13,471 research outputs found

    Quantum Dynamics, Minkowski-Hilbert space, and A Quantum Stochastic Duhamel Principle

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    In this paper we shall re-visit the well-known Schr\"odinger and Lindblad dynamics of quantum mechanics. However, these equations may be realized as the consequence of a more general, underlying dynamical process. In both cases we shall see that the evolution of a quantum state PĻˆ=Ļ±(0)P_\psi=\varrho(0) has the not so well-known pseudo-quadratic form āˆ‚tĻ±(t)=Vā‹†Ļ±(t)V\partial_t\varrho(t)=\mathbf{V}^\star\varrho(t)\mathbf{V} where V\mathbf{V} is a vector operator in a complex Minkowski space and the pseudo-adjoint Vā‹†\mathbf{V}^\star is induced by the Minkowski metric Ī·\boldsymbol{\eta}. The interesting thing about this formalism is that its derivation has very deep roots in a new understanding of the differential calculus of time. This Minkowski-Hilbert representation of quantum dynamics is called the \emph{Belavkin Formalism}; a beautiful, but not well understood theory of mathematical physics that understands that both deterministic and stochastic dynamics may be `unraveled' in a second-quantized Minkowski space. Working in such a space provided the author with the means to construct a QS (quantum stochastic) Duhamel principle and known applications to a Schr\"odinger dynamics perturbed by a continual measurement process are considered. What is not known, but presented here, is the role of the Lorentz transform in quantum measurement, and the appearance of Riemannian geometry in quantum measurement is also discussed

    The Stochastic Representation of Hamiltonian Dynamics and The Quantization of Time

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    Here it is shown that the unitary dynamics of a quantum object may be obtained as the conditional expectation of a counting process of object-clock interactions. Such a stochastic process arises from the quantization of the clock, and this is derived naturally from the matrix-algebra representation of the nilpotent Newton-Leibniz time differential [Belavkin]. It is observed that this condition expectation is a rigorous formulation of the Feynman Path Integral.Comment: 21 page

    Harbor Security System

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    Harbors and ports provide the infrastructure for commercial trade and naval facilities. It is vital to ensure the safety of these locations. The Harbor Security System provides an optical ā€˜gateā€™ using underwater lasers and photodetectors. This system allows monitoring of both surface and submarine vessels traveling into and out of the harbor. Also, the system provides real time alerts when unauthorized vessels enter the harbor. This project provides a proof of concept for a Harbor Security System to be implemented in Portsmouth Harbor. A scaled model of the detection system was constructed and tested. This detection system is capable of detecting surface and submarine vessels along with their velocity and length. Results of the study showed that the average error of the size estimate was 15% and the average error of the velocity estimation ratio(slope) was 9%

    Multiple Q-Adapted Integrals and Ito Formula of Noncommutative Stochastic Calculus in Fock Space

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    We study the continuity property of multiple Q-adapted quantum stochastic integrals with respect to noncommuting integrands given by the non-adapted multiple integral kernels in Fock scale. The noncommutative algebra of relatively (exponentially) bounded nonadapted quantum stochastic processes is studied in the kernel form as introduced by Belavkin in 1991. The differential Q-adapted formula generalizing Ito product formula for adapted integrals is presented in both strong and weak sense as a particular case of the quantum stochastic nonadapted Ito formula.Comment: Due to appear in communications on stochastic analysis journal (KRP volume). 21 page

    Low-Shot Learning with Imprinted Weights

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    Human vision is able to immediately recognize novel visual categories after seeing just one or a few training examples. We describe how to add a similar capability to ConvNet classifiers by directly setting the final layer weights from novel training examples during low-shot learning. We call this process weight imprinting as it directly sets weights for a new category based on an appropriately scaled copy of the embedding layer activations for that training example. The imprinting process provides a valuable complement to training with stochastic gradient descent, as it provides immediate good classification performance and an initialization for any further fine-tuning in the future. We show how this imprinting process is related to proxy-based embeddings. However, it differs in that only a single imprinted weight vector is learned for each novel category, rather than relying on a nearest-neighbor distance to training instances as typically used with embedding methods. Our experiments show that using averaging of imprinted weights provides better generalization than using nearest-neighbor instance embeddings.Comment: CVPR 201

    Feasibility of Solar Technology (Photovoltaic) Adoption: A Case Study on Tennessee's Poultry Industry

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    The advantages and limitations of solar photovoltaic (PV) systems for energy generation are reviewed under various physical efficiency limits, operational design and financial assistance programs. Recent increases in utility and fuel costs in poultry production as well as public awareness of and demand for green power or renewable energy sources has given renewed interest in alternative energy sources. This study seeks to investigate the impact of alternative energy programs, grants and other incentives on the feasibility of solar PV systems in two solar regions within Tennessee's poultry industry. Preliminary results show that incentives must exceed current levels before adoption of solar PV systems would be financially beneficial.Livestock Production/Industries, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Symplectic structures on right-angled Artin groups: between the mapping class group and the symplectic group

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    We define a family of groups that include the mapping class group of a genus g surface with one boundary component and the integral symplectic group Sp(2g,Z). We then prove that these groups are finitely generated. These groups, which we call mapping class groups over graphs, are indexed over labeled simplicial graphs with 2g vertices. The mapping class group over the graph Gamma is defined to be a subgroup of the automorphism group of the right-angled Artin group A_Gamma of Gamma. We also prove that the kernel of the map Aut A_Gamma to Aut H_1(A_Gamma) is finitely generated, generalizing a theorem of Magnus.Comment: 45 page

    Contingency Model Predictive Control for Automated Vehicles

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    We present Contingency Model Predictive Control (CMPC), a novel and implementable control framework which tracks a desired path while simultaneously maintaining a contingency plan -- an alternate trajectory to avert an identified potential emergency. In this way, CMPC anticipates events that might take place, instead of reacting when emergencies occur. We accomplish this by adding an additional prediction horizon in parallel to the classical receding MPC horizon. The contingency horizon is constrained to maintain a feasible avoidance solution; as such, CMPC is selectively robust to this emergency while tracking the desired path as closely as possible. After defining the framework mathematically, we demonstrate its effectiveness experimentally by comparing its performance to a state-of-the-art deterministic MPC. The controllers drive an automated research platform through a left-hand turn which may be covered by ice. Contingency MPC prepares for the potential loss of friction by purposefully and intuitively deviating from the prescribed path to approach the turn more conservatively; this deviation significantly mitigates the consequence of encountering ice.Comment: American Control Conference, July 2019; 6 page
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