28,930 research outputs found

    The supernatural guilt trip does not take us far enough

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    Belief in souls is only one component of supernatural thinking in which individuals infer the presence of invisible mechanisms that explain events as paranormal rather than natural. We believe it is important to place greater emphasis on the prevalence of supernatural beliefs across other domains, if only to counter simplistic divisions between rationality and irrationality recently aligned with the contentious science/religion debate

    Consequences of Categorical Labeling of Preschool Children

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    The use of categorical diagnostic labels prescribed in P.L. 94--142 with children below school age is examined in this article. National practices relative to categorical labeling are reviewed, and questions are posed concerning the consequences of categorical labeling for children from 3 to 6 years old. Data from the state of New Hampshire concerning the frequency of usage for specific categorical labels are presented and are found to be consistent with national trends. Data are presented on the number of children who transition from non-categorical early intervention programs serving children birth to 3 years into categorical preschool programs for children 3 through 5 years. Almost one-third of all children served in early intervention are found not to be eligible for preschool services because of the requirement for a categorical label. The roles of demographic factors related to place of residence, age, and local school policies in deciding who is eligible for services and what diagnostic category is assigned, were considered. Finally, the consequences of categorical labeling for children, parents, and programs are discussed

    Unsteady transonic flow using Euler equations

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    An implicit, two factor, split flux, finite volume Euler equations solution algorithms is applied to the time accurate solution of transonic flow about an NACA 0012 airfoil and a rectangular planform supercritical wing undergoing pitch oscillations. Accuracy for Courant numbers greater than one is analyzed. Freezing the flux Jacobians can result in significant savings for steady state solutions; the accuracy of freezing flux Jacobians for unsteady results is investigated. The Euler algorithm results are compared with experimental results for an NACA 0012 and a rectangular planform supercritical wing

    Local Broadband Access: Primum Non Nocere or Primum Processi - A Property Rights Approach

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    High-speed or "broadband" Internet access currently is provided, at the local level, chiefly by cable television and telephone companies, often in competition with each other. Wireless and satellite providers have a small but growing share of this business. An influential coalition of economic interests and academics have proposed that local broadband Internet access providers be prohibited from restricting access to their systems by upstream suppliers of Internet services. A recent term for this proposal is "net neutrality." We examine the potential costs and benefits of such a policy from an economic welfare perspective. Using a property rights approach, we ask whether transactions costs in the market for access rights are likely to be significant, and if so, whether owners of physical local broadband platforms are likely to be more or less efficient holders of access rights than Internet content providers. We conclude that transactions costs are likely to be lower if access rights are assigned initially to platform owners rather than content providers. In addition, platform hardware owners are likely to be more efficient holders of these rights because they can internalize demand-side interactions among content products. Further, failure to permit platform owners to control access threatens to result in inadequate incentives to invest in, to maintain, and to upgrade local broadband platforms. Inefficiently denying platform owners the ability to own access rights implies a need for price regulation; otherwise, there will be incentives to use pricing to circumvent the constraint on rights ownership. Price regulation is itself known to induce welfare losses through adaptive behavior of the constrained firm. The impact on welfare might produce a worse result than the initial problem, assuming one existed. Much of the academic interest in net neutrality arises from the belief that the open architecture of the Internet under current standards has been responsible for its remarkable success, and a wish to preserve this openness. We point out that the openness of the Internet was an unintended consequence of its military origins, and that other, less open, architectures might have been even more successful. A policy of denying platform owners the ability to own access rights could freeze the architecture of the Internet, preventing it from adapting to future technological and economic developments. Finally, we examine the net neutrality issue from the perspective of the "essential facility doctrine," a tool of the common law of antitrust. The doctrine establishes conditions under which federal courts will mandate access by competitors to the monopoly platform of a vertically-integrated firm. Because local broadband Internet access is not today a bottleneck monopoly (there are several competitors and the market is at an early stage of development), the essential facilities doctrine would not permit reassignment of access rights from platform owners to competitors. We conclude that "net neutrality" is a welfare-reducing policy proposal.Technology and Industry, Regulatory Reform


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    Adjusted Gross Income, Commodity Payments, Eligibility, Means Test, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy, Q12, Q18,

    Analyzing FSA Direct Loan Borrower Payback Histories: Predictors of Financial Improvement and Loan Servicing Actions

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    Classical and count data regression models are estimated to predict improvement in three key financial indicators—net worth, debt-to-asset ratio and current ratio—as well as the number of loan restructurings and delinquencies. Data consist of Farm Service Agency direct loans originated in fiscal years 1994-1996. Models to predict outcomes vary by loan type. Models explaining variation in the financial measures have modest explanatory power but initial levels of debt-to-asset ratio and current ratio are significant in explaining changes in debt-to-asset ratios and current ratios, respectively. Models explaining number of restructurings and delinquencies for operating loans have satisfactory explanatory power. Increasing crop revenues to total farm revenues and increasing farm size lead to increased loan servicing actionsFSA direct loans, financial improvement, loan servicing actions, Agricultural Finance, Farm Management, q14, q12,

    FSA Direct Farm Loan Program Graduation Rates and Reasons for Exiting

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    Farm Service Agency (FSA) direct loans are intended to provide transitory credit to creditworthy borrowers unable to obtain conventional credit at reasonable terms. Farm loan program (FLP) effectiveness is measured in part by how readily direct loan borrowers graduate to conventional credit. A survey of FSA borrowers originating direct loans during fiscal years 1994-1996 is utilized to estimate graduation rates. A majority of 1994-1996 loan originators did exit the direct FLP by November 2004. A multinomial logit model indicates financial strength at origination resulted in greater likelihood of farming without direct loans approximately nine years after loan origination.Agricultural Finance,

    Analysis of Farm Service Agency Direct Loan Loss Likelihoods and Loss Rates

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    The USDA's Farm Service Agency (FSA) serves as the nation's lender of last resort by providing direct loans to farmers unable to obtain credit at reasonable rates and terms. Annual loan losses have been substantial, averaging $576 million for fiscal 1994-2004. An econometric model using survey data from a sample of FSA loans originated in fiscal 1994-1996 is estimated to identify factors associated with loan losses. The results indicate previous debt settlement experience, loan type, farm type, farm size, and farm financial characteristics are important factors. This information may be used by FSA to adjust its underwriting standards in an effort to reduce loan losses and provide additional loans to farmers given its current funding.Agricultural Finance,