11 research outputs found

    Aves de caza. Estudio tafonómico y zooarqueológico de los restos avianos de los niveles musterienses de Pié Lombard (Alpes-Maritimes, Francia)

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    El yacimiento musteriense de Pié Lombard (Alpes-Maritimes, Francia) está localizado en un entorno montañoso de medio rango y posee un conjunto óseo rico y diversificado en el cual los restos de aves son abundantes. Su estudio tafonómico y zooarqueológico brinda cuestiones importantes sobre la explotación de aves por parte de rapaces, carnívoros y neandertales, y añade otro yacimiento en el cual se lleva a cabo la explotación de pequeñas presas en Europa Occidental

    La faune de la rammadiya capsienne de SHM-1 (Hergla, Tunisie)

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    La rammadiya di SHM-1, localizzata a circa 5 km dalla costa orientale della Tunisia ha restituito una collezione faunistica importante e diversificata, associata ad un\u2019occupazione apsiana. Lo studio paleontologico rivela l\u2019esistenza di specie esclusivamente selvatiche in tutti i livelli di occupazione, dominati dai resti di bovidi et da carnivori. Lo spettro faunistico indica un paesaggio steppico misto prossimo alla zona della sebkha-laguna. Lo studio tafonomico attesta un elevato grado di frammentazione e di alterazione, oltre alla presenza di alcune rotture antropiche e tracce di macellazione. Lo studio archeozoologico evidenzia una presenza differenziale delle porzioni ossee senza relazione con il loro valore nutritivo e la loro densit\ue0, all\u2019eccezione dei lagomorfi. Le strategie di sussistenza sono orientate verso la caccia selettiva ad alcelafi e gazzelle integrate dallo sfruttamento di risorse terrestri e marine di piccola taglia

    Bone Modification by modern wolf (Canis lupus): a taphonomic study from their natural feeding places

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    Large carnivore neotaphonomy is used to provide guidelines for understanding fossil bone assemblages. However, few studies have been carried out on the taphonomic signatures of wolves (Canis lupus) in their natural settings. From 2001 to 2007, 56 wolf feeding places were studied in 2 geographic areas of Poland (Bialowieza, Bieszczady). We recorded ecological aspects such as prey selection, time span of carcasses use, scavengers' activity and the identification of prey from ungulate hairs found in scats, and taphonomic considerations, such as the number and type of bone remains, intensity of tooth modification on carcasses and the effect of digestion on skeletal elements observed in scats. Localities studied included kill sites (4 C. capreolus and 20 C. elaphus in Bialowieza, 29 C. elaphus in Bieszczady) and scavenging sites (10 B. bonasus carcasses in Bialowieza). In order to characterize taphonomically impact of wolf on medium- and large-size ungulates, the general bone modifications recorded in this study are compared with data from North American and Iberian wolf feeding sites as well as from other large carnivore (Crocuta) den contents

    Inhibitory action of androstenedione on the proliferation and cell cycle kinetics of aromatase-free MXT and MCF-7 mammary tumour cell lines.

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    The effects of androstenedione (AD) on cell proliferation and kinetics have been measured in MXT mouse and MCF-7 human mammary cancer cell lines using SAMBA 200 cell image analysis of Feulgen-stained nuclei. At a concentration of 0.01 microM AD inhibited the proliferation of both cell lines whereas a higher dose (1 microM) was inhibitory on MCF-7 cell proliferation but stimulatory in MXT cells. It is unlikely that these effects are due to aromization of AD into oestrogen since (a) both cell lines were devoid of aromatase and (b) both cell lines were similarly affected by oestradiol (E2), being stimulated at low concentrations and inhibited at high doses. Furthermore, inhibition by AD seems to occur, at least in part, by blockade of the cell cycle whereas that by E2 appears to be cell cycle independent.Journal ArticleResearch Support, Non-U.S. Gov'tinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe