576 research outputs found

    Effect of ph on the removal of fluoxetine from aqueous solutions by granular activated carbon

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    The widespread use of pharmaceuticals in human and veterinary medicine has led to the continuous release of these micropollutants and their metabolites into environmental matrices. The aim of this work is to assess the sorption capacity of activated carbon and to evaluate the effect of the solution pH on the removal of fluoxetine from dilute solutions (5 mg/L). Kinetic assays were performed in batch experiments at different pH values, from 2 to 9. The pH of zero point of charge, pHzpc, obtained for activated carbon was 8.3. The results revealed that the solution pH strongly influences the electrostatic interactions between the net surface charge of the adsorbent and the electric charge of fluoxetine molecules. The adsorption of fluoxetine onto activated carbon was therefore dependent on the solution pH, being the maximum uptake attained at pH 9 (q = 48.5 mg/g).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Acessibilidade informacional na Biblioteca Universitária da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências da Educação. Curso de Biblioteconomia.Com esta pesquisa, pretendeu-se avaliar a promoção de acessibilidade informacional ao estudante com cegueira ou baixa visão (visão subnormal) na Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), Florianópolis, SC. Caracterizou-se o Ambiente de Acessibilidade Informacional (AAI), localizado no piso térreo da Biblioteca Universitária (BU), identificado por piso podo tátil, e aviso na porta de entrada em Braille. Esse ambiente foi criado em 2010, mediante incentivo financeiro do Programa de Acessibilidade na Educação Superior (Incluir) 2005, que propõe ações que garantam o acesso pleno de pessoas com deficiências, às Instituições Federais de Ensino Superior (IFES). Foram apresentados os serviços oferecidos pelo AAI, tais como disponibilização de espaço físico para estudo, as tecnologias assistivas para empréstimo e uso no local, o processo de adaptação de material didático, empréstimo de acervo Braille e audiolivros, aos usuários com cegueira ou baixa visão (visão subnormal) da graduação, no semestre de 2014.2. Como metodologia, empregou-se a pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, com abordagem qualitativa; adotou-se o método exploratório e descritivo. Aplicou-se a entrevista semiestruturada, o questionário e realizou-se a observação sistemática. A importância da pesquisa justifica-se pelo cumprimento de normas e leis de acessibilidade informacional na UFSC e pelo crescente número de vestibulandos que ingressam mediante vestibular/UFSC com prova ampliada ou Braille e presença de fiscal ledor. Os dados foram coletados a partir de questionário e entrevista. Conclui-se que a adaptação de materiais é realizada de forma adequada e atende as necessidades do estudante com cegueira ou baixa visão (visão subnormal) no AAI e as tecnologias assistivas visam eliminar barreiras de comunicação e informação. Foram mencionados, ainda, os novos projetos a serem realizados pelo AAI, buscando sempre melhorar o atendimento ao estudante, a integração acadêmica e difusão da acessibilidade informacional na UFSC. Palavras-chave: Acessibilidade informacional. Ensino superior. Biblioteca universitária. Usuário cego ou com visão subnormal. Serviços informacionais acessíveis.This research intended to evaluate the promotion of informational accessibility to the blind or low vision (subpar vision) at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Florianópolis, SC. Featuring The Informational Accessibility Environment (AAI), located at the ground floor of the University Library (BU), identified by tactile floor and a sign in Braille on the entrance door. This environment was created in 2010, by financial means of the Accessibility on College Education Program (Incluir) 2005, which proposes actions to ensure the plain access of disabled people to the Federal Institutions of College Education (IFES). The services provided by the AAI were presented, such as the provision of study places, assistive technologies for lending and using at the place, courseware adaptation process, Braille collection and audiobooks lending, to the blind or low vision (subpar vision) users from the graduation course in the second half of 2014. The methodology applied was bibliographic and documental research, with a qualitative approach, and the exploratory and descriptive method was adopted. The semi structured interview and the survey were applied and a systematic observation was made. The importance of the research is justified by the need to compliance with the laws and standards of informational accessibility at IFES and by the growing number of preppy that enter through college entrance/UFSC with expanded test or Braille and the presence of a reader fiscal. The data was gathered through survey and interview. It was concluded that the courseware adaptation is performed appropriately and meets the blind or low vision (subpar vision) students at AAI and the assistive technologies aim to remove the communication and information barriers. It was mentioned, yet, the new projects to be performed by the AAI, seeking to improve the student treatment, the academical integration and the propagation of informational accessibility at UFSC. Keywords: Informational accessibility. College Education. University Library. Blind and subpar vision users. Available informational service

    Treatment of chromium solutions in a 15 dm3 pilot bioreactor

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    Chromium is a heavy metal with large industrial applications such as in textile dying, chemicals and pigments production, wood preservation, tanning activity and electroplating for surface treatment. The treatment of wastewater containing this metal with biological methods is strongly recommended, especially when in the form of Cr (VI) due its high toxicity. The biosorption system consists of a bacterial biofilm supported on granular activated carbon (GAC), placed in contact with the polluted solutions. The bacterium used for the formation of the biofilm was Arthrobacter viscosus. Two concentrations of chromium were used: 10 mg/l and 100 mg/l, with a flow rate of 25 mg/l. The data obtained in a pilot-scale reactor showed an average removal percentage of 99.9%, during the first 30 days, for the initial concentration of 10 mg/l and average removal percentage of 72%, for the same period and for the initial concentration of 100 mg/l. Uptake values of 11.35 mg/gGAC and 14.55 mg/gGAC were obtained, respectively, for the initial concentration of 10 and 100 mg/l. The presence of functional groups on the cell wall surface of the biomass that may interact with the metal ion was confirmed by FTIR. The results obtained are very promising and encourage the utilization of this biofilm in environmental applications

    A sustained approach to environmental catalysis: Reutilization of chromium from wastewater

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    Wastewater pollution with heavy metals is an issue of great environmental concern. The future development of clean technologies for the treatment of wastewater loaded with heavy metals entails environment friendly and sustainable processes that may allow simultaneously the recovery of the metals and their reutilization as value-added catalysts to be used in environmental applications. This is the first review regarding the biorecovery of metals and their further reutilization as heterogeneous catalysts. In this regard, metallic residues that generally would be considered as a waste at the end of the treatment process can be reutilized and transformed into value-added catalysts to be used in environmental applications. This review is focused in two broad areas: the biorecovery of chromium by a combined biosorption system consisting of bacteria supported on zeolites, and the catalytic reutilization of the metal-loaded zeolites in the oxidation of organic compounds, both in gaseous and liquid phase. After an overview describing the main subjects in the field of heavy metals recovery, biosorption, zeolites and catalytic oxidation, in the following sections special emphasis will be given to the main results and findings regarding these clean technologies of biorecovery and reuse of metals in catalytic reactions of environmental concern.B. Silva is thankful for the Project “BioEnv—Biotechnology and Bioengineering for a sustainable world,” REF. NORTE-07-0124-FEDER-000048, cofunded by the Programa Operacional Regional do Norte (ON.2 – O Novo Norte), QREN, FEDER. The authors are grateful to FCT and FEDER (European Fund for Regional Development)-COMPETE-QREN-EU for financial support to the Research Centres, PEst-OE/EQB/LA0023/2013, and PEst-C/QUI/UI0686/2013 (F-COMP-01-0124-FEDER-037302)

    Modified low cost adsorbent (cedar) for the removal of Pb (II), Ni (II) and Zn (II) from aqueous solutions

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    Increased industrialization and population have a negative impact on the environment through the discharge of waste containing heavy metals. The aim of this work is to assess the sorption capacity of a modified low cost adsorbent (cedar) on the removal of lead, nickel and zinc ions from aqueous solutions at 60 mg/L for each metal. Alkaline treatment was applied to cedar to improve the adsorption process by the activation of the sorption sites. Kinetic assays were performed in batch mode at different adsorbent concentrations, from 0.5 g/L to 7.5 g/L. The pH of zero point of charge obtained for modified cedar was 5.13. Scanning Electron Microscopy-Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy was used to compare the morphology and chemical composition of the unmodified and modified cedar. The results revealed that alkaline treatment with potassium hydroxide is effective on the removal of these metals from aqueous solutions. The adsorption of lead (II), nickel (II) and zinc (II) onto modified cedar is dependent on the adsorbent concentration, being the maximum uptake reached for each ion at 2.5 g/L, 25.8 mg/g for Pb and 7.7 mg/g for Ni and Zn.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Competitive adsorption of heavy metals by two different types of soils

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    Soil is a key element in human survival and can be described by various definitions according to its main utility. Nowadays, it is accepted that soil is a very complex heterogeneous medium which consists of solid phases containing minerals and organic matter and soil solution, defined as the fluid phase where soil reactions, transport and adsorption occurs (Alloway, 1995). Unfortunately, in the last decades, soils have been used as a deposit of residues. Therefore, the contamination and pollution of soils, sediments, surface and groundwater are of main concern. There are several ions and compounds of organic or inorganic nature that can contaminate soil and water. The inorganic contaminants include heavy metals like cadmium, chromium, cooper, lead and zinc, which are focused in this study. These metals are commonly present in industrial wastes (electroplating, textile and dyes, etc.), in fertilizers or in sewage sludge, but they can also contaminate soils through atmospheric deposition or runoff water (Serrano et al., 2005). Since adsorption is well recognized as the main process affecting the mobility of heavy metals through soils (Bradl, 2004), the aim of this work is the study the non competitive adsorption of these five metals, as well as the competitive adsorption in two different typical soils of the North of Portugal The soil samples were collected in Póvoa de Varzim, from O-horizon and A-horizon (0 cm -30 cm), one from a culture land and another from a beach land. To evaluate the adsorption equilibrium, batch tests were performed by adding to 2 g of air dried soil, 20 mL of 0.01 M CaCl2 solution, containing different initial concentrations of Pb [Pb(NO3)2], Cd [CdN2O6·4H2O], Cu [Cu(NO3)2·3H2O], Zn [Zn(NO3)2·6H2O] and Cr [K2Cr2O7], isolated (non-competitive system) and coupled (competitive system).To eliminate the mass effect, the multi-metal solutions were prepared in terms of molar concentrations (Echeverría et al., 1998). To avoid precipitation the pH of initial solution was adjusted to 2. Isotherm models like Freundlich and Langmuir equations were adjusted to experimental data. Batch tests are useful for the understanding of the adsorption process. However, advection and dispersion may occur in dynamic systems justifying the need of flow experiments (Miretzky et al., 2006). For continuous experiments, soil samples were packed in a column (25 cm × 3.2 cm) and a single – or multi – element solution of 50 mg/L was pass upwards during seven days. Then, using the CXTFIT code, the convection-dispersion equation was adjusted to the breakthrough curves in order to determine the retardation factor (R) and to compare the behavior of the different ions and soils

    A reforma do ensino médio e a negação do direito à educação

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Educação, 2019.Este trabalho apresentará, por meio de uma pesquisa bibliográfica, como o direito à educação pode ser negado por meio de uma reforma que se configura como um retrocesso aos estudantes, principalmente quando as modificações legais não tiveram o exaustivo debate ao qual a questão faz jus, tendo em vista que tal reforma foi imposta por meio de Medida Provisória (MP). Desse modo, a problemática que se levantou foi: Em que medida a reforma do Ensino Médio não se configura como negação do direito à educação? O principal objetivo deste trabalho é analisar se a reforma do Ensino Médio é uma negação ao direito à educação. E os objetivos específicos se pautaram em conceituar e situar historicamente o direito à educação; desenhar/analisar o processo em que se deu a reforma do Ensino Médio; apresentar como se configurou o “novo” Ensino Médio e discutir questões relativas ao direito à educação. Nesse sentido, esta monografia abordará o histórico da educação no país, as principais legislações educacionais (como PNE e LDB), as mudanças ocorridas com a redemocratização do Brasil e a Constituição de 1988; apresentará, também, as mudanças legislativas e os impactos no ensino médio, a irrelevância da urgência em se impor uma reforma do ensino médio por meio de Medida Provisória, a configuração do novo ensino médio, a falta de debate com a sociedade e a importância e a necessidade de uma gestão democrática e participação social, e, por fim, apresentará as bases do direito à educação e como esse está sendo negado. A principal conclusão a que se chegou é de que a reforma do ensino médio fere o direito à educação.This paper will present, through a bibliographical research, how the right to education can be denied by means of a reform that constitutes a setback to students, especially when legal modifications have not had the exhaustive debate that the issue is justified, taking into account view that such reform was imposed by means of a Provisional Measure (MP). Thus, the problem that arose was: To what extent does not the reform of the High School constitute a denial of the right to education? The main objective of this study is to analyze if the reform of High School is a denial of the right to education. And the specific objectives were based on conceptualizing and historically situating the right to education; to design / analyze the process in which the reform of the High School was given; present how the "new" High School has been set up and discuss issues related to the right to education. In this sense, this paper will address the history of education in the country, the main educational legislations (such as PNE and LDB), the changes that occurred with the redemocratization of Brazil and the 1988 Constitution; will also present the legislative changes and the impacts on secondary education, the irrelevance of the urgency of imposing a reform of high school through a provisional measure, the configuration of the new high school, the lack of debate with society and the importance and the need for democratic management and social participation; and, finally, it will lay the foundations of the right to education and how it is denied. The main conclusions reached are that the reform of high school hurts the right to education

