37 research outputs found

    La entrevista familiar Camberwell: (CFI).

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    Se describe la Entrevista Familiar de Camberwell (CH) entrevista psiquiátrica semi-estructurada que evalúa el clima emocional de la familia de pacientes mentales crónicos. Tras revisar la historia de su desarrollo, técnica, procedimiento, descripción del contenido y sistema de valoración, se pone énfasis en la necesidad de un entrenamiento específico para determinar la EE familiar. Los resultados de los trabajos observacionales y de intervención familiar, donde se ha medido la EE, sugieren la necesidad de revisar los puntos de corte de algunas de las escalas en función del contexto sociocultural

    La entrevista familiar Camberwell: (CFI).

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    Se describe la Entrevista Familiar de Camberwell (CH) entrevista psiquiátrica semi-estructurada que evalúa el clima emocional de la familia de pacientes mentales crónicos. Tras revisar la historia de su desarrollo, técnica, procedimiento, descripción del contenido y sistema de valoración, se pone énfasis en la necesidad de un entrenamiento específico para determinar la EE familiar. Los resultados de los trabajos observacionales y de intervención familiar, donde se ha medido la EE, sugieren la necesidad de revisar los puntos de corte de algunas de las escalas en función del contexto sociocultural


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    Los estilos de vida, los avances en el desarrollo científico-técnico y el tipo de organización de la asistencia sanitaria actuales, han propiciado que en la sociedad de nuestros días existan cada vez más enfermos crónicos con cuidado compartido entre cuidadores formales e informales. Dentro de las patologías crónicas, la enfermedad mental es quizá una de las más numerosas con estas características. El cuidado de una persona con problemas de salud mental supone un desgaste económico, psíquico y personal importante para aquellas personas responsables de su cuidado. Debido a estas premisas, en el presente trabajo se analizan algunas de las principales causas relacionadas con el desgaste personal y emocional de los cuidadores de enfermos mentales y se aportan sugerencias para contribuir no sólo en el cuidado del paciente sino también en el de sus cuidadores

    Understanding Caregiving Processes in South Asian Families: Relationship between caregiver EE and clinical outcomes in first episode

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    Background: Expressed Emotion (EE) measures the quality of significant relationships in the family environment. High EE is considered to precipitate relapse in people with psychosis and thus is a target for intervention. However, research has questioned the cross-cultural validity of EE. Understanding EE within the South Asian population may lead to developments in interventions that better suit this population. Aims: The current study aims to explore EE characteristics of South Asian families in the presence of a first episode of psychosis (FEP) and whether there is a relationship between caregiver EE and clinical outcomes. Methods: Caregivers and individuals with FEP known to several Early Intervention in Psychosis Services were recruited. Clinical outcomes were collected for service users and caregiver EE was assessed using various measures of EE. The general profile of EE was examined using descriptive statistics. The relationship between caregiver EE and service user clinical outcomes was examined using correlation analyses and Mann-Whitney U tests. Results: The EE profile of the sample was dependent on which measure of EE was used. The Level of Expressed Emotion showed a 50% split in terms of high and low EE, whereas the Family Questionnaire categorised 68% of the sample as low-EE and 32% as high-EE. There were no significant relationships found between caregiver EE on a domain level or broader (high/low) level and clinical outcomes. Conclusion: This study adds to the existing argument that the current conceptualisation of EE may not be universally associated with poor outcomes for psychosis. The clinical and research implications for this are discussed, with consideration of the limitations of this study

    "Mi día a día contigo": Proyecto de intervención para mejorar la calidad de vida de personas que sufren esquizofrenia y de sus familias

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    Se espera que tras la aplicación del programa, los participantes muestren un mayor conocimiento sobre los factores que causan las recaídas en la esquizofrenia y sepan actuar para prevenirlas, que convivan en un ambiente familiar más predecible donde cada miembro pueda comunicarse y expresar su afecto hacia el resto, que haya un reparto de las tareas del hogar y un tiempo para cada uno, que adquieran la sensación de control sobre lo que ocurre y conozcan los recursos que ofrece la comunidad para poder fomentar las relaciones sociales. De esta manera, se estaría cumpliendo el objetivo del programa, mejorar el bienestar y la calidad de vida de personas con esquizofrenia y sus familias

    Relación de la esquizotipia psicométrica con variables emocionales y socioambientales

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    The aim of this study was to explore emotional and socioenvironmental differences between subjects with extreme scores in psychometric schizotypy. One hundred university students participated in this study, divided in groups with high or low scores in the Oxford-Liverpool Inventory (O-LIFE) and/or some of its subscales. Subjects with high psychometric schizotypy scores showed higher scores in depression (BDI), state anxiety (STAI-S), trait anxiety (STAI-T) and hostility (Ho) than low psychomet-ric schizotypy subjects. Analysis of the scores taken with the Structured Interview for the Evaluation of Socioenvironment Variables showed subjects with high scores in psychotypy to give less importance to family relationships, that are worse, show more vital events and are less efficient in the use of their time for study than low score subjects. These results mainly appear in the global score of O-LIFE and in the Impulsivity Nonconformity subscale.La esquizotipia es una alteración de la personalidad caracterizada por presentar signos y síntomas semejantes (y de menor intensidad) a los de la esquizofrenia. Parece haber relaciones entre esquizo-tipia y variables emocionales y socioambientales que pueden contribuir en el papel de este trastorno como marcador de vulnerabilidad a la esquizofrenia. El objetivo del presente estudio fue indagar so-bre las diferencias emocionales y socioambientales entre sujetos con puntuaciones extremas en el Oxford-Liverpool Inventory (O-LIFE) y sus subescalas. Participaron 100 estudiantes universitarios, divididos en grupos de alta o baja puntuación según el O-LIFE y/o algunas de sus subescalas. Los altos en esquizotípia psicométrica muestran mayores puntuaciones en depresión (BDI), ansiedad-estado (STAI-E), ansiedad-rasgo (STAI-R) y hostilidad (Ho) que los bajos. A partir del análisis de los datos tomados mediante la Entrevista Estructurada para la Evaluación de Variables Socioambienta-les, se encontró también que los sujetos altos en esquizotipia dan menos importancia a las relaciones familiares y éstas son peores, exhiben mayor cantidad de acontecimientos vitales y aprovechan peor las horas de estudio que los que obtienen puntuaciones bajas. Estos resultados se manifiestan en mayor medida cuando se tiene en cuenta la puntuación total en el O-LIFE o cuando se compara a los sujetos altos y bajos en la subescala de No-Conformidad-Impulsiva de dicho instrumento

    Stress reactivity, stress appraisal and coping responses in schizophrenia

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    Psychosocial factors have long been recognized as important to the etiology of schizophrenia. According to the stress-vulnerability model, the experience of stress is critical to the onset and/or maintenance of schizophrenia. Although there is no conclusive evidence to suggest that people with schizophrenia experience more stressful events than the general population, there is ample evidence that stress is linked with the course of illness. Traditionally, two lines of research have examined stress processing mechanisms: one focusing on the biological response to stress by studying the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal: HPA) axis and the other focusing on the psychological mechanisms delineated in the transactional stress model. According to the transactional stress model, an individual\u27s reaction to stressors is determined, in part, by his or her appraisal of the stressor. The impact of a stressor is also determined by one\u27s ability to cope with the situation, which in turn is related to the availability of various coping resources. Previous studies show that individuals with schizophrenia tend to use maladaptive coping strategies when faced with stressors. Research has also documented a disruption in their HPA axis function. The interactions of these processes, however, have not been explicitly investigated in schizophrenia. This study explored the relationships among appraisal, coping strategies, cortisol secretion and perceived stress in a group of individuals with schizophrenia, their genetic high-risk siblings and community controls. The study evaluated participants\u27 appraisals and coping strategies to experimentally induced conditions of stress as well as their usual coping strategies to everyday stressors. Coping resources, such as social support and cognitive ability, were tested as mediators for group differences in perceived stress and use of different coping strategies

    Core beliefs and adjustment in adolescent and adult onset psychosis

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    INTRODUCTION: Historically, psychosis, or schizophrenia, has been regarded as a biologically explained illness of an enduring deteriorating course. The absence of conclusive evidence regarding its biological nature, however, has led to the proposals of psychological models of psychosis, most recently, psychosis as a disorder of blocked adolescent development (Harrop & Trower, 2001). It was hypothesised that the roles of adult versus adolescent onset; depressive and anxious core beliefs; current emotional dysfunction; and traumatic symptomatology, would be predictive of beliefs about illness and recovery style in psychosis.METHOD: A total of 26 adolescents with psychosis and 17 individuals whose first episode of psychosis was after the age of 25 completed the questionnaires used to test the research hypotheses. A single case study illustrates both the theory of psychosis as a disorder of adolescent development, and the proposed, quantitatively tested model of the role of core beliefs in illness beliefs and recovery style.RESULTS: Independent /-tests indicated there were no significant differences between adult and adolescent onset psychosis regarding each of these factors. Multiple regressions analyses indicated that current anxiety is the only significant predictor of beliefs about illness. Excluding the contribution of current anxiety, a further model with anxious and depressive core beliefs as predictors of illness beliefs approached significance. None of the proposed factors were correlated with or, therefore, predictive of recovery style.DISCUSSION: Findings require cautious interpretation given limited sample size and difficulties recruiting to the adult onset group. Although the quantitative findings do not indicate differences between groups, the case study illustrates the complexity of adolescent psychosis and demonstrates the utility of a developmental psychopathological framework in studying these phenomena.Conclusion: Further research of the role of core beliefs in adjustment to psychosis is warranted. It might be appropriate to review the concepts of recovery and illness beliefs, perhaps using qualitative research methodologies, to broaden the understanding of individuals' experiences of psychosis and thus promote recover