625 research outputs found

    A parallel algorithm for the partial single-input pole assignment problem

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    AbstractFor a linear control system, we introduce a parallel algorithm to assign a desired subset of eigenvalues to a single-input linear invariant dynamic system. We obtain a sequential algorithm as a particular case. The proposed algorithms are conceptually simple and are based on the computation of left eigenvectors of the state matrix. In addition, the parallel algorithm parallelizes easily as the numerical examples show

    Equilibrium states for the Bose gas

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    The generating functional of the cyclic representation of the CCR (Canonical Commutation Relations) representation for the thermodynamic limit of the grand canonical ensemble of the free Bose gas with attractive boundary conditions is rigorously computed. We use it to study the condensate localization as a function of the homothety point for the thermodynamic limit using a sequence of growing convex containers. The Kac function is explicitly obtained proving non-equivalence of ensembles in the condensate region in spite of the condensate density being zero locally.Comment: 21 pages, no figure

    Symmetry of matrix-valued stochastic processes and noncolliding diffusion particle systems

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    As an extension of the theory of Dyson's Brownian motion models for the standard Gaussian random-matrix ensembles, we report a systematic study of hermitian matrix-valued processes and their eigenvalue processes associated with the chiral and nonstandard random-matrix ensembles. In addition to the noncolliding Brownian motions, we introduce a one-parameter family of temporally homogeneous noncolliding systems of the Bessel processes and a two-parameter family of temporally inhomogeneous noncolliding systems of Yor's generalized meanders and show that all of the ten classes of eigenvalue statistics in the Altland-Zirnbauer classification are realized as particle distributions in the special cases of these diffusion particle systems. As a corollary of each equivalence in distribution of a temporally inhomogeneous eigenvalue process and a noncolliding diffusion process, a stochastic-calculus proof of a version of the Harish-Chandra (Itzykson-Zuber) formula of integral over unitary group is established.Comment: LaTeX, 27 pages, 4 figures, v3: Minor corrections made for publication in J. Math. Phy

    Large Deviations in Weakly Interacting Fermions - Generating Functions as Gaussian Berezin Integrals and Bounds on Large Pfaffians

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    We prove that the G\"{a}rtner--Ellis generating function of probability distributions associated with KMS states of weakly interacting fermions on the lattice can be written as the limit of logarithms of Gaussian Berezin integrals. The covariances of the Gaussian integrals are shown to have a uniform Pfaffian bound and to be summable in general cases of interest, including systems that are \emph{not} translation invariant. The Berezin integral representation can thus be used to obtain convergent expansions of the generating function in terms of powers of its parameter. The derivation and analysis of the expansions of logarithms of Berezin integrals are the subject of the second part of the present work. Such technical results are also useful, for instance, in the context of quantum information theory, in the computation of relative entropy densities associated with fermionic Gibbs states, and in the theory of quantum normal fluctuations for weakly interacting fermion systems.FAPESP (2017/22340-9) CNPq (309723/2020-5) by the Basque Government through the grant IT641-13 MTM2017-82160-C2-2-P

    Preliminary design of a new high intensity injection system for GANIL.

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    http://accelconf.web.cern.ch/AccelConf/c89/papers/f6-12.pdfInternational audienc

    Is there a rationale for the continuous infusion of cefepime? A multidisciplinary approach

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    This review is the fruit of multidisciplinary discussions concerning the continuous administration of β-lactams, with a special focus on cefepime. Pooling of the analyses and viewpoints of all members of the group, based on a review of the literature on this subject, has made it possible to test the hypothesis concerning the applicability of this method of administering cefepime. Cefepime is a cephalosporin for injection which exhibits a broader spectrum of activity than that of older, third-generation cephalosporins for injection (cefotaxime, ceftriaxone, ceftazidime). The specific activity of cefepime is based on its more rapid penetration (probably due to its zwitterionic structure, this molecule being both positively and negatively charged) through the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria, its greater affinity for penicillin-binding proteins, its weak affinity for β-lactamases, and its stability versus certain β-lactamases, particularly derepressed cephalosporinases. The stability of cefepime in various solutions intended for parenteral administration has been studied, and the results obtained demonstrated the good compatibility of cefepime with these different solutions. These results thus permit the administration of cefepime in a continuous infusion over a 24-h period, using two consecutive syringes

