9,945 research outputs found

    Experimental investigation of flow over a backward facing step-progress report

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    The sizes and arrangement of the wind tunnel used for the experimentation are described. The specifications for the cold-wire anemometers, hot-wire anemometers, cold-wire rakes, and miniature 3-wire probe are proveded. The results of the experiment are briefly discussed

    Improving efficiency in radio surveys for gravitational lenses

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    Many lens surveys have hitherto used observations of large samples of background sources to select the small minority which are multiply imaged by lensing galaxies along the line of sight. Recently surveys such as SLACS and OLS have improved the efficiency of surveys by pre-selecting double-redshift systems from SDSS. We explore other ways to improve survey efficiency by optimum use of astrometric and morphological information in existing large-scale optical and radio surveys. The method exploits the small position differences between FIRST radio positions of lensed images and the SDSS lens galaxy positions, together with the marginal resolution of some larger gravitational lens systems by the FIRST beam. We present results of a small pilot study with the VLA and MERLIN, and discuss the desirable criteria for future surveys.Comment: Accepted by MNRAS. 9 pages, 5 figure

    Radio and optical orientations of galaxies

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    We investigate the correlations between optical and radio isophotal position angles for 14302 SDSS galaxies with rr magnitudes brighter than 18 and which have been associated with extended FIRST radio sources. We identify two separate populations of galaxies using the colour, concentration and their principal components. Surprisingly strong statistical alignments are found: late-type galaxies are overwhelmingly biased towards a position angle differences of 0∘0^{\circ} and early-type galaxies to 90∘90^{\circ}. The late-type alignment can be easily understood in terms of the standard picture in which the radio emission is intimately related to areas of recent star-formation. In early-type galaxies the radio emission is expected to be driven by accretion on to a nuclear black hole. We argue that the observed correlation of the radio axis with the minor axis of the large-scale stellar distribution gives a fundamental insight into the structure of elliptical galaxies, for example, whether or not the nuclear kinematics are decoupled form the rest of the galaxy. Our results imply that the galaxies are oblate spheroids with their radio emission aligned with the minor axis. Remarkably the strength of the correlation of the radio major axis with the optical minor axis depends on radio loudness. Those objects with a low ratio of FIRST radio flux density to total stellar light show a strong minor axis correlation while the stronger radio sources do not. This may reflect different formation histories for the different objects and we suggest we may be seeing the different behaviour of rationally supported and non-rotationally supported ellipticals.Comment: Version to appear in MNRA

    Film annotation system for a space experiment

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    This microprocessor system was designed to control and annotate a Nikon 35 mm camera for the purpose of obtaining photographs and data at predefined time intervals. The single STD BUSS interface card was designed in such a way as to allow it to be used in either a stand alone application with minimum features or installed in a STD BUSS computer allowing for maximum features. This control system also allows the exposure of twenty eight alpha/numeric characters across the bottom of each photograph. The data contains such information as camera identification, frame count, user defined text, and time to .01 second

    Model-independent assessment of current direct searches for spin-dependent dark matter

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    I evaluate the current results of spin-dependent weakly interacting massive particle (WIMP) searches within a model-independent framework, showing the most restrictive limits to date derive from the combination of xenon and sodium iodide experiments. The extension of this analysis to the case of positive signal experiments is elaborated.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, revised and accepted for publication on Phys. Rev. Let

    Interaction of Ising-Bloch fronts with Dirichlet Boundaries

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    We study the Ising-Bloch bifurcation in two systems, the Complex Ginzburg Landau equation (CGLE) and a FitzHugh Nagumo (FN) model in the presence of spatial inhomogeneity introduced by Dirichlet boundary conditions. It is seen that the interaction of fronts with boundaries is similar in both systems, establishing the generality of the Ising-Bloch bifurcation. We derive reduced dynamical equations for the FN model that explain front dynamics close to the boundary. We find that front dynamics in a highly non-adiabatic (slow front) limit is controlled by fixed points of the reduced dynamical equations, that occur close to the boundary.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    The colour of the narrow line Sy1-blazar 0324+3410

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    Aims. We investigate the properties of the host galaxy of the blazar J0324+3410 (B2 0321+33) by the analysis of B and R images obtained with the NOT under good photometric conditions. Methods: The galaxy was studied using different methods: Sersic model fitting, unsharp-masked images, B-R image and B-R profile analysis. Results: The images show that the host galaxy has a ring-like morphology. The B-R colour image reveals two bluish zones: one that coincides with the nuclear region, interpreted as the signature of emission related to the active nucleus, the other zone is extended and is located in the host ring-structure. We discuss the hypothesis that the later is thermal emission from a burst of star formation triggered by an interacting/merging process

    Vacuum structure of pure gauge theories on the lattice

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    We present results from simulations on two aspects of quark confinement in the pure gauge sector. First is the calculation of the profile of the flux tube connecting a static qqˉq \bar{q} pair in SU(2)SU(2). By using the Michael sum rules as a constraint we give evidence that the energy density at the center of the flux tube goes to a constant as a function of quark separation. Slow variation of the width and energy density is not ruled out. Secondly in the confined phase of lattice U(1)U(1) we calculate the curl of the magnetic monopole current and show that the dual London equation is satisfied and that the electric fluxoid is quantized.Comment: 14 pages (no figures, please request preprint), LSU HE NO. 130-199
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