238 research outputs found

    Towards an Integrated Conceptual Design Evaluation of Mechatronic Systems: The SysDICE Approach

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    National audienceMechatronic systems play a significant role in different types of industry, especially in trans- portation, aerospace, automotive and manufacturing. Although their multidisciplinary nature provides enormous functionalities, it is still one of the substantial challenges which frequently impede their design process. Notably, the conceptual design phase aggregates various engi- neering disciplines, project and business management fields, where different methods, modeling languages and software tools are applied. Therefore, an integrated environment is required to intimately engage the different domains together. This paper outlines a model-based research approach for an integrated conceptual design evaluation of mechatronic systems using SysML. Particularly, the state of the art is highlighted, most important challenges, remaining problems in this field and a novel solution is proposed, named SysDICE, combining model based system engineering and artificial intelligence techniques to support for achieving efficient design

    How to Analyze Modeling Approach Comparison Criteria

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    National audienceOne possible final goal of defining a set of criteria to define modeling approaches [1] is to help people, especially from industry, picking up the good approaches or artifacts according to their own purpose. The authors of the comparison criteria have managed to get several different assessments made by defenders of particular modeling approaches. From our point of view the experiment is mature enough to support a factorial analysis of the criteria themselves. The goal of this paper is to present how such an analysis could be conducted and illustrate its usefulness. We have identified several key modeling concepts but we only focus in this document on the assessment of modeling approaches

    Modeling and verification of Functional and Non-Functional Requirements of ambient Self-Adaptive Systems

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    International audienceSelf-Adaptive Systems modify their behavior at run-time in response to changing environmental conditions. For these systems, Non-Functional Requirements play an important role, and one has to identify as early as possible the requirements that are adaptable. We propose an integrated approach for modeling and verify- ing the requirements of Self-Adaptive Systems using Model Driven Engineering techniques. For this, we use Relax, which is a Requirements Engineering language which introduces flexibility in Non-Functional Require- ments. We then use the concepts of Goal-Oriented Requirements Engineering for eliciting and modeling the requirements of Self-Adaptive Systems. For properties verification, we use OMEGA2/IFx profile and toolset. We illustrate our proposed approach by applying it on an academic case study

    Modélisation des exigences en UML/SysML

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    National audienceRésumé L'ingénierie des exigences est une activité primordiale dans tout développement de systèmes. En ingénierie système (IS) tout ingénieur est formé à la capture et à l'ingénierie des exigences. L'INCOSE et l'OMG, quand ils ont développé SysML [3] à partir d'UML [1], ont introduit explicitement la notion d'exigence comme élément de modélisation. Un diagramme ainsi qu'une table des exigences leur sont même dédiés. Nous expliquons dans cet article comment les exigences sont modélisées, et surtout comment elles sont liées avec le reste de la modélisation structurelle et comportementale. Nous apportons notre analyse sur les manques constatés par les industriels et dressons quelques pistes d'améliorations futures

    Security Concepts as Add-On for Process Models

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    International audienceDevelopment processes for software construction are common knowledge and widely used in most development organizations. Unfortunately, these processes often offer only little or no support in order to meet security requirements. In our work, we propose a methodology to enhance these process models with security concepts, backed by a security-oriented process model specification language. The methodology supports existing process models, which will be extended by established security approaches, as well as information security risk management standards, to fulfill the demand for secure software engineering. The methodology and the process modeling language we propose, have been successfully evaluated by the TERESA project for specifying development processes for trusted applications and integrating security concepts into existing process models

    A Model-based Repository of Security and Dependability Patterns for Trusted RCES

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    International audienceThe requirement for higher Security and Dependability (S&D) of systems is continuously increasing, even in domains traditionally not deeply involved in such issues. Nowadays, many practitioners express their worries about current S&D software engineering practices. New recommendations should be considered to ground this discipline on two pillars: solid theory and proven principles. We took the second pillar towards software engineering for embedded system applications, focusing on the problem of integrating S&D by design to foster reuse. Model driven approaches combined with patterns can be extremely helpful to deal with these strong requirements. In this work, we present a framework for trusted Resource Constrained Embedded Systems (RCES) development by design, by defining both a model to represent S&D pattern language and an architecture for development tools. The implementation of a repository of S&D patterns and their complementary property models is discussed in detail

    HPCML: A Modeling Language Dedicated to High-Performance Scientific Computing

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    International audienceTremendous computational resources are required to compute complex physical simulations. Unfortunately computers able to provide such computational power are difficult to program, especially since the rise of heterogeneous hardware architectures. This makes it particularly challenging to exploit efficiently and sustainably supercomputers resources. We think that model-driven engineering can help us tame the complexity of high-performance scientific computing software development by separating the different concerns such as mathematics, parallelism, or validation. The principles of our approach, named MDE4HPC, stem from this idea. In this paper, we describe the High-Performance Computing Modeling Language (HPCML), a domain-specific modeling language at the center of this approach

    Seamless Integration of Multirequirements in Complex Systems

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    Requirements are the keystone of complex systems development. In order to reduce inconsistencies, requirements analysis is an important issue of systems engineering. In this context, there is a need for conciliating views of several stakeholders from different domains and for tracing these requirements from specification to realization. The computerization of analysis, with the help of a clearly defined semantics linked to a non-specialist readable language, should lead to overcome this major issue. Several works already go into this direction. The most popular ones are dealing with natural language, easily understandable but with few semantics. Other approaches propose more formal notations, with stronger semantics but then being less affordable by stakeholders. In this paper, we propose a preliminary work that should drive us to define a language dedicated to requirements which combine the best of both worlds in order to ease requirements analysis throughout the system lifecycle

    Early Analysis of Ambient Systems SysML Properties using OMEGA2-IFx

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    International audienceFormal methods provide tools to verify the consistency and correctness of a specification with respect to the desired properties of the system. This verification is important as the development of an AAL (Ambient Assisted Living) system involves different technologies (medical services, surveillance cameras, intelligent devices, etc.) requiring a strong consistency checking between models. We illustrate in this paper how we prove some of the properties of the system before the development even starts. To model the AAL system, we use the SysML language. In terms of tools, we used Rational Rhapsody in combination with the OMEGA2 profile which is an executable Uml/SysML profile used for the formal specification and validation of critical real-time systems. This profile is supported by the IFx toolset which provides mechanisms for the model simulation and properties verification of the AAL system
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