158 research outputs found

    Polska adaptacja Kwestionariusza Satysfakcji z Małżeństwa dla Osób Starszych MSQFOP

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    The article outlines the results of academic endeavors to develop a Polish adaptation of Stephen Haynes’ and colleagues Marital Satisfaction Questionnaire For Older Persons (MSQFOP). The results obtained using the Polish version are comparable to those obtained using the original research instrument, which proves that the Polish MSQFOP scale adaptation can be successfully used for research purposes. The scale consists of 24 items covering four dimensions: Communication and expression of feelings, Sex life, Health and Affiliation. The scale testing procedure involved a research sample consisting of 832 people. The Cronbach's alpha coefficient was .94 for the entire scale and oscillated between .68 and .94 for the subscales.W artykule zaprezentowano wyniki prac nad polską adaptacją Kwestionariusza Satysfakcji z Małżeństwa dla Osób Starszych (The Marital Satisfaction Questionnaire For Older Persons) MSQFOP autorstwa S. N. Haynesa i współpracowników. Przedstawiono właściwości psychometryczne polskiej wersji MSQFOP. Otrzymane rezultaty są porównywalne z danymi dla wersji oryginalnej narzędzia i potwierdzają, że polska wersja kwestionariusza MSQFOP może mieć zastosowanie w badaniach naukowych. Kwestionariusz składa się z 24 itemów tworzących cztery wymiary: Komunikacja/Wyrażanie uczuć, Pożycie seksualne, Zdrowie, Afiliacja. Skala przetestowana została w badaniach 832 osób. Wskaźnik rzetelności (α-Cronbacha) dla całej skali wynosi 0,94 a w odniesieniu do poszczególnych podskal waha się od 0,68 do 0,94

    The mediating role of types of coping styles in the relations between temperamental traits and staff burnout among psychiatric nurses

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    Aim: Temperamental traits are indicated as some predictors of occupational burnout. At the same time, researchers emphasize that the importance of temperamental features for occurrences of burnout syndrome in medical staff is dependent on numerous intermediary variables, including ways of handling problematic situations. The overarching aim of presented studies was to examine whether styles of coping with stressful situations mediate relationships between temperamental traits and particular components of occupational burnout in psychiatric nurses. Method: The study examined 60 women working in the psychiatric healthcare sector. Three psychological methods were employed in this research project: (1) Strelau TemperamentInventory by Strelau and Zawadzki (STI); (2) Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations by Endler and Parker (CISS); (3) Maslach Burnout Inventory – Human Services Survey (MBI-HSS). Results: Conducted analyses allowed to confirm the mediating role of task style and emotional style in relationship between temperamental traits (briskness, perseveration, emotional reactivity, sensory sensitivity, activity) and occupational burnout. In the case of avoidance style there are no grounds to consider it as a mediator in the area of analyzed dependencies. Conclusions: Providing psychiatric nurses with help: (1) should focus more on strengthening task style, rather than on rising awareness regarding the harmfulness of avoidance tendencies in the area of coping; (2) what seems important is developing the ability to experience negative emotions revealed in contacts with patients in a creative way

    Wisdom and wellbeing in polish older adults: the mediating role of forgiveness

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    ObjectivesPossible correlations between wisdom and wellbeing among older people have been extensively debated in psychology. At the same time, researchers emphasize that the effect of older adults' wisdom on their wellbeing depends on numerous mediators. A review of the literature suggests that forgiveness might be one such variable. Thus, this study aimed to investigate whether forgiveness mediated the relationship between wisdom and wellbeing in late adulthood.MethodIn total, 481 participants aged from 60 to 92 years (M = 68.84; SD = 6.31) were involved in the study. All older people participating in the study lived independently in their households. Four psychological instruments were used: (1) the Self-Assessed Wisdom Scale; (2) the Heartland Forgiveness Scale; (3) the Psychological Wellbeing Scale; and (4) the Satisfaction with Life Scale. Therefore, the measurement of the analyzed variables was self-reported.ResultsThe results showed that forgiveness mediated the relationships between wisdom and wellbeing in the older population. The indirect effects demonstrated that forgiveness mediated the relationships between wisdom and wellbeing. Wisdom related to higher forgiveness (β = 0.21; p < 0.01), which, in turn, was related to a higher level of psychological (β = 0.48; p < 0.01) and subjective (β = 0.36; p < 0.01) wellbeing.ConclusionThese findings suggest that forgiveness is an important element of wisdom and wellbeing. The greater the wisdom the participants showed, the stronger the tendency to forgive and the better wellbeing they reported

    Protestancka Szwecja jako kolebka teorii gerotranscendencji Larsa Tornstama. Pochodzenie, ogólny zarys i krytyczna analiza koncepcji

