275 research outputs found

    Deformability of the Rare Earth Metal Modified Metastable-β Alloy Ti-15Mo

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    Due to reduced stiffness, research on second generation titanium alloys for implant applications, like the metastable β-titanium alloy Ti-15Mo, become more and more important in the recent years. The machinability of these alloys is generally poor leading to problems during implant production and comparably large production costs. Therefore, in the present study, Ti 15Mo was alloyed with 0.8 wt.-% of the rare earth metals lanthanum (Ti-15Mo+0.8La) and neodymium (Ti-15Mo+0.8Nd) to improve its machinability. Their microstructure consisted of a titanium matrix and micrometer-size particles of the rare earth metals and two of their oxides. The particles stabilized the micro structure as grain growth was minimized. As especially the ductility might be affected by the precipitates, the behavior of Ti-15Mo+0.8La and Ti-15Mo+0.8Nd was investigated during static and dynamic deformation at elevated temperature to develop a processing route. The resulting mechanical properties (static strength and ductility) were similar in all investigated alloys

    Deformability of the Rare Earth Metal Modified Metastable-β Alloy Ti-15Mo

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    Due to reduced stiffness, research on second generation titanium alloys for implant applications, like the metastable β-titanium alloy Ti-15Mo, become more and more important in the recent years. The machinability of these alloys is generally poor leading to problems during implant production and comparably large production costs. Therefore, in the present study, Ti 15Mo was alloyed with 0.8 wt.-% of the rare earth metals lanthanum (Ti-15Mo+0.8La) and neodymium (Ti-15Mo+0.8Nd) to improve its machinability. Their microstructure consisted of a titanium matrix and micrometer-size particles of the rare earth metals and two of their oxides. The particles stabilized the micro structure as grain growth was minimized. As especially the ductility might be affected by the precipitates, the behavior of Ti-15Mo+0.8La and Ti-15Mo+0.8Nd was investigated during static and dynamic deformation at elevated temperature to develop a processing route. The resulting mechanical properties (static strength and ductility) were similar in all investigated alloys

    Deformability of the Rare Earth Metal Modified Metastable-β Alloy Ti-15Mo

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    Due to reduced stiffness, research on second generation titanium alloys for implant applications, like the metastable β-titanium alloy Ti-15Mo, become more and more important in the recent years. The machinability of these alloys is generally poor leading to problems during implant production and comparably large production costs. Therefore, in the present study, Ti 15Mo was alloyed with 0.8 wt.-% of the rare earth metals lanthanum (Ti-15Mo+0.8La) and neodymium (Ti-15Mo+0.8Nd) to improve its machinability. Their microstructure consisted of a titanium matrix and micrometer-size particles of the rare earth metals and two of their oxides. The particles stabilized the micro structure as grain growth was minimized. As especially the ductility might be affected by the precipitates, the behavior of Ti-15Mo+0.8La and Ti-15Mo+0.8Nd was investigated during static and dynamic deformation at elevated temperature to develop a processing route. The resulting mechanical properties (static strength and ductility) were similar in all investigated alloys

    Gaseous elemental mercury depletion events observed at Cape Point during 2007–2008

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    Gaseous mercury in the marine boundary layer has been measured with a 15 min temporal resolution at the Global Atmosphere Watch station Cape Point since March 2007. The most prominent features of the data until July 2008 are the frequent occurrences of pollution (PEs) and depletion events (DEs). Both types of events originate mostly within a short transport distance (up to about 100 km), which are embedded in air masses ranging from marine background to continental. The Hg/CO emission ratios observed during the PEs are within the range reported for biomass burning and industrial/urban emissions. The depletion of gaseous mercury during the DEs is in many cases almost complete and suggests an atmospheric residence time of elemental mercury as short as a few dozens of hours, which is in contrast to the commonly used estimate of approximately 1 year. The DEs observed at Cape Point are not accompanied by simultaneous depletion of ozone which distinguishes them from the halogen driven atmospheric mercury depletion events (AMDEs) observed in Polar Regions. Nonetheless, DEs similar to those observed at Cape Point have also been observed at other places in the marine boundary layer. Additional measurements of mercury speciation and of possible mercury oxidants are hence called for to reveal the chemical mechanism of the newly observed DEs and to assess its importance on larger scales

    222Rn calibrated mercury fluxes from terrestrial surfaces of southern Africa derived from observations at Cape Point, South Africa