    Adsorption of lead and nickel from aqueous solution on natural sepiolite

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    Heavy metals are a serious environmental problem due to their toxicity and abundance. The capacity of a natural clay (sepiolite) for heavy metals adsorption, Pb2+ and Ni2+, has been assessed using a batch method. The effect of mass of adsorbent on the process and the competitive adsorption between the two metals has been investigated. The adsorption of Pb2+ and Ni2+ increases with increasing dosage of natural sepiolite. The maximum removal of Pb2+ and Ni2+ by sepiolite, starting from a solution with both metals, was 98% and 59%, respectively. The experiments demonstrated that Pb2+ was adsorbed by natural sepiolite more efficiently than Ni2+. The conclusion of this study is that natural sepiolite can efficiently adsorb cationic species, which may have an interesting environmental application such as the removal of those species from polluted waters.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    "Essa anemiazinha": experiências de pais/responsáveis por crianças e adolescentes com a doença falciforme

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    This paper aims to analyze the experience of the disease by parents and guardians of children and adolescents with sickle cell disease, members of the Paraibana Association of Hereditary Anemia Patients (ASPPAH). Its methodology began with a literature review on sickle cell disease, health studies in the social sciences and research that takes into account the experience of the disease. The field research was conducted with the qualitative approach with semi-structured interviews with 5 mothers, 1 father and 1 aunt. The product of these interviews allowed the understanding of care and difficulties in the public and private health systems, driven by the lack of knowledge of the disease. As preliminary results: mothers' lack of knowledge of the disease or/and unknown sickle cell trait they carry, therefore only discovering that they have the trait after the birth of their first daughter or son. These observations indicate a lack of information about the disease, as well as misdiagnosis, as the toe test proved ineffective in some situations.Este trabalho objetiva analisar a experiencia da doença por pais e responsáveis de crianças e adolescentes com doença falciforme, membras (os) da Associação Paraibana de Portadores de Anemias Hereditárias (ASPPAH). Metodologicamente, o estudo iniciou-se com um levantamento bibliográfico sobre a doença falciforme no campo da saúde e das Ciências Sociais, focando em trabalhos que levam em consideração a experiencia da doença. A pesquisa de campo e de abordagem qualitativa e utilizou entrevistas semiestruturadas, contou com 5 mães, 1 pai e 1 tia. O produto de tais entrevistas permitiu o entendimento de cuidado e dificuldades no enfrentamento da saúde nos sistemas público e privado, motivados pelo desconhecimento da doença. Como resultados preliminares observamos: desconhecimento da doença por parte das mães; falta de conhecimento do traço falciforme que carregam, fazendo com que as mesmas só descubram que são portadores do traço após o nascimento da (o) primeira (o) filha (o) com a doença; problemas com o diagnostico através do teste do pezinho. Estas observações indicam falta de informação sobre a doença, bem como falhas no diagnostico, à medida que o teste do pezinho se mostrou ineficaz em algumas situações