97,409 research outputs found

    Half-BPS SU(N) Correlators in N=4 SYM

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    In this note we study half-BPS operators in N=4 super Yang-Mills for gauge group SU(N) at finite N. In particular we elaborate on the results of hep-th/0410236, providing an exact formula for the null basis operators algorithmically constructed there. For gauge groups U(N) and SU(N) we show that this basis is dual to the basis of multi-trace operators with respect to the two point function. We use this to extend the results of hep-th/0611290 concerning factorisation and probabilities from U(N) to SU(N). We also give a construction for a separate diagonal basis of the SU(N) operators in terms of the higher Hamiltonians of the complex matrix model reduction of this sector.Comment: LaTeX, 15 pages; comments added on large N limi

    Solving the electrical control of magnetic coercive field paradox

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    The ability to tune magnetic properties of solids via electric voltages instead of external magnetic fields is a physics curiosity of great scientific and technological importance. Today, there is strong published experimental evidence of electrical control of magnetic coercive fields in composite multiferroic solids. Unfortunately, the literature indicates highly contradictory results. In some studies, an applied voltage increases the magnetic coercive field and in other studies the applied voltage decreases the coercive field of composite multiferroics. Here, we provide an elegant explanation to this paradox and we demonstrate why all reported results are in fact correct. It is shown that for a given polarity of the applied voltage, the magnetic coercive field depends on the sign of two tensor components of the multiferroic solid: magnetostrictive and piezoelectric coefficient. For a negative applied voltage, the magnetic coercive field decreases when the two material parameters have the same sign and increases when they have opposite signs, respectively. The effect of the material parameters is reversed when the same multiferroic solid is subjected to a positive applied voltage

    Spin tests of a single-engine, high-wing light airplane

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    The airplane has a relatively steep spin mode (low angle of attack) with a high load factor and high velocity. The airplane recovers almost immediately after any deviation from the prospin control positions, except for one maneuver with reduced flexibility in the elevator control system

    Ocean gravity and geoid determination

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    Gravity anomalies have been recovered in the North Atlantic and the Indian Ocean regions. Comparisons of 63 2 deg x 2 deg mean free air gravity anomalies recovered in the North Atlantic area and 24 5 deg x 5 deg mean free air gravity anomalies in the Indian Ocean area with surface gravimetric measurements have shown agreement to + or - 8 mgals for both solutions. Geoids derived from the altimeter solutions are consistent with altimetric sea surface height data to within the precision of the data, about + or - 2 meters

    Shell model description of the 14C dating beta decay with Brown-Rho-scaled NN interactions

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    We present shell model calculations for the beta-decay of the 14C ground state to the 14N ground state, treating the states of the A=14 multiplet as two 0p holes in an 16O core. We employ low-momentum nucleon-nucleon (NN) interactions derived from the realistic Bonn-B potential and find that the Gamow-Teller matrix element is too large to describe the known lifetime. By using a modified version of this potential that incorporates the effects of Brown-Rho scaling medium modifications, we find that the GT matrix element vanishes for a nuclear density around 85% that of nuclear matter. We find that the splitting between the (J,T)=(1+,0) and (J,T)=(0+,1) states in 14N is improved using the medium-modified Bonn-B potential and that the transition strengths from excited states of 14C to the 14N ground state are compatible with recent experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures Updated to include referee comments/suggestion

    Radar mapping, archaeology, and ancient land use in the Maya lowlands

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    Data from the use of synthetic aperture radar in aerial survey of the southern Maya lowlands suggest the presence of very large areas drained by ancient canals for the purpose of intensive cultivation. Preliminary ground checks in several very limited areas confirm the existence of canals and raised fields. Excavations and ground surveys by several scholars provide valuable comparative information. Taken together, the new data suggest that Late Classic period Maya civilization was firmly grounded in large-scale and intensive cultivation of swampy zones