901 research outputs found

    Cationic Group 3 Alkyl Complexes with Isopropyl-Substituted Triazacyclononane-amide Ligands: Synthesis, Structure, and Thermal Decomposition Processes

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    Yttrium and lanthanum dialkyl complexes with the isopropyl-substituted triazacyclononane-amide monoanionic ligands [iPr2TACN-(B)-NtBu] (B = (CH2)2, L1; SiMe2, L2) are described. For Y, these were obtained by reaction of Y(CH2SiMe3)2(THF)2 with HL, whereas for La in situ peralkylation of LaBr3(THF)4 preceded reaction with HL. In C6D5Br solvent, reaction of LMR2 with [PhNMe2H][B(C6F5)4] results in rapid decomposition involving loss of propene from the ligand. This decomposition is prevented (Y) or retarded (La) in THF solvent. For yttrium, salts of the cations [LYR(THF)]+ were isolated and structurally characterized. ES-MS of these cations revealed facile desolvation. At increased nozzle voltages, fragmentation is observed with initial loss of SiMe4, followed by loss of propene. Thus decomposition is likely to involve initial cyclometalation of a ligand iPr group, followed by propene extrusion. Decomposition of [L2LaR(THF)x]+ in THF solution yields the dinuclear dication {[tBuN(Me2Si)N(C2H4)2N(C2H4)NiPr]2La2(THF)2}2+, which was structurally characterized. Kinetic data of the decomposition suggest that the process involves initial THF dissociation.

    Calorimetric study of the thermodynamic properties of the nickel-cadmium cell Final report, 1 Oct. 1964 - 31 Dec. 1965

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    Thermal properties of electrochemical cells from calorimetry of nickel-cadmium batter

    The Nature of Protein Domain Evolution: Shaping the Interaction Network

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    The proteomes that make up the collection of proteins in contemporary organisms evolved through recombination and duplication of a limited set of domains. These protein domains are essentially the main components of globular proteins and are the most principal level at which protein function and protein interactions can be understood. An important aspect of domain evolution is their atomic structure and biochemical function, which are both specified by the information in the amino acid sequence. Changes in this information may bring about new folds, functions and protein architectures. With the present and still increasing wealth of sequences and annotation data brought about by genomics, new evolutionary relationships are constantly being revealed, unknown structures modeled and phylogenies inferred. Such investigations not only help predict the function of newly discovered proteins, but also assist in mapping unforeseen pathways of evolution and reveal crucial, co-evolving inter- and intra-molecular interactions. In turn this will help us describe how protein domains shaped cellular interaction networks and the dynamics with which they are regulated in the cell. Additionally, these studies can be used for the design of new and optimized protein domains for therapy. In this review, we aim to describe the basic concepts of protein domain evolution and illustrate recent developments in molecular evolution that have provided valuable new insights in the field of comparative genomics and protein interaction networks

    Ureumonderzoek in tankmelk voor betere stikstofbenutting

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    Doel van dit onderzoek is om na te gaan of het ureumgehalte in de tankmelk een nuttig en zinvol managementinstrument is om de stikstofverliezen via de urine door melkvee te beperken

    Riooloverstorten vormen voor weidend vee een risico voor de diergezondheid

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    Uit een recente CBS-inventarisatie blijkt dat ongeveer 2600 rundveebedrijven oppervlaktewater gebruiken dat rechtstreeks in verbinding staat met water waarop een riooloverstort loost. Hoewel dit meestal niet tot problemen leidt, is er wel sprake van een verhoogd risico voor de diergezondheid. Reden om op het eigen bedrijf na te gaan of de dieren veilig uit sloten in de buurt van bebouwing kunnen drinken

    Cross-border collaboration, future for young professionals

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    Background: The international working visit of a Dutch delegation of 45 clinical psychologists (in training) and science-practitioners in September 2022 to their colleagues in Lisbon, Portugal as part of their post academic education program inspired young psychologists to realize a masterclass.Purpose: Exchanging information on specific treatment between the Dutch psychologists and the colleagues from the Portuguese Psychiatric Hospital Júlio de Matos. Method: A digital masterclass on EMDR treatment.Results: A mutual ambition for a long-term cooperation over the borders and exchange of knowledge which provides more uniformity and positive solutions for future challenges.Conclusion: Digital opportunities create positive implications for cooperation between countries which can lead to innovation and creative solutions.<br/

    Data communication at the CERN computer centre

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    The growing interest for on-line computer service and process control at CERN decentralises certain computer activities. Small process computers, remote batch stations and user terminals are to be backed by a powerful central computer. The present data network is principally star shaped. At the centre of it is a CDC 6600-6500 computer combination. It has a front end CDC 3100 computer with a Hewlett Packard 2116 as multiplexer. Some details about the fast parallel connections between the CDC 3100 and the HP 2116B are given in the paper, as well as descriptions of some computer simulation techniques used to test the present systems. Finally some plans on a future network are given. (12 refs)