404 research outputs found

    Topological features of massive bosons on two dimensional Einstein space-time

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    In this paper we tackle the problem of constructing explicit examples of topological cocycles of Roberts' net cohomology, as defined abstractly by Brunetti and Ruzzi. We consider the simple case of massive bosonic quantum field theory on the two dimensional Einstein cylinder. After deriving some crucial results of the algebraic framework of quantization, we address the problem of the construction of the topological cocycles. All constructed cocycles lead to unitarily equivalent representations of the fundamental group of the circle (seen as a diffeomorphic image of all possible Cauchy surfaces). The construction is carried out using only Cauchy data and related net of local algebras on the circle.Comment: 41 pages, title changed, minor changes, typos corrected, references added. Accepted for publication in Ann. Henri Poincare

    Workplace training programs: Instruments for human capital improvements or screening devices?

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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to analyse the effect of an Italian training program on the re-employment probability of young unemployed workers. The program consists exclusively of workplace training and is coordinated by employment centers, even if it is fully implemented by firms. Design/methodology/approach: The authors develop a discrete duration analysis. In particular, the authors compare the re-employment process of individuals that just finished their workplace training program with individuals that just ended their job. The authors specifically take into account the issue of self-selection adopting the propensity score matching estimation. Findings: The results suggest that this workplace training program improves only the immediate re-employability of trained workers, failing to bestow them with durable human capital improvements. These results appear to be robust to spurious duration dependence and to self-selection. The analysis focuses on unobserved heterogeneity and, accounting for it, the authors show that the training implementation is useful to divide “good” trainees (in terms of unobserved heterogeneity) from “bad” ones. Social implications: Therefore, the authors suggest that firms are exploiting training as a screening device and that the implemented program is successful in easing the connection between workers and firms, but it fails to provide a durable improvement in skills and in re-employment prospects. Originality/value: The evaluation of this program is important because it focus specifically on the workplace component of training, whereas previous analyses focused on generic training, because it evaluates a program targeting youth unemployment which is one the most urgent economic issues and because it helps in understanding the actual processes adopted by firms when implementing workplace training

    [Aggressions towards nurses in emergency departments: an international literature review].

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    Workplace violence is a widespread phenomenon in every kind of settings. Among these ones there are emergency departments (ED), that have distinctive features as like the large daily number of patients' presentations, and high emotional content or stressing situations related to the management of diagnostic-therapeutic priorities. We reviewed the medical and nursing literature to quantify the international widespread of aggressions towards nurses working in EDs, distinguish the typologies and the perpetrators, and identify the consequences on victims and healthcare organizations. Original papers were searched using Medline, CINHAL, and Medscape databases. 35 research articles met the inclusion criteria, but 6 were not retrieved. The rate of verbal abuses reported by ED nurses varies from 50% to 100% of those who were surveyed, while physical violence ranges between 16.7% and 72%. Patients and relatives are the main perpetrators, followed by doctors, and, only in lower percentages, by nurses colleagues. Alcohol, drugs abuse, and overcrowding in EDs are acknowledged as motivating factors for violent events. Under-reporting of aggressions is frequent up to the 80% of victims, and some papers report that nurses consider assaults as a normal part of their work. There is a direct relation between aggressions and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disturb syndrome. Moreover there is a sense of continuous fear in nurses, causing the likelihood of workplace leaving. Special educational courses seem to be effective in diminishing the number of aggressions and to adopt adequate adaptive behaviors

    Workplace Training Programs: Instruments for Human Capital Improvements or Screening Devices?

