Instead of directly approximating the predicted density, we propose the approximation of the transition density by means of Gaussian mixtures. We treat the approximation task as an optimization problem that is solved offline via progressive processing to bypass initialization problems and to achieve high quality approximations. Once having calculated the transition density approximation offline, prediction can be performed efficiently resulting in a closed-form density representation with constant complexity

    Nonlinear Multidimensional Bayesian Estimation with Fourier Densities

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    Efficiently implementing nonlinear Bayesian estimators is still an unsolved problem, especially for the multidimensional case. A trade-off between estimation quality and demand on computational resources has to be found. Using multidimensional Fourier series as representation for probability density functions, so called Fourier densities, is proposed. To ensure non-negativity, the approximation is performed indirectly via Psi-densities, of which the absolute square represent the Fourier density. It is shown that PSI-densities can be determined using the efficient fast Fourier transform algorithm and their coefficients have an ordering with respect to the Hellinger metric. Furthermore, the multidimensional Bayesian estimator based on Fourier Densities is derived in closed form. That allows an efficient realization of the Bayesian estimator where the demands on computational resources are adjustable

    Approximate Nonlinear Bayesian Estimation Based on Lower and Upper Densities

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    Recursive calculation of the probability density function characterizing the state estimate of a nonlinear stochastic dynamic system in general cannot be performed exactly, since the type of the density changes with every processing step and the complexity increases. Hence, an approximation of the true density is required. Instead of using a single complicated approximating density, this paper is concerned with bounding the true density from below and from above by means of two simple densities. This provides a kind of guaranteed estimator with respect to the underlying true density, which requires a mechanism for ordering densities. Here, a partial ordering with respect to the cumulative distributions is employed. Based on this partial ordering, a modified Bayesian filter step is proposed, which recursively propagates lower and upper density bounds. A specific implementation for piecewise linear densities with finite support is used for demonstrating the performance of the new approach in simulations

    A Visual Typology of Abandonment in Rural America: From End-of-Life to Treading Water, Recycling, Renaissance, and Revival

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    The contemporary American rural landscape reflects a mix of ongoing economic changes in agricultural land use, population change, and built environments. The mix depends on past and recent change which represent landscapes of memory and silence to those experiencing economic and demographic renaissance. We develop a typology of five stages that reflect the contemporary rural scene and conduct field transects in Northwest Iowa and Central Maine. Features of the dynamics in rural America are evident in photographs of residences, land use changes, and commercial structure. The study calls for additional studies on rural settlement populations, economies, and society in different environmental settings