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    Gaseous elemental mercury (GEM) and 222Rn, a radioactive gas of primarily terrestrial origin with a half-life of 3.8 days, have been measured simultaneously at Cape Point, South Africa, since March 2007. Between March 2007 and December 2009 altogether 59 events with high 222Rn concentrations were identified. GEM correlated with 222Rn in 41 of the events and was constant during the remaining events without significant correlation. The average GEM/222Rn emission ratio of all events was -0.0047 ± 0.0054 pg mBq-1, with ± 0.0054 being the standard error of the average. With an emission rate of 1.1 222Rn atoms cm-2 s-1 and a correction for the transport duration, this emission ratio corresponds to a radon calibrated flux of about -0.53 ± 0.62 ng m-2 h-1 which is statistically not distinguishable from zero. With wet deposition, which is not included in this estimate, the terrestrial surface of southern Africa appears to be a net mercury sink. © Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 201

    222Rn-calibrated mercury fluxes from terrestrial surface of southern Africa

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    Gaseous elemental mercury (GEM) and 222Rn, a radioactive gas of primarily terrestrial origin with a half-life of 3.8 days, have been measured simultaneously at Cape Point, South Africa, since March 2007. Between March 2007 and December 2011, altogether 191 events with high 222Rn concentrations were identified. GEM correlated with 222Rn in 94 of the events and was constant during almost all the remaining events without significant correlation. The average GEM / 222Rn flux ratio of all events including the non-significant ones was −0.0001 with a standard error of ±0.0030 pg mBq−1. Weighted with the event duration, the average GEM / 222Rn flux ratio was −0.0048 ± 0.0011 pg mBq−1. With an emission rate of 1.1 222Rn atoms cm−2 s−1 and a correction for the transport time, this flux ratio corresponds to a radon-calibrated flux of about −0.54 ng GEM m−2 h−1 with a standard error of ±0.13 ng GEM m−2 h−1 (n = 191). With wet deposition, which is not included in this estimate, the terrestrial surface of southern Africa seems to be a net mercury sink of about −1.55 ng m−2 h−1. The additional contribution of an unknown but presumably significant deposition of reactive gaseous mercury would further increase this sink.© 2013, European Geosciences Unio

    Noch steigerungsfähig? Die Compliance mit der Händehygiene unter psychologischen Gesichtspunkten

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    Die hygienische Händedesinfektion ist eine effektive und einfache Maßnahme zur Prävention von Infektionen im Gesundheitswesen. Am 5. Mai, dem von der WHO initiierten „Internationalen Tag der Händehygiene“, soll alljährlich die Aufmerksamkeit des Gesundheitspersonals auf dieses Thema gelenkt werden, denn oft lässt sich trotz regelmäßiger Schulungen und Kampagnen die Händehygiene-Compliance ab einem gewissen Punkt nicht weiter steigern. Im Beitrag wird das Potenzial zur weiteren Verbesserung der Compliance vor allem anhand psychologischer Aspekte erläutert, die neben der Ausstattung und der Wissensvermittlung einen wichtigen Teil der nachhaltigen Stärkung der Händehygiene ausmachen.Peer Reviewe

    Noch Steigerungsfähig? Die Compliance mit der Händehygiene unter psychologischen Gesichtspunkten

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    Die hygienische Händedesinfektion ist eine effektive und einfache Maßnahme zur Prävention von Infektionen im Gesundheitswesen. Am 5. Mai, dem von der WHO initiierten „Internationalen Tag der Händehygiene“, soll alljährlich die Aufmerksamkeit des Gesundheitspersonals auf dieses Thema gelenkt werden, denn oft lässt sich trotz regelmäßiger Schulungen und Kampagnen die Händehygiene-Compliance ab einem gewissen Punkt nicht weiter steigern. Im Beitrag wird das Potenzial zur weiteren Verbesserung der Compliance vor allem anhand psychologischer Aspekte erläutert, die neben der Ausstattung und der Wissensvermittlung einen wichtigen Teil der nachhaltigen Stärkung der Händehygiene ausmachen.Peer Reviewe

    Noch Steigerungsfähig? Die Compliance mit der Händehygiene unter psychologischen Gesichtspunkten

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    Die hygienische Händedesinfektion ist eine effektive und einfache Maßnahme zur Prävention von Infektionen im Gesundheitswesen. Am 5. Mai, dem von der WHO initiierten „Internationalen Tag der Händehygiene“, soll alljährlich die Aufmerksamkeit des Gesundheitspersonals auf dieses Thema gelenkt werden, denn oft lässt sich trotz regelmäßiger Schulungen und Kampagnen die Händehygiene-Compliance ab einem gewissen Punkt nicht weiter steigern. Im Beitrag wird das Potenzial zur weiteren Verbesserung der Compliance vor allem anhand psychologischer Aspekte erläutert, die neben der Ausstattung und der Wissensvermittlung einen wichtigen Teil der nachhaltigen Stärkung der Händehygiene ausmachen.Peer Reviewe