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    In this paper we analyse the effect of an Italian training program on the re-employment probability of young unemployed workers. The program consists solely of workplace training and is coordinated by employment centre, but it is fully implemented by firms. We develop a discrete duration analysis and our results suggest that workplace training improves only the immediate re-employability of trained workers, failing to bestow them with durable human capital improvements. These results appear to be robust to spurious duration dependence and to self-selection. Our analysis focuses on the role of unobserved heterogeneity and, accounting for it, we show that the training implementation is useful to sort “good” trainees from “bad” ones: therefore we suggest that firms are exploiting training as a screening device

    Le aggressioni nei confronti degli infermieri dei dipartimenti di emergenza: revisione della letteratura internazionale

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    RIASSUNTOIl fenomeno delle violenze sul luogo di lavoro è presente in tutti i contesti lavorativi. Tra questi figurano i dipartimenti di emergenza (DEA), caratterizzati da un ampio numero di accessi quotidiani, da situazioni ad alto contenuto emotivo, e da stress legato alla gestione delle priorití  diagnostico-terapeutico-assistenziali. Allo scopo di quantificare il fenomeno delle aggressioni verso gli infermieri dei pronto soccorso, discriminarne tipologie ed perpetratori, ed identificare le conseguenze a livello individuale e organizzativo, è stata condotta una revisione di letteratura sui database Medline, CINHAL, e Medscape. 35 articoli originali inclusi, tra cui è stato possibile reperirne 29. La frequenza degli abusi verbali riportati dagli infermieri operanti nei DEA oscilla tra il 50% ed il 100% degli intervistati nei vari studi, mentre la violenza fisica viene riportata in quote tra il 16.7% ed il 72%. Pazienti e familiari sono ritenuti i principali autori di aggressioni, seguiti in minor parte dai medici, e, solo in basse percentuali, da colleghi di pari grado. L'abuso di alcool, sostanze stupefacenti e l'overcrowding in DEA sono fattori scatenanti degli eventi di violenza. L'under-reporting degli episodi di aggressione è frequente fino all'80% delle vittime, e da alcuni lavori emerge che le aggressioni sono vissute come parte del normale lavoro. E' stata dimostrata una correlazione diretta tra aggressioni e sintomi di disturbo da stress post-traumatico. Inoltre è riportato anche il possibile abbandono del lavoro. Eventi formativi mirati sembrano efficaci per la diminuzione del numero di violenze, e per l'adozione di comportamenti adattivi. Parole Chiave: aggresione, emergenza, violenza, luogo di lavoro.Aggressions towards nurses in emergency departments: an international literature reviewABSTRACT Workplace violence is a widespread phenomenon in every kind of settings. Among these ones there are emergency departments (ED), that have distinctive features as like the large daily number of patients' presentations, and high emotional content or stressing situations related to the management of diagnostic-therapeutic priorities. We reviewed the medical and nursing literature to quantify the international widespread of aggressions towards nurses working in EDs, distinguish the typologies and the perpetrators, and identify the consequences on victims and healthcare organizations. Original papers were searched using Medline, CINHAL, and Medscape databases. 35 research articles met the inclusion criteria, but 6 were not retrieved. The rate of verbal abuses reported by ED nurses varies from 50% to 100% of those who were surveyed, while physical violence ranges between 16.7% and 72%. Patients and relatives are the main perpetrators, followed by doctors, and, only in lower percentages, by nurses colleagues. Alcohol, drugs abuse, and overcrowding in EDs are acknowledged as motivating factors for violent events. Under-reporting of aggressions is frequent up to the 80% of victims, and some papers report that nurses consider assaults as a normal part of their work. There is a direct relation between aggressions and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disturb syndrome. Moreover there is a sense of continuous fear in nurses, causing the likelihood of workplace leaving. Special educational courses seem to be effective in diminishing the number of aggressions and to adopt adequate adaptive behaviors.Key words: aggression emergency nursing, violence, workplac

    Towards a homogenization of the long-term surface solar global radiation series over Europe

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    PĂłster elaborado para la European Geosciences Union General Assembly, celebrada en Viena del 3 al 8 de abril de 2011This research was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation project NUCLIERSOL (CGL2010- 18546). The first author was granted by a postdoctoral position funded by the government of Catalonia (2009 BP-A 00035)

