5 research outputs found

    Pequenas Centrais Hidrelétricas: Cenários e Perspectivas no Estado do Paraná

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    http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/2179460X17111Brazil and Paraná have a high potential for electric energy generation, due to its geomorphological characteristics with high unevenness, which contributes to the hydroelectric projects facilities. In this context, this study aimed to diagnose the number of SHPs built and future facilities expected for the state of Paraná, and also the spatial distribution, power generated and areas to be flooded. Brazil is holder of 460 SHPs in operation and 1696 in the licensing process, including the state of Paraná, which has 32 SHPs and 224 SHPs in licensing process. The hydrographic basin of the Iguaçu River and the Ivaí were the ones that had the largest number of built SHPs, as well, they have the greatest amount of generated power. With regard to the future facilities, the largest number of SHPs is projected to the hydrographic basin of Iguaçu River, followed by the Piquiri River basin. Although the hydrographic basin of Iguaçu and Ivaí have the same amount of built SHPs, the basin of Iguaçu has a larger area of the reservoir and higher generated power. Given the above, the view for this scenario seeks to heed the authorities, scientists and environmental advocates about the risks and expected results.O Brasil e o Paraná apresentam alto potencial de geração de energia elétrica, devido as suas características geomorfológicas com altos desníveis, o que contribui para instalações de empreendimentos hidrelétricos. Neste contexto, o presente estudo teve como objetivo diagnosticar o número de PCHs construídas e as futuras instalações previstas para o estado do Paraná, bem como a distribuição espacial, potência gerada e áreas a serem alagadas. O Brasil é detentor de 460 PCHs em operação e 1696 em processo de licenciamento, incluindo o estado do Paraná que possui 32 PCHs e 224 PCHs em processo de licenciamento. A bacia hidrográfica do rio Iguaçu e do Ivaí foram as que apresentaram o maior número de PCHs construídas, bem como, possuem a maior quantidade de potência gerada. Com relação às instalações futuras, o maior número de PCHs está projetada para a bacia hidrográfica do rio Iguaçu, seguida pela bacia do rio Piquiri. Apesar da bacia hidrográfica do Iguaçu e do Ivaí, possuírem a mesma quantidade de PCHs construídas, a bacia do Iguaçu possui maior área do reservatório e maior potencia gerada. Diante do exposto, a visualização desse cenário busca atentar autoridades, cientistas, bem como defensores ambientais sobre os riscos e impactos previstos

    Reflexão sobre a integração do sistema locomotor em uma proposta investigativa

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    Anais do II Seminário Seminário Estadual PIBID do Paraná: tecendo saberes / organizado por Dulcyene Maria Ribeiro e Catarina Costa Fernandes — Foz do Iguaçu: Unioeste; Unila, 2014Os conteúdos da disciplina de Biologia são tradicionalmente abordados de maneira fragmentada o que pode propiciar uma aprendizagem isolada dos conceitos. O objetivo desse trabalho foi refletir sobre uma proposta de ensino investigativo que buscou integrar os conteúdos de sistema ósseo, articular e muscular, bem como proporcionar aos alunos a aprendizagem que relacione os conteúdos científicos, e sua relação com o cotidiano. Assim o presente trabalho é uma reflexão de uma proposta investigativa, realizada em uma escola pública, desenvolvido por bolsistas do PIBID do Subprojeto Biologia da Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná. As atividades realizadas tiveram o intuito de articular os diferentes sistemas. Verificou-se a partir da análise das atividades que os alunos conseguiram relacionar melhor os conceitos, organizar suas ideias e entender o que é necessário para que os sistemas trabalhem junto

    Do cage fish farms interfere with the food aspects of the wild species Metynnis lippincottianus (Characiformes, Serrasalmidae)?

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    We evaluated the differences in the diet and trophic guild of Metynnis lippincottianus under the influence of cage fish farms in the Neotropical reservoir. We collected samples from two areas (cage farm and control) in March and June 2019. Stomach contents were examined, and food items were identified and quantified using the volumetric method. Differences in diet composition were evaluated using PERMANOVA and SIMPER analyses, while trophic niche breadth was determined using PERMDISP. The trophic guild for each area was also determined. Significant differences in diet between cage farm and control areas were observed, due to consumption of pelleted feed, microcrustaceans, Egeria sp., and filamentous algae. In both sampling areas, M. lippincottianus was classified as algivorous. Despite the pelleted feed consumption in the cage farm area, no differences were observed in trophic niche breadth and the trophic guild. In addition, algae and macrophytes still accounted for the majority of this species' diet in both areas, indicating partitioning of resources. This resource partitioning may favor coexistence, but it is worth mentioning that pelleted feed consumption still indicates the influence of cage fish farms on the diet of wild fish

    Fish fauna in forested and rural streams from an ecoregion of high endemism, lower Iguaçu River basin, Brazil

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    <div><p>Abstract The fish fauna of eight streams with different land uses of their watersheds (forested and rural areas) in the lower Iguaçu River basin was inventoried, in order to evaluate the composition and species richness. The fishes were sampled quarterly from May 2015 to February 2016, using the electrofishing technique. In total, 4,239 individuals were captured, belonging to six orders, 11 families and 26 species. The orders Siluriformes and Characiformes, and the families Characidae and Trichomycteridae were the most specious. Of the total species sampled, 65% were endemic to the Iguaçu River basin, four are not described and four are non-native. As expected to the Iguaçu River basin, the inventoried fauna revealed low richness and high endemism, however was highly nested within the species composition reported for main channel of Iguaçu River and their larger tributaries. The species recorded here corresponded to a subset of 24.5% of the 106 species documented for the basin. The streams presented different faunas, with only two species (Astyanax bifasciatus and Trichomycterus stawiarski) common to both forested and rural streams. In addition, higher species richness was recorded in streams inserted in conservation units. The presence of non-native species was more frequent in rural streams. These results highlight the importance of the preservation of forested areas in the watersheds of lower Iguaçu, which presents a peculiar fish fauna, along with several threats to biodiversity such as habitat loss by intensive agriculture use.</p></div