    The TF Limit for Rapidly Rotating Bose Gases in Anharmonic Traps

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    Starting from the full many body Hamiltonian we derive the leading order energy and density asymptotics for the ground state of a dilute, rotating Bose gas in an anharmonic trap in the ` Thomas Fermi' (TF) limit when the Gross-Pitaevskii coupling parameter and/or the rotation velocity tend to infinity. Although the many-body wave function is expected to have a complicated phase, the leading order contribution to the energy can be computed by minimizing a simple functional of the density alone

    Roughness Scaling in Cyclical Surface Growth

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    The scaling behavior of cyclical growth (e.g. cycles of alternating deposition and desorption primary processes) is investigated theoretically and probed experimentally. The scaling approach to kinetic roughening is generalized to cyclical processes by substituting the time by the number of cycles nn. The roughness is predicted to grow as nβn^{\beta} where β\beta is the cyclical growth exponent. The roughness saturates to a value which scales with the system size LL as LαL^{\alpha}, where α\alpha is the cyclical roughness exponent. The relations between the cyclical exponents and the corresponding exponents of the primary processes are studied. Exact relations are found for cycles composed of primary linear processes. An approximate renormalization group approach is introduced to analyze non-linear effects in the primary processes. The analytical results are backed by extensive numerical simulations of different pairs of primary processes, both linear and non-linear. Experimentally, silver surfaces are grown by a cyclical process composed of electrodeposition followed by 50% electrodissolution. The roughness is found to increase as a power-law of nn, consistent with the scaling behavior anticipated theoretically. Potential applications of cyclical scaling include accelerated testing of rechargeable batteries, and improved chemotherapeutic treatment of cancerous tumors

    PaCTS 1.0: A Crowdsourced Reporting Standard for Paleoclimate Data

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    The progress of science is tied to the standardization of measurements, instruments, and data. This is especially true in the Big Data age, where analyzing large data volumes critically hinges on the data being standardized. Accordingly, the lack of community-sanctioned data standards in paleoclimatology has largely precluded the benefits of Big Data advances in the field. Building upon recent efforts to standardize the format and terminology of paleoclimate data, this article describes the Paleoclimate Community reporTing Standard (PaCTS), a crowdsourced reporting standard for such data. PaCTS captures which information should be included when reporting paleoclimate data, with the goal of maximizing the reuse value of paleoclimate data sets, particularly for synthesis work and comparison to climate model simulations. Initiated by the LinkedEarth project, the process to elicit a reporting standard involved an international workshop in 2016, various forms of digital community engagement over the next few years, and grassroots working groups. Participants in this process identified important properties across paleoclimate archives, in addition to the reporting of uncertainties and chronologies; they also identified archive-specific properties and distinguished reporting standards for new versus legacy data sets. This work shows that at least 135 respondents overwhelmingly support a drastic increase in the amount of metadata accompanying paleoclimate data sets. Since such goals are at odds with present practices, we discuss a transparent path toward implementing or revising these recommendations in the near future, using both bottom-up and top-down approaches

    PaCTS 1.0: A Crowdsourced Reporting Standard for Paleoclimate Data

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    The progress of science is tied to the standardization of measurements, instruments, and data. This is especially true in the Big Data age, where analyzing large data volumes critically hinges on the data being standardized. Accordingly, the lack of community-sanctioned data standards in paleoclimatology has largely precluded the benefits of Big Data advances in the field. Building upon recent efforts to standardize the format and terminology of paleoclimate data, this article describes the Paleoclimate Community reporTing Standard (PaCTS), a crowdsourced reporting standard for such data. PaCTS captures which information should be included when reporting paleoclimate data, with the goal of maximizing the reuse value of paleoclimate data sets, particularly for synthesis work and comparison to climate model simulations. Initiated by the LinkedEarth project, the process to elicit a reporting standard involved an international workshop in 2016, various forms of digital community engagement over the next few years, and grassroots working groups. Participants in this process identified important properties across paleoclimate archives, in addition to the reporting of uncertainties and chronologies; they also identified archive-specific properties and distinguished reporting standards for new versus legacy data sets. This work shows that at least 135 respondents overwhelmingly support a drastic increase in the amount of metadata accompanying paleoclimate data sets. Since such goals are at odds with present practices, we discuss a transparent path toward implementing or revising these recommendations in the near future, using both bottom-up and top-down approaches