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    In terms of adaptation to old age, older people are not homogeneous. It is emphasized in psychological literature that optimal adaptation is most often accompanied by the sustenance and/or increase in satisfaction with life as well as the positive realization of late adulthood development tasks. There are many theories explaining the process of adaptation to old age. One of them, still little understood and developed in the circle of Polish psychologists, is the concept of gerotranscendancy coined by Lars Tornstam. This concept has been enjoying great interest among researchers from Scandinavian countries and is a cognitively valuable and inspirational approach to positive aging. It also allows to reconsider the process of aging as well as the seniors themselves. This article presents the origins of the gerotranscendence theory, its theoretical foundations and main assumptions, as well as its critical analysis (the strengths and weaknesses of theory).&nbsp

    W służbie stolicy i okupantów: Milicja Miejska m.st. Warszawy 1916–1918

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    On 1 February 1916, during the German occupation of Warsaw, the City Militia was formed in Warsaw under the agreement between the President of the Civic Committee of the City of Warsaw Prince Zdzisław Lubomirski and the President of the Imperial German Police Ernst von Glasenapp. The City Militia was established as a professional and paid Polish security police in the city, subordinated to the German authorities. The Militia was headed by Prince Franciszek Pius Radziwiłł. The City Militia carried out tasks related to order in Warsaw’s streets, supervised economic matters as well as construction and sanitary issues of the city.1 II 1916 r. podczas niemieckiej okupacji Warszawy na mocy porozumienia między prezesem Komitetu Obywatelskiego ks. Zdzisławem Lubomirskim a prezydentem Cesarsko-Niemieckiej Policji Ernstem von Glasenappem powstała Milicja Miejska, jako zawodowa i płatna polska służba bezpieczeństwa w mieście, podporządkowana władzom niemieckim. Na czele Milicji stanął książę Franciszek Pius Radziwiłł. Milicja realizowała zadania porządkowe na ulicach, nadzorowała sprawy gospodarcze, budowlane i sanitarne miasta

    Personality Structure of Memb ers and Non-Memb ers of the Families Covenant Comm unity “Mamre”. Analysis of Ow n Research

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    Purpose of research. The article presents results of the research done by the Authors. The study involved 122 people. The main purpose of this research was to identify the differences between members of the Families Covenant Community “Mamre” (n=55) and people, who aren’t members of any religious movement (n=67) in the field of personality traits. Methods. In t he s cientific work presented above, the Authors used: (1) NEO Five-Factor-Inventory by P. Costa and R. McCrae in polish adaptation of B. Zawadzki, J. Strelau, P. Szczepaniak and M. Śliwińska; (2) Personal Form. Results. Respondents who are members of the Families Covenant Community “Mamre” and those, who aren’t members of any religious movement differ in the Neuroticism and the Conscientiousness, whereas no statistically substantial difference was found within the Extraversion, the Openess and the Agreeableness. The individuals related with the Community are characterized by higher level of the Neuroticism and lower intensity of the Conscientiousness than non-members of any religious movement. Conclusions. Received results can provide valuable support for chaplains and leaders of the Families Covenant Community “Mamre” in determining the nature and directions of the formation acts in relation to people declaring will to join the Community

    „Cudowna broń” Wehrmachtu przeciwko Powstańcom Warszawskim. O książce Norberta Bączyka i Grzegorza Jasińskiego, Dawid kontra Goliat. Niemieckie środki specjalne w Powstaniu Warszawskim

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    Streszczenie : Artykuł zawiera recenzję książki Norberta Bączyka i Grzegorza Jasińskiego poświęconej zastosowaniu przez Niemców eksperymentalnych rodzajów broni w walkach ulicznych przeciwko Powstańcom Warszawskim. Zostały omówione rozmaite rodzaje broni zaprojektowanej do walki w mieście (Goliat, Tajfun, Borgward, broń rakietowa, ciężkie moździerze, działa kolejowe), taktyka ich użycia, oraz problemy związane z logistyką, konfliktami kompetencyjnymi i słabnącym morale niemieckich żołnierzy. Techniczne środki walki, pomimo swojej ograniczonej skuteczności, nie zapewniły Niemcom szybkiego i łatwego zwycięstwa

    The specificity of the religious meaning system of memb ers and non-memb ers of the Families Covenant Comm unity „Mamre”. Analysis of One’s own research

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    The article concerns conditions for the development of religiousness. One of the factors in the religious growth is a participation in the life of religious communities. Currently the Families Covenant Community „Mamre” is a very popular religious group among Catholics. Due to the fact that it is a relatively new group, in the literature we note the lack of studies attempting to verify empirically the nature of its impact. Taking it into consideration, a project has been performed whose aim was to answer if people belonging to the Families Covenant Community „Mamre” have a higher religiousness level than those who do not belong to this religious group. The hypothesis concerning the existence of differences in religiousness between those belonging and not belonging to this movement has been assumed. The study involved 110 people aged from 19 to 59 years (M=38.55, SD =11.22). Measurement of the respondents’ religiousness was taken using the Religious Meaning System Scale by D. Krok. The results obtained allowed to confirm the formulated hypothesis