895 research outputs found

    Campus & alumni news

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    Boston University Medicine was published by the Boston University Medical Campus, and presented stories on events and topics of interest to members of the BU Medical Campus community. It followed the discontinued publication Centerscope as Boston University Medicine from 1991-2005, then continued as Campus & Alumni News from 2006-2013 before returning to the title Boston University Medicine from 2014-present

    Predictive utility of an adapted Marshall head CT classification scheme after traumatic brain injury

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    Objective: To study the predictive relationship among persons with traumatic brain injury (TBI) between an objective indicator of injury severity (the adapted Marshall computed tomography [CT] classification scheme) and clinical indicators of injury severity in the acute phase, functional outcomes at inpatient rehabilitation discharge, and functional and participation outcomes at 1 year after injury, including death.Participants: The sample involved 4895 individuals who received inpatient rehabilitation following acute hospitalization for TBI and were enrolled in the Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems National Database between 1989 and 2014.Design: Head CT variables for each person were fit into adapted Marshall CT classification categories I through IV.Main Measures: Prediction models were developed to determine the amount of variability explained by the CT classification categories compared with commonly used predictors, including a clinical indicator of injury severity.Results: The adapted Marshall classification categories aided only in the prediction of craniotomy or craniectomy during acute hospitalization, otherwise making no meaningful contribution to variance in the multivariable models predicting outcomes at any time point after injury.Conclusion: Results suggest that head CT findings classified in this manner do not inform clinical discussions related to functional prognosis or rehabilitation planning after TBI

    Fluorescent excimers and exciplexes of the purine base derivative 8-phenylethynyl-guanine in DNA hairpins

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    The ground- and excited-state electronic interactions between the nucleobase analog 8-(4′-phenylethynyl)deoxyguanosine, EG, with natural nucleobases and 7-deazaguanine, as well as between adjacent EG base analogs, have been characterized using a combination of steady-state spectroscopy and time-resolved fluorescence, absorption, and stimulated Raman spectroscopies. The properties of the nucleoside EG-H2 are only weakly perturbed upon incorporation into synthetic DNA hairpins in which thymine, cytosine or adenine are the bases flanking EG. Incorporation of the nucleoside to be adjacent to guanine or deazaguanine results in the formation of short-lived (40–80 ps) exciplexes, the charge transfer character of which increases as the oxidation potential of the donor decreases. Hairpins possessing two or three adjacent EG base analogs display exciton-coupled circular dichroism in the ground state and form long-lived fluorescent excited states upon electronic excitation. Incorporation of EG into the helical scaffold of the DNA hairpins places it adjacent to its neighboring nucleobases or a second EG, thus providing the close proximity required for the formation of exciplex or excimer intermediates upon geometric relaxation of the short-lived EG excited state. The three time-resolved spectroscopic methods employed permit both the characterization of the several intermediates and the kinetics of their formation and decay

    Using a discrete choice experiment to inform the design of programs to promote colon cancer screening for vulnerable populations in North Carolina

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    BackgroundScreening for colorectal cancer (CRC) is suboptimal, particularly for vulnerable populations. Effective intervention programs are needed to increase screening rates. We used a discrete choice experiment (DCE) to learn about how vulnerable individuals in North Carolina value different aspects of CRC screening programs.MethodsWe enrolled English-speaking adults ages 50–75 at average risk of CRC from rural North Carolina communities with low rates of CRC screening, targeting those with public or no insurance and low incomes. Participants received basic information about CRC screening and potential program features, then completed a 16 task DCE and survey questions that examined preferences for four attributes of screening programs: testing options available; travel time required; money paid for screening or rewards for completing screening; and the portion of the cost of follow-up care paid out of pocket. We used Hierarchical Bayesian methods to calculate individual-level utilities for the 4 attributes’ levels and individual-level attribute importance scores. For each individual, the attribute with the highest importance score was considered the most important attribute. Individual utilities were then aggregated to produce mean utilities for each attribute. We also compared DCE-based results with those from direct questions in a post-DCE survey.ResultsWe enrolled 150 adults. Mean age was 57.8 (range 50–74); 55% were women; 76% White and 19% African-American; 87% annual household income under $30,000; and 51% were uninsured. Individuals preferred shorter travel; rewards or small copayments compared with large copayments; programs that included stool testing as an option; and greater coverage of follow-up costs. Follow-up cost coverage was most frequently found to be the most important attribute from the DCE (47%); followed by test reward/copayment (33%). From the survey, proportion of follow-up costs paid was most frequently cited as most important (42% of participants), followed by testing options (32%). There was moderate agreement (45%) in attribute importance between the DCE and the single question in the post-DCE survey.ConclusionsScreening test copayments and follow-up care coverage costs are important program characteristics in this vulnerable, rural population.Electronic supplementary materialThe online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12913-014-0611-4) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    A design thinking approach to evaluating interprofessional education

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    The complex challenge of evaluating the impact of interprofessional education (IPE) on patient and community health outcomes is well documented. Recently, at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study in the United States, leaders in health professions education met to help generate a direction for future IPE evaluation research. Participants followed the stages of design thinking, a process for human-centred problem solving, to reach consensus on recommendations. The group concluded that future studies should focus on measuring an intermediate step between learning activities and patient outcomes. Specifically, knowing how IPE-prepared students and preceptors influence the organisational culture of a clinical site as well as how the culture of clinical sites influences learners' attitudes about collaborative practice will demonstrate the value of educational interventions. With a mixed methods approach and an appreciation for context, researchers will be able to identify the factors that foster effective collaborative practice and, by extension, promote patient-centred care

    Cephalopod genomics: a plan of strategies and organization

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    The Cephalopod Sequencing Consortium (CephSeq Consortium) was established at a NESCent Catalysis Group Meeting, "Paths to Cephalopod Genomics-Strategies, Choices, Organization," held in Durham, North Carolina, USA on May 24-27, 2012. Twenty-eight participants representing nine countries (Austria, Australia, China, Denmark, France, Italy, Japan, Spain and the USA) met to address the pressing need for genome sequencing of cephalopod mollusks. This group, drawn from cephalopod biologists, neuroscientists, developmental and evolutionary biologists, materials scientists, bioinformaticians and researchers active in sequencing, assembling and annotating genomes, agreed on a set of cephalopod species of particular importance for initial sequencing and developed strategies and an organization (CephSeq Consortium) to promote this sequencing. The conclusions and recommendations of this meeting are described in this white paper

    A Lipid Receptor Sorts Polyomavirus from the Endolysosome to the Endoplasmic Reticulum to Cause Infection

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    The mechanisms by which receptors guide intracellular virus transport are poorly characterized. The murine polyomavirus (Py) binds to the lipid receptor ganglioside GD1a and traffics to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) where it enters the cytosol and then the nucleus to initiate infection. How Py reaches the ER is unclear. We show that Py is transported initially to the endolysosome where the low pH imparts a conformational change that enhances its subsequent ER-to-cytosol membrane penetration. GD1a stimulates not viral binding or entry, but rather sorting of Py from late endosomes and/or lysosomes to the ER, suggesting that GD1a binding is responsible for ER targeting. Consistent with this, an artificial particle coated with a GD1a antibody is transported to the ER. Our results provide a rationale for transport of Py through the endolysosome, demonstrate a novel endolysosome-to-ER transport pathway that is regulated by a lipid, and implicate ganglioside binding as a general ER targeting mechanism

    Learning from the Experts: Evaluating a Participatory Autism and Universal Design Training for University Educators

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    Autistic students experience strengths and challenges that can impact their full inclusion in higher education, including stigma. A participatory team of autistic and non-autistic scholars developed an Autism and Universal Design (UD) training. This participatory approach centered the voices of autistic collaborators in training design and evaluation. Ninety-eight educators from 53 institutions across 5 countries completed assessments before training (pre-tests), 89 completed post-tests (after training), and 82 completed maintenance assessments (a month after post-test). Pre-test autism stigma was heightened among males, educators with less autism knowledge, and those who reported heightened social dominance orientation. Autism knowledge, autism stigma, and attitudes toward UD improved with training. Improvements remained apparent a month after post-test but were somewhat attenuated for knowledge and stigma. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first evidence of maintenance of benefits of an autism training over time. Participants’ main reason for enrolling in the study was to gain a better understanding about neurodiversity. Feedback indicates that this goal was reached by most with the added benefit of gaining understanding about UD. Results suggest that interest in one type of diversity (e.g., autism) can motivate faculty to learn UD-aligned teaching strategies that benefit diverse students more generally.Output Status: Forthcomin
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