22 research outputs found

    Role of the ecto-nucleotidases in the cooperative effect of adenosine and neuropeptide-S on locomotor activity in mice.

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    Abstract Activation of adenosine receptors modifies the action of classic neurotransmitters (i.e. dopamine, glutamate and acetylcholine) and other neuromodulators, like vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) and neuropeptide S (NPS). Similarly to adenosine, NPS is involved in the regulation of stimulus and response to fear and arousal. Thus, the present study investigates the effects of NPS on locomotor activity in mice treated with or without α,β-methylene adenosine 5′-diphosphate (AOPCP), the inhibitor of ecto-5′-nucleotidase. Additionally, we evaluate the activity of ecto-5′-nucleotidase in brain slices of mice treated with or without NPS. Male adult CF-1 mice received i.c.v. NPS as 0.1 nmol injection with or without pre-treatment with 1 nmol α,β-methylene adenosine 5′-diphosphate (AOPCP), the selective inhibitor of ecto-5′-nucleotidase, to evaluate locomotor activity. In another set of experiments, mice received i.c.v. infusion of 0.1 nmol NPS to assay enzymatic activity in brain slices. The results demonstrated that the pre-treatment with AOPCP, which was inactive per se, prevented NPS-induced hyperlocomotion in mice. The dose of 0.1 nmol NPS was efficient to induce hyperlocomotion in animals during the observation period in the activity cage. Regarding enzymatic activity, i.c.v. NPS injection did not induce any significant alterations in ATP and AMP hydrolysis in striatum and hippocampus brain slices of mice. The present study shows that the hyperlocomotor effect of NPS depends on the ecto-5′-nucleotidase activity

    Análise dos desafios para o empreendedorismo feminino no município de Marechal Cândido Rondon

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    Entrepreneurship is an alternative to the labor market for thousands of people around the world. In this sense, it´s worth mentioning that female entrepreneurship is a trend that has been growing over the years. Given this place, this research was based on the following question: what are the main challenges faced by female entrepreneurs in the Marechal Cândido Rondon city? In order to answer this question, this article aims to identify and analyze the main challenges faced by women entrepreneurs in the city of Marechal Cândido Rondon in relation to their businesses. The methodology for the development of this article used techniques and tools such as survey research, descriptive analysis, and a mixed approach (quantitative and qualitative). To this end, a questionnaire was prepared with 16 objective questions and 4 open-ended questions, in order to obtain the characterization of the entrepreneurs, their businesses, and the respective challenges they face. The results showed that the biggest challenge for women is to reconcile family with professional lives. Thus, many suffer from the lack of a support network to help with house chores or even when their children and/or husband get sick. Therefore, based on what was analyzed throughout the study, it was possible to conclude that success in business, by means of facing challenges, depends on individual resilience and family support, whether from spouses, parents, or friends, which contributes to women having more time to dedicate to their own mental health and to business.O empreendedorismo se mostra como uma alternativa ao mercado de trabalho para milhares de pessoas em todo mundo. Nesse sentido, cabe citar que o empreendedorismo feminino é uma tendência que vem crescendo ao longo dos anos. Diante desse cenário, a presente pesquisa foi embasada na seguinte questão: quais os principais desafios enfrentados pelas empreendedoras do município de Marechal Cândido Rondon? De maneira a responder a tal problemática, este artigo tem como objetivo identificar e analisar os principais desafios enfrentados pelas mulheres empreendedoras do município de Marechal Cândido Rondon em relação a seus negócios. A metodologia para o desenvolvimento deste artigo utilizou-se de técnicas e ferramentas como a pesquisa survey, a análise descritiva e de abordagem mista (quanti e qualitativa). Para tanto, foi elaborado um questionário com 16 perguntas objetivas e 4 perguntas abertas, de modo a obter a caracterização das empreendedoras, de seus negócios e dos respectivos desafios enfrentados. Os resultados demonstraram que o maior desafio para as mulheres é conciliar a vida familiar com a vida profissional. Assim, muitas sofrem com a falta de uma rede de apoio para auxiliar em tarefas de casa ou mesmo quando filhos e/ou marido ficam doentes. Portanto, a partir do que foi analisado ao longo do trabalho, foi possível concluir que o sucesso nos negócios, por meio do enfretamento dos desafios, depende da resiliência individual e do apoio familiar, seja do cônjuge, de pais ou amigos, o que contribui para que a mulher possa ter mais tempo para se dedicar à sua própria saúde mental e aos negócios

    Promoção do aleitamento materno através da utilização de uma metodologia ativa

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    OBJETIVO: Promover a prática do Aleitamento Materno. MÉTODO: pesquisa qualitativa, descritiva. Foi realizada uma ação educativa, com roda de conversa, intermediado pelos alunos do curso técnico em enfermagem, sobre aleitamento materno, priorizando o conhecimento prévio e cultura das gestantes/puérperas e suas famílias. RESULTADOS: Esta metologia auxiliou na construçãodo conhecimento, através de estudos fortalecendo o aprendizado, onde os estudantes buscaram o conhecimento cientifico transformando em linguagem simples para o atendimento às famílias. CONCLUSÃO: O uso de metodologias ativas tornou o estudante protagonista de sua aprendizagem, mostrando-se benéfico tanto para as famílias participantes quanto para os alunos, pois ambos tiveram espaço para diálogo e interação.DOI: https://doi.org/10.35700/ca.2019.ano6n11.p37-43.267

    Outbreak of neonatal diarrhea caused by multiple genotypes of rotavirus A in a beef calves herd

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    ABSTRACT: Calf diarrhea causes substantial economic losses to beef cattle production worldwide. It is a complex multifactorial pathological condition influenced by infectious, nutritional and environmental factors. The present study focused on analyzing the pathological and molecular characterization of bovine rotavirus A (BoRVA) during a diarrhea outbreak in a beef cattle herd located in the state of Mato Grosso, central-western region, Brazil. The outbreak caused high morbidity (80%) and mortality (12%) among 1,100 calves up to 30 days of age. The BoRVA was identified in 53.3% (16/30) of the diarrheic fecal samples analyzed using the silver-stained polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (ss-PAGE) technique. The nucleotide sequence analysis of VP7 (G genotype) and VP4 (P genotype) via RT-PCR from eight BoRVA-positive fecal samples showed the genotypes G6P[5] (n = 6), G6P[11] (n = 1) and G6P[X] (n = 1). Three calves were necropsied and the gross findings included edema and thickened, wrinkled bowel mucosa in the small intestine. Microscopic lesions were confined to the villi of the small intestine, characterized mainly by villus fusion and moderate multifocal lymphoplasmacytic enteritis. Immunohistochemical examination of three cases was positive for BoRVA. The 53.3% of the diarrheic fecal samples that were positive for BoRVA in this study suggested that RV was the etiological agent involved in this neonatal calf diarrhea outbreak