1,500 research outputs found

    The Impact of Channel Function Performance on Buyer-Seller Relationships in Marketing Channels

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    Distributors, across sectors and countries, are faced by the threat of disintermediation. In many industries, horizontal consolidation and advances in information technology have made it easier for manufacturers to bypass distributors and do business directly with consumers. Distributors have responded to this threat or other destructive acts in a number of different ways that can be represented through Hirschman's (1970) Exit-Voice-Loyalty framework. One additional response that distributors frequently adopt is developing countervailing power through dependence-balancing actions. These actions are designed to strengthen bonds with customers and often manifest themselves in the provision of improved channel services to customers. Does this strategy work? We seek to address this in our paper. Specifically, we examine the nature and magnitude of the direct and interactive effects of (a) the performance of marketing functions and services by a distributor and (b) the dependence structure of its relationship with its customers on different dimensions of relationship quality - satisfaction, trust, commitment and conflict. Of particular interest to us is the effect of functional performance on relationship quality in situations characterized by high relative dependence of the distributor on the customer - this closely approximates the situation that many distributors, faced by the threat of disintermediation, find themselves in. Hypotheses from our model are tested using data collected from the paint industry in the Netherlands and Belgium.buyer-seller relationships;channel management;channel services;relationship marketing;empirical

    Interpretation of the Artifact

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    Praktijkgericht veehouderij-onderzoek in nieuwe opzet

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    In het navolgende wordt in het kort verteld op welke wijze het praktijkgerichte veehouderij-onderzoek is opgezet

    Stikstof- en fosfaatexcretie van gangbaar en biologisch gehouden landbouwhuisdieren. Herziening excretieforfaits Meststoffenwet 2015.

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    Om de hoeveelheden stikstof en fosfaat in dierlijke mest te berekenen die op een bedrijf worden geproduceerd, kunnen veehouders gebruik maken van de zogenoemde excretieforfaits in de Uitvoeringsregeling van de Meststoffenwet. Deze excretieforfaits geven weer hoeveel stikstof en fosfaat in mest per dier en per diercategorie op jaarbasis wordt geproduceerd. Op verzoek van het Ministerie van Economische Zaken heeft de Commissie Deskundigen Meststoffenwet (CDM) een voorstel gemaakt voor herziening van de diercategorieën en de excretieforfaits van de Uitvoeringsregeling Meststoffenwet. Dit rapport beschrijft het voorstel voor de herziening van de excretieforfaits voor de eerder aangepaste lijst vandiercategorieën. Bij de excretieforfaits wordt onderscheid gemaakt tussen gangbare en biologische dierhouderijsystemen. De bruto stikstof- en fosfaatexcreties voor dieren in gangbare dierhouderijsystemen zijn gebaseerd op de resultaten van de Werkgroep Uniformering berekening Mest- en mineralencijfers (WUM) voor de jaren 2011, 2012 en 2013. De WUM berekent per jaar de gemiddelde excreties per diercategorie op basis van statistieken over veevoergebruik en dierlijke productie. De bruto stikstof- en fosfaatexcreties voor dieren in biologische dierhouderijsystemen zijn gebaseerd op die van gangbare dierhouderijsystemen en een diercategorie-specifieke correctiefactor. De bruto stikstofexcreties zijn vervolgens gecorrigeerd voor gasvormige stikstofverliezen op basis van gegevens van de werkgroep National Emission Model for Agriculture (NEMA)

    The black-necked grebe <I>Podiceps nigricollis</I>. A new bird record for the Kruger National Park

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    The avifauna of the Kruger National Park (KNP) was described in detail by Kemp (1974). However, species new to the list are bound to turn up occasionally. Joubert and English (1973), who discovered the occurrence of the crimson-breasted shrike Laniarius atroccoccincus Burchell, write: "Many of these species include migrants and vagrants entering the Park during rather abnormal times such as cyclones or periods of heavy rainfall.

    Denemarken in agrarisch perspectief

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    Met ongeveer 30 leden van de landelijke melkveestudieclub 'Morgen' werd van 5 tot en met 10 september 1988 deelgenomen aan een studiereis naar Denemarken

    School leadership in the Netherlands

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    Wie sieht die typische Praxis von Schulleiter/inne/n in den Niederlanden aus? Um deutschen Leser/inne/n einen Überblick zu geben, wird die Stellung von Schulleiter/inne/n (Primar- und Sekundarbereich) innerhalb des Schulsystems dargestellt, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung ihrer Führungsposition. Dabei wird u.a. auf Fragen der Schulgröße, der Entlohnung, des Verhältnisses zwischen Schulträger und Schulleitung und auf den "mentalen" Abstand zwischen Lehrer/inne/n und Schulleiter/inne/n eingegangen. Diskutiert werden auch die Kompetenzen und Aufgaben von Schulleiter/inne/n - die nicht gesetzlich festgelegt sind! -, ihre Ausbildung sowie ihre Möglichkeiten zu Weiterbildung und Professionalisierung. Hintergrund dieser Darstellung ist die zunehmend forschungsbasierte Einsicht, dass die Führungsleistung von Schulleiter/inne/n für moderne gute Schulen wesentlich ist. Zum Abschluss geht dieser Beitrag auf zukünftige Entwicklungen ein und erörtert die Frage, ob und welche Unterschiede zwischen Schulleiter/inne/n an deutschen und an niederländischen Schulen bestehen. (DIPF/Orig.)What does the typical practice of principals in the Netherlands look like? To give a survey for German readers, this article describes the position of principals (primary and secondary schools) within the educational system, in due consideration of their leading position. The issues of school size, payment, relationship between school boards and principals, and the "mental" distance between teachers and principals are addressed. Furthermore, the article deals with the competences and functions of principals - which are not determined by law! -, their training and their opportunities for professional development and professionalization. The article is based on the increasingly scientificly proved comprehension that the educational leadership of principals is essential for good modern schools. Finally, the article deals with future developments and asks about the differences between principals in Germany and in the Netherlands. (DIPF/Orig.

    The Impact of Channel Function Performance on Buyer-Seller Relationships in Marketing Channels

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    Distributors, across sectors and countries, are faced by the threat of disintermediation. In many industries, horizontal consolidation and advances in information technology have made it easier for manufacturers to bypass distributors and do business directly with consumers. Distributors have responded to this threat or other destructive acts in a number of different ways that can be represented through Hirschman's (1970) Exit-Voice-Loyalty framework. One additional response that distributors frequently adopt is developing countervailing power through dependence-balancing actions. These actions are designed to strengthen bonds with customers and often manifest themselves in the provision of improved channel services to customers. Does this strategy work? We seek to address this in our paper. Specifically, we examine the nature and magnitude of the direct and interactive effects of (a) the performance of marketing functions and services by a distributor and (b) the dependence structure of its relationship with its customers on different dimensions of relationship quality - satisfaction, trust, commitment and conflict. Of particular interest to us is the effect of functional performance on relationship quality in situations characterized by high relative dependence of the distributor on the customer - this closely approximates the situation that many distributors, faced by the threat of disintermediation, find themselves in. Hypotheses from our model are tested using data collected from the paint industry in the Netherlands and Belgium
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