543 research outputs found


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    Peripheral blood lymphocytes were isolated from normal mice and mice undergoing pertussis-induced lymphocytosis. After labeling in vitro with tritiated uridine the cells were transfused into normal or pertussis-treated mice. It was found that the lymphocytes from pertussis-treated mice entered the lymph nodes of both normal mice and pertussis-treated mice to a significantly lesser extent than did normal lymphocytes which had been transfused into either class of recipient. In addition, an interdependence of changes in the various body compartments examined was found when normal lymphocytes were injected into either type of recipient. However, when pertussis lymphocytes were injected into normal mice there was no interrelationship between the changes in the node with those in the blood, liver, lung, or spleen. In the case of pertussis lymphocytes transfused into pertussis-treated mice no interrelationship between any two compartments was observed. It was concluded that in pertussis-treated mice there is an inhibition of lymphocyte emigration which is primarily the consequence of an effect on the cell

    Does colon cancer ever metastasize to bone first? a temporal analysis of colorectal cancer progression

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>It is well recognized that colorectal cancer does not frequently metastasize to bone. The aim of this retrospective study was to establish whether colorectal cancer ever bypasses other organs and metastasizes directly to bone and whether the presence of lung lesions is superior to liver as a better predictor of the likelihood and timing of bone metastasis.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We performed a retrospective analysis on patients with a clinical diagnosis of colon cancer referred for staging using whole-body <sup>18</sup>F-FDG PET and CT or PET/CT. We combined PET and CT reports from 252 individuals with information concerning patient history, other imaging modalities, and treatments to analyze disease progression.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>No patient had isolated osseous metastasis at the time of diagnosis, and none developed isolated bone metastasis without other organ involvement during our survey period. It took significantly longer for colorectal cancer patients to develop metastasis to the lungs (23.3 months) or to bone (21.2 months) than to the liver (9.8 months). Conclusion: Metastasis only to bone without other organ involvement in colorectal cancer patients is extremely rare, perhaps more rare than we previously thought. Our findings suggest that resistant metastasis to the lungs predicts potential disease progression to bone in the colorectal cancer population better than liver metastasis does.</p

    Differential protein profiling as a potential multi-marker approach for TSE diagnosis

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    Rona Barron - ORCID: 0000-0003-4512-9177 https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4512-9177This "proof of concept" study, examines the use of differential protein expression profiling using surface enhanced laser desorption and ionisationtime of flight mass spectrometry (SELDI-TOF) for the diagnosis of TSE disease. Spectral output from all proteins selectively captured from individual murine brain homogenate samples, are compared as "profiles" in groups of infected and non-infected animals. Differential protein expression between groups is thus highlighted and statistically significant protein "peaks" used to construct a panel of disease specific markers. Studies at both terminal stages of disease and throughout the time course of disease have shown a disease specific protein profile or "disease fingerprint" which could be used to distinguish between groups of TSE infected and uninfected animals at an early time point of disease. Results Our results show many differentially expressed proteins in diseased and control animals, some at early stages of disease. Three proteins identified by SELDI-TOF analysis were verified by immunohistochemistry in brain tissue sections. We demonstrate that by combining the most statistically significant changes in expression, a panel of markers can be constructed that can distinguish between TSE diseased and normal animals. Conclusion Differential protein expression profiling has the potential to be used for the detection of disease in TSE infected animals. Having established that a "training set" of potential markers can be constructed, more work would be required to further test the specificity and sensitivity of the assay in a "testing set". Based on these promising results, further studies are being performed using blood samples from infected sheep to assess the potential use of SELDI-TOF as a pre-mortem blood based diagnostic.https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2334-9-1889pubpub

    Ultra-Efficient PrPSc Amplification Highlights Potentialities and Pitfalls of PMCA Technology

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    In order to investigate the potential of voles to reproduce in vitro the efficiency of prion replication previously observed in vivo, we seeded protein misfolding cyclic amplification (PMCA) reactions with either rodent-adapted Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy (TSE) strains or natural TSE isolates. Vole brain homogenates were shown to be a powerful substrate for both homologous or heterologous PMCA, sustaining the efficient amplification of prions from all the prion sources tested. However, after a few serial automated PMCA (saPMCA) rounds, we also observed the appearance of PK-resistant PrPSc in samples containing exclusively unseeded substrate (negative controls), suggesting the possible spontaneous generation of infectious prions during PMCA reactions. As we could not definitively rule out cross-contamination through a posteriori biochemical and biological analyses of de novo generated prions, we decided to replicate the experiments in a different laboratory. Under rigorous prion-free conditions, we did not observe de novo appearance of PrPSc in unseeded samples of M109M and I109I vole substrates, even after many consecutive rounds of saPMCA and working in different PMCA settings. Furthermore, when positive and negative samples were processed together, the appearance of spurious PrPSc in unseeded negative controls suggested that the most likely explanation for the appearance of de novo PrPSc was the occurrence of cross-contamination during saPMCA. Careful analysis of the PMCA process allowed us to identify critical points which are potentially responsible for contamination events. Appropriate technical improvements made it possible to overcome PMCA pitfalls, allowing PrPSc to be reliably amplified up to extremely low dilutions of infected brain homogenate without any false positive results even after many consecutive rounds. Our findings underline the potential drawback of ultrasensitive in vitro prion replication and warn on cautious interpretation when assessing the spontaneous appearance of prions in vitro

    Transmissibility of Atypical Scrapie in Ovine Transgenic Mice: Major Effects of Host Prion Protein Expression and Donor Prion Genotype

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    Atypical scrapie or Nor98 has been identified as a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) that is clearly distinguishable from classical scrapie and BSE, notably regarding the biochemical features of the protease-resistant prion protein PrPres and the genetic factors involved in susceptibility to the disease. In this study we transmitted the disease from a series of 12 French atypical scrapie isolates in a transgenic mouse model (TgOvPrP4) overexpressing in the brain ∼0.25, 1.5 or 6Γ— the levels of the PrPARQ ovine prion protein under the control of the neuron-specific enolase promoter. We used an approach based on serum PrPc measurements that appeared to reflect the different PrPc expression levels in the central nervous system. We found that transmission of atypical scrapie, much more than in classical scrapie or BSE, was strongly influenced by the PrPc expression levels of TgOvPrP4 inoculated mice. Whereas TgOvPrP4 mice overexpressing ∼6Γ— the normal PrPc level died after a survival periods of 400 days, those with ∼1.5Γ— the normal PrPc level died at around 700 days. The transmission of atypical scrapie in TgOvPrP4 mouse line was also strongly influenced by the prnp genotypes of the animal source of atypical scrapie. Isolates carrying the AF141RQ or AHQ alleles, associated with increased disease susceptibility in the natural host, showed a higher transmissibility in TgOvPrP4 mice. The biochemical analysis of PrPres in TgOvPrP4 mouse brains showed a fully conserved pattern, compared to that in the natural host, with three distinct PrPres products. Our results throw light on the transmission features of atypical scrapie and suggest that the risk of transmission is intrinsically lower than that of classical scrapie or BSE, especially in relation to the expression level of the prion protein

    Trans-Dominant Inhibition of Prion Propagation In Vitro Is Not Mediated by an Accessory Cofactor

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    Previous studies identified prion protein (PrP) mutants which act as dominant negative inhibitors of prion formation through a mechanism hypothesized to require an unidentified species-specific cofactor termed protein X. To study the mechanism of dominant negative inhibition in vitro, we used recombinant PrPC molecules expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells as substrates in serial protein misfolding cyclic amplification (sPMCA) reactions. Bioassays confirmed that the products of these reactions are infectious. Using this system, we find that: (1) trans-dominant inhibition can be dissociated from conversion activity, (2) dominant-negative inhibition of prion formation can be reconstituted in vitro using only purified substrates, even when wild type (WT) PrPC is pre-incubated with poly(A) RNA and PrPSc template, and (3) Q172R is the only hamster PrP mutant tested that fails to convert into PrPSc and that can dominantly inhibit conversion of WT PrP at sub-stoichiometric levels. These results refute the hypothesis that protein X is required to mediate dominant inhibition of prion propagation, and suggest that PrP molecules compete for binding to a nascent seeding site on newly formed PrPSc molecules, most likely through an epitope containing residue 172

    Tutoring Multilingual Students: Shattering the Myths

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    This is the author's accepted manuscript, made available 18 months after publication with the permission of the publisher.The increasing linguistic and cultural diversification of North America has resulted in large numbers of multilingual students attending college and university and seeking curricular and extracurricular support with reading and writing (Ruecker, 2011; Teranishi, C. SuΓ‘rez-Orozco, & M. SuΓ‘rez-Orozco, 2011). In the past, learning and writing centers hired β€œESL specialists” to provide support. But this model, given the ubiquity of multilingual students in higher education today, is no longer sustainable. Instead, all tutors must learn the skills necessary to support the academic literacy development of these writers, and that means that the way tutors are trained must change. Because the lived reality of the majority of tutors (and center administrators) is monolingual (Bailey, 2012; Barron & Grimm, 2002), examining the myths generally held about multilingual students is essential to both our development as tutors and the development of our students as academic readers and writers of English. Only after raising critical awareness about these β€œmisguided ideas” will training specific to tutoring multilingual students make sense and be put into practice (Gillespie & Lerner, 2008, p. 117). In this article, I present and challenge myths about multilingual writers and myths about how to tutor them
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