944 research outputs found

    Hydrodynamic oscillations and variable swimming speed in squirmers close to repulsive walls

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    We present a lattice Boltzmann study of the hydrodynamics of a fully resolved squirmer, radius R, confined in a slab of fluid between two no-slip walls. We show that the coupling between hydrodynamics and short-range repulsive interactions between the swimmer and the surface can lead to hydrodynamic trapping of both pushers and pullers at the wall, and to hydrodynamic oscillations in the case of a pusher. We further show that a pusher moves significantly faster when close to a surface than in the bulk, whereas a puller undergoes a transition between fast motion and a dynamical standstill according to the range of the repulsive interaction. Our results critically require near-field hydrodynamics; they further suggest that it should be possible to control density and speed of squirmers at a surface by tuning the range of steric and electrostatic swimmer-wall interactions.Comment: 5 + 8 pages, 4 + 4 Figure

    Spreading dynamics of an infection in a growing population

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    Models of front propagation like the famous FKPP equation have extensive applications across scientific disciplines e.g., in the spread of infectious diseases. A common feature of such models is the existence of a static state into which to propagate, e.g., the uninfected host population. Here, we instead model an infectious front propagating into a growing host population. The infectious agent spreads via self-similar waves whereas the amplitude of the wave of infected organisms increases exponentially. Depending on the population under consideration, wave speeds are either advanced or retarded compared to the non-growing case. We identify a novel selection mechanism in which the shape of the infectious wave controls the speeds of the various waves and we propose experiments with bacteria and bacterial viruses to test our predictions. Our work reveals the complex interplay between population growth and front propagation.Comment: Main text: 6 pages, 2 figures Supplementary material: 8 pages, 3 figure

    A Review of Using Mathematical Modeling to Improve Our Understanding of Bacteriophage, Bacteria, and Eukaryotic Interactions

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    Phage therapy, the therapeutic usage of viruses to treat bacterial infections, has many theoretical benefits in the ‘post antibiotic era’. Nevertheless, there are currently no approved mainstream phage therapies. One reason for this is a lack of understanding of the complex interactions between bacteriophage, bacteria and eukaryotic hosts. These three-component interactions are complex, with non-linear or synergistic relationships, anatomical barriers and genetic or phenotypic heterogeneity all leading to disparity between performance and efficacy in in vivo versus in vitro environments. Realistic computer or mathematical models of these complex environments are a potential route to improve the predictive power of in vitro studies and to streamline lab work. Here, we review the current status of mathematical modelling and highlight that data on mutational stochasticity, time delays and population densities could be critical in the development of realistic phage therapy models. With this in mind, we aim to inform and encourage the collaboration and sharing of knowledge and expertise between microbiologists and theoretical modellers, smoothing the road to regulatory approval and widespread use of phage therapy

    Encapsulated bacteria deform lipid vesicles into flagellated swimmers

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    We study a synthetic system of motile Escherichia coli bacteria encapsulated inside giant lipid vesicles. Forces exerted by the bacteria on the inner side of the membrane are sufficient to extrude membrane tubes filled with one or several bacteria. We show that a physical coupling between the membrane tube and the flagella of the enclosed cells transforms the tube into an effective helical flagellum propelling the vesicle. We develop a simple theoretical model to estimate the propulsive force from the speed of the vesicles and demonstrate the good efficiency of this coupling mechanism. Together, these results point to design principles for conferring motility to synthetic cells

    Individual bacteria in structured environments rely on phenotypic resistance to phage

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Public Library of Science via the DOI in this recordData Availability: All relevant data are within the paper and its Supporting Information files.Bacteriophages represent an avenue to overcome the current antibiotic resistance crisis, but evolution of genetic resistance to phages remains a concern. In vitro, bacteria evolve genetic resistance, preventing phage adsorption or degrading phage DNA. In natural environments, evolved resistance is lower possibly because the spatial heterogeneity within biofilms, microcolonies, or wall populations favours phenotypic survival to lytic phages. However, it is also possible that the persistence of genetically sensitive bacteria is due to less efficient phage amplification in natural environments, the existence of refuges where bacteria can hide, and a reduced spread of resistant genotypes. Here, we monitor the interactions between individual planktonic bacteria in isolation in ephemeral refuges and bacteriophage by tracking the survival of individual cells. We find that in these transient spatial refuges, phenotypic resistance due to reduced expression of the phage receptor is a key determinant of bacterial survival. This survival strategy is in contrast with the emergence of genetic resistance in the absence of ephemeral refuges in well-mixed environments. Predictions generated via a mathematical modelling framework to track bacterial response to phages reveal that the presence of spatial refuges leads to fundamentally different population dynamics that should be considered in order to predict and manipulate the evolutionary and ecological dynamics of bacteria-phage interactions in naturally structured environments.Medical Research Council (MRC)Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)Gordon and Betty and Gordon Moore FoundationEuropean Research Council (ERC)Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC)Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)Marie SkƂodowska-Curie ActionsDefence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl)Royal Societ

    Transposable element insertions into the Escherichia coli polysialic acid gene cluster result in resistance to the K1F bacteriophage

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    Reviewing the genetics underlying the arms race between bacteria and bacteriophages can offer an interesting insight into the development of bacterial resistance and phage co-evolution. This study shows how the natural development of resistances to the K1F bacteriophage, a phage which targets the K1 capsule of pathogenic Escherichia coli, can come about through insertion sequences (IS). Of the K1F resistant mutants isolated, two were of particular interest. The first of these showed full resistance to K1F and was found to have disruptions to kpsE, the product of which is involved in polysialic acid translocation. The second, after showing an initial susceptibility to K1F which then developed to full resistance, had disruptions to neuC, a gene involved in one of the early steps of polysialic acid biosynthesis. Both of these mutations came with a fitness cost and produced considerable phenotypic differences in the completeness and location of the K1 capsule when compared with the wild type. Sequential treatment of these two K1F resistant mutants with T7 resulted in the production of a variety of isolates, many of which showed a renewed susceptibility to K1F, indicating that these insertion sequence mutations are reversible, as well as one isolate that developed resistance to both phages

    Probing the Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Catalytic Janus Particles with Single-Particle Tracking and Differential Dynamic Microscopy

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    We demonstrate differential dynamic microscopy and particle tracking for the characterization of the spatiotemporal behavior of active Janus colloids in terms of the intermediate scattering function (ISF). We provide an analytical solution for the ISF of the paradigmatic active Brownian particle model and find striking agreement with experimental results from the smallest length scales, where translational diffusion and self-propulsion dominate, up to the largest ones, which probe effective diffusion due to rotational Brownian motion. At intermediate length scales, characteristic oscillations resolve the crossover between directed motion to orientational relaxation and allow us to discriminate active Brownian motion from other reorientation processes, e.g., run-and-tumble motion. A direct comparison to theoretical predictions reliably yields the rotational and translational diffusion coefficients of the particles, the mean and width of their speed distribution, and the temporal evolution of these parameters

    Soft matter science and the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Much of the science underpinning the global response to the COVID-19 pandemic lies in the soft matter domain. Coronaviruses are composite particles with a core of nucleic acids complexed to proteins surrounded by a protein-studded lipid bilayer shell. A dominant route for transmission is via air-borne aerosols and droplets. Viral interaction with polymeric body fluids, particularly mucus, and cell membranes control their infectivity, while their interaction with skin and artificial surfaces underpins cleaning and disinfection and the efficacy of masks and other personal protective equipment. The global response to COVID-19 has highlighted gaps in the soft matter knowledge base. We survey these gaps, especially as pertaining to the transmission of the disease, and suggest questions that can (and need to) be tackled, both in response to COVID-19 and to better prepare for future viral pandemics.Comment: 15 page