    Xylella fastidiosa subsp. pauca, Neofusicoccum spp. and the decline of olive trees in salento (Apulia, Italy). Comparison of symptoms, possible interactions, certainties and doubts

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    Xylella fastidiosa subsp. pauca (XFP), Neofusicoccum mediterraneum, N. stellenboschiana and other fungi have been found in olive groves of Salento (Apulia, Italy) that show symptoms of severe decline. XFP is well known to be the cause of olive quick decline syndrome (OQDS). It has also been assessed that Neofusicoccum spp. causes a distinct disease syndrome, namely, branch and twig dieback (BTD). All these phytopathogens incite severe symptoms that can compromise the viability of large canopy sectors or the whole tree. However, their specific symptoms are not easily distinguished, especially during the final stages of the disease when branches are definitively desiccated. By contrast, they can be differentiated during the initial phases of the infection when some facets of the diseases are typical, especially wood discoloration, incited solely by fungi. Here, we describe the typical symptomatological features of OQDS and BTD that can be observed in the field and that have been confirmed by Koch postulate experiments. Similar symptoms, caused by some abiotic adverse conditions and even by additional biotic factors, are also described. Thus, this review aims at: (i) raising the awareness that declining olive trees in Salento do not have to be linked a priori to XFP; (ii) defining the guidelines for a correct symptomatic diagnosis to orient proper laboratory analyses, which is crucial for the application of effective control measures. The possibility that bacterium and fungi could act as a polyspecies and in conjunction with predisposing abiotic stresses is also widely discussed

    differential diagnosis of benign and malignant vertebral compression fractures using conventional and advanced mri techniques

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    Atraumatic vertebral compression fractures (VCFs) are commonly encountered in clinical practice and often represent a diagnostic challenge. MRI plays a major role in the differential diagnosis of benign and malignant VCFs, due to its high contrast resolution and the possibility to obtain quantitative and functional data with the employment of advanced sequences. Computer-aided diagnosis systems are also applied on MRI images for this purpose, showing promising results. In this setting, aim of this pictorial review is to elucidate the role of MRI in the differential diagnosis of VCFs with a specific focus on advanced and post-processing imaging techniques

    Oncologic Imaging and Radiomics: A Walkthrough Review of Methodological Challenges

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    Imaging plays a crucial role in the management of oncologic patients, from the initial diagnosis to staging and treatment response monitoring. Recently, it has been suggested that its importance could be further increased by accessing a new layer of previously hidden quantitative data at the pixel level. Using a multi-step process, radiomics extracts potential biomarkers from medical images that could power decision support tools. Despite the growing interest and rising number of research articles being published, radiomics is still far from fulfilling its promise of guiding oncologic imaging toward personalized medicine. This is, at least partly, due to the heterogeneous methodological quality in radiomic research, caused by the complexity of the analysis pipelines. In this review, we aim to disentangle this complexity with a stepwise approach. Specifically, we focus on challenges to face during image preprocessing and segmentation, how to handle imbalanced classes and avoid information leaks, as well as strategies for the proper validation of findings

    Intracranial extension of orbital inflammatory pseudotumor: a case report and literature review

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    Background: Orbital inflammatory pseudotumor is a rare inflammatory condition of unknown cause that may extend intracranially, usually as a dural-based infiltrate. Here we report the first case of orbital pseudotumor presenting with intra-axial Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) changes. Case presentation: A 57-year-old white female, with a 3-month history of headache and right palpebral edema, presented with marked right temporal lobe edema with ominous MRI appearance, and ipsilateral alterations of orbital and periorbital structures. Following steroid therapy, both intracranial and orbital involvement dramatically improved. Conclusion: Orbital inflammatory pseudotumor with chronic inflammation may infrequently present with intracranial involvement, mimicking more aggressive diseases, even showing intra-axial enhancement after i.v. contrast administration in brain MRI. Awareness of this possibility may help neurologists to choose the appropriate therapeutic